4,088 research outputs found

    Better estimates from binned income data: Interpolated CDFs and mean-matching

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    Researchers often estimate income statistics from summaries that report the number of incomes in bins such as \$0-10,000, \$10,001-20,000,...,\$200,000+. Some analysts assign incomes to bin midpoints, but this treats income as discrete. Other analysts fit a continuous parametric distribution, but the distribution may not fit well. We fit nonparametric continuous distributions that reproduce the bin counts perfectly by interpolating the cumulative distribution function (CDF). We also show how both midpoints and interpolated CDFs can be constrained to reproduce the mean of income when it is known. We compare the methods' accuracy in estimating the Gini coefficients of all 3,221 US counties. Fitting parametric distributions is very slow. Fitting interpolated CDFs is much faster and slightly more accurate. Both interpolated CDFs and midpoints give dramatically better estimates if constrained to match a known mean. We have implemented interpolated CDFs in the binsmooth package for R. We have implemented the midpoint method in the rpme command for Stata. Both implementations can be constrained to match a known mean.Comment: 20 pages (including Appendix), 3 tables, 2 figures (+2 in Appendix

    Polynomial-based non-uniform interpolatory subdivision with features control

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    Starting from a well-known construction of polynomial-based interpolatory 4-point schemes, in this paper we present an original affine combination of quadratic polynomial samples that leads to a non-uniform 4-point scheme with edge parameters. This blending-type formulation is then further generalized to provide a powerful subdivision algorithm that combines the fairing curve of a non-uniform refinement with the advantages of a shape-controlled interpolation method and an arbitrary point insertion rule. The result is a non-uniform interpolatory 4-point scheme that is unique in combining a number of distinctive properties. In fact it generates visually-pleasing limit curves where special features ranging from cusps and flat edges to point/edge tension effects may be included without creating undesired undulations. Moreover such a scheme is capable of inserting new points at any positions of existing intervals, so that the most convenient parameter values may be chosen as well as the intervals for insertion. Such a fully flexible curve scheme is a fundamental step towards the construction of high-quality interpolatory subdivision surfaces with features control

    Multiscale Representations for Manifold-Valued Data

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    We describe multiscale representations for data observed on equispaced grids and taking values in manifolds such as the sphere S2S^2, the special orthogonal group SO(3)SO(3), the positive definite matrices SPD(n)SPD(n), and the Grassmann manifolds G(n,k)G(n,k). The representations are based on the deployment of Deslauriers--Dubuc and average-interpolating pyramids "in the tangent plane" of such manifolds, using the ExpExp and LogLog maps of those manifolds. The representations provide "wavelet coefficients" which can be thresholded, quantized, and scaled in much the same way as traditional wavelet coefficients. Tasks such as compression, noise removal, contrast enhancement, and stochastic simulation are facilitated by this representation. The approach applies to general manifolds but is particularly suited to the manifolds we consider, i.e., Riemannian symmetric spaces, such as Sn−1S^{n-1}, SO(n)SO(n), G(n,k)G(n,k), where the ExpExp and LogLog maps are effectively computable. Applications to manifold-valued data sources of a geometric nature (motion, orientation, diffusion) seem particularly immediate. A software toolbox, SymmLab, can reproduce the results discussed in this paper

    Computing trisections of 4-manifolds

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    Algorithms that decompose a manifold into simple pieces reveal the geometric and topological structure of the manifold, showing how complicated structures are constructed from simple building blocks. This note describes a way to algorithmically construct a trisection, which describes a 44-dimensional manifold as a union of three 44-dimensional handlebodies. The complexity of the 44-manifold is captured in a collection of curves on a surface, which guide the gluing of the handelbodies. The algorithm begins with a description of a manifold as a union of pentachora, or 44-dimensional simplices. It transforms this description into a trisection. This results in the first explicit complexity bounds for the trisection genus of a 44-manifold in terms of the number of pentachora (44-simplices) in a triangulation.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Generalized Catmull-Clark Subdivision

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    Polyhedral computational geometry for averaging metric phylogenetic trees

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    This paper investigates the computational geometry relevant to calculations of the Frechet mean and variance for probability distributions on the phylogenetic tree space of Billera, Holmes and Vogtmann, using the theory of probability measures on spaces of nonpositive curvature developed by Sturm. We show that the combinatorics of geodesics with a specified fixed endpoint in tree space are determined by the location of the varying endpoint in a certain polyhedral subdivision of tree space. The variance function associated to a finite subset of tree space has a fixed C∞C^\infty algebraic formula within each cell of the corresponding subdivision, and is continuously differentiable in the interior of each orthant of tree space. We use this subdivision to establish two iterative methods for producing sequences that converge to the Frechet mean: one based on Sturm's Law of Large Numbers, and another based on descent algorithms for finding optima of smooth functions on convex polyhedra. We present properties and biological applications of Frechet means and extend our main results to more general globally nonpositively curved spaces composed of Euclidean orthants.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figures; v2: fixed typos, shortened Sections 1 and 5, added counter example for polyhedrality of vistal subdivision in general CAT(0) cubical complexes; v1: 43 pages, 5 figure

    The Construction of Balanced Bounding-Volume Hierarchies using Spatial Object Median Splitting Method for Collision Detection

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    Finding two or more contact points between rigid bodies simulation is always a fundamental task in virtual environment. Furthermore, the contact point needs to be accurately reported as soon as possible within 30-60 frames per second (fps) between moving polyhedral. This article introduced an efficient splitting method that is able to divide the bounding-volume of Axis Aligned Bounding-Box (AABB) hierarchies into a balanced tree. The construction of well-balanced tree will helps to improve the speed of the intersection between rigid bodies’ objects

    All-Hex Meshing of Multiple-Region Domains without Cleanup

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present a new algorithm for all-hex meshing of domains with multiple regions without post-processing cleanup. Our method starts with a strongly balanced octree. In contrast to snapping the grid points onto the geometric boundaries, we move points a slight distance away from the common boundaries. Then we intersect the moved grid with the geometry. This allows us to avoid creating any flat angles, and we are able to handle two-sided regions and more complex topologies than prior methods. The algorithm is robust and cleanup-free; without the use of any pillowing, swapping, or smoothing. Thus, our simple algorithm is also more predictable than prior art
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