10 research outputs found

    Analyzing web behavior in indoor retail spaces

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    We analyze 18- million rows of Wi-Fi access logs collected over a 1-year period from over 120,000 anonymized users at an inner city shopping mall. The anonymized data set gathered from an opt-in system provides users' approximate physical location as well as web browsing and some search history. Such data provide a unique opportunity to analyze the interaction between people's behavior in physical retail spaces and their web behavior, serving as a proxy to their information needs. We found that (a) there is a weekly periodicity in users' visits to the mall; (b) people tend to visit similar mall locations and web content during their repeated visits to the mall; (c) around 60% of registered Wi-Fi users actively browse the web, and around 10% of them use Wi-Fi for accessing web search engines; (d) people are likely to spend a relatively constant amount of time browsing the web while the duration of their visit may vary; (e) the physical spatial context has a small, but significant, influence on the web content that indoor users browse; and (f) accompanying users tend to access resources from the same web domains

    You, the Web and Your Device: Longitudinal Characterization of Browsing Habits

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    Understanding how people interact with the web is key for a variety of applications, e.g., from the design of effective web pages to the definition of successful online marketing campaigns. Browsing behavior has been traditionally represented and studied by means of clickstreams, i.e., graphs whose vertices are web pages, and edges are the paths followed by users. Obtaining large and representative data to extract clickstreams is however challenging. The evolution of the web questions whether browsing behavior is changing and, by consequence, whether properties of clickstreams are changing. This paper presents a longitudinal study of clickstreams in from 2013 to 2016. We evaluate an anonymized dataset of HTTP traces captured in a large ISP, where thousands of households are connected. We first propose a methodology to identify actual URLs requested by users from the massive set of requests automatically fired by browsers when rendering web pages. Then, we characterize web usage patterns and clickstreams, taking into account both the temporal evolution and the impact of the device used to explore the web. Our analyses precisely quantify various aspects of clickstreams and uncover interesting patterns, such as the typical short paths followed by people while navigating the web, the fast increasing trend in browsing from mobile devices and the different roles of search engines and social networks in promoting content. Finally, we contribute a dataset of anonymized clickstreams to the community to foster new studies (anonymized clickstreams are available to the public at http://bigdata.polito.it/clickstream).Comment: 30 page

    Understanding the predictability of user demographics from cyber-physical-social behaviours in indoor retail spaces

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    Understanding the association between customer demographics and behaviour is critical for operators of indoor retail spaces. This study explores such an association based on a combined understanding of customer Cyber (online), Physical, and (some aspects of) Social (CPS) behaviour, at the conjunction of corresponding CPS spaces. We combine the results of a traditional questionnaire with large-scale WiFi access logs, which capture customer cyber and physical behaviour. We investigate the predictability of user demographics based on CPS behaviors captured from both sources. We find (1) strong correlations between users' demographics and their CPS behaviors; (2) log-recorded cyber-physical behavior reflects well data captured in the corresponding questionnaire; (3) different CPS behaviors contribute differently to the predictability of demographic attributes; and (4) the predictability of user demographics from logs is comparable to questionnaire-based data. As such, our study provides strong support for demographic studies based on large-scale logs data capture

    Towards Mobility Data Science (Vision Paper)

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    Mobility data captures the locations of moving objects such as humans, animals, and cars. With the availability of GPS-equipped mobile devices and other inexpensive location-tracking technologies, mobility data is collected ubiquitously. In recent years, the use of mobility data has demonstrated significant impact in various domains including traffic management, urban planning, and health sciences. In this paper, we present the emerging domain of mobility data science. Towards a unified approach to mobility data science, we envision a pipeline having the following components: mobility data collection, cleaning, analysis, management, and privacy. For each of these components, we explain how mobility data science differs from general data science, we survey the current state of the art and describe open challenges for the research community in the coming years.Comment: Updated arXiv metadata to include two authors that were missing from the metadata. PDF has not been change

    A location-query-browse graph for contextual recommendation

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    Traditionally, recommender systems modelled the physical and cyber contextual influence on people's moving, querying, and browsing behaviours in isolation. Yet, searching, querying and moving behaviours are intricately linked, especially indoors. Here, we introduce a tripartite location-query-browse graph (LQB) for nuanced contextual recommendations. The LQB graph consists of three kinds of nodes: locations, queries and Web domains. Directed connections only between heterogeneous nodes represent the contextual influences, while connections of homogeneous nodes are inferred from the contextual influences of the other nodes. This tripartite LQB graph is more reliable than any monopartite or bipartite graph in contextual location, query and Web content recommendations. We validate this LQB graph in an indoor retail scenario with extensive dataset of three logs collected from over 120,000 anonymized, opt-in users over a 1-year period in a large inner-city mall in Sydney, Australia. We characterize the contextual influences that correspond to the arcs in the LQB graph, and evaluate the usefulness of the LQB graph for location, query, and Web content recommendations. The experimental results show that the LQB graph successfully captures the contextual influence and significantly outperforms the state of the art in these applications

    Situation inference and context recognition for intelligent mobile sensing applications

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    The usage of smart devices is an integral element in our daily life. With the richness of data streaming from sensors embedded in these smart devices, the applications of ubiquitous computing are limitless for future intelligent systems. Situation inference is a non-trivial issue in the domain of ubiquitous computing research due to the challenges of mobile sensing in unrestricted environments. There are various advantages to having robust and intelligent situation inference from data streamed by mobile sensors. For instance, we would be able to gain a deeper understanding of human behaviours in certain situations via a mobile sensing paradigm. It can then be used to recommend resources or actions for enhanced cognitive augmentation, such as improved productivity and better human decision making. Sensor data can be streamed continuously from heterogeneous sources with different frequencies in a pervasive sensing environment (e.g., smart home). It is difficult and time-consuming to build a model that is capable of recognising multiple activities. These activities can be performed simultaneously with different granularities. We investigate the separability aspect of multiple activities in time-series data and develop OPTWIN as a technique to determine the optimal time window size to be used in a segmentation process. As a result, this novel technique reduces need for sensitivity analysis, which is an inherently time consuming task. To achieve an effective outcome, OPTWIN leverages multi-objective optimisation by minimising the impurity (the number of overlapped windows of human activity labels on one label space over time series data) while maximising class separability. The next issue is to effectively model and recognise multiple activities based on the user's contexts. Hence, an intelligent system should address the problem of multi-activity and context recognition prior to the situation inference process in mobile sensing applications. The performance of simultaneous recognition of human activities and contexts can be easily affected by the choices of modelling approaches to build an intelligent model. We investigate the associations of these activities and contexts at multiple levels of mobile sensing perspectives to reveal the dependency property in multi-context recognition problem. We design a Mobile Context Recognition System, which incorporates a Context-based Activity Recognition (CBAR) modelling approach to produce effective outcome from both multi-stage and multi-target inference processes to recognise human activities and their contexts simultaneously. Upon our empirical evaluation on real-world datasets, the CBAR modelling approach has significantly improved the overall accuracy of simultaneous inference on transportation mode and human activity of mobile users. The accuracy of activity and context recognition can also be influenced progressively by how reliable user annotations are. Essentially, reliable user annotation is required for activity and context recognition. These annotations are usually acquired during data capture in the world. We research the needs of reducing user burden effectively during mobile sensor data collection, through experience sampling of these annotations in-the-wild. To this end, we design CoAct-nnotate --- a technique that aims to improve the sampling of human activities and contexts by providing accurate annotation prediction and facilitates interactive user feedback acquisition for ubiquitous sensing. CoAct-nnotate incorporates a novel multi-view multi-instance learning mechanism to perform more accurate annotation prediction. It also includes a progressive learning process (i.e., model retraining based on co-training and active learning) to improve its predictive performance over time. Moving beyond context recognition of mobile users, human activities can be related to essential tasks that the users perform in daily life. Conversely, the boundaries between the types of tasks are inherently difficult to establish, as they can be defined differently from the individuals' perspectives. Consequently, we investigate the implication of contextual signals for user tasks in mobile sensing applications. To define the boundary of tasks and hence recognise them, we incorporate such situation inference process (i.e., task recognition) into the proposed Intelligent Task Recognition (ITR) framework to learn users' Cyber-Physical-Social activities from their mobile sensing data. By recognising the engaged tasks accurately at a given time via mobile sensing, an intelligent system can then offer proactive supports to its user to progress and complete their tasks. Finally, for robust and effective learning of mobile sensing data from heterogeneous sources (e.g., Internet-of-Things in a mobile crowdsensing scenario), we investigate the utility of sensor data in provisioning their storage and design QDaS --- an application agnostic framework for quality-driven data summarisation. This allows an effective data summarisation by performing density-based clustering on multivariate time series data from a selected source (i.e., data provider). Thus, the source selection process is determined by the measure of data quality. Nevertheless, this framework allows intelligent systems to retain comparable predictive results by its effective learning on the compact representations of mobile sensing data, while having a higher space saving ratio. This thesis contains novel contributions in terms of the techniques that can be employed for mobile situation inference and context recognition, especially in the domain of ubiquitous computing and intelligent assistive technologies. This research implements and extends the capabilities of machine learning techniques to solve real-world problems on multi-context recognition, mobile data summarisation and situation inference from mobile sensing. We firmly believe that the contributions in this research will help the future study to move forward in building more intelligent systems and applications

    Parallel Methods for Mining Frequent Sequential patterns

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    The explosive growth of data and the rapid progress of technology have led to a huge amount of data that is collected every day. In that data volume contains much valuable information. Data mining is the emerging field of applying statistical and artificial intelligence techniques to the problem of finding novel, useful and non-trivial patterns from large databases. It is the task of discovering interesting patterns from large amounts of data. This is achieved by determining both implicit and explicit unidentified patterns in data that can direct the process of decision making. There are many data mining tasks, such as classification, clustering, association rule mining and sequential pattern mining. In that, sequential pattern mining is an important problem in data mining. It provides an effective way to analyze the sequence data. The goal of sequential pattern mining is to discover interesting, unexpected and useful patterns from sequence databases. This task is used in many wide applications such as financial data analysis of banks, retail industry, customer shopping history, goods transportation, consumption and services, telecommunication industry, biological data analysis, scientific applications, network intrusion detection, scientific research, etc. Different types of sequential pattern mining can be performed, they are sequential patterns, maximal sequential patterns, closed sequences, constraint based and time interval based sequential patterns. Sequential pattern mining refers to the identification of frequent subsequences in sequence databases as patterns. In the last two decades, researchers have proposed many techniques and algorithms for extracting the frequent sequential patterns, in which the downward closure property plays a fundamental role. Sequential pattern is a sequence of itemsets that frequently occur in a specific order, where all items in the same itemsets are supposed to have the same transaction time value. One of the challenges for sequential pattern mining is the computational costs beside that is the potentially huge number of extracted patterns. In this thesis, we present an overview of the work done for sequential pattern mining and develop parallel methods for mining frequent sequential patterns in sequence databases that can tackle emerging data processing workloads while coping with larger and larger scales.The explosive growth of data and the rapid progress of technology have led to a huge amount of data that is collected every day. In that data volume contains much valuable information. Data mining is the emerging field of applying statistical and artificial intelligence techniques to the problem of finding novel, useful and non-trivial patterns from large databases. It is the task of discovering interesting patterns from large amounts of data. This is achieved by determining both implicit and explicit unidentified patterns in data that can direct the process of decision making. There are many data mining tasks, such as classification, clustering, association rule mining and sequential pattern mining. In that, sequential pattern mining is an important problem in data mining. It provides an effective way to analyze the sequence data. The goal of sequential pattern mining is to discover interesting, unexpected and useful patterns from sequence databases. This task is used in many wide applications such as financial data analysis of banks, retail industry, customer shopping history, goods transportation, consumption and services, telecommunication industry, biological data analysis, scientific applications, network intrusion detection, scientific research, etc. Different types of sequential pattern mining can be performed, they are sequential patterns, maximal sequential patterns, closed sequences, constraint based and time interval based sequential patterns. Sequential pattern mining refers to the identification of frequent subsequences in sequence databases as patterns. In the last two decades, researchers have proposed many techniques and algorithms for extracting the frequent sequential patterns, in which the downward closure property plays a fundamental role. Sequential pattern is a sequence of itemsets that frequently occur in a specific order, where all items in the same itemsets are supposed to have the same transaction time value. One of the challenges for sequential pattern mining is the computational costs beside that is the potentially huge number of extracted patterns. In this thesis, we present an overview of the work done for sequential pattern mining and develop parallel methods for mining frequent sequential patterns in sequence databases that can tackle emerging data processing workloads while coping with larger and larger scales.460 - Katedra informatikyvyhově