573 research outputs found

    Parsing consumption preferences of music streaming audiences

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    As demands for insights on music streaming listeners continue to grow, scientists and industry analysts face the challenge to comprehend a mutated consumption behavior, which demands a renewed approach to listener typologies. This study aims to determine how audience segmentation can be performed in a time-relevant and replicable manner. Thus, it interrogates which parameters best serve as indicators of preferences to ultimately assist in delimiting listener segments. Accordingly, the primary objective of this research is to develop a revised typology that classifies music streaming listeners in the light of the progressive phenomenology of music listening. The hypothesis assumes that this could be solved by positioning listeners – rather than products – at the center of streaming analysis and supplementing sales- with user-centered metrics. The empirical research of this paper was based on grounded theories, enriched by analytical case studies. For this purpose, behavioral and psychological research results were interconnected with market analysis and streaming platform usage data. Analysis of the results demonstrates that a concatenation of multi-dimensional data streams facilitates the derivation of a typology that is applicable to varying audience pools. The findings indicate that for the delimitation of listener types, the motivation, and listening context are essential key constituents. Since these variables demand insights that reach beyond existing metrics, descriptive data points relating to the listening process are subjoined. Ultimately, parameter indexation results in listener profiles that offer novel access points for investigations, which make imperceptible, interdisciplinary correlations tangible. The framework of the typology can be consulted in analytical and creational processes. In this respect, the results of the derived analytical approach contribute to better determine and ultimately satisfy listener preferences.Während die Nachfrage nach Erkenntnissen über Musik-Streaming-Hörer kontinuierlich steigt, stehen Wissenschaftler sowie Industrieanalysten einem geänderten Konsumptions- verhalten gegenüber, das eine überarbeitete Hörertypologie fordert. Die vorliegende Studie erörtert, wie eine Hörersegmentierung auf zeitgemäße und replizierbare Weise umgesetzt werden kann. Demnach beschäftigt sie sich mit der Frage, welche Parameter am besten als Indikatoren für Hörerpräferenzen dienen und wie diese zur Abgrenzung der Publikumsseg- mente beitragen können. Dementsprechend ist es das primäre Ziel dieser Forschung, eine überarbeitete Typologie aufzustellen, die Musik-Streaming-Hörer in Anbetracht der progressiven Erscheinungsform des Musikhörens klassifiziert. Die Hypothese nimmt an, dass dies realisierbar ist, wenn der Hörer – anstelle von Produkten – im Zentrum der Streaming-Analyse steht und absatzzen- trierte durch hörerzentrierte Messungen ergänzt werden. Die empirische Forschung basiert auf systematischen Theorien, untermauert durch analytische Fallbeispiele. Hierfür werden psychologische und verhaltenswissenschaftliche Forschungserkenntnisse mit Marktanalysen und Nutzerdaten von Musikstreaming-Portalen fusioniert. Die Analyse der Ergebnisse verdeutlicht, dass eine Verkettung von multidimensionalen Rohdaten die Erhebung einer Typologie ermöglicht, die auf mehrere Hörergruppen anwend- bar ist. Die Befunde signalisieren, dass die Hörmotivation und der Hörkontext bei der Abgrenzung der Publikumstypen Schlüsselelemente darstellen. Da diese Variablen spezifis- che Kenntnisse fordern, die über vorliegende Kennzahlen hinausgehen, werden deskriptive Datenpunkte über den Hörvorgang ergänzt. Letztlich, resultiert die Indexierung der Pa- rameter in Hörerprofilen, die neue Zugangspunkte für Untersuchungen bieten, die nicht ersichtliche, interdisziplinäre Korrelationen greifbar machen. Das Gerüst der Hörertypologie kann sowohl in Erstellungs- als auch in Analyseprozessen herangezogen werden. Somit tragen die Ergebnisse der entwickelten Analysemethode zum Verständnis und letztlich zur Erfüllung von Hörerpräferenzen bei

    Towards a Script-Aware Monitoring Process of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Scenarios

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    The increasing complexity of CSCL scenarios makes the classroom management highly demanding. Teachers invest considerable effort to design the learning scenario and to be aware of what happens during the enactment. We hypothesise that providing monitoring information closely related to the teachers' pedagogical intentions will help them to understand the unfolding of the learning situation, empowering them to intervene. This article presents a script-aware monitoring process which uses the knowledge about the learning design to guide the analysis of the educational data generated throughout the learning processes. The proposal is illustrated by an example based on a real CSCL scenario in an university course. This example shows how the script-aware monitoring provides useful feedback for the teacher and reduces the effort devoted to management tasks

    Telepresence learning environments for opera singing, a case study

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    The present study analyzes the data obtained in the execution of the Opera eLearning project, a multidisciplinary effort to develop a solution for Opera singing distance lessons at the graduate level, using high bandwidth to deliver quality audio and video experience that has been evaluated by singing teachers, chorus and orchestra directors, singers and other professional musicians. The research work includes the phases of design, execution and evaluation of pilot tests, followed by further development and execution of several experimental exercises with the system, all of them carried out between July 2008 and April 2009. This is an empirical research, an exploratory case study that has provided enough data to arrive to a sustainable model for a telepresence learning environment. Different usability methods have been implemented in order to assure users of the quality of the product. The main objective is to prove whether the system or artifact proposed can be used to deliver a complete remote singing class at a higher education level; for that purpose, we have defined several research categories that describe the usability of the system in multiple dimensions. We have used “design as research” approaches to promote innovation in the technological area. The theoretical framework is based on a wide variety of fields; from acoustics, physics, music, professional singing to telecommunications and multimedia technology. However, the common thread and central issue under analysis is distance education, through the construction of a remote learning system. We have also included the corresponding justification of the scientific methodology employedEl presente estudio analiza los datos obtenidos en la ejecución del proyecto Opera eLearning, un esfuerzo multidisciplinario para desarrollar una solución que permita dar clases a distancia de canto lírico a nivel de educación superior, utilizando conexiones de banda ancha con el fin de proveer una experiencia de vídeo y audio de calidad, la que ha sido evaluada por profesores de canto, directores de coros y orquesta, cantantes y otros músicos profesionales. El trabajo de investigación incluye las fases de diseño, ejecución y evaluación de las pruebas piloto, seguido del posterior desarrollo y ejecución de varios ejercicios experimentales con el sistema, todos ellos efectuados entre Julio de 2008 y Abril de 2009. Esta es una investigación empírica, un caso de estudio exploratorio que ha obtenido datos suficientes como para definir un modelo sostenible de entorno de enseñanza por telepresencia. Diversos métodos de usabilidad fueron implementados con el fin de asegurar a los usuarios la calidad del producto. El objetivo principal es probar si el sistema o artefacto propuesto puede ser usado para realizar de modo remoto una clase completa de canto lírico a nivel de educación superior; con tal propósito, hemos definido varias categorías de investigación que describen la usabilidad del sistema en múltiples dimensiones. Hemos utilizado el enfoque de “diseño como investigación” para promover la innovación en el área tecnológica. El marco teórico se basa en una amplia variedad de campos; desde la acústica, la física, la música, el canto profesional hasta las telecomunicaciones y tecnología multimedia. Sin embargo, el hilo común y tema central bajo análisis es la educación a distancia, ya que se trata de la construcción de un sistema de aprendizaje remoto. También se he incluido la justificación correspondiente a la metodología científica empleada

    The Educational Experience of Virtual Reality: An Archaeological Case Study of the Maya Site, Vista Alegre

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    Archaeological visualization has a long history within the discipline, relying on technological advancements to aid in recording, interpreting, and educating about sites and projects. Though computer graphics have been used as archaeological visualizations for decades, hardware advancements have begun to allow for broader consumer use of Virtual and Augmented Reality platforms in homes, schools, and museums. This thesis explores the applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality platforms for archaeological visualization, specifically in the area of public education. To this end, a 3D model and virtual experience of the Maya site of Vista Alegre in Mexico are created, methodologically explained, and examined to relate history, theory, and the goals of utilizing this medium within the archaeological discipline while expanding on the ethical requirements and empirical methods of praxis. In all, this technology both produces tangible, quantifiable, and accurate data and makes these data more accessible to the general public. Image from Proskouriakoff (1970[1946]

    Saving New Sounds

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    "Over seventy-five million Americans listen to podcasts every month, and the average weekly listener spends over six hours tuning into podcasts from the more than thirty million podcast episodes currently available. Yet despite the excitement over podcasting, the sounds of podcasting’s nascent history are vulnerable and they remain mystifyingly difficult to research and preserve. Podcast feeds end abruptly, cease to be maintained, or become housed in proprietary databases, which are difficult to search with any rigor. Podcasts might seem to be highly available everywhere, but it’s necessary to preserve and analyze these resources now, or scholars will find themselves writing, researching, and thinking about a past they can’t fully see or hear. This collection gathers the expertise of leading and emerging scholars in podcasting and digital audio in order to take stock of podcasting’s recent history and imagine future directions for the format. Essays trace some of the less amplified histories of the format and offer discussions of some of the hurdles podcasting faces nearly twenty years into its existence. Using their experiences building and using the PodcastRE database—one of the largest publicly accessible databases for searching and researching podcasts—the volume editors and contributors reflect on how they, as media historians and cultural researchers, can best preserve podcasting’s booming audio cultures and the countless voices and perspectives podcasting adds to our collective soundscape.

    Immersive Telepresence: A framework for training and rehearsal in a postdigital age

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    Building on Progress - Expanding the Research Infrastructure for the Social, Economic, and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 1

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    The publication provides a comprehensive compendium of the current state of Germany's research infrastructure in the social, economic, and behavioural sciences. In addition, the book presents detailed discussions of the current needs of empirical researchers in these fields and opportunities for future development. The book contains 68 advisory reports by more than 100 internationally recognized authors from a wide range of fields and recommendations by the German Data Forum (RatSWD) on how to improve the research infrastructure so as to create conditions ideal for making Germany's social, economic, and behavioral sciences more innovative and internationally competitive. The German Data Forum (RatSWD) has discussed the broad spectrum of issues covered by these advisory reports extensively, and has developed general recommendations on how to expand the research infrastructure to meet the needs of scholars in the social and economic sciences

    An Epidemiology of Big Data

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    Federal legislation designed to transform the U.S. healthcare system and the emergence of mobile technology are among the common drivers that have contributed to a data explosion, with industry analysts and stakeholders proclaiming this decade the big data decade in healthcare (Horowitz, 2012). But a precise definition of big data is hazy (Dumbill, 2013). Instead, the healthcare industry mainly relies on metaphors, buzzwords, and slogans that fail to provide information about big data\u27s content, value, or purposes for existence (Burns, 2011). Bollier and Firestone (2010) even suggests big data does not really exist in healthcare (p. 29). While federal policymakers and other healthcare stakeholders struggle with the adoption of Meaningful Use Standards, International Classification of Diseases-10 (ICD-10), and electronic health record interoperability standards, big data in healthcare remains a widely misunderstood phenomenon. Borgman (2012) found by studying how data are created, handled, and managed in multi-disciplinary collaborations, we can inform science policy and practice (p. 12). Through the narratives of nine leaders representing three key stakeholder classes in the healthcare ecosystem: government, providers and consumers, this phenomenological research study explored a fundamental question: Within and across the narratives of three key healthcare stakeholder classes, what are the important categories of meaning or current themes about big data in healthcare? This research is significant because it: (1) produces new thematic insights about the meaning of big data in healthcare through narrative inquiry; (2) offers an agile framework of big data that can be deployed across all industries; and, (3) makes a unique contribution to scholarly qualitative literature about the phenomena of big data in healthcare for future research on topics including the diffusion and spread of health information across networks, mixed methods studies about big data, standards development, and health policy

    Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

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    The digitisation boom of the last two decades, and the rapid advancement of digital tools to analyse data in myriad ways, have opened up new avenues for humanities research. This volume discusses how the so-called digital turn has affected the field of Jewish Studies, explores the current state of the art and probes how digital developments can be harnessed to address the specific questions, challenges and problems in the field