124 research outputs found

    Effect of light injection on the security of practical quantum key distribution

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) based on the fundamental laws of quantum physics can allow the distribution of secure keys between distant users. However, the imperfections in realistic devices may lead to potential security risks, which must be accurately characterized and considered in practical security analysis. High-speed optical modulators, being as one of the core components of practical QKD systems, can be used to prepare the required quantum states. Here, we find that optical modulators based on LiNbO3, including phase modulators and intensity modulators, are vulnerable to photorefractive effect caused by external light injection. By changing the power of external light, eavesdroppers can control the intensities of the prepared states, posing a potential threat to the security of QKD. We have experimentally demonstrated the influence of light injection on LiNbO3-based optical modulators and analyzed the security risks caused by the potential green light injection attack, along with the corresponding countermeasures

    LiNbO3: A photovoltaic substrate for massive parallel manipulation and patterning of nano-objects

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    The application of evanescent photovoltaic (PV) fields, generated by visible illumination of Fe:LiNbO3 substrates, for parallel massive trapping and manipulation of micro- and nano-objects is critically reviewed. The technique has been often referred to as photovoltaic or photorefractive tweezers. The main advantage of the new method is that the involved electrophoretic and/or dielectrophoretic forces do not require any electrodes and large scale manipulation of nano-objects can be easily achieved using the patterning capabilities of light. The paper describes the experimental techniques for particle trapping and the main reported experimental results obtained with a variety of micro- and nano-particles (dielectric and conductive) and different illumination configurations (single beam, holographic geometry, and spatial light modulator projection). The report also pays attention to the physical basis of the method, namely, the coupling of the evanescent photorefractive fields to the dielectric response of the nano-particles. The role of a number of physical parameters such as the contrast and spatial periodicities of the illumination pattern or the particle deposition method is discussed. Moreover, the main properties of the obtained particle patterns in relation to potential applications are summarized, and first demonstrations reviewed. Finally, the PV method is discussed in comparison to other patterning strategies, such as those based on the pyroelectric response and the electric fields associated to domain poling of ferroelectric materials

    LASER Tech Briefs, February 1995

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    Topics included in this issue of LASER Tech Briefs are: Electronic Components and Circuits. Electronic Systems, Physical Sciences, Materials, Mechanics, Fabrication, and Mathematics and Information Sciences, an

    Novel optical devices for information processing

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    Optics has the inherent advantages of parallelism and wide bandwidths in processing information. However, the need to interface with electronics creates a bottleneck that eliminates many of these advantages. The proposed research explores novel optical devices and techniques to overcome some of these bottlenecks. To address parallelism issues we take a specific example of a content-addressable memory that can recognize images. Image recognition is an important task that in principle can be done rapidly using the natural parallelism of optics. However in practice, when presented with incomplete or erroneous information, image recognition often fails to give the correct answer. To address this problem we examine a scheme based on free-space interconnects implemented with diffractive optics. For bandwidth issues, we study possible ways to eliminate the electronic conversion bottleneck by exploring all-optical buffer memories and all-optical processing elements. For buffer memories we examine the specific example of slow light delay lines. Although this is currently a popular research topic, there are fundamental issues of the delay-time-bandwidth product that must be solved before slow light delay lines can find practical applications. For all-optical processing we examine the feasibility of constructing circuit elements that operate directly at optical frequencies to perform simple processing tasks. Here we concentrate on the simplest element, a sub-wavelength optical wire, along with a grating coupler to interface with conventional optical elements such as lenses and fibers. Even such a simple element as a wire has numerous potential applications. In conclusion, information processing by all-optical devices are demonstrated with an associative memory using diffractive optics, an all-optical delay line using room temperature slow light in photorefractive crystals, and a subwavelength optical circuit by surface plasmon effects

    Accelerating Optical Airy Beams

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    Over the years, non-spreading or non-diffracting wave configurations have been systematically investigated in optics. Perhaps the best known example of a diffraction-free optical wave is the so-called Bessel beam, first suggested and observed by Durnin et al. This work sparked considerable theoretical and experimental activity and paved the way toward the discovery of other interesting non-diffracting solutions. In 1979 Berry and Balazs made an important observation within the context of quantum mechanics: they theoretically demonstrated that the Schrodinger equation describing a free particle can exhibit a non-spreading Airy wavepacket solution. This work remained largely unnoticed in the literature-partly because such wavepackets cannot be readily synthesized in quantum mechanics. In this dissertation we investigate both theoretically and experimentally the acceleration dynamics of non-spreading optical Airy beams in both one- and two-dimensional configurations. We show that this class of finite energy waves can retain their intensity features over several diffraction lengths. The possibility of other physical realizations involving spatio-temporal Airy wavepackets is also considered. As demonstrated in our experiments, these Airy beams can exhibit unusual features such as the ability to remain quasi-diffraction-free over long distances while their intensity features tend to freely accelerate during propagation. We have demonstrated experimentally that optical Airy beams propagating in free space can perform ballistic dynamics akin to those of projectiles moving under the action of gravity. The parabolic trajectories of these beams as well as the motion of their center of gravity were observed in good agreement with theory. Another remarkable property of optical Airy beams is their resilience in amplitude and phase perturbations. We show that this class of waves tends to reform during propagation in spite of the severity of the imposed perturbations. In all occasions the reconstruction of these beams is interpreted through their internal transverse power flow. The robustness of these optical beams in scattering and turbulent environments was also studied. The experimental observation of self-trapped Airy beams in unbiased nonlinear photorefractive media is also reported. This new class of non-local self-localized beams owes its existence to carrier diffusion effects as opposed to self-focusing. These finite energy Airy states exhibit a highly asymmetric intensity profile that is determined by the inherent properties of the nonlinear crystal. In addition, these wavepackets self-bend during propagation at an acceleration rate that is independent of the thermal energy associated with two-wave mixing diffusion photorefractive nonlinearity

    Nonlinear optical waves in disordered ferroelectrics

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    This thesis describes an experimental, numerical and theoretical investigation of nonlinear optical phenomena in disordered photorefractive ferroelectrics in proximity of their phase-transition temperature. The work addresses different physical issues that find in nonlinear optics a common fertile research arena and are closely related to each other in the considered systems. Nonlinear wave dynamics in the spatial domain, where self-interaction of propagating waves generally results into non-spreading localized wavepackets such as spatial solitons, is extended in photorefractive ferroelectrics to non-equilibrium regimes characterized by stochastic instabilities and large material fluctuations. We discover the emergence of rogue waves, localized perturbations of abnormal intensity, whose understanding is challenging in various physical contexts and resides in the general problem of long-tail statistical distributions in complex systems. We identify their origin in spatiotemporal soliton dynamics in a saturable nonlinearity which can support scale-invariant waveforms. Properties and predictability of the observed extreme events are investigated, and, in particular, we demonstrate their active control through the spatial incoherence scale of the optical field. Moreover, we report how their emergence is sustained by turbulent transitions to an incoherent and disordered optical state triggered by modulational instability. The onset of strong turbulence for propagating optical waves has remained unobserved up to now and our results demonstrate a new experimental setting for its study. When the functional form of the nonlinearity is turned into a nonlocal one due to diffusive fields, this setting also exploits photonics to address fundamental physical problems and access to otherwise hidden phenomena. The natural spreading of waves during propagation, representing the wavelength-defined ultimate limit to spatial resolution, can be eliminated and reversed leading to diffraction cancellation and anti-diffraction of light. Since these behaviors on modifying the nature of underlying Schrödinger equation, we are the first to demonstrate how nonlinearity can make the spatial light distribution behave as the wavefunction of a quantum particle with negative mass. All these findings have roots in the nonlinear optical response of critical disordered ferroelectric crystals, which are also extremely interesting from the condensed matter point of view. In fact, competition of different microscopic structural phases and the associated polar-domain dynamics at the nanoscale results into non-ergodic dipolar-glass behaviors giving giant responses such as giant polarization, piezoelectricity and electro-optic effect. Disordered ferroelectrics crystals are investigated electro-optically across their ferroelectric phase-transition, where we report the observation of an anomalous electro-optic effect compatible with ultracold dipolar reorientation. In compounds presenting spatial inhomogeneity in their chemical composition, we discover a new ferroelectric phase of matter in which polar domains spontaneously coordinate into a mesoscopic coherent polarization super-crystals. This phase mimics standard solid-state structures but on scales that are thousands of times larger and represent the first spontaneous three-dimensional photonic crystal

    Center for Space Microelectronics Technology 1988-1989 technical report

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    The 1988 to 1989 Technical Report of the JPL Center for Space Microelectronics Technology summarizes the technical accomplishments, publications, presentations, and patents of the center. Listed are 321 publications, 282 presentations, and 140 new technology reports and patents

    LASER Tech Briefs, Spring 1994

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    Topics in this Laser Tech Brief include: Electronic Components and Circuits. Electronic Systems, Physical Sciences, Materials, Mechanics, Fabrication Technology, and books and reports

    Electro-optic photonic circuits from linear and nonlinear waves in nanodisordered photorefractive ferroelectrics

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    The work presented in this thesis addresses different aspects of three main physical issue belonging to the eld of nonlinear optics, quantum optics and optical microscopy. We analyze how photorefraction can be used to photoinduced a tapered ber index of refraction patterns in the bulk of nano-disordered crystals, and we observe how these patterns are able to modulate the phase of Gaussian beams converting them to Bessel-Gauss beams, enhancing their depth of eld and their ability to self-heal after an obstacle. These properties suggest the use of Bessel beam in microscopy. In our investigations we proposed and experimentally demonstrated, in turbid media, the idea of using the interference between multiple Bessel beams to generate a light field that is non diffracting, self-healing, but also localized along the propagation axis. Our study on superimposed Bessel beams reveals how the interference between their side lobes has the overall effect of reducing the amount of energy possessed by the beam outer structures, practically enhancing their localization in the radial direction as well as in the axial. At present we are studying how to implement these findings in a light sheet microscope to improve optical sectioning. Also described in this thesis are a number of intriguing experiments carried out on disordered ferroelectrics and their giant response, these including negative intrinsic mass dynamics, ferroelectric supercrystals, rogue wave dynamics driven by enhanced disorder and first evidence of spatial optical turbulence. Lastly, relying on the necessarily reversible nature of the microscopic process, we demonstrate how a single photon is not able to entangle two distant atoms because of conservation laws, clarifying the long standing debate on the nature of single-photon nonlocality and introducing fundamental limitation, in the use of linear optics for quantum technology
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