264 research outputs found

    Amplificadores paramétricos de RF

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesRecentemente tem-se feito um esforço no sentido de aumentar a eficiência em aplicadores de RF, no entanto, o transístor é um dispositivo intrinsecamente ineficiente. Utilizando amplificadores paramétricos pode-se teoricamente chegar a 100% de eficiência mesmo operando em modo linear. A razão desta elevada eficiência é o dispositivo activo utilizado, já que os amplificadores paramétricos utilizam uma reactância controlada, que não consome potência. Esta mudança de elemento activo modifica completamente o princípio de funcionamento dos amplificadores. Neste trabalho este tipo de amplificação é estudado, relações e transformações conhecidas são examinadas primeiro para obter propriedades limite gerais. Depois é feita análise de pequeno sinal para se obterem outras características importantes. Finalmente, um novo modelo de grande sinal é derivado e apresentado. Este modelo é capaz de prever algumas características do amplificador, tal como o AM/AM. Utilizando o modelo de grande sinal apresentado projecta-se um amplificador, sendo este posteriormente simulado.In recent years a significant effort has been made towards efficiency increase in RF amplifiers. The transistor is, however, an intrinsically inefficient device. Parametric amplification can theoretically be 100% efficient even operating in linear mode. The reason behind this efficiency is the active device. These amplifiers forget the transistor to use a controlled reactance, which cannot consume power. This switch in active element changes the whole principle of operation of the amplifiers. In this work this type of amplification is studied. Known relations and transformations are first examined to obtain general limit properties of the used elements. Then small-signal analysis is performed to obtain other important characteristics. Finally, a novel large signal model is developed and presented. This model is capable of accurately predicting the non-linear responses of the amplifier, such as the AM/AM. Using the presented large-signal model, an amplifier is designed and simulated

    Theory and optimisation of double conversion heterodyne photoparametric amplifier

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    An optical wireless transmission technique represents an attractive choice for many indoor and outdoors applications within fixed and mobile networks. It has the advantage of providing a wide bandwidth that is unregulated worldwide, with availability to use it in a very dense fashion, and potentially very low cost. Due to the high attenuation suffered by Infrared radiation through the air, operating low power transmission sources, and generally adverse signal to the noise environment found by ambient background light, where the optical signal is typically at it is minimum power level when detected. A high sensitivity and high selectivity receiver will be imperative for such applications as subcarrier multiplex systems, millimetre-wave radio over fibre and other wireless optical system applications. The thesis details the research, design, and optimisation of a novel, low-noise frontend optical receiver concept using a photoparametric amplifier (PPA) technique, in which the detected optical baseband signal is electrically amplified and up-converted to upperside frequency, based on the nonlinear characteristic of the pin photodiode junction; the desired signal passes through a further signal processing stage, and the original baseband signal is recovered again, using the concept of the superheterodyne principle. The designed DCHPPA receiver acts in a parallel manner to a conventional double superheterodyne detector system, but without the noise penalty normally incurred in the first stage. The PPA is used instead of a resistive/transistor based mixer at the first stage. DCHPPAs have the properties to provide very high gain, with high selectivity, combined with a very low noise operation. The research is conducted from three aspects: theoretical analysis, modelling and simulation, and practical implementation and result analysis. The three approaches followed the same trend shown, and the results correspond closely with each other. Theoretically, a new non-degenerate PPA mode of operation is discussed, in which the applied dc bias to the pin photodetector is replaced by the applied ac pump signal. This is shown to be advantageous in terms of the desirable characteristics for PPA operation, leading to improved conversion efficiency and the potential for low noise operation. PPA was shown to behave more optimally with load resistance which was much lower than normally used in the common optical wireless receiver-amplifiers. A new PPA gain theory was derived and optimised accordance with the original gain theory, PPA input/output admittance power was analysed for optimum power transfer. More accurate DCHPPA circuit configurations were modelled and simulated using nonlinear simulator tools (AWR) which help to understand and optimise system performance, particularly device parameters and characteristics. The full DCHPPA system was implemented practically, and tested in VHF and UHF as a sequel to the simulation configuration, which subsequently exhibited a 34.9dB baseband signal over the modulated optical signal; by employing a chain gain DCHPPA cascaded configuration, 56.3 dB baseband signal gain was achieved. The PPA noise was also measured and analysed, which satisfied the tough front-end optical system requirements

    Parametric Interaction in Josephson Junction Circuits and Transmission Lines

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    This research investigates the realization of parametric amplification in superconducting circuits and structures where nonlinearity is provided by Josephson junction (JJ) elements. We aim to develop a systematic analysis over JJ-based devices toward design of novel traveling-wave Josephson parametric amplifiers (TW-JPA). Chapters of this thesis fall into three categories: lumped JPA, superconducting periodic structures and discrete Josephson transmission lines (DJTL). The unbiased Josephson junction (JJ) is a nonlinear element suitable for parametric amplification through a four-photon process. Two circuit topologies are introduced to capture the unique property of the JJ in order to efficiently mix signal, pump and idler signals for the purpose of signal amplification. Closed-form expressions are derived for gain characteristics, bandwidth determination, noise properties and impedance for this kind of parametric power amplifier. The concept of negative resistance in the gain formulation is observed. A design process is also introduced to find the regimes of operation for gain achievement. Two regimes of operation, oscillation and amplification, are highlighted and distinguished in the result section. Optimization of the circuits to enhance the bandwidth is also carried out. Moving toward TW-JPA, the second part is devoted to modelling the linear wave propagation in a periodic superconducting structure. We derive closed-form equations for dispersion and s-parameters of infinite and finite periodic structures, respectively. Band gap formation is highlighted and its potential applications in the design of passive filters and resonators are discussed. The superconducting structures are fabricated using YBCO and measured, illustrating a good correlation with the numerical results. A novel superconducting Transmission Line (TL), which is periodically loaded by Josephson junctions (JJ) and assisted by open stubs, is proposed as a platform to realize a traveling-wave parametric device. Using the TL model, this structure is modeled by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE) with a driving source and mixed-boundary conditions at the input and output terminals, respectively. This model successfully emulates parametric and nonlinear microwave propagation when long-wave approximation is applicable. The influence of dispersion to sustain three non-degenerate phased-locked waves through the TL is highlighted. A rigorous and robust Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) solver based on the explicit Lax-Wendroff and implicit Crank-Nicolson schemes has been developed to investigate the device responses under various excitations. Linearization of the wave equation, under small-amplitude assumption, dispersion and impedance analysis is performed to explore more aspects of the device for the purpose of efficient design of a traveling-wave parametric amplifier. Knowing all microwave characteristics and identifying different regimes of operation, which include impedance properties, cut-off propagation, dispersive behaviour and shock-wave formation, we exploit perturbation theory accompanied by the method of multiple scale to derive the three nonlinear coupled amplitude equations to describe the parametric interaction. A graphical technique is suggested to find three waves on the dispersion diagram satisfying the phase-matching conditions. Both cases of perfect phase-matching and slight mismatching are addressed in this work. The incorporation of two numerical techniques, spectral method in space and multistep Adams-Bashforth in time domain, is employed to monitor the unilateral gain, superior stability and bandwidth of this structure. Two types of functionality, mixing and amplification, with their requirements are described. These properties make this structure desirable for applications ranging from superconducting optoelectronics to dispersive readout of superconducting qubits where high sensitivity and ultra-low noise operation is required.1 yea

    Microwave apparatus for gravitational waves observation

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    In this report the theoretical and experimental activities for the development of superconducting microwave cavities for the detection of gravitational waves are presented.Comment: 42 pages, 28 figure

    High Energy, High Average Power, Picosecond Laser Systems To Drive Few-cycle Opcpa

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    The invention of chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) in 1985 led to a tremendous increase in obtainable laser pulse peak intensities. Since then, several table-top, Ti:sapphire-based CPA systems exceeding the 100 TW-level with more than 10 W average power have been developed and several systems are now commercially available. Over the last decade, the complementary technology of optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) has improved in its performance to a competitive level. OPCPA allows direct amplification of an almost-octave spanning bandwidth supporting few-cycle pulse durations at center wavelengths ranging from the visible to the mid-IR. The current record in peak power from a table-top OPCPA is 16 TW and the current record average power is 22 W. High energy, few-cycle pulses with stabilized carrierenvelope phase (CEP) are desired for applications such as high-harmonic generation (HHG) enabling attoscience and the generation keV-photon bursts. This dissertation conceptually, numerically and experimentally describes essential aspects of few-cycle OPCPA, and the associated pump beam generation. The main part of the conducted research was directed towards the few-cycle OPCPA facility developed in the Laser Plasma Laboratory at CREOL (University of Central Florida, USA) termed HERACLES. This facility was designed to generate few-cycle pulses in the visible with mJ-level pulse energy, W-level average power and more than 100 GW peak power. Major parts of the implementation of the HERACLES facility are presented. The pump generation beam of the HERACLES system has been improved in terms of pulse energy, average power and stability over the last years. It is based on diode-pumped, solid-state amplifiers with picosecond duration and experimental investigations are presented in detail. A iii robust system has been implemented producing mJ-level pulse energies with ~100 ps pulse duration at kHz repetition rates. Scaling of this system to high power (\u3e30 W) and high peak power (50-MW-level) as well as ultra-high pulse energy (\u3e160 mJ) is presented. The latter investigation resulted in the design of an ultra-high energy system for OPCPA pumping. Following this, a new OPCPA facility was designed termed PhaSTHEUS, which is anticipated to reach ultra-high intensities. Another research effort was conducted at CELIA (Univeristé de Bordeaux 1, France) and aimed towards a previously unexplored operational regime of OPCPA with ultra-high repetition rates (10 MHz) and high average power. A supercontinuum seed beam generation has been established with an output ranging from 1.3 to 1.9 µm and few ps duration. The pump beam generation has been implemented based on rod-type fiber amplifiers producing more than 37 W average power and 370 kW peak power. The utility of this system as an OPCPA pump laser is presented along with the OPA design. The discussed systems operate in radically different regimes in terms of peak power, average power, and repetition rate. The anticipated OPCPA systems with few-cycle duration enable a wide range of novel experimental studies in attoscience, ultrafast materials processing, filamentation, LIBS and coherent contro

    Flexible structure control laboratory development and technology demonstration

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    An experimental structure is described which was constructed to demonstrate and validate recent emerging technologies in the active control and identification of large flexible space structures. The configuration consists of a large, 20 foot diameter antenna-like flexible structure in the horizontal plane with a gimballed central hub, a flexible feed-boom assembly hanging from the hub, and 12 flexible ribs radiating outward. Fourteen electrodynamic force actuators mounted to the hub and to the individual ribs provide the means to excite the structure and exert control forces. Thirty permanently mounted sensors, including optical encoders and analog induction devices provide measurements of structural response at widely distributed points. An experimental remote optical sensor provides sixteen additional sensing channels. A computer samples the sensors, computes the control updates and sends commands to the actuators in real time, while simultaneously displaying selected outputs on a graphics terminal and saving them in memory. Several control experiments were conducted thus far and are documented. These include implementation of distributed parameter system control, model reference adaptive control, and static shape control. These experiments have demonstrated the successful implementation of state-of-the-art control approaches using actual hardware

    Third-generation femtosecond technology

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    Chirped pulse amplification in solid-state lasers is currently the method of choice for producing high-energy ultrashort pulses, having surpassed the performance of dye lasers over 20 years ago. The third generation of femtosecond technology based on short-pulse-pumped optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) holds promise for providing few-cycle pulses with terawatt-scale peak powers and kilowatt-scale-average powers simultaneously, heralding the next wave of attosecond and femtosecond science. OPCPA laser systems pumped by near-1-ps pulses support broadband and efficient amplification of few-cycle pulses due to their unrivaled gain per unit length. This is rooted in the high threshold for dielectric breakdown of the nonlinear crystals for even shorter pump pulse durations. Concomitantly, short pump pulses simplify dispersion management and improve the temporal contrast of the amplified signal. This thesis covers the main experimental and theoretical steps required to design and operate a high-power, high-energy, few-cycle OPCPA. This includes the generation of a broadband, high-contrast, carrier envelope phase (CEP)-stable seed, the practical use of a high-power thin-disk regenerative amplifier, its efficient use for pumping a multi-stage OPCPA chain and compression of the resulting pulses. A theoretical exploration of the concept and its extension to different modes of operation, including widely-tunable, high-power multi-cycle pulse trains, and ultrabroadband waveform synthesis is presented. Finally, a conceptual design of a field synthesizer with multi-terawatt, multi-octave light transients is discussed, which holds promise for extending the photon energy attainable via high harmonic generation to several kiloelectronvolts, nourishing the hope for attosecond spectroscopy at hard-x-ray wavelengths

    Few-cycle phase-stable infrared OPCPA

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    Few-cycle laser pulses are an important tool for investigating laser-matter interactions. Apart from the mere resolution used in time-resolved processes, owing to this approach table-top sources nowadays can reach the limits of the perturbative regime and therewith enable extreme nonlinear optics. In the visible domain, femtosecond technology over the last decades has quickly developed, in recent years leading to the routine generation of carrier-envelope phase (CEP) stable few-cycle laser pulses at high energies, using ubiquitous Ti:Sapphire amplifiers. Near to mid-infrared few-cycle pulses in contrast can be employed for investigating interactions in the tunneling regime. The ponderomotive potential of the infrared light field allows quivered charged particles to acquire large energies, leading to applications like the generation of isolated attosecond pulses in the water window. In this wavelength regime however, the required sources are yet to be demonstrated or at least matured. The best candidate for few-cycle pulses in this domain is optical parametric amplification. This work describes the development of an optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier (OPCPA), used to create CEP-stable few-cycle pulses in the near infrared (NIR). It covers all essential parts of the system. First the signal pulses are generated from ultrashort lasers using spectral broadening techniques in chapter 2. After compression of these white light continua, intra-pulse broadband difference frequency generation yields CEP stable infrared pulses spanning over more than one octave. A thin-disk-based pump laser provides ample pump energy (20 mJ) at pulse durations around 1.5 ps. Its characterization and optimization for OPCPA is performed in chapter 3. The high peak energy of this pump laser leads to the buildup of optical nonlinearities and consequently shows distinct influence on the OPCPA system performance. The synchronization of the OPCPA pump and seed laser system is the topic of chapter 4. This chapter is not limited to NIR systems, but demonstrates enhanced (actively stabilized) synchronization of the jitter between pump and seed pulses to σ = 24 fs, which later results in improved output stability. The NIR OPCPA centered at 2.1 μm is described in chapter 5. This combines the efforts of the previous chapters and describes the generation and characterization of 100 μJ sub-two-cycle CEP-stable pulses, the shortest published to date at this energy level. As a first prototype (cutting edge) experiment, CEP dependent sub-fs currents in a dielectric are generated in chapter 6 using the developed light source. The results compared well to visible few-cycle laser sources and demonstrate the usability of the OPCPA system (beyond the charac- terizations of chapter 5) for investigating sub-cycle carrier dynamics in dielectrics. For the same purpose, to generate the currently most broadband NIR continua at kHz repetition rates and mJ-level pulse energies, the OPCPA system is further boosted and efficiently broadened to three optical octaves using a hollow core fiber setup (described in chapter 7). The spectral phase is characterized and demonstrates self-compression in the NIR around 1.3 μm. The process provides CEP-stable sub-2-cycle pulses in this regime directly, the shortest and most powerful reported to date. Furthermore, the spectral broadening in the infrared shows enhanced low-order harmonic gen- eration and cross-phase-modulation as the dominant mechanism. Experimentally the limited influence on the driver bandwidth is investigated. It is found that the processes allow using more efficient many-cycle infrared sources to generate several-octave spanning, compressible continua in the future. Even partial compression of these would then provide NIR transients for high-field experiments.Die Femtosekunden-Technologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten schnell fortentwickelt, vor allem im sichtbaren Wellenl ̈angen-Bereich. Speziell moderne Titanium-Saphir Verst ̈arker haben zuletzt zu (Träger-Einhüllenden-) phasenstabilen und hochenergetischen Laserpulsen geführt, die nur noch aus einzelnen optischen Zyklen bestehen. Diese erlauben die Investigation extrem nichtlinearer optischer Prozesse im Regime der Multiphotonenionisation. Um weiter im Infraroten Prozesse im Regime der Tunnelionisation zu untersuchen, fehlt es jedoch nach wie vor an Lichtquellen mit ähnlichen Characteristiken für Anwendungen wie die Generation von isolierten Attosekunden-Pulsen im Wasser-Transmissions-Fenster. Hier bietet die optische parametrische Verstärkung bisher die größten Perspektiven. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung eines optischen parametrischen Verstärkers mit gestreckten Pulsen (engl.: optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier, OPCPA), der TE- phasen-stabile Pulse mit wenigen optischen Zyklen im nahen Infraroten erzeugt. Alle wesentlichen Teile des Systems werden beschrieben. Zuerst wird der Saat-Puls durch die spektrale Verbreiterung eines Titanium-Saphir Verstärkers gewonnen. Nach der Kompression des generierten Weißlichts führt die breitbandige Differenz-Frequenz-Generation (DFG) des Pulses mit sich selbst zu TE-phasen-stabilen Infrarot-Pulsen, deren Spektrum mehr als eine optische Oktave aufspannt. Ein Scheiben-Laser liefert die Pumpenergie (20 mJ) bei einer Pulsdauer von ca. 1.5 ps. Seine Charakterisierung und Optimierung für die OPCPA erfolgt in Kapitel 3. Die hohen Spitzeninten- sit ̈aten dieses Pumplasers führen zum Akkumulieren optischer Nichtlinearit ̈aten und beeinflussen die OPCPA im Folgenden negativ. Die Synchronisation von OPCPA Pump- und Saat-Lasern ist das Thema von Kapitel 4. Es demonstriert eine aktive Stabilisierung des zeitlichen Überlapps beider Pulse, der den gesamten Prozess im Folgenden stabilisiert, und ist nicht auf den Einsatz im Infraroten beschränkt, sondern für die meisten OPCPA Systeme anwendbar. Die in Kapitel 5 beschriebene infrarote OPCPA hat ihre Zentralwellenlänge bei 2.1 μm und baut auf den vorherigen Kapiteln auf. Die Erzeugung und Charakterisierung von Pulsen mit weniger als zwei optischen Zyklen, den bisher kürzesten in diesem Wellenlängen-Bereich und einer En- ergie von 100 μJ, werden beschrieben. Ferner erweist sich die TE-Phase der verstärkten Pulse als außerordentlich kurz- und langzeitstabil. Kapitel 6 demonstriert dann die Möglichkeiten des neuen Systems mit einem technisch anspruchsvollen Experiment. TE-phasen-abhängige Ströme mit einer Lebenszeit auf der Skala von Attosekunden werden in einem Dielektrikum erzeugt und gemessen. Die Resultate stimmen gut mit den bere- its gemessenen Werten im sichtbaren Bereich u ̈ berein und demonstrieren die Möglichkeiten und Einsetzbarkeit des Systems. Für ähnliche Anwendungen, allerdings bei noch höheren Intensitäten, wird in Kapitel 7 das OPCPA-System weiter verstärkt. Die spektrale Verbreiterung in einer gas-gefüllten Hohlfaser erzeugt ein Kontinuum über drei optische Oktaven. Dessen spektrale Phase wird im Folgen- den charakterisiert und zeigt Selbstkompression bei einer Wellenlänge von 1.3 μm. Der Prozess erzeugt TE-phasen-stabile Pulse kürzer also zwei optische Zyklen, welche die kürzesten und intensivsten darstellen, die in diesem Bereich bislang erzeugt wurden. Weiterhin zeigt die spektrale Verbreiterung im Infraroten besondere Merkmale. Speziell die Gen- eration von ungeraden Harmonischen niedriger Ordnung und deren Kreuz-Phasen-Modulation zeigen sich als dominante Prozesse, welche den Einfluss der Eingangsbandbreite minimieren. Eine experimentelle Untersuchung demonstriert dann, dass auch potentiell effizientere infrarote OPCPA Systeme mit deutlich längeren Pulsen ähnliche spektrale Bandbreiten erzeugen können. Die Komprimierung dieser sollte in der nahen Zukunft zu Hochfeld-Anwendungen mit infraroten Feldtransienten und synthetisierten elektrischen Feldern mit Sub-Zyklus Merkmalen führen

    Terawatt-intensity few-cycle laser pulses : Optical parametric chirped pulse amplification and frequency comb spectroscopy

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    Hogervorst, W. [Promotor]Eikema, K.S.E. [Copromotor