127 research outputs found

    Differential Equations of Ideal Memristors

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    Ideal memristor is a resistor with a memory, which adds dynamics to its behavior. The most usual characteristics describing this dynamics are the constitutive relation (i.e. the relation between flux and charge), or Parameter-vs-state- map (PSM), mostly represented by the memristance-to-charge dependence. One of the so far unheeded tools for memristor description is its differential equation (DEM), composed exclusively of instantaneous values of voltage, current, and their derivatives. The article derives a general form of DEM that holds for any ideal memristor and shows that it is always a nonlinear equation of the first order; the PSM forms are found for memristors which are governed by DEMs of the Bernoulli and the Riccati types; a classification of memristors according to the type of their dynamics with respect to voltage and current is carried out

    Modeling the Flux-Charge Relation of Memristor with Neural Network of Smooth Hinge Functions

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    The memristor was proposed to characterize the flux-charge relation. We propose the generalized flux-charge relation model of memristor with neural network of smooth hinge functions. There is effective identification algorithm for the neural network of smooth hinge functions. The representation capability of this model is theoretically guaranteed. Any functional flux-charge relation of a memristor can be approximated by the model. We also give application examples to show that the given model can approximate the flux-charge relation of existing piecewise linear memristor model, window function memristor model, and a physical memristor device

    Memristor models for machine learning

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    In the quest for alternatives to traditional CMOS, it is being suggested that digital computing efficiency and power can be improved by matching the precision to the application. Many applications do not need the high precision that is being used today. In particular, large gains in area- and power efficiency could be achieved by dedicated analog realizations of approximate computing engines. In this work, we explore the use of memristor networks for analog approximate computation, based on a machine learning framework called reservoir computing. Most experimental investigations on the dynamics of memristors focus on their nonvolatile behavior. Hence, the volatility that is present in the developed technologies is usually unwanted and it is not included in simulation models. In contrast, in reservoir computing, volatility is not only desirable but necessary. Therefore, in this work, we propose two different ways to incorporate it into memristor simulation models. The first is an extension of Strukov's model and the second is an equivalent Wiener model approximation. We analyze and compare the dynamical properties of these models and discuss their implications for the memory and the nonlinear processing capacity of memristor networks. Our results indicate that device variability, increasingly causing problems in traditional computer design, is an asset in the context of reservoir computing. We conclude that, although both models could lead to useful memristor based reservoir computing systems, their computational performance will differ. Therefore, experimental modeling research is required for the development of accurate volatile memristor models.Comment: 4 figures, no tables. Submitted to neural computatio

    Memristor Platforms for Pattern Recognition Memristor Theory, Systems and Applications

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    In the last decade a large scientific community has focused on the study of the memristor. The memristor is thought to be by many the best alternative to CMOS technology, which is gradually showing its flaws. Transistor technology has developed fast both under a research and an industrial point of view, reducing the size of its elements to the nano-scale. It has been possible to generate more and more complex machinery and to communicate with that same machinery thanks to the development of programming languages based on combinations of boolean operands. Alas as shown by Moore’s law, the steep curve of implementation and of development of CMOS is gradually reaching a plateau. It is clear the need of studying new elements that can combine the efficiency of transistors and at the same time increase the complexity of the operations. Memristors can be described as non-linear resistors capable of maintaining memory of the resistance state that they reached. From their first theoretical treatment by Professor Leon O. Chua in 1971, different research groups have devoted their expertise in studying the both the fabrication and the implementation of this new promising technology. In the following thesis a complete study on memristors and memristive elements is presented. The road map that characterizes this study departs from a deep understanding of the physics that govern memristors, focusing on the HP model by Dr. Stanley Williams. Other devices such as phase change memories (PCMs) and memristive biosensors made with Si nano-wires have been studied, developing emulators and equivalent circuitry, in order to describe their complex dynamics. This part sets the first milestone of a pathway that passes trough more complex implementations such as neuromorphic systems and neural networks based on memristors proving their computing efficiency. Finally it will be presented a memristror-based technology, covered by patent, demonstrating its efficacy for clinical applications. The presented system has been designed for detecting and assessing automatically chronic wounds, a syndrome that affects roughly 2% of the world population, through a Cellular Automaton which analyzes and processes digital images of ulcers. Thanks to its precision in measuring the lesions the proposed solution promises not only to increase healing rates, but also to prevent the worsening of the wounds that usually lead to amputation and death

    Photonic Memristor for Future Computing: A Perspective

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    Photonic computing and neuromorphic computing could address the inherent limitations of traditional von Neumann architecture and gradually invalidate Moore’s law. As photonics applications are capable of storing and processing data in an optical manner with unprecedented bandwidth and high speed, twoâ terminal photonic memristors with a remote optical control of resistive switching behaviors at defined wavelengths ensure the benefit of onâ chip integration, low power consumption, multilevel data storage, and a large variation margin, suggesting promising advantages for both photonic and neuromorphic computing. Herein, the development of photonic memristors is reviewed, as well as their application in photonic computing and emulation on optogeneticsâ modulated artificial synapses. Different photoactive materials acting as both photosensing and storage media are discussed in terms of their opticalâ tunable memory behaviors and underlying resistive switching mechanism with consideration of photogating and photovoltaic effects. Moreover, lightâ involved logic operations, systemâ level integration, and lightâ controlled artificial synaptic memristors along with improved learning tasks performance are presented. Furthermore, the challenges in the field are discussed, such as the lack of a comprehensive understanding of microscopic mechanisms under light illumination and a general constraint of inferior nearâ infrared (NIR) sensitivity.The development of photonic memristors and their application in photonic computing and emulation on optogeneticsâ modulated artificial synapses are reviewed. Photoactive materials as photosensing and storage media are discussed, considering their opticalâ tunable memory behavior and resistive switching mechanism including photogating and photovoltaic effect. Lightâ involved logic operations, system level integration, and artificial synaptic memristors along with improved learning tasks performance are presented.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153103/1/adom201900766.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153103/2/adom201900766_am.pd

    Critical Discussion of Ex situ and In situ TEM Measurements on Memristive Devices

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    Memristors are promising candidates for new memory technologies and are capable to mimic synapses in artificial neural networks. The switching in memristive devices occurs typically in few nanometer thin dielectric layers. The direct observation of the switching mechanism is crucial for better comprehension and improvements of memristors. Therefore, in situ experiments are conducted in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). However, sample preparation processes and electron beam irradiation can lead to a chemical and structural modification of the active layers. Moreover, devices may show significant device-to-device variability due to the details of processing parameters. Thus, it is essential to characterize the identical device electrically before microstructural analysis

    The Landscape of Compute-near-memory and Compute-in-memory: A Research and Commercial Overview

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    In today's data-centric world, where data fuels numerous application domains, with machine learning at the forefront, handling the enormous volume of data efficiently in terms of time and energy presents a formidable challenge. Conventional computing systems and accelerators are continually being pushed to their limits to stay competitive. In this context, computing near-memory (CNM) and computing-in-memory (CIM) have emerged as potentially game-changing paradigms. This survey introduces the basics of CNM and CIM architectures, including their underlying technologies and working principles. We focus particularly on CIM and CNM architectures that have either been prototyped or commercialized. While surveying the evolving CIM and CNM landscape in academia and industry, we discuss the potential benefits in terms of performance, energy, and cost, along with the challenges associated with these cutting-edge computing paradigms
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