7 research outputs found

    Approaching the Rate-Distortion Limit with Spatial Coupling, Belief propagation and Decimation

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    We investigate an encoding scheme for lossy compression of a binary symmetric source based on simple spatially coupled Low-Density Generator-Matrix codes. The degree of the check nodes is regular and the one of code-bits is Poisson distributed with an average depending on the compression rate. The performance of a low complexity Belief Propagation Guided Decimation algorithm is excellent. The algorithmic rate-distortion curve approaches the optimal curve of the ensemble as the width of the coupling window grows. Moreover, as the check degree grows both curves approach the ultimate Shannon rate-distortion limit. The Belief Propagation Guided Decimation encoder is based on the posterior measure of a binary symmetric test-channel. This measure can be interpreted as a random Gibbs measure at a "temperature" directly related to the "noise level of the test-channel". We investigate the links between the algorithmic performance of the Belief Propagation Guided Decimation encoder and the phase diagram of this Gibbs measure. The phase diagram is investigated thanks to the cavity method of spin glass theory which predicts a number of phase transition thresholds. In particular the dynamical and condensation "phase transition temperatures" (equivalently test-channel noise thresholds) are computed. We observe that: (i) the dynamical temperature of the spatially coupled construction saturates towards the condensation temperature; (ii) for large degrees the condensation temperature approaches the temperature (i.e. noise level) related to the information theoretic Shannon test-channel noise parameter of rate-distortion theory. This provides heuristic insight into the excellent performance of the Belief Propagation Guided Decimation algorithm. The paper contains an introduction to the cavity method

    Cancelamento de interferência em sistemas celulares distribuídos

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaO tema principal desta tese é o problema de cancelamento de interferência para sistemas multi-utilizador, com antenas distribuídas. Como tal, ao iniciar, uma visão geral das principais propriedades de um sistema de antenas distribuídas é apresentada. Esta descrição inclui o estudo analítico do impacto da ligação, dos utilizadores do sistema, a mais antenas distribuídas. Durante essa análise é demonstrado que a propriedade mais importante do sistema para obtenção do ganho máximo, através da ligação de mais antenas de transmissão, é a simetria espacial e que os utilizadores nas fronteiras das células são os mais bene ciados. Tais resultados são comprovados através de simulação. O problema de cancelamento de interferência multi-utilizador é considerado tanto para o caso unidimensional (i.e. sem codi cação) como para o multidimensional (i.e. com codi cação). Para o caso unidimensional um algoritmo de pré-codi cação não-linear é proposto e avaliado, tendo como objectivo a minimização da taxa de erro de bit. Tanto o caso de portadora única como o de multipla-portadora são abordados, bem como o cenário de antenas colocadas e distribuidas. É demonstrado que o esquema proposto pode ser visto como uma extensão do bem conhecido esquema de zeros forçados, cuja desempenho é provado ser um limite inferior para o esquema generalizado. O algoritmo é avaliado, para diferentes cenários, através de simulação, a qual indica desempenho perto do óptimo, com baixa complexidade. Para o caso multi-dimensional um esquema para efectuar "dirty paper coding" binário, tendo como base códigos de dupla camada é proposto. No desenvolvimento deste esquema, a compressão com perdas de informação, é considerada como um subproblema. Resultados de simulação indicam transmissão dedigna proxima do limite de Shannon.This thesis focus on the interference cancellation problem for multiuser distributed antenna systems. As such it starts by giving an overview of the main properties of a distributed antenna system. This overview includes, an analytical investigation of the impact of the connection of additional distributed antennas, to the system users. That analysis shows that the most important system property to reach the maximum gain, with the connection of additional transmit antennas, is spatial symmetry and that the users at the cell borders are the most bene ted. The multiuser interference problem has been considered for both the one dimensional (i.e. without coding) and multidimensional (i.e. with coding) cases. In the unidimensional case, we propose and evaluate a nonlinear precoding algorithm for the minimization of the bit-error-rate, of a multiuser MIMO system. Both the single-carrier and multi-carrier cases are tackled as well as the co-located and distributed scenarios. It is demonstrated that the proposed scheme can be viewed as an extension of the well-known zero-forcing, whose performance is proven to be a lower bound for the generalized scheme. The algorithm was validated extensively through numerical simulations, which indicate a performance close to the optimal, with reduced complexity. For the multi-dimensional case, a binary dirty paper coding scheme, base on bilayer codes, is proposed. In the development of this scheme, we consider the lossy compression of a binary source as a sub-problem. Simulation results indicate reliable transmission close to the Shannon limit

    A source coding scheme using sparse graphs: Modern Coding Theory Course Exam 2008

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    This is the report that submitted towards the final examination evaluation of the doctoral course \textit{Modern Coding theory} by Ruediger Urbanke at EPFL during Spring 2008. The problem studied can be roughly stated as source coding or compression using sparse graphs. We discuss a simple source coding problem and analyze its performance using an analytical tool formulated by \textit{Wormald}, usually employed to describe the expected behaviour of a suitably conditioned stochastic process on graph. A simulation investigation of the chosen scheme is also presented to verify the theoretical analysis

    The Cavity Method in Coding Theory

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    MIMO Systems

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    In recent years, it was realized that the MIMO communication systems seems to be inevitable in accelerated evolution of high data rates applications due to their potential to dramatically increase the spectral efficiency and simultaneously sending individual information to the corresponding users in wireless systems. This book, intends to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of MIMO system, to offer a snapshot of the recent advances and major issues faced today by the researchers in the MIMO related areas. The book is written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world to cover the fundamental principles and main advanced topics on high data rates wireless communications systems over MIMO channels. Moreover, the book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Graph-based techniques for compression and reconstruction of sparse sources

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    The main goal of this thesis is to develop lossless compression schemes for analog and binary sources. All the considered compression schemes have as common feature that the encoder can be represented by a graph, so they can be studied employing tools from modern coding theory. In particular, this thesis is focused on two compression problems: the group testing and the noiseless compressed sensing problems. Although both problems may seem unrelated, in the thesis they are shown to be very close. Furthermore, group testing has the same mathematical formulation as non-linear binary source compression schemes that use the OR operator. In this thesis, the similarities between these problems are exploited. The group testing problem is aimed at identifying the defective subjects of a population with as few tests as possible. Group testing schemes can be divided into two groups: adaptive and non-adaptive group testing schemes. The former schemes generate tests sequentially and exploit the partial decoding results to attempt to reduce the overall number of tests required to label all members of the population, whereas non-adaptive schemes perform all the test in parallel and attempt to label as many subjects as possible. Our contributions to the group testing problem are both theoretical and practical. We propose a novel adaptive scheme aimed to efficiently perform the testing process. Furthermore, we develop tools to predict the performance of both adaptive and non-adaptive schemes when the number of subjects to be tested is large. These tools allow to characterize the performance of adaptive and non-adaptive group testing schemes without simulating them. The goal of the noiseless compressed sensing problem is to retrieve a signal from its lineal projection version in a lower-dimensional space. This can be done only whenever the amount of null components of the original signal is large enough. Compressed sensing deals with the design of sampling schemes and reconstruction algorithms that manage to reconstruct the original signal vector with as few samples as possible. In this thesis we pose the compressed sensing problem within a probabilistic framework, as opposed to the classical compression sensing formulation. Recent results in the state of the art show that this approach is more efficient than the classical one. Our contributions to noiseless compressed sensing are both theoretical and practical. We deduce a necessary and sufficient matrix design condition to guarantee that the reconstruction is lossless. Regarding the design of practical schemes, we propose two novel reconstruction algorithms based on message passing over the sparse representation of the matrix, one of them with very low computational complexity.El objetivo principal de la tesis es el desarrollo de esquemas de compresión sin pérdidas para fuentes analógicas y binarias. Los esquemas analizados tienen en común la representación del compresor mediante un grafo; esto ha permitido emplear en su estudio las herramientas de codificación modernas. Más concretamente la tesis estudia dos problemas de compresión en particular: el diseño de experimentos de testeo comprimido de poblaciones (de sangre, de presencia de elementos contaminantes, secuenciado de ADN, etcétera) y el muestreo comprimido de señales reales en ausencia de ruido. A pesar de que a primera vista parezcan problemas totalmente diferentes, en la tesis mostramos que están muy relacionados. Adicionalmente, el problema de testeo comprimido de poblaciones tiene una formulación matemática idéntica a los códigos de compresión binarios no lineales basados en puertas OR. En la tesis se explotan las similitudes entre todos estos problemas. Existen dos aproximaciones al testeo de poblaciones: el testeo adaptativo y el no adaptativo. El primero realiza los test de forma secuencial y explota los resultados parciales de estos para intentar reducir el número total de test necesarios, mientras que el segundo hace todos los test en bloque e intenta extraer el máximo de datos posibles de los test. Nuestras contribuciones al problema de testeo comprimido han sido tanto teóricas como prácticas. Hemos propuesto un nuevo esquema adaptativo para realizar eficientemente el proceso de testeo. Además hemos desarrollado herramientas que permiten predecir el comportamiento tanto de los esquemas adaptativos como de los esquemas no adaptativos cuando el número de sujetos a testear es elevado. Estas herramientas permiten anticipar las prestaciones de los esquemas de testeo sin necesidad de simularlos. El objetivo del muestreo comprimido es recuperar una señal a partir de su proyección lineal en un espacio de menor dimensión. Esto sólo es posible si se asume que la señal original tiene muchas componentes que son cero. El problema versa sobre el diseño de matrices y algoritmos de reconstrucción que permitan implementar esquemas de muestreo y reconstrucción con un número mínimo de muestras. A diferencia de la formulación clásica de muestreo comprimido, en esta tesis se ha empleado un modelado probabilístico de la señal. Referencias recientes en la literatura demuestran que este enfoque permite conseguir esquemas de compresión y descompresión más eficientes. Nuestras contribuciones en el campo de muestreo comprimido de fuentes analógicas dispersas han sido también teóricas y prácticas. Por un lado, la deducción de la condición necesaria y suficiente que debe garantizar la matriz de muestreo para garantizar que se puede reconstruir unívocamente la secuencia de fuente. Por otro lado, hemos propuesto dos algoritmos, uno de ellos de baja complejidad computacional, que permiten reconstruir la señal original basados en paso de mensajes entre los nodos de la representación gráfica de la matriz de proyección.Postprint (published version