5 research outputs found

    Analysis-driven lossy compression of DNA microarray images

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    DNA microarrays are one of the fastest-growing new technologies in the field of genetic research, and DNA microarray images continue to grow in number and size. Since analysis techniques are under active and ongoing development, storage, transmission and sharing of DNA microarray images need be addressed, with compression playing a significant role. However, existing lossless coding algorithms yield only limited compression performance (compression ratios below 2:1), whereas lossy coding methods may introduce unacceptable distortions in the analysis process. This work introduces a novel Relative Quantizer (RQ), which employs non-uniform quantization intervals designed for improved compression while bounding the impact on the DNA microarray analysis. This quantizer constrains the maximum relative error introduced into quantized imagery, devoting higher precision to pixels critical to the analysis process. For suitable parameter choices, the resulting variations in the DNA microarray analysis are less than half of those inherent to the experimental variability. Experimental results reveal that appropriate analysis can still be performed for average compression ratios exceeding 4.5:1

    Selection of Wavelet Basis Function for Image Compression : a Review

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    Wavelets are being suggested as a platform for various tasks in image processing. The advantage of wavelets lie in its time frequency resolution. The use of different basis functions in the form of different wavelets made the wavelet analysis as a destination for many applications. The performance of a particular technique depends on the wavelet coefficients arrived after applying the wavelet transform. The coefficients for a specific input signal depends on the basis functions used in the wavelet transform. Hence in this paper toward this end, different basis functions and their features are presented. As the image compression task depends on wavelet transform to large extent from few decades, the selection of basis function for image compression should be taken with care. In this paper, the factors influencing the performance of image compression are presented

    Analysis-driven lossy compression of DNA microarray images

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    DNA microarrays are one of the fastest-growing new technologies in the field of genetic research, and DNA microarray images continue to grow in number and size. Since analysis techniques are under active and ongoing development, storage, transmission and sharing of DNA microarray images need be addressed, with compression playing a significant role. However, existing lossless coding algorithms yield only limited compression performance (compression ratios below 2:1), whereas lossy coding methods may introduce unacceptable distortions in the analysis process. This work introduces a novel Relative Quantizer (RQ), which employs non-uniform quantization intervals designed for improved compression while bounding the impact on the DNA microarray analysis. This quantizer constrains the maximum relative error introduced into quantized imagery, devoting higher precision to pixels critical to the analysis process. For suitable parameter choices, the resulting variations in the DNA microarray analysis are less than half of those inherent to the experimental variability. Experimental results reveal that appropriate analysis can still be performed for average compression ratios exceeding 4.5:1

    The stratification potential of a novel epigenetic biomarker in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the joints, that affects 0.5-1% of the population globally. While primarily affecting the joints, systemic inflammation impacts other organs and the disease has a significant socioeconomic burden. While there are a wide range of medications to pharmacologically manage RA, it is a largely heterogeneous disease and the current treatment strategy does not consider the heterogeneity between patients. As such, precision medicine approaches to treatment are desired. A 5-loop chromosome conformation signature (CCS) was identified that had 90% specificity at predicting non-response to methotrexate (MTX) in early RA. These epigenetic biomarkers offer a novel strategy for improving patient care, and provide insight into disease pathogenesis. The aim of the work presented in this thesis was to further characterise this novel epigenetic biomarker. Investigation of this biomarker also offered the opportunity to hypothesise about underlying pathogenesis. A combination of molecular analysis of patient samples, and in-silico methodologies were applied to investigate these aims. In the first instance, the CCS was validated as a biomarker for identifying MTX responders using bioinformatic tools. Preliminary work was also carried out to identify the optimal method for detecting chromosome loops from the signature in the lab. Quantitative PCR was thoroughly explored, but excluded as a reliable and robust method of loop detection for our signature of interest. It was also found that the CCS was MTX specific, and alternative signatures would be required for prediction of response to other csDMARDs. Further validation of the signature, using an independent clinical cohort, revealed that specific loops from the CCS held stratification potential while others did not. In-silico investigations revealed different epigenetic landscapes exist between loops associated with responders and non-responders to MTX. Specifically, data suggests loops associated with responders exist in an environment which enhances gene transcription, while loops associated with non-responders have an environment indicating potential for gene repression. Differences in chromatin architecture, revealed through a discovery microarray, have indicated that 3D epigenetic endotypes exist within the early RA population. Further investigations suggested each endotype have different, unique pathways that are highly regulated. Furthermore, results revealed that there is a stable RA chromatin signature that exists, which highlights the importance of the 3D epigenome underpinning disease. In summation, this body of work has shown CCS to be promising biomarker for the stratification of the early RA population. Furthermore, thorough investigation of this signature highlighted novel pathways that may be involved in disease pathogenesis. This work has exciting potential to contribute to improved RA treatment in the future