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    Impact de l’expérience immersive sur la prise en compte du kansei en design industriel amont

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    In an ever-changing context, the industrial design uses representation as a vector for inspiration and as a tool to operate stylistic choices which in turn enable the shaping of the experience induced by the designed product.This doctoral research presents the comparative study of traditional early design activity and immersive early design activity. This enables the evaluation and modeling of Virtual Kansei Design. My work essentially address the application and experimentation of fundamental theories through the design of two successive tools composing and innovative early design process.• The Immersive Moodboards are spatial immersive inspirational environments dedicated to the understanding of a stylistic trend, designed to substitute and enhance traditional moodboards.• The Immersive sketching is a generational environment enabling the design to position, erase, manipulate… a graphical mark in a three dimensional space planned for the creation of the first ideation sketches.This research aim to develop tools and a digital immersive workflow which first of all enables the design to anticipate Kansei (holistic relationship between the designer/user and the product) in order to optimize strategic style related choices and secondly enhances the fidelity between inspiration and generation while increasing the ability of the designer to produce innovating and aesthetic concepts.Dans un contexte industriel en constante évolution, le designer industriel utilise la représentation comme un vecteur lui permettant de s’inspirer et d’opérer des choix stylistiques afin d’imaginer l’expérience induite par les concepts de produits qu’il développe. Ce travail doctoral présente l'étude comparative entre l'activité de design amont traditionnelle et l'activité de design amont immersive, permettant l'évaluation et la modélisation de l'activité de Kansei Design Virtuel. Mes travaux portent essentiellement sur l'application et l'expérimentation de théories fondamentales à travers la conception de deux outils consécutifs du processus de design:• Les Univers de Tendance sont des environnements inspirationnels spatiaux immersifs dédies à la compréhension d'une tendance stylistique et conçu pour substituer et augmenter le rôle des planches de tendances traditionnelles.• Le Dessin Tridimensionnel Immersif est un environnement générationnel permettant au designer de déposer, effacer, manipuler… un tracé dans l'espace et dédié aux premiers croquis d'idéation.Ces recherches ont pour but de développer des outils et un workflow digital immersif permettant d'une part, d'anticiper le Kansei (relation holistique designer/client-produit) afin d'optimiser les choix stylistiques stratégiques et d'autre part, de maximiser la fidélité de retranscription entre espace d'inspiration et espace de génération tout en augmentant la capacité du designer à produire des concepts esthétiques et innovants

    NeuroArquitectura: nuevas métricas para el diseño arquitectónico a través del uso de neurotecnologías

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La dependencia del entorno lleva a adaptar el espacio a las necesidades. En este sentido, desde que la arquitectura apareciese se han producido sucesivos actos de ordenación del espacio. El resultado es el espacio construido actual. De forma que, al igual que el entorno natural, la arquitectura también tiene importantes efectos en el ser humano. Estos efectos se han abordado a través de diferentes esfuerzos teóricos y prácticos, recibiendo más atención aquellas cuestiones más susceptibles de ser objetivadas. Así, existe un amplio bagaje sobre variados aspectos constructivos que han cristalizado en estándares y normas técnicas. Sin embargo, no son los únicos efectos. También son críticas las cuestiones relacionadas con los efectos sobre el procesamiento y valoración de la información (cognición), y las consecuentes reacciones adaptativas (emoción). Que haya sido sistemáticamente más difícil de estudiar, ha dado lugar a un menor recorrido al respecto. La consciencia sobre esta necesidad, no obstante, no es algo nuevo. La idea de que la dimensión cognitivo-emocional también pueda y deba ser apoyada desde el diseño arquitectónico ha sido foco de reflexiones e investigaciones. Entre ellas, desde: la geometría, la fenomenología del espacio, la geografía de la experiencia, la filosofía, y la psicología; cada una con sus metodologías, de carácter cuantitativo o cualitativo. De alguna forma, estas aproximaciones "tradicionales" se han ido encadenando y combinando para resolver algunos de sus condicionantes específicos. Dilatadamente desarrolladas, ofrecen un cuerpo experimentado para estudiar la dimensión cognitivo-emocional de la arquitectura. Sin embargo, las aproximaciones tradicionales suelen contar con limitaciones derivadas fundamentalmente de dos asuntos: 1) los estímulos presentados; y 2) las evaluaciones empleadas. Por un lado, los estímulos habitualmente empleados son fotografías y vídeos; formatos que carecen de interactividad. Este empobrecimiento de la experiencia puede ser crítico; al diferir la simulación ambiental de la realidad, los resultados también podrían estar distorsionados. Por otro lado, las evaluaciones usualmente se basan en el auto-reporte; sistemas de evaluación que son propensos al sesgo, ya que sólo registran aspectos conscientes de la respuesta humana. Así, la dimensión cognitivo-emocional de la arquitectura requiere ser abarcada desde diferentes perspectivas. La interrelación entre metodologías, especialmente entre las cuantitativas y las cualitativas, puede suponer un avance significativo. De manera más reciente, han surgido nuevas herramientas para aproximarse a la dimensión cognitivo-emocional de la arquitectura. Estas, hasta cierto punto, superan las limitaciones descritas. Lo hacen a través de la incorporación de: 1) estímulos más similares a los espacios reales representados; y 2) evaluaciones más objetivas de la respuesta humana. Así, por un lado, en la actualidad existen formatos para la representación de entornos de manera realista. Por otro lado, la neurociencia y sus tecnologías aplicadas permiten registrar e interpretar las reacciones neurológicas. Sin embargo, sus potenciales no han sido suficientemente explorados en este ámbito de estudio. El objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral es contribuir en la investigación y diseño de la dimensión cognitivo-emocional de la arquitectura, a nivel teórico y práctico. A nivel teórico implicó una revisión bibliográfica, contextualizada y crítica, sobre el estudio cognitivo-emocional de la arquitectura desde una perspectiva amplia, considerando el conjunto de aproximaciones: las tradicionales (o base) y las nuevas. Asimismo, también se abordaron ambas aproximaciones a nivel práctico. En cuanto a las tradicionales, la finalidad fue explorar los beneficios de combinar las metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas más usualmente empleadas. En cuanto a las nuevas, la finalidad fue validar el uso de los actuales sistemas de simulación ambiental y examinar su uso combinado con los sistemas de registro neurofisiológico.[CA] La dependència de l'entorn porta a adaptar l'espai a les necessitats. En aquest sentit, des que l'arquitectura apareguera s'han produït successius actes d'ordenació de l'espai. El resultat és l'espai construït actual. De manera que, igual que l'entorn natural, l'arquitectura també té importants efectes en l'ésser humà. Aquests efectes s'han abordat a través de diferents esforços teòrics i pràctics, rebent més atenció aquelles qüestions més susceptibles de ser objectivades. Així, existeix un ampli bagatge sobre diversos aspectes constructius que han cristal·litzat en estàndards i normes tècniques. No obstant això, no són els únics efectes que té i deu resoldre l'arquitectura. També són crítiques les qüestions relacionades amb els efectes sobre el processament i valoració de la informació (cognició), i les conseqüents reaccions adaptatives (emoció). Que haja sigut sistemàticament més difícil d'estudiar, ha donat lloc a un menor recorregut sobre aquest tema. La consciència sobre aquesta necessitat, no obstant, no és ninguna novetat. La idea que la dimensió cognitiu-emocional també puga i dega ser secundada des del disseny arquitectònic ha sigut focus de reflexions i investigacions. Entre elles, desde de: la geometria, la fenomenologia de l'espai, la geografia de l'experiència, la filosofia i la psicologia; cadascuna amb les seues metodologies, de caràcter quantitatiu o qualitatiu. D'alguna forma, aquestes aproximacions "tradicionals" o "base" s'han anat encadenant i combinant per a resoldre alguns dels seus condicionants específics. Dilatadament desenvolupades, ofereixen un cos experimentat per a estudiar la dimensió cognitiu-emocional de l'arquitectura. No obstant això, les aproximacions tradicionals solen comptar amb limitacions derivades -fonamentalment- de dos assumptes: 1) els estímuls presentats; i 2) les avaluacions emprades. D'una banda, els estímuls habitualment emprats són fotografies i vídeos; formats que manquen d'interactivitat. Aquest empobriment de l'experiència pot ser crític, ja que si la simulació ambiental difereix de la realitat, els resultats també podrien estar distorsionats. D'altra banda, les avaluacions usualment es basen en l'auto-report; sistemes d'avaluació que són propensos al biaix, ja que només registren aspectes conscients de la resposta humana. La dimensió cognitiu-emocional de l'arquitectura requereix ser abordada des de diferents perspectives. Així, la interrelació entre metodologies, especialment entre les quantitatives i les qualitatives, pot suposar un avanç significatiu. D'una manera més recent, han sorgit noves eines per a aproximar-se a la dimensió cognitiu-emocional de l'arquitectura. Aquestes, fins a un cert punt, superen les limitacions descrites. Ho fan a través de la incorporació de: 1) estímuls més similars als espais reals representats; i 2) avaluacions més objectives de la resposta humana. Així, d'una banda, en l'actualitat existeixen formats per a la representació d'entorns de manera realista. D'altra banda, la neurociència i les seues tecnologies aplicades permeten registrar i interpretar les reaccions neurològiques. No obstant això, els seus potencials no han sigut prou explorats en aquest àmbit d'estudi. L’objectiu de la present Tesi Doctoral és contribuir en la investigació i disseny de la dimensió cognitiu-emocional de l’arquitectura, a nivell teòric i pràctic. A nivell teòric va implicar una revisió bibliogràfica, contextualitzada i crítica, sobre l’estudi cognitiu-emocional de l’arquitectura des d’una perspectiva àmplia, considerant el conjunt d’aproximacions: les tradicionals (o base) i les noves. Així mateix, també es van abordar ambdues aproximacions a nivell pràctic. Quant a les tradicionals, la finalitat va ser explorar els beneficis de combinar les metodologies quantitatives i qualitatives més usualment emprades. Quant a les noves, la finalitat va ser validar l’ús dels actuals sistemes de simulació ambiental i examinar el seu ús combinat amb els sistemes de registre neurofisiològic.[EN] Dependence on the environment leads to the adaptation of space to needs. Since the advent of architecture, successive space management activities have taken place. The result is the built environment, our greatest artifact. Like the natural environment, architecture has important effects on humans. These effects have been addressed by different theoretical and practical approaches, with most attention being paid to issues more likely to be objectified. Thus, there exists extensive background on various aspects of construction that have crystallised into technical standards and regulations. However, these are not the only effects that architecture must address. Architectural design triggers brain activation, which raises critical questions about its effects on the processing and assessment of information (cognition) and consequent adaptive reactions (emotion). The fact that the effects of cognition and emotion are systematically difficult to study means that there has been less research in this area. The awareness of the need for more research, however, is not new. The idea that the cognitive-emotional dimension can and should be supported by architectural design has been the focus of earlier thinking and research. The issue has not always been approached from a solely architectural perspective. Among these are geometry, the phenomenology of space, geographical experience, philosophy, and psychology. Each approach has its methodologies, quantitative or qualitative in nature. In various ways, these "traditional" or "base" approaches have been combined to address some of their specific determinants. These approaches offer a developed base from which to study the cognitive-emotional dimension of architecture. However, traditional approaches often have limitations arising, fundamentally, from two issues: (1) the stimuli presented; and (2) the evaluations employed. On the one hand, the stimuli most commonly presented are photographs and videos, formats that lack interactivity. This experiential impoverishment can be critical, as the more that an environmental simulation differs from reality, the greater the chance that any results obtained will be distorted. On the other hand, evaluations are usually based on self-reports, which are prone to bias as they record only conscious human responses. The cognitive-emotional dimension of architecture needs to be approached from different perspectives. Thus, the combination of methodologies, especially the quantitative and qualitative, can provide a significant step forward. In recent times new tools have emerged to address the cognitive-emotional dimension of architecture. These, to some extent, overcome the above-mentioned limitations. They do so by incorporating: 1) stimuli more similar to the actual spaces represented; and 2) more objective assessments of human responses. On the one hand, formats now exist that can present environments realistically. On the other hand, neuroscience and its applied technologies allow researchers to record and interpret neurological reactions. However, their potential has not been sufficiently explored in this field of study. The objective of this doctoral thesis is to contribute to the research and design of the cognitive-emotional dimension of architecture, both on a theoretical and on a practical level. At the theoretical level this involves a bibliographic review, contextualised and critical, of the cognitive-emotional study of architecture from a broad perspective, considering various approaches, the traditional (or base) and new. Both approaches are addressed also on a practical level. The purpose in addressing the traditional approaches is to explore the benefits of combining the most commonly used quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The aim of addressing the new approaches is to validate the environmental simulation systems in current use and examine their operation in combination with neurophysiological measures.Thanks to the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad of Spain (Projects TIN2013-45736-R, BIA2017-86157-R and PRE2018-084051), to the Dirección General de Tráfico - Ministerio del Interior of Spain (Project SPIP2017-02220), and to the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (John Paul Eberhard Fellow 2020).Higuera Trujillo, JL. (2021). NeuroArquitectura: nuevas métricas para el diseño arquitectónico a través del uso de neurotecnologías [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171261TESISPremiadoCompendi

    Traces of emergence: an ontological unification of perception, artefact, and process

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    Objects are part of a complex matrix that contain emergent experiences and meanings. Ernesto Rogers once claimed that if a spoon was examined carefully enough, one could establish how the maker would design a city. While this observation from the great Italian architect may be an over-generalisation, it draws upon an important point – the objects that humans create are reflections of ourselves, our beliefs, our feelings, motivations, and drives. In short, our whole material and emotional culture. The study of design revolves around the dynamics between form, the processes of making and the diverse experiences of object interaction and use – ontologies of artefact emergence that articulate with the complex patterning structures and practices that produce all of material culture. There are two dominant narratives we must consider when examining design as a practice of making. One, as a narrative of form evolution derived principally from a hylomorphic designer-agent ontology1 and the other, as a narrative of making and manufacturing understood through ontologies of matter manipulation. The relationship between the two narratives, this work will argue, presents deep and poorly understood problems with respect to the current taxonomies and ontologies describing advanced manufacturing, limiting the conceptual evolution of design thinking and processes of making and manufacturing. Moreover, this work will argue that pattern and patterning motions is a key meta-concept for understanding design practice that has until this point, received a limited amount of attention. While there are emerging paradigms of research including Industry 4.0 and ‘new materialism’, these have not comprehensively addressed the core disconnect between understanding process and understanding perception. The new materialism mostly explores the making processes of ‘craft’ - which have an important relation to and are indeed antecedents of advanced industrial processes – that do not include the conceptual innovations of advanced process control, CAM for instance. Industry 4.0, while offering interesting insights and innovations in terms of process control does not tend to examine the assumptions that go into forming its conceptual landscape – process ‘optimization’ or defect minimization are for instance seen as by definition, good.Objects are part of a complex matrix that contain emergent experiences and meanings. Ernesto Rogers once claimed that if a spoon was examined carefully enough, one could establish how the maker would design a city. While this observation from the great Italian architect may be an over-generalisation, it draws upon an important point – the objects that humans create are reflections of ourselves, our beliefs, our feelings, motivations, and drives. In short, our whole material and emotional culture. The study of design revolves around the dynamics between form, the processes of making and the diverse experiences of object interaction and use – ontologies of artefact emergence that articulate with the complex patterning structures and practices that produce all of material culture. There are two dominant narratives we must consider when examining design as a practice of making. One, as a narrative of form evolution derived principally from a hylomorphic designer-agent ontology1 and the other, as a narrative of making and manufacturing understood through ontologies of matter manipulation. The relationship between the two narratives, this work will argue, presents deep and poorly understood problems with respect to the current taxonomies and ontologies describing advanced manufacturing, limiting the conceptual evolution of design thinking and processes of making and manufacturing. Moreover, this work will argue that pattern and patterning motions is a key meta-concept for understanding design practice that has until this point, received a limited amount of attention. While there are emerging paradigms of research including Industry 4.0 and ‘new materialism’, these have not comprehensively addressed the core disconnect between understanding process and understanding perception. The new materialism mostly explores the making processes of ‘craft’ - which have an important relation to and are indeed antecedents of advanced industrial processes – that do not include the conceptual innovations of advanced process control, CAM for instance. Industry 4.0, while offering interesting insights and innovations in terms of process control does not tend to examine the assumptions that go into forming its conceptual landscape – process ‘optimization’ or defect minimization are for instance seen as by definition, good

    Improving users' emotional relationships with consumer electronics through enhanced interface design

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    While eager adopters of technology embrace its rapidly changing nature, many others are hesitant or actively resist using any innovative equipment unless they can see a direct benefit. All users can experience negative emotion towards technology, ranging from mild frustration to phobic reactions. These emotions are brought on by both the anxiety and fear of using technology and by poor interface design. Any human-machine interface requires consideration of all the human factors involved as well as the mechanics of the technology. Any physical, physiological and psychological constraints involved in interaction all need to be considered. Two user case studies were conducted to assess the design of myReader, a new low-vision reading aid. A pilot study was conducted primarily to gather information to assist the company in its design of the control panel of the product. However, it also provided an opportunity to test methods for the more in-depth study. This main study provided further information for the company to refine the design and quantified the benefits of the new system over the old, through performance measures of reading speed and comprehension and subjective measures such as a physical comfort rating. The main study also provided a platform to investigate areas of product design that occasion negative reactions and improve user's emotional relationship through enhanced interface design. The results of both the pilot study and the main study clearly illustrate that overall myReader offers a more pleasurable reading experience than existing closed circuit television (CCTV) technology. The user group appears to be more accepting of innovative technology when they can see it will improve their quality of life. The myReader unit takes a little longer to learn how to use than CCTVs but given the increased functionality this is not unexpected. An overall increase in reading speed was evident with myReader. However, experts had a slight but statistically insignificant decrease in reading speed, perhaps due to a negative transfer of skills. Comprehension was unaffected by the scrolling text and faster reading speeds, indicating there is no speed-accuracy trade off. The increasing reading speed over time suggests that further improvement in performance is likely with practice. Many of the physical requirements of CCTVs are reduced in myReader and participants reported less fatigue. Areas of the design that could be altered to improve the emotional relationship users have with the product are discussed. Early identification and elimination of design aspects that induce negative emotional responses can improve the emotional relationship with electronic products such as low-vision reading aids

    Emotions in archetypal media content

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    Emotion is an intriguing and mysterious psychological phenomenon. While everyone seems to know what it is, researchers have not yet come to consensus on its definition, and many questions still remain unanswered. While the nature of emotion is yet to discover, the design community has noticed is importance, and poses the challenge of how emotion could inform design. We see the necessity to follow the state of the art in psychology and initiate the undertaking by exploring the emotional qualities in various types of media content. The first part of this thesis aims at constructing a theoretical framework. Recent years have seen empirical studies suggest that emotion could be unconscious. While this is to be further justified, scientists are motivated to reconsider current theories of emotion to account for this phenomenon. In light of this, we integrate these studies about unconscious emotion into our literature review. An overview from theory to practice is illustrated to provide a reference for viewing the current states in application domains, such as affective computing and emotional design. This review offers a holistic understanding about emotion from various perspectives, which allow us to look for new directions in future studies. Based on our review, we see a promising direction by applying psychoanalysis methods to analyze the media content as affective stimuli, and these stimuli can be evaluated by using quantitative measures to investigate the connection between the content and the corresponding emotions. The analysis on the media content is based on a psychoanalysis theory¿the theory of archetypes¿proposed by Carl Jung. He argues that there exists a universal pattern in humans¿ unconscious thoughts, which can be manifested as symbolic content in various forms of narratives, such as myth and fairy tales. Today, this archetypal symbolic content can be seen in modern media, particularly in movies. By applying the Jungian approach, we analyzed the symbolic meaning in movie scenes and edit these feature scenes into a collection of archetypal media content, which serve as the experimental materials for later explorations. In the second part of this thesis, we present three experimental studies that aim at determining if archetypal media content can be differentiated based on emotional responses. We adopted the psychoanalytical approach described earlier to collect feature scenes in movies as archetypal media content. Meanwhile, affective stimuli of explicit emotions are also included as benchmarks for comparison, such as sadness and joy. Self-reports and physiological signals are both adopted for measuring emotional responses. These three studies follow similar experimental design: presenting stimuli and measuring emotion concurrently. The results of these studies confirm that emotions induced by archetypal content are different from explicit emotions, and the statistical analysis further indicate that the predictive model obtained from physiological signals outperforms the model generated from self-reports while viewing archetypal media content. These results, however, are opposite to the results gained from affective stimuli of explicit emotions, leading us to the conclusion that archetypal media content might induce unconscious emotions, and physiological signals are more effective than self-reports for recognizing emotions induced by archetypal media content.La emoción es un fenómeno psicológico intrigante y misterioso. Aunque todo el mundo parece saber lo que es, los investigadores aún no han llegado a un consenso sobre su definición, y todavía quedan muchas preguntas sin respuesta. Si bien la naturaleza de las emociones está aún por descubrir, la comunidad de profesionales del diseño ha entendido su importancia, y se plantea el desafío de interrelacionar ambos mundos, explorando de las cualidades emocionales en diversos tipos de contenido en medios de comunicación. La primera parte de esta tesis tiene como objetivo la construcción de un marco teórico. Recientemente se han realizado estudios empíricos que sugieren que las emociones puede ser inconscientes. Si bien esto debe justificarse mejor, los científicos están motivados a reconsiderar las teorías actuales de la emoción para explicar este fenómeno. En vista de ello, integramos estos estudios sobre las emociones inconscientes en nuestra revisión de referencias bibliográficas incluyendo dominios de aplicación recientes, tales como la Computación Afectiva y el Diseño Emocional. Una dirección prometedora de investigación se basa en la aplicación de métodos del psicoanálisis para analizar contenidos multimedia como estímulos afectivos, y estos estímulos pueden ser evaluados mediante el uso de medidas cuantitativas para investigar la conexión entre el contenido y las emociones correspondientes. Este análisis se basa en la teoría de los arquetipos propuesto por el psicólogo Carl Jung. El autor sostiene que existe una patrón universal en los pensamientos inconscientes de los personas, que puede manifestarse como un símbolo contenido en las diversas formas de narrativas, como en los mitos y los cuentos de hadas. Hoy en día, estos arquetipos de contenido simbólico se puede ver frecuentemente en los contenidos multimedia modernos, sobre todo en las películas. Mediante la aplicación del enfoque de Jung, analizamos el significado simbólico en escenas de películas seleccionando las correspondientes a diversos arquetipos, que servirá como material experimental para exploraciones posteriores. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, se presentan tres estudios experimentales que apuntan a determinar si el contenido multimedia arquetípico puede diferenciarse en base a respuestas emocionales. Con el enfoque psicoanalítico descrito anteriormente para los arquetipos, también se incluye los estímulos afectivos de emociones explícitas son como puntos de referencia para la comparación, como la tristeza y la alegría. Se realizan auto-informes y se miden señales fisiológicas para la determinación de las respuestas emocionales en todos los experimentos realizados. Los resultados de estos estudios confirman que las emociones inducidas por arquetipos son diferentes de las emociones explícitas, y el análisis estadístico indica además que el modelo predictivo obtenido a partir de señales fisiológicas supera el modelo generado por los auto-informes durante la visualización de contenidos multimedia arquetípicos. Estos resultados, sin embargo, son opuestos a los resultados obtenidos a partir de los estímulos afectivos de emociones explícitas, llevándonos a la conclusión de que los contenidos de los medios arquetípicos podría inducir emociones inconscientes, y que las señales fisiológicas son más eficaces que los auto informes para el reconocimiento de las emociones inducidas por el contenido de medios arquetípico. En la tercera parte de esta tesis, exploramos cómo los contenidos arquetípicos podrían utilizarse para diseñar contenido multimedia mediante "mood boards". Se realizaron dos estudios con diseñadores para responder a la pregunta de investigación de si es posible generar contenido emocionalmente rico a través de la generación automática de contenido arquetípico por "mood boards" en comparación con el contenido multimedia no arquetípico

    Not Only WEIRD but "Uncanny"? A Systematic Review of Diversity in Human-Robot Interaction Research

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    Critical voices within and beyond the scientific community have pointed to a grave matter of concern regarding who is included in research and who is not. Subsequent investigations have revealed an extensive form of sampling bias across a broad range of disciplines that conduct human subjects research called "WEIRD": Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich, and Democratic. Recent work has indicated that this pattern exists within human-computer interaction (HCI) research, as well. How then does human-robot interaction (HRI) fare? And could there be other patterns of sampling bias at play, perhaps those especially relevant to this field of study? We conducted a systematic review of the premier ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (2006-2022) to discover whether and how WEIRD HRI research is. Importantly, we expanded our purview to other factors of representation highlighted by critical work on inclusion and intersectionality as potentially underreported, overlooked, and even marginalized factors of human diversity. Findings from 827 studies across 749 papers confirm that participants in HRI research also tend to be drawn from WEIRD populations. Moreover, we find evidence of limited, obscured, and possible misrepresentation in participant sampling and reporting along key axes of diversity: sex and gender, race and ethnicity, age, sexuality and family configuration, disability, body type, ideology, and domain expertise. We discuss methodological and ethical implications for recruitment, analysis, and reporting, as well as the significance for HRI as a base of knowledge.Comment: Published at IJSR/SORO, Int J of Soc Robotics (2023

    Design strategies for the exploration of product meaning in meaning-driven innovation

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    Design has been framed as a driver of innovation through product meaning, but it falls short when it comes to dedicated knowledge and methods directly applicable into design practices. Structured by Design Research Methodology (DRM) (Blessing and Chakrabarti 2009), this thesis combines exploratory research with practice-based design research. This thesis presents a literature review covering design studies, psychology, cognitive semantics, linguistics, marketing, innovation management and new product development. Together combined these have been used to develop a new framework of ‘product meaning’ consisting of 4 definitions: meaning as conceptualisation, as importance, as intention, and as representation. The framework has been used to demonstrate that different types of meaning are utilised throughout different stages of product development. Meaning as conceptualisation is identified as fundamental, and the most suitable, for design practice engaged in product meaning innovation. Three strategies of innovation of product meaning through product re-purposing are identified. Furthermore, from the field of cognitive science, theories and methods such as concept categorisation, thematic roles and conceptual blending are used as analysis tools for the selected 6 examples of innovative new meaning products. The structure of meaning innovations has been identified to consist of seven distinctive elements. Ten common characteristics of new meaning innovations are identified and, additionally, an exploratory method of current meanings of products is presented. Moreover, through engagement in practice-based design research a new meaning-driven design process has been developed. The findings from this research have been combined into a new design platform for an approach to meaning innovation and evaluated with experienced designers.</div

    Product design methodology supporting aesthetic evaluation

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    Based on the fundamentals of visual art and function, this research has developed a product design methodology capable of quantification of the aesthetic qualities and proposing objective solutions to enhance the appearance related variables and characteristics of a product. The objective evaluation has been done via analysis of involuntary responses using eye-tracking data based on the visual perceiving process of design. The result confirmed the reliability of the methodology by generating constant results and a good match between the measured values and declared preference. In addition, the aesthetic enhancement methods based on quantified metrics with the sample designs have been provided. The result of the research suggests that eye-tracking technology is a reliable tool in aesthetic evaluation and has potential for further development