894 research outputs found

    Neurosurgical Applications of Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging

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    Magnetic Resonance (MR) Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is a rapidly evolving technology that enables the visualization of neural fiber bundles, or white matter (WM) tracts. There are numerous neurosurgical applications for MR DTI including: (1) Tumor grading and staging; (2) Pre-surgical planning (determination of resectability, determination of surgical approach, identification of WM tracts at risk); (3) Intraoperative navigation (tumor resection that spares WM damage, epilepsy resection that spares WM damage, accurate location of deep brain stimulation structures); (4) Post-operative assessment and monitoring (identification of WM damage, identification of tumor recurrence). Limitations of MR DTI include difficulty tracking small and crossing WM tracts, lack of standardized data acquisition and post-processing techniques, and practical equipment, software, and timing considerations. Overall, MR DTI is a useful tool for planning, performing, and following neurosurgical procedures, and has the potential to significantly improve patient care. Technological improvements and increased familiarity with DTI among clinicians are next steps

    Recovery of long-term paresis following resection of WHO grade II gliomas infiltrating the pyramidal pathway

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    Recent publications had reported high rates of preoperative neurological impairments in WHO grade II gliomas (GIIG) that significantly affect the quality of life. Consequently, one step further in the analysis of surgical outcome in GIIG is to evaluate if surgery is capable to improve preoperative deficits. Here are reported two cases of GIIG infiltrating the primary motor cortex and pyramidal pathway that had a long-term paresis before surgery. Both patients were operated with intraoperative electrical stimulation mapping, with identification and preservation of the primary motor cortex and pyramidal tract. Despite the long-lasting paresis, both cases had a significant improvement of motor function after surgery. Knowledge of this potential recovery before surgery is of major significance for planning the surgical strategy in GIIG. Two possible predictors of motor recovery were analyzed: 1) reconstruction of the corticospinal tract with diffusion tensor imaging tractography is indicative of anatomo-functional integrity, despite tract deviation and infiltration; 2) intraoperative identification of motor response by electrostimulation confirms the presence of an intact peritumoral tract. Thus, resection should stop at this boundary even in cases of long lasting preoperative hemiplegia

    Role of Neuroimaging in Brain Radiosurgery

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    Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Pediatric Brain Tumor Patients

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    In this dissertation, we outline our efforts to introduce an advanced MRI imaging technique called Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) to the pediatric brain tumor population. We discuss the theory and application of DTI as it was performed in a series of translational investigations at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. We present evidence of how the introduction of this technique impacted diagnosis, and treatment. And finally, we demonstrate how DTI was used to investigate cognitive morbidities associated with cancer treatment and how this research provided insight into the underlying pathophysiology involved in the development of these treatment sequela. This research has generated important insights into the fundamental causes of neuroanatomical and cognitive deficits associated with cancer and cancer therapy. The use of DTI has permitted us to identify potential targets for improved radiological and surgical techniques as well as targets for pharmacological and behavioral interventions that might improve cognitive function in cancer survivors. The discoveries here afford us an opportunity to reduce the negative effects of cancer therapy on patients treated in the future while maintaining successful survival rates

    Quantification of white matter fibre pathways disruption in frontal transcortical approach to the lateral ventricle or the interventricular foramen in diffusion tensor tractography

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    Pathologies occupying the interventricular foramen (foramen of Monro — FM) or the anterior part of lateral ventricle (LV) are accessed by the transcortical or transcallosal route. As severing of rostral corpus callosum has been deemed inferior to cortical incision, the approaches through various points of frontal lobe have been developed. Superior (F1), middle (F2) frontal gyrus or occasionally superior frontal sulcus are used as an entry of neurosurgical corridor. In spite of the fact that every approach to LV or FM causes its characteristic irreversible damage to white matter, to date all of transcortical routes are regarded as equivalent. The current study compared the damage of main neural bundles between virtualtrans-F1 and trans-F2 corridors by means of diffusion tensor tractography method (DTT) in 11 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams from clinical series (22 hemispheres, regardless of dominance). Corpus callosum, cingulum, subdivisions I and II of superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF I and SLF II), corticoreticular as well as pyramidal tracts crossing both approaches were subjected to surgical violation. Both approaches served a similar total number of fibres (0.94 to 1.78 [× 103]).Trans-F1 route caused significantly greater damage of total white matter volume(F1: 8.26 vs. F2: 7.16 mL), percentage of SLF I fibres (F1: 78.6% vs. F2: 28.6%)and cingulum (F1: 49.4% vs. F2: 10.6%), whereas trans-F2 route interrupted morecorticoreticular fibres (F1: 4.5% vs. F2: 30.7%). Pyramidal tract (F1: 0.6% vs. F2:1.3%) and SLF II (F1: 15.9% vs. F2: 26.2%) were marginally more vulnerable incase of the access via middle frontal gyrus. Both approaches destroyed 7% of callosal fibres. Summarising the above DTT findings, trans-F2 route disrupted a greater number of fibres from eloquent neural bundles (SLF II, pyramidal and corticoreticular tracts), therefore is regarded as inferior to trans-F1 one. Due to lack of up-to-date guidelines with recommendations of the approaches to LV or FM, an individual preoperative planning based on DTT should precede a surgery

    On the Reliability of Diffusion Neuroimaging

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    Over the last years, diffusion imaging techniques like DTI, DSI or Q-Ball received increasin

    Is Diffusion Tensor Imaging-Guided Radiotherapy the New State-of-the-Art? A Review of the Current Literature and Technical Insights

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    Despite the increasing precision of radiotherapy delivery, it is still frequently associated with neurological complications. This is in part due to damage to eloquent white matter (WM) tracts, which is made more likely by the fact they cannot be visualised on standard structural imaging. WM is additionally more vulnerable than grey matter to radiation damage. Primary brain malignancies also are known to spread along the WM. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is the only in vivo method of delineating WM tracts. DTI is an imaging technique that models the direction of diffusion and therefore can infer the orientation of WM fibres. This review article evaluates the current evidence for using DTI to guide intracranial radiotherapy and whether it constitutes a new state-of-the-art technique. We provide a basic overview of DTI and its known applications in radiotherapy, which include using tractography to reduce the radiation dose to eloquent WM tracts and using DTI to detect or predict tumoural spread. We evaluate the evidence for DTI-guided radiotherapy in gliomas, metastatic disease, and benign conditions, finding that the strongest evidence is for its use in arteriovenous malformations. However, the evidence is weak in other conditions due to a lack of case-controlled trials

    Advanced Application of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging

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    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has become a standard procedure in clinical routine as well as research as it enables the reconstruction and visualization of fiber tracts in the human brain. Due to the simplified assumption the tensor model – a Gaussian distribution of the diffusion – it typically fails to provide neither accurate spatial mapping nor quantification of crossing or kissing fibers. A clinically feasible development might be diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI), an extension of DTI also integrating non-Gaussian distribution diffusion processes and thereby shall overcome some of its limitations. The potential DKI will be evaluated in case of the detection of the interhemispheric asymmetry of the white matter in healthy volunteers (n = 20), as well as the analysis of tumor-related impairments of fiber tracts and their correlation with neurological deficits in patients (n = 13) diagnosed with glioma. In order to analyze interhemispheric asymmetry across the whole brain, especially of nine large fiber tracts, tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) analysis was performed using DTI- and DKI-based parameters, a laterality index was calculated for asymmetries and DTI- and DKI-based results were compared. With regard to fractional anisotropy as marker of integrity, asymmetry was found for all nine fiber tracts based on DTI and seven tracts based on DKI. For mean diffusivity, asymmetries were found for three (DTI) and two (DKI) fiber tracts. Regarding mean kurtosis, asymmetry was found in one tract. The interhemispheric asymmetry thereby varied in anatomical location as well as in cluster size. Only small parts of the tracts were affected. A comparison of DTI and DKI showed significantly higher fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity based on DKI compared to DTI. Gender and handedness did not seem to have any influence. For the assessment of tumor-related changes of fiber tracts in patients diagnosed with glioma, especially in relation to pre-existing and postoperative neurological deficits (hemiparesis, aphasia), templates for the corticospinal tract and the arcuate fasciculus were created based on DTI- and DKI-derived parameters, respectively. The corticospinal tract and the arcuate fasciculus were reconstructed for each patient and the associated parametric maps were projected onto the templates. Based on this, alterations along the tracts could be identified and quantified. Alterations were found on fiber tracts regardless of the spatial proximity to the lesion. There was a correlation between alterations based on fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity and mean kurtosis. Increased mean diffusivity was associated with alteration in mean kurtosis, a decreased fractional anisotropy was found concurrent with a likewise decreased mean kurtosis. In the case of pre-existing neurological deficits (hemiparesis, aphasia) with regard to the changes along the fiber tracts (corticospinal tract, left arcuate fasciculus), most often increased mean diffusivity and altered mean kurtosis was found. Applying this pattern for prediction of corresponding postoperative neurological deficits a sensitivity of 75.0% and a specificity of 87.5% was achieved. DKI seems to more precisely estimated and depict the underlying microstructure in comparison to DTI. Thereby, in pathological cases especially the mean kurtosis seems to be of special interest. A combination of DTI- and DKI based parameters, particularly with regard to its clinical usability and value, offers great potential in clinical routine
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