37 research outputs found

    On the Mathematical Theory of Ensemble (Linear-Gaussian) Kalman-Bucy Filtering

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    The purpose of this review is to present a comprehensive overview of the theory of ensemble Kalman-Bucy filtering for linear-Gaussian signal models. We present a system of equations that describe the flow of individual particles and the flow of the sample covariance and the sample mean in continuous-time ensemble filtering. We consider these equations and their characteristics in a number of popular ensemble Kalman filtering variants. Given these equations, we study their asymptotic convergence to the optimal Bayesian filter. We also study in detail some non-asymptotic time-uniform fluctuation, stability, and contraction results on the sample covariance and sample mean (or sample error track). We focus on testable signal/observation model conditions, and we accommodate fully unstable (latent) signal models. We discuss the relevance and importance of these results in characterising the filter's behaviour, e.g. it's signal tracking performance, and we contrast these results with those in classical studies of stability in Kalman-Bucy filtering. We provide intuition for how these results extend to nonlinear signal models and comment on their consequence on some typical filter behaviours seen in practice, e.g. catastrophic divergence

    Thermophysical modelling and parameter estimation of small solar system bodies via data assimilation

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    Deriving thermophysical properties such as thermal inertia from thermal infrared observations provides useful insights into the structure of the surface material on planetary bodies. The estimation of these properties is usually done by fitting temperature variations calculated by thermophysical models to infrared observations. For multiple free model parameters, traditional methods such as Least-Squares fitting or Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo methods become computationally too expensive. Consequently, the simultaneous estimation of several thermophysical parameters together with their corresponding uncertainties and correlations is often not computationally feasible and the analysis is usually reduced to fitting one or two parameters. Data assimilation methods have been shown to be robust while sufficiently accurate and computationally affordable even for a large number of parameters. This paper will introduce a standard sequential data assimilation method, the Ensemble Square Root Filter, to thermophysical modelling of asteroid surfaces. This method is used to re-analyse infrared observations of the MARA instrument, which measured the diurnal temperature variation of a single boulder on the surface of near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu. The thermal inertia is estimated to be 295±18295 \pm 18 J m−2 K−1 s−1/2\mathrm{J\,m^{-2}\,K^{-1}\,s^{-1/2}}, while all five free parameters of the initial analysis are varied and estimated simultaneously. Based on this thermal inertia estimate the thermal conductivity of the boulder is estimated to be between 0.07 and 0.12 W m−1 K−1\mathrm{W\,m^{-1}\,K^{-1}} and the porosity to be between 0.30 and 0.52. For the first time in thermophysical parameter derivation, correlations and uncertainties of all free model parameters are incorporated in the estimation procedure which is more than 5000 times more efficient than a comparable parameter sweep

    Ensemble Kalman Methods: A Mean Field Perspective

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    This paper provides a unifying mean field based framework for the derivation and analysis of ensemble Kalman methods. Both state estimation and parameter estimation problems are considered, and formulations in both discrete and continuous time are employed. For state estimation problems both the control and filtering approaches are studied; analogously, for parameter estimation (inverse) problems the optimization and Bayesian perspectives are both studied. The approach taken unifies a wide-ranging literature in the field, provides a framework for analysis of ensemble Kalman methods, and suggests open problems

    DATeS: a highly extensible data assimilation testing suite v1.0

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    A flexible and highly extensible data assimilation testing suite, named DATeS, is described in this paper. DATeS aims to offer a unified testing environment that allows researchers to compare different data assimilation methodologies and understand their performance in various settings. The core of DATeS is implemented in Python and takes advantage of its object-oriented capabilities. The main components of the package (the numerical models, the data assimilation algorithms, the linear algebra solvers, and the time discretization routines) are independent of each other, which offers great flexibility to configure data assimilation applications. DATeS can interface easily with large third-party numerical models written in Fortran or in C, and with a plethora of external solvers.</p