664 research outputs found

    A Novel 3D Indoor Node Localization Technique Using Weighted Least Square Estimation with Oppositional Beetle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    Due to the familiarity of smart devices and the advancements of mobile Internet, there is a significant need to design an effective indoor localization system. Indoor localization is one of the recent technologies of location-based services (LBS), plays a vital role in commercial and civilian industries. It finds useful in public security, disaster management, and positioning navigation. Several research works have concentrated on the design of accurate 2D indoor localization techniques. Since the 3D indoor localization techniques offer numerous benefits, this paper presents a Novel 3D Indoor Node Localization Technique using Oppositional Beetle Swarm Optimization with Weighted Least Square Estimation (OBSO-WLSE) algorithm. The proposed OBSO-WLSE algorithm aims to improvise the localization accuracy with reduced computational time. Here, the OBSO algorithm is employed for estimating the initial locations of the target that results in the elimination of NLOS error. With respect to the initial location by OBSO technique, the WLSE technique performs iterated computations rapidly to determine the precise final location of the target. To improve the efficiency of the OBSO technique, the concept of oppositional based learning (OBL) is integrated into the traditional BSO algorithm. A number of simulations were run to test the model's accuracy, and the results were analyzed using a variety of metrics

    A Novel 3D Indoor Node Localization Technique Using Weighted Least Square Estimation with Oppositional Beetle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    Due to the familiarity of smart devices and the advancements of mobile Internet, there is a significant need to design an effective indoor localization system. Indoor localization is one of the recent technologies of location-based services (LBS), plays a vital role in commercial and civilian industries. It finds useful in public security, disaster management, and positioning navigation. Several research works have concentrated on the design of accurate 2D indoor localization techniques. Since the 3D indoor localization techniques offer numerous benefits, this paper presents a Novel 3D Indoor Node Localization Technique using Oppositional Beetle Swarm Optimization with Weighted Least Square Estimation (OBSO-WLSE) algorithm. The proposed OBSO-WLSE algorithm aims to improvise the localization accuracy with reduced computational time. Here, the OBSO algorithm is employed for estimating the initial locations of the target that results in the elimination of NLOS error. With respect to the initial location by OBSO technique, the WLSE technique performs iterated computations rapidly to determine the precise final location of the target. To improve the efficiency of the OBSO technique, the concept of oppositional based learning (OBL) is integrated into the traditional BSO algorithm. A number of simulations were run to test the model's accuracy, and the results were analyzed using a variety of metrics

    Enhancing Indoor Localisation: a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacon Placement approach

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    Indoor location-based services have become increasingly vital in various sectors, including industries, healthcare, airports, and crowded infrastructures, facilitating asset tracking and user navigation. This project addresses the critical challenge of optimising beacon placement for indoor location, employing Bluetooth technology as the communication protocol. The significance of this research lies in the effi ciency and accuracy that an optimised beacon layout can provide, enhancing the effectiveness of indoor positioning systems. The algorithm developed takes into con sideration materials attenuation, coverage and Line of Sight (LOS) conditions to optimise its layouts. Experimental validation of the algorithm’s performance was conducted by comparing two beacon layouts: one optimised by the algorithm and the other manually arranged by individuals with empirical knowledge in the field. The experiment considered three distinct positions within the schematic, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of the optimised layout’s superior performance. The results of this research offer insights into the potential of the algorithm to revolu tionise indoor location services, providing a more reliable and cost-effective solution for a multitude of applications.Os serviços de localização em ambientes internos tornaram-se cada vez mais essenciais em vários setores, incluindo indústrias, cuidados de saúde, aeroportos e infraestruturas movimentadas, facilitando o rastreamento de objetos e a navegação de utilizadores. Este projeto aborda o desafio crítico da otimização da colocação de beacons para localização em ambientes internos, utilizando a tecnologia Bluetooth como protocolo de comunicação. A importância desta pesquisa reside na eficiência e precisão que uma disposição otimizada de beacons pode proporcionar, melhorando a eficácia de sistemas de posicionamento em ambientes internos. O algoritmo desenvolvido leva em consideração a atenuação de materiais, a cobertura e as condições de visão direta para otimizar as suas disposições. A validação experimental do desempenho do algoritmo foi realizada ao comparar duas disposições de beacons: uma otimizada pelo algoritmo e outra organizada manualmente por indivíduos com conhecimento empírico na área. A experiência considerou três posições distintas no esquema, permitindo uma avaliação abrangente do desempenho superior da disposição otimizada. Os resultados desta pesquisa oferecem descobertas importantes sobre o potencial do algoritmo para revolucionar os serviços de localização em ambientes internos, proporcionando uma solução mais confiável e econômica para uma variedade de aplicações

    Geometric sensitivity of beacon placement using airborne mobile anchors

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    Locating fixed sensing devices with a mobile anchor is attractive for covering larger deployment areas. However, the performance sensitivity to the geometric arrangement of anchor beacon positions remains unexplored. Therefore, localization using new RSSI-based localization algorithm, which uses a volumetric probability distribution function is proposed to find the most likely position of a node by information fusion from several mobile beacon radio packets to reduce error over deterministic approaches. This paper presents the guidelines of beacon selection that leads to design the most suitable trajectory, as a trade-off between the energy costs of travelling and transmitting the beacons versus the localization accuracy

    Indoor navigation systems based on data mining techniques in internet of things: a survey

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    © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Internet of Things (IoT) is turning into an essential part of daily life, and numerous IoT-based scenarios will be seen in future of modern cities ranging from small indoor situations to huge outdoor environments. In this era, navigation continues to be a crucial element in both outdoor and indoor environments, and many solutions have been provided in both cases. On the other side, recent smart objects have produced a substantial amount of various data which demands sophisticated data mining solutions to cope with them. This paper presents a detailed review of previous studies on using data mining techniques in indoor navigation systems for the loT scenarios. We aim to understand what type of navigation problems exist in different IoT scenarios with a focus on indoor environments and later on we investigate how data mining solutions can provide solutions on those challenges

    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies

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    Despite the enormous technical progress seen in the past few years, the maturity of indoor localization technologies has not yet reached the level of GNSS solutions. The 23 selected papers in this book present the recent advances and new developments in indoor localization systems and technologies, propose novel or improved methods with increased performance, provide insight into various aspects of quality control, and also introduce some unorthodox positioning methods

    Location estimation and collective inference in indoor spaces using smartphones

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    In the last decade, indoor localization-based smart, innovative services have become very popular in public spaces (retail spaces, malls, museums, and warehouses). We have state-of-art RSSI techniques to more accurate CSI techniques to infer indoor location. Since the past year, the pandemic has raised an important challenge of determining if a pair of individuals are ``social-distancing,'' separated by more than 6ft. Most solutions have used `presence'-if one device can hear another--- which is a poor proxy for distance since devices can be heard well beyond 6 ft social distancing radius and across aisles and walls. Here we ask the key question: what needs to be added to our current indoor localization solutions to deploy them towards scenarios like reliable contact tracing solutions easily. And we identified three main limitations---deployability, accuracy, and privacy. Location solutions need to deploy on ubiquitous devices like smartphones. They should be accurate under different environmental conditions. The solutions need to respect a person's privacy settings. Our main contributions are twofold -a new statistical feature for localization, Packet Reception Probability (PRP) which correlates with distance and is different from other physical measures of distance like CSI or RSSI. PRP can easily deploy on smartphones (unlike CSI) and is more accurate than RSSI. Second, we develop a crowd tool to audit the level of location surveillance in space which is the first step towards achieving privacy. Specifically, we first solve a location estimation problem with the help of infrastructure devices (mainly Bluetooth Low Energy or BLE devices). BLE has turned out to be a key contact tracing technology during the pandemic. We have identified three fundamental limitations with BLE RSSI---biased RSSI Estimates due to packet loss, mean RSSI de-correlated with distance due to high packet loss in BLE, and well-known multipath effects. We built the new localization feature, Packet Reception Probability (PRP), to solve the packet loss problem in RSSI. PRP measures the probability that a receiver successfully receives packets from the transmitter. We have shown through empirical experiments that PRP encodes distance. We also incorporated a new stack-based model of multipath in our framework. We have evaluated B-PRP in two real-world public places, an academic library setting and a real-world retail store. PRP gives significantly lower errors than RSSI. Fusion of PRP and RSSI further improves the overall localization accuracy over PRP. Next, we solved a peer-to-peer distance estimation problem that uses minimal infrastructure. Most apps like aarogya setu, bluetrace have solved peer-to-peer distances through the presence of Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) signals. Apps that rely on pairwise measurements like RSSI suffer from latent factors like device relative positioning on the human body, the orientation of the people carrying the devices, and the environmental multipath effect. We have proposed two solutions in this work---using known distances and collaboration to solve distances more robustly. First, if we have a few infrastructure devices installed at known locations in an environment, we can make more measurements with the devices. We can also use the known distances between the devices to constrain the unknown distances in a triangle inequality framework. Second, in an outdoor environment where we cannot install infrastructure devices, we can collaborate between people to jointly constrain many unknown distances. Finally, we solve a collaborative tracking estimation problem where people audit the properties of localization infrastructure. While people want services, they do not want to be surveilled. Further, people using an indoor location system do not know the current surveillance level. The granularity of the location information that the system collects about people depends on the nature of the infrastructure. Our system, the CrowdEstimator, provides a tool to people to harness their collective power and collect traces for inferring the level of surveillance. We further propose the insight that surveillance is not a single number, instead of a spatial map. We introduce active learning algorithms to infer all parts of the spatial map with uniform accuracy. Auditing the location infrastructure is the first step towards achieving the bigger goal of declarative privacy, where a person can specify their comfortable level of surveillance

    Senseable Spaces: from a theoretical perspective to the application in augmented environments

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    openGrazie all’ enorme diffusione di dispositivi senzienti nella vita di tutti i giorni, nell’ ultimo decennio abbiamo assistito ad un cambio definitivo nel modo in cui gli utenti interagiscono con lo spazio circostante. Viene coniato il termine Spazio Sensibile, per descrivere quegli spazi in grado di fornire servizi contestuali agli utenti, misurando e analizzando le dinamiche che in esso avvengono, e di reagire conseguentemente a questo continuo flusso di dati bidirezionale. La ricerca è stata condotta abbracciando diversi domini di applicazione, le cui singole esigenze hanno reso necessario testare il concetto di Spazi Sensibili in diverse declinazioni, mantenendo al centro della ricerca l’utente, con la duplice accezione di end-user e manager. Molteplici sono i contributi rispetto allo stato dell’ arte. Il concetto di Spazio Sensibile è stato calato nel settore dei Beni Culturali, degli Spazi Pubblici, delle Geosciences e del Retail. I casi studio nei musei e nella archeologia dimostrano come l’ utilizzo della Realtà Aumentata possa essere sfruttata di fronte a un dipinto o in outdoor per la visualizzazione di modelli complessi, In ambito urbano, il monitoraggio di dati generati dagli utenti ha consentito di capire le dinamiche di un evento di massa, durante il quale le stesse persone fruivano di servizi contestuali. Una innovativa applicazione di Realtà Aumentata è stata come servizio per facilitare l’ ispezione di fasce tampone lungo i fiumi, standardizzando flussi di dati e modelli provenienti da un Sistema Informativo Territoriale. Infine, un robusto sistema di indoor localization è stato istallato in ambiente retail, per scopi classificazione dei percorsi e per determinare le potenzialità di un punto vendita. La tesi è inoltre una dimostrazione di come Space Sensing e Geomatica siano discipline complementari: la geomatica consente di acquisire e misurare dati geo spaziali e spazio temporali a diversa scala, lo Space Sensing utilizza questi dati per fornire servizi all’ utente precisi e contestuali.Given the tremendous growth of ubiquitous services in our daily lives, during the last few decades we have witnessed a definitive change in the way users' experience their surroundings. At the current state of art, devices are able to sense the environment and users’ location, enabling them to experience improved digital services, creating synergistic loop between the use of the technology, and the use of the space itself. We coined the term Senseable Space, to define the kinds of spaces able to provide users with contextual services, to measure and analyse their dynamics and to react accordingly, in a seamless exchange of information. Following the paradigm of Senseable Spaces as the main thread, we selected a set of experiences carried out in different fields; central to this investigation there is of course the user, placed in the dual roles of end-user and manager. The main contribution of this thesis lies in the definition of this new paradigm, realized in the following domains: Cultural Heritage, Public Open Spaces, Geosciences and Retail. For the Cultural Heritage panorama, different pilot projects have been constructed from creating museum based installations to developing mobile applications for archaeological settings. Dealing with urban areas, app-based services are designed to facilitate the route finding in a urban park and to provide contextual information in a city festival. We also outlined a novel application to facilitate the on-site inspection by risk managers thanks to the use of Augmented Reality services. Finally, a robust indoor localization system has been developed, designed to ease customer profiling in the retail sector. The thesis also demonstrates how Space Sensing and Geomatics are complementary to one another, given the assumption that the branches of Geomatics cover all the different scales of data collection, whilst Space Sensing gives one the possibility to provide the services at the correct location, at the correct time.INGEGNERIA DELL'INFORMAZIONEembargoed_20181001Pierdicca, RobertoPierdicca, Robert

    Senseable Spaces: from a theoretical perspective to the application in augmented environments

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    Grazie all’ enorme diffusione di dispositivi senzienti nella vita di tutti i giorni, nell’ ultimo decennio abbiamo assistito ad un cambio definitivo nel modo in cui gli utenti interagiscono con lo spazio circostante. Viene coniato il termine Spazio Sensibile, per descrivere quegli spazi in grado di fornire servizi contestuali agli utenti, misurando e analizzando le dinamiche che in esso avvengono, e di reagire conseguentemente a questo continuo flusso di dati bidirezionale. La ricerca è stata condotta abbracciando diversi domini di applicazione, le cui singole esigenze hanno reso necessario testare il concetto di Spazi Sensibili in diverse declinazioni, mantenendo al centro della ricerca l’utente, con la duplice accezione di end-user e manager. Molteplici sono i contributi rispetto allo stato dell’ arte. Il concetto di Spazio Sensibile è stato calato nel settore dei Beni Culturali, degli Spazi Pubblici, delle Geosciences e del Retail. I casi studio nei musei e nella archeologia dimostrano come l’ utilizzo della Realtà Aumentata possa essere sfruttata di fronte a un dipinto o in outdoor per la visualizzazione di modelli complessi, In ambito urbano, il monitoraggio di dati generati dagli utenti ha consentito di capire le dinamiche di un evento di massa, durante il quale le stesse persone fruivano di servizi contestuali. Una innovativa applicazione di Realtà Aumentata è stata come servizio per facilitare l’ ispezione di fasce tampone lungo i fiumi, standardizzando flussi di dati e modelli provenienti da un Sistema Informativo Territoriale. Infine, un robusto sistema di indoor localization è stato istallato in ambiente retail, per scopi classificazione dei percorsi e per determinare le potenzialità di un punto vendita. La tesi è inoltre una dimostrazione di come Space Sensing e Geomatica siano discipline complementari: la geomatica consente di acquisire e misurare dati geo spaziali e spazio temporali a diversa scala, lo Space Sensing utilizza questi dati per fornire servizi all’ utente precisi e contestuali.Given the tremendous growth of ubiquitous services in our daily lives, during the last few decades we have witnessed a definitive change in the way users' experience their surroundings. At the current state of art, devices are able to sense the environment and users’ location, enabling them to experience improved digital services, creating synergistic loop between the use of the technology, and the use of the space itself. We coined the term Senseable Space, to define the kinds of spaces able to provide users with contextual services, to measure and analyse their dynamics and to react accordingly, in a seamless exchange of information. Following the paradigm of Senseable Spaces as the main thread, we selected a set of experiences carried out in different fields; central to this investigation there is of course the user, placed in the dual roles of end-user and manager. The main contribution of this thesis lies in the definition of this new paradigm, realized in the following domains: Cultural Heritage, Public Open Spaces, Geosciences and Retail. For the Cultural Heritage panorama, different pilot projects have been constructed from creating museum based installations to developing mobile applications for archaeological settings. Dealing with urban areas, app-based services are designed to facilitate the route finding in a urban park and to provide contextual information in a city festival. We also outlined a novel application to facilitate the on-site inspection by risk managers thanks to the use of Augmented Reality services. Finally, a robust indoor localization system has been developed, designed to ease customer profiling in the retail sector. The thesis also demonstrates how Space Sensing and Geomatics are complementary to one another, given the assumption that the branches of Geomatics cover all the different scales of data collection, whilst Space Sensing gives one the possibility to provide the services at the correct location, at the correct time
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