840 research outputs found

    What If? The Art of Scenario Thinking for Nonprofits

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    Gives an overview of scenario thinking customized for a nonprofit audience. Outlines the basic phases of scenario development, and provides examples and advice for putting the process into practice. Includes an annotated bibliography of select readings

    Interaction, critical thinking, and social network analysis (SNA) in online courses

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    Examining the Under-Representation of Aboriginal Scholars in the Ontario Professoriate: Policy Implications for Faculty Recruitment and Retention

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    This case study was designed to investigate the under-representation of Aboriginal scholars in the Ontario professoriate, examining: 1) the current lack of Aboriginal scholars in the Ontario professoriate, and 2) the retention of these scholars within the system. To advocate social justice for this community, these issues were examined through an Aboriginal epistemic lens to develop principles with which to inform recruitment and retention policy and practice in the academy. Specifically, this study focused on the following areas: 1) the context of the participants\u27 educational experience as Aboriginal students; 2) participants\u27 perspectives about why Aboriginal scholars stay, or conversely why they leave, the Ontario professoriate; and 3) social justice and equity - implications for recruitment and retention policies in the academy. A transformative policy process is proposed which resulted from the grounded theory flowing from the data collected, and the extant literature. As an organizational tool for transforming the process of policy development and implementation in the academy, the policy process proposed utilizes a circle archetype relevant to many Aboriginal worldviews. The policy circle process is comprised of four integrative stages: the \u27Beginning\u27 stage; the \u27Consultation with Expert Knowledge\u27 stage; the \u27Taking Action\u27 stage; and, the \u27Reflection\u27 stage. Based on the findings of the study, equity principles which inculcate the tenets of respect, honour, truth and wisdom are proposed as guidelines for Aboriginal recruitment and retention policies in the academy. The rationale for proposing this change as a means of promoting social justice and equity, as well as to address the under-representation of Aboriginal scholars in the academy, is based on the perceived necessity of universities to assume their leadership role as socially responsible \u27agents of change.\u27 Finally, the study suggests that there is a continued need to develop and implement strategic educational policy reform in Canada to: support the success of Aboriginal students, to promote and facilitate the participation of Aboriginal educators and Elders in developing curricula and pedagogy which respect and honour Aboriginal epistemologies, and to spur provincial and federal governments\u27 provision of support in terms of investment of time and funding for the development of Aboriginal postsecondary programs

    Pedagogic approaches to using technology for learning: literature review

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    This literature review is intended to address and support teaching qualifications and CPD through identifying new and emerging pedagogies; "determining what constitutes effective use of technology in teaching and learning; looking at new developments in teacher training qualifications to ensure that they are at the cutting edge of learning theory and classroom practice and making suggestions as to how teachers can continually update their skills." - Page 4

    Teachers´ Perceptions of Using Blogs in EFL Classes in Portugal

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    O presente relatório faz parte dos requisitos do Mestrado em Utilização Pedagógica das TIC na ESECS-IPL. Blogging é o ato de publicar conteúdo numa plataforma online, com o qual muitos utilizadores da Internet estão já familiarizados. No entanto, tem sido subutilizado em Inglês como língua estrangeira (LE) em Portugal. Assim, este estudo explora e examina as perceções que os professores de inglês a lecionar nos 2º e 3º CEB, bem como no nível secundário, em Portugal, têm relativamente aos benefícios e constrangimentos de trabalhar com weblogs (vulgo, blogues) nas suas aulas. A inclusão de objetivos relacionados com blogging nas Metas Curriculares da disciplina de Inglês e em outros documentos oficiais emanados do Ministério da Educação, bem como a crescente importância das literacias digitais na educação em todo o mundo, subjazem ao objetivo deste estudo de fazer uma modesta contribuição - no contexto português - para as formas como os professores de Inglês LE percebem o uso de blogues, e como os alunos podem beneficiar com o seu uso. Depois de definir as minhas motivações pessoais e profissionais para este estudo e seus objetivos no Capítulo 1, o Capítulo 2 abrange uma extensa revisão da literatura onde discuto o aparecimento de blogues, seguidos dos seus benefícios e constrangimentos quando usados em contextos de sala de aula, conforme identificados na literatura. O Capítulo 3 apresenta a fundamentação e metodologia do projeto de pesquisa, antes de explicar o procedimento de recolha e análise de dados através de questionários exploratórios aplicados aos professores de Inglês LE em seminários organizados pela Associação Portuguesa de Professores de Inglês (APPI) e um questionário piloto aplicado a todos os professores de Inglês a lecionar numa escola de 2º e 3º CEB na região de Leiria. Estas foram fases que me permitiram refinar o questionário principal, o instrumento primário de recolha de dados do estudo. O Capítulo 4 é uma análise e discussão dos resultados e padrões a partir dos dados obtidos com o questionário principal, usando uma abordagem essencialmente quantitativa, embora as questões abertas sejam analisadas a partir de uma perspetiva qualitativa, com enfoque tanto nos benefícios como constrangimentos dos blogues conforme identificado pelos inquiridos no questionário acima mencionado. iv O Capítulo 5 aborda as questões de pesquisa e até que ponto elas foram respondidas. Para facilitar esta tarefa, são apresentados constrangimentos ao nível macro e micro que os professores entendem como impactantes no uso pedagógico das TIC e ferramentas da Web 2.0 - incluindo blogues. Em seguida, são analisadas as implicações decorrentes do estudo, incluindo sugestões pedagógicas para o uso de blogues. Finalmente, as limitações do estudo são abordadas antes de possíveis projetos futuros, tendo este estudo como referência

    Polycontextuality: Driving Professional Change in Online Communities of Practice

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    This paper reports on a case research project that investigated how online communities facilitate professional change. The context was an ICT professional development programme which aimed to transform teaching in New Zealand. Research indicates that transformations in professional behaviour require changes in professional knowledge – interpretive frameworks, values and methods. However, there is little understanding of how to facilitate this. We focused on this issue, guided by the question, “How do online communities of practice facilitate the embedding of professional knowledge?” Embedding was driven by repeated crossings between engagement spaces (communication contexts) in a polycontextual system. polycontextuality has been linked with expert knowledge acquisition. Here, the number of contexts was dramatically increased. As individuals crossed between engagement spaces, with a shared focus, they adapted and recombined content to fit the demands of each context. This required deep engagement with ideas. Embedding was evidenced by theory-practice crossings, and personalisation of recurrent, powerful themes

    Proceedings of the 4th International Network-Based Education 2011 Conference

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    Using weblogging to develop schema-based English reading skills of Chinese students in Hong Kong secondary schools

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    This thesis investigates how far weblogging can be used to develop schema English reading skills of Chinese secondary school students in Hong Kong. The theoretical foundation of the research design is built on a sociocultural model originating in Constructivism within which communication through discussion or sharing of ideas is the preferred approach for second language learning. Constructivists’ theory integrates reading, schema, and weblogging that are the three core concepts to be examined in my research. The examination is facilitated by the methodological framework that adopts a mixed methods approach involving case study and experimental study methods. An experiment was conducted among eight sample case Chinese students of which four students formed an online community of practice on weblog so that they could experience reflective learning while using their schemata in reading English texts. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from the experiment and case studies. Analysis of these data had considered individual differences of Chinese students in the process of English reading skills development. The analyzed results give evidences to address the research purposes and questions on exploring the relationship between weblogging and second language textual development, in particular schema-based English reading skills of Chinese students. Major findings of the research reveal how weblogging can facilitate schema development in reading and explain to what extent weblogging can be used as a useful means to develop schema-based reading skills in the context of second language learning