233 research outputs found

    Investigation of the tolerance of wavelength-routed optical networks to traffic load variations.

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    This thesis focuses on the performance of circuit-switched wavelength-routed optical network with unpredictable traffic pattern variations. This characteristic of optical networks is termed traffic forecast tolerance. First, the increasing volume and heterogeneous nature of data and voice traffic is discussed. The challenges in designing robust optical networks to handle unpredictable traffic statistics are described. Other work relating to the same research issues are discussed. A general methodology to quantify the traffic forecast tolerance of optical networks is presented. A traffic model is proposed to simulate dynamic, non-uniform loads, and used to test wavelength-routed optical networks considering numerous network topologies. The number of wavelengths required and the effect of the routing and wavelength allocation algorithm are investigated. A new method of quantifying the network tolerance is proposed, based on the calculation of the increase in the standard deviation of the blocking probabilities with increasing traffic load non-uniformity. The performance of different networks are calculated and compared. The relationship between physical features of the network topology and traffic forecast tolerance is investigated. A large number of randomly connected networks with different sizes were assessed. It is shown that the average lightpath length and the number of wavelengths required for full interconnection of the nodes in static operation both exhibit a strong correlation with the network tolerance, regardless of the degree of load non-uniformity. Finally, the impact of wavelength conversion on network tolerance is investigated. Wavelength conversion significantly increases the robustness of optical networks to unpredictable traffic variations. In particular, two sparse wavelength conversion schemes are compared and discussed: distributed wavelength conversion and localized wavelength conversion. It is found that the distributed wavelength conversion scheme outperforms localized wavelength conversion scheme, both with uniform loading and in terms of the network tolerance. The results described in this thesis can be used for the analysis and design of reliable WDM optical networks that are robust to future traffic demand variations

    Traffic grooming and wavelength conversion in optical networks

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    Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) using wavelength routing has emerged as the dominant technology for use in wide area and metropolitan area networks. Traffic demands in networks today are characterized by dynamic, heterogeneous flows. While each wavelength has transmission capacity at gigabit per second rates, users require connections at rates that are lower than the full wavelength capacity. In this thesis, we explore network design and operation methodologies to improve the network utilization and blocking performance of wavelength routing networks which employ a layered architecture with electronic and optical switching. First we provide an introduction to first generation SONET/SDH networks and wavelength routing networks, which employ optical crossconnects. We explain the need and role of wavelength conversion in optical networks and present an algorithm to optimally place wavelength conversion devices at the network nodes so as to optimize blocking performance. Our algorithm offers significant savings in computation time when compared to the exhaustive method.;To make the network viable and cost-effective, it must be able to offer sub-wavelength services and be able to pack these services efficiently onto wavelengths. The act of multiplexing, demultiplexing and switching of sub-wavelength services onto wavelengths is defined as traffic grooming. Constrained grooming networks perform grooming only at the network edge. Sparse grooming networks perform grooming at the network edge and the core. We study and compare the effect of traffic grooming on blocking performance in such networks through simulations and analyses. We also study the issue of capacity fairness in such networks and develop a connection admission control (CAC) algorithm to improve the fairness among connections with different capacities. We finally address the issues involved in dynamic routing and wavelength assignment in survivable WDM grooming networks. We develop two schemes for grooming primary and backup traffic streams onto wavelengths: Mixed Primary-Backup Grooming Policy (MGP) and Segregated Primary-Backup Grooming Policy (SGP). MGP is useful in topologies such as ring, characterized by low connectivity and high load correlation and SGP is useful in topologies, such as mesh-torus, with good connectivity and a significant amount of traffic switching and mixing at the nodes

    Analysis of resource sharing in transparent networks

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    Transparent optical networking promises a cost-efficient solution for future core and metro networks because of the efficacy of switching high-granularity trunk traffic without opto-electronic conversion. Network availability is an important performance parameter for network operators, who are incorporating protection and restoration mechanisms in the network to achieve competitive advantages. This paper focuses on the reduction in Capital Expenditures (CapEx) expected from implementing sharing of backup resources in path-protected transparent networks. We dimension a nationwide network topology for different protection mechanisms using transparent and opaque architectures. We investigate the CapEx reductions obtained through protection sharing on a population of 1000 randomly generated biconnected planar topologies with 14 nodes. We show that the gain for transparent networks is heavily dependent on the offered load, with almost no relative gain for low load (no required parallel line systems). We also show that for opaque networks the CapEx reduction through protection sharing is independent of the traffic load and shows only a small dependency on the number of links in the network. The node CapEx reduction for high load (relative to the number of channels in a line system) is comparable to the CapEx reduction in opaque OTN systems. This is rather surprising as in OTN systems the number of transceivers and linecards and the size of the OTN switching matrix all decrease, while in transparent networks only the degree of the ROADM (number and size of WSSs in the node) decreases while the number of transponders remains the same

    Design And Analysis Of Effective Routing And Channel Scheduling For Wavelength Division Multiplexing Optical Networks

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    Optical networking, employing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), is seen as the technology of the future for the Internet. This dissertation investigates several important problems affecting optical circuit switching (OCS) and optical burst switching (OBS) networks. Novel algorithms and new approaches to improve the performance of these networks through effective routing and channel scheduling are presented. Extensive simulations and analytical modeling have both been used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in achieving lower blocking probability, better fairness as well as faster switching. The simulation tests were performed over a variety of optical network topologies including the ring and mesh topologies, the U.S. Long-Haul topology, the Abilene high-speed optical network used in Internet 2, the Toronto Metropolitan topology and the European Optical topology. Optical routing protocols previously published in the literature have largely ignored the noise and timing jitter accumulation caused by cascading several wavelength conversions along the lightpath of the data burst. This dissertation has identified and evaluated a new constraint, called the wavelength conversion cascading constraint. According to this constraint, the deployment of wavelength converters in future optical networks will be constrained by a bound on the number of wavelength conversions that a signal can go through when it is switched all-optically from the source to the destination. Extensive simulation results have conclusively demonstrated that the presence of this constraint causes significant performance deterioration in existing routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithms. Higher blocking probability and/or worse fairness have been observed for existing RWA algorithms when the cascading constraint is not ignored. To counteract the negative side effect of the cascading constraint, two constraint-aware routing algorithms are proposed for OCS networks: the desirable greedy algorithm and the weighted adaptive algorithm. The two algorithms perform source routing using link connectivity and the global state information of each wavelength. Extensive comparative simulation results have illustrated that by limiting the negative cascading impact to the minimum extent practicable, the proposed approaches can dramatically decrease the blocking probability for a variety of optical network topologies. The dissertation has developed a suite of three fairness-improving adaptive routing algorithms in OBS networks. The adaptive routing schemes consider the transient link congestion at the moment when bursts arrive and use this information to reduce the overall burst loss probability. The proposed schemes also resolve the intrinsic unfairness defect of existing popular signaling protocols. The extensive simulation results have shown that the proposed schemes generally outperform the popular shortest path routing algorithm and the improvement could be substantial. A two-dimensional Markov chain analytical model has also been developed and used to analyze the burst loss probabilities for symmetrical ring networks. The accuracy of the model has been validated by simulation. Effective proactive routing and preemptive channel scheduling have also been proposed to address the conversion cascading constraint in OBS environments. The proactive routing adapts the fairness-improving adaptive routing mentioned earlier to the environment of cascaded wavelength conversions. On the other hand, the preemptive channel scheduling approach uses a dynamic priority for each burst based on the constraint threshold and the current number of performed wavelength conversions. Empirical results have proved that when the cascading constraint is present, both approaches would not only decrease the burst loss rates greatly, but also improve the transmission fairness among bursts with different hop counts to a large extent

    Study of Routing and Wavelength Assignment problem and Performance Analysis of Genetic Algorithm for All-Optical Networks

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    All-optical networks uses the concept of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The problem of routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) is critically important for increasing the efficiency of wavelength routed All-optical networks. For the given set of connections, the task of setting up lightpaths by routing and assigning a wavelength to each connection is called routing and wavelength allocation problem. In work to date, the problem has been formulated as integer linear programming problem. There are two variations of the problem: static and dynamic, in the static case, the traffic is known where as in dynamic case, connection request arrive in some random fashion. Here we adopt the static view of the problem. We have studied the Genetic Algorithm to solve the RWA problem and also we studied a modified Genetic Algorithm with reference to the basic model. We studied a novel opimization problem formulations that offer the promise of radical improvements over the existing methods. We adopt a static view of the problem and saw new integer- linear programming formulations, which can be addressed with highly efficient linear programming methods and yield optimal or near-optimal RWA policies. All-optical WDM networks are chracterized by multiple metrics (hop-count, cost, delay), but generally routing protocols only optimize one metric, using some variant shortest path algorithm (e.g., the Dijkstra, all-pairs and Bellman-ford algorithms). The multicriteria RWA problem has been solved combining the relevant metrics or objective functions. The performance of RWA algorithms have been studied across the different standard networks. The performance of both the algorithms are studied with respect to the time taken for making routing decision, number of wavelengths required and cost of the requested lightpaths. It has been observed that the modified genetic algorithm performed better than the existing algorithm with respect to the time and cost parameters

    Dynamic wavelength routing in multifiber WDM networks

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    The research, development, and deployment of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology are now evolving at a rapid pace to fulfill the increasing bandwidth requirement and deploy new network services. Routing and wavelength assignment algorithms play a key role in improving the performance of wavelength-routed all-optical networks. We study networks with dynamic wavelength routing and develop accurate analytical models for evaluating the blocking performance under dynamic input traffic in different topologies. Two dynamic routing algorithms are first developed and the performances of the algorithms in single-fiber WDM networks are studied using both analytical models and simulation. We also develop efficient algorithms to optimally place a given number of wavelength converters on a path of a network. Finally we consider the effect of multiple fibers on WDM networks without wavelength conversion. We develop analytical models for evaluating the blocking performance of multifiber networks with fixed-path routing, alternate-path routing, and fixed-path least-congestion routing algorithms. The number of fibers required to provide high performance in multifiber networks with different routing algorithms are also studied

    Broadcast in sparse conversion optical networks using fewest converters

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    Wavelengths and converters are shared by communication requests in optical networks. When a message goes through a node without a converter, the outgoing wavelength must be the same as the incoming one. This constraint can be removed if the node uses a converter. Hence, the usage of converters increases the utilization of wavelengths and allows more communication requests to succeed. Since converters are expensive, we consider sparse conversion networks, where only some specified nodes have converters. Moreover, since the usage of converters induces delays, we should minimize the use of available converters. The Converters Usage Problem (CUP) is to use a minimum number of converter so that each node can send messages to all the others (broadcasting). In this dissertation, we study the CUP in sparse conversion networks. We design a linear algorithm to find a wavelength assignment in tree networks such that, with the usage of a minimum number of available converters, every node can send messages to all the others. This is a generalization of [35], where each node has a converter. Our algorithm can assign wavelengths efficiently and effectively for one-to-one, multicast, and broadcast communication requests. A converter wavelength-dominates a node if there is a uniform wavelength path between them. The Minimal Wavelength Dominating Set Problem (MWDSP) is to locate a minimum number of converters so that all the other nodes in the network are wavelength-dominated. We use a linear complexity dynamic programming algorithm to solve the MWDSP for networks with bounded treewidth. One such solution provides a low bound for the optimal solution to the CUP

    Placement of Mode and Wavelength Converters for Throughput Enhancement in Optical Networks

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    The success of recent experiments to transport data using combined wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) and mode-division multiplexed (MDM) transmission has generated optimism for the attainment of optical networks with unprecedented bandwidth capacity, exceeding the fundamental Shannon capacity limit attained by WDM alone. Optical mode converters and wavelength converters are devices that can be placed in future optical nodes (routers) to prevent or reduce the connection blocking rate and consequently increase network throughput. In this thesis, the specific problem of the placement of mode converters (MC) and mode-wavelength converters (MWC) in combined mode and wavelength division multiplexing (MWDM) networks is investigated. Four previously proposed wavelength converter placement heuristics are extended to handle the placement of MC and MWC in MWDM networks. A simple but effective method for the placement of mode and wavelength converters in MWDM networks is proposed based on ranking the nodes with respect to the volume of received connection requests. The results of extensive simulation tests to evaluate the new method and compare its performance with the performance of the other four heuristics are presented. The thesis provides extensive comparison results among the five converter placement methods using different network topologies and under different network loads. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new proposed method in achieving lower blocking rates compared to the other more-complex converter placement heuristics

    All optical multicasting in wavelength routing mesh networks with power considerations: design and operation

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    Wavelength routing Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) are optical networks that support all-optical services. They have become the most appealing candidate for wide area backbone networks. Their huge available bandwidth provides the solution for the exponential growth in trayc demands that is due to the increase in the number of users and the surge of more bandwidth intensive network applications and services. A sizable fraction of these applications and services are of multi-point nature. Therefore, supporting multicast service in this network environment is very critical and unique. The all-optical support of various services has advantages, which includes achieving the signal transparency to its content. Nevertheless, the all-optical operational support comes with an associated cost and new issues that make this problem very challenging. In this thesis, we investigate the power-related issues for supporting multicast service in the optical domain, referred to as All-Optical Multicasting (AOM). Our study treats these issues from two networking contexts, namely, Network Provisioning and Connection Provisioning. We propose a number of optimal and heuristic solutions with a unique objective function for each context. In this regard, the objective function for the network provisioning problem is to reduce the network cost, while the solutions for the connection provisioning problem aim to reduce the connection blocking ratio. The optimal formulations are inherently non-linear. However, we introduce novel methods for linearizing them and formulate the problems as Mixed Integer Linear Programs. Also, the design of the heuristic solutions takes into account various optimization factors which results in efficient heuristics that can produce fast solutions that are relatively close to their optimal counterparts, as shown in the numerical results we present
