840 research outputs found

    Machine learning classification of microbial community compositions to predict anthropogenic pollutants in the Baltic Sea

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    Microbial communities react rapidly and specifically to changing environments, indicating distinct microbial fingerprints for a given environmental state. Machine learning with community data predicted the Baltic Sea-detected pollutants glyphosate and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, using the developed R package “phyloseq2ML”. Predictions by Random Forest and Artificial Neural Network were accurate. Relevant taxa were identified. The interpretability of machine learning models was found of particular importance. Microbial communities predicted even minor influencing factors in complex environments.Mikrobielle Gemeinschaften reagieren schnell und spezifisch auf sich ändernde Umgebungen und können somit bestimmte Umweltzustände anzeigen. Maschinelles Lernen mit Gemeinschaftsdaten sagte die Ostsee-präsenten Schadstoffe Glyphosat und 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluol voraus, wobei das entwickelte R-Paket "phyloseq2ML" verwendet wurde. Die Vorhersagen durch Random Forest und Artificial Neural Network waren genau. Relevante Taxa wurden identifiziert. Die Interpretierbarkeit der Modelle erwies sich als essentiell. Mikrobielle Gemeinschaften sagten selbst geringe Einflüsse in komplexen Umgebungen voraus

    Measures of spike train synchrony

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    Isochronous rhythmic organization of learned animal vocalizations

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    The evolutionary path that led to music as we know it today is difficult to trace. Cross-species comparative research can help us uncover the biological substrates that enabled humans to develop this peculiar behavior. Rhythm, the organization of events in time, is a central component in the structure of all forms of music. Oftentimes musical rhythm gives rise to a perceptionally isochronous beat, or pulse. Learned vocalizations of non-human animals, such as birdsong and the songs of certain bat species, show striking parallels to vocal music (i.e. human song). This thesis investigates these vocalizations for the presence of an isochronous rhythmic structure that could allow a conspecific listener to perceive such a beat. To this end, I have developed a generate-and-test (GAT) method to extract an isochronous pulse from a temporal sequence of events, such as the onsets of notes. This method is compared to a variety of existing analytic techniques for analyzing different aspects of rhythms in vocalizations, movements and other behaviors developing over time. The suitability of the different methods for addressing particular questions is illustrated through various examples. The application of the GAT approach to different types of vocalizations of the greater sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata) revealed a common temporal regularity that might point towards an interesting relationship between physiologically determined rhythm and the rhythm of learned social vocalizations. In the songs of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) we discovered a hierarchical isochronous structure that is reminiscent of the metrical structure of many types of music. We then report the effect of genetic manipulations on the song learning success of zebra finches. The expression of FoxP2, a gene involved in speech acquisition and birdsong learning, as well as of two related genes, FoxP1 and FoxP4, was experimentally reduced in juvenile birds during their learning period. Among other effects, the adult birds produced song with an impaired isochronous structure. Surprisingly, control animals whose FoxP levels were not reduced, showed a similar effect in this regard. I discuss possible interpretations of this result in the light of current knowledge about neural mechanisms and behavioral processes of song learning and production

    The molecular underpinnings of neuronal cell identity in the stomatogastric ganglion of cancer borealis

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    Throughout the life of an organism, the nervous system must be able to balance changing in response to environmental stimuli with the need to produce reliable, repeatable activity patterns to create stereotyped behaviors. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for this regulation requires a wealth of knowledge about the neural system, ranging from network connectivity and cell type identification to intrinsic neuronal excitability and transcriptomic expression. To make strides in this area, we have employed the well-described stomatogastric nervous system of the Jonah crab Cancer borealis to examine the molecular underpinnings and regulation of neuron cell identity. Several crustacean circuits, including the stomatogastric nervous system and the cardiac ganglion, continue to provide important new insights into circuit dynamics and modulation (Diehl, White, Stein, & Nusbaum, 2013; Marder, 2012; Marder & Bucher, 2007; Williams et al., 2013), but this work has been partially hampered by the lack of extensive molecular sequence knowledge in crustaceans. Here we generated de novo transcriptome assembly from central nervous system tissue for C. borealis producing 42,766 contigs, focusing on an initial identification, curation, and comparison of genes that will have the most profound impact on our understanding of circuit function in these species. This included genes for 34 distinct ion channel types, 17 biogenic amine and 5 GABA receptors, 28 major transmitter receptor subtypes including glutamate and acetylcholine receptors, and 6 gap junction proteins -- the Innexins. ... With this reference transcriptome and annotated sequences in hand, we sought to determine the strengths and limitations of using the neuronal molecular profile to classify them into cell types. ... Since the resulting activity of a neuron is the product of the expression of ion channel genes, we sought to further probe the expression profile of neurons across a range of cell types to understand how these patterns of mRNA abundance relate to the properties of individual cell types. ... Finally, we sought to better understand the molecular underpinnings of how these correlated patterns of mRNA expression are generated and maintained.Includes bibliographical reference

    Variability of microbial taxonomic and functional diversities across management boundaries in a boreal podzol

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    Land capability classification describes boreal podzols as soils with severe to moderately severe limitations that restrict the capability of the land to produce crops. Nevertheless, they are used for crop production and it is predicted that more boreal podzols will be converted from forestry use to agricultural uses. This usually requires intensive conservation and fertility improvement practices aimed at correcting the excessively low pH and improving soil carbon parameters. Under such management, it is expected that the biotic parameters and drivers of soil fertility would be drastically affected. It is hypothesized that mass and energy fluxes across the edge of a cropped field, between natural and managed conditions of soil, will alter the diversity of microbial populations and their fertility relevant functions. To verify this, I surveyed a cropped field and its immediate surrounding areas, located within a Boreal Forest Ecosystem in Western Newfoundland. The surrounding areas, outside the four field edges covered four distinct non-cropped conditions, i.e. forested, wetland, grassland and grassed farm road border. Bacterial taxonomic diversity was assessed via a 16S rRNA obtained through an Illumina MiSeq PE 250bp amplicon sequencing of the V4 hypervariable region. Fungal taxonomic diversity was assessed on an ITS dataset obtained through an Illumina MiSeq PE 250bp amplicon sequencing of the ITS1-2 region. A predictive functional profiling of the bacterial community, based on the 16S rRNA results (PICRUSt) was then carried out. Results are contextualized by standard abiotic soil parameters and compared to potential nitrogen mineralization rates along a management intensity gradient, i.e. a gradient crossing from natural to cropped conditions. Both surface and subsurface layers were considered. Standard and exploratory statistics were carried out and included an analysis of ecological indicators for population diversity. Statistical analysis was carried out separately on soil physicochemical properties, microbial taxonomic diversity, and microbial functional diversity. Correlational analyses between microbial diversity and physicochemical properties and were carried out separately. It was found that, while the natural conditions tested had distinct diversities, the results became increasingly similar towards the field centre, away from the natural edge. Thus, land management affects the taxonomic and functional diversity of microorganisms and also found that the shift in taxonomic and functional diversity is directly related to the distance from the natural areas

    Rapid detection of microbiota cell type diversity using machine-learned classification of flow cytometry data.

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    The study of complex microbial communities typically entails high-throughput sequencing and downstream bioinformatics analyses. Here we expand and accelerate microbiota analysis by enabling cell type diversity quantification from multidimensional flow cytometry data using a supervised machine learning algorithm of standard cell type recognition (CellCognize). As a proof-of-concept, we trained neural networks with 32 microbial cell and bead standards. The resulting classifiers were extensively validated in silico on known microbiota, showing on average 80% prediction accuracy. Furthermore, the classifiers could detect shifts in microbial communities of unknown composition upon chemical amendment, comparable to results from 16S-rRNA-amplicon analysis. CellCognize was also able to quantify population growth and estimate total community biomass productivity, providing estimates similar to those from <sup>14</sup> C-substrate incorporation. CellCognize complements current sequencing-based methods by enabling rapid routine cell diversity analysis. The pipeline is suitable to optimize cell recognition for recurring microbiota types, such as in human health or engineered systems