531 research outputs found

    Clinical neuroscience and neurotechnology: An amazing symbiosis

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    In the last decades, clinical neuroscience found a novel ally in neurotechnologies, devices able to record and stimulate electrical activity in the nervous system. These technologies improved the ability to diagnose and treat neural disorders. Neurotechnologies are concurrently enabling a deeper understanding of healthy and pathological dynamics of the nervous system through stimulation and recordings during brain implants. On the other hand, clinical neurosciences are not only driving neuroengineering toward the most relevant clinical issues, but are also shaping the neurotechnologies thanks to clinical advancements. For instance, understanding the etiology of a disease informs the location of a therapeutic stimulation, but also the way stimulation patterns should be designed to be more effective/naturalistic. Here, we describe cases of fruitful integration such as Deep Brain Stimulation and cortical interfaces to highlight how this symbiosis between clinical neuroscience and neurotechnology is closer to a novel integrated framework than to a simple interdisciplinary interaction

    Low-frequency local field potentials in primate motor cortex and their application to neural interfaces

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    PhD ThesisFor patients with spinal cord injury and paralysis, there are currently very limited options for clinical therapy. Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) are neuroprosthetic devices that are being developed to record from the motor cortex in such patients, bypass the spinal lesion, and use decoded signals to control an effector, such as a prosthetic limb. The ideal BMI would be durable, reliable, totally predictable, fully-implantable, and have generous battery life. Current, state-of-the-art BMIs are limited in all of these domains; partly because the typical signals used—neuronal action potentials, or ‘spikes’—are very susceptible to micro-movement of recording electrodes. Recording spikes from the same neurons over many months is therefore difficult, and decoder behaviour may be unpredictable from day-today. Spikes also need to be digitized at high frequencies (~104 Hz) and heavily processed. As a result, devices are energy-hungry and difficult to miniaturise. Low-frequency local field potentials (lf-LFPs; < 5 Hz) are an alternative cortical signal. They are more stable and can be captured and processed at much lower frequencies (~101 Hz). Here we investigate rhythmical lf-LFP activity, related to the firing of local cortical neurons, during isometric wrist movements in Rhesus macaques. Multichannel spike-related slow potentials (SRSPs) can be used to accurately decode the firing rates of individual motor cortical neurons, and subjects can control a BMI task using this synthetic signal, as if they were controlling the actual firing rate. Lf-LFP–based firing rate estimates are stable over time – even once actual spike recordings have been lost. Furthermore, the dynamics of lf-LFPs are distinctive enough, that an unsupervised approach can be used to train a decoder to extract movement-related features for use in biofeedback BMIs. Novel electrode designs may help us optimise the recording of these signals, and facilitate progress towards a new generation of robust, implantable BMIs for patients.Research Studentship from the MRC, and Andy Jackson’s laboratory (hence this work) is supported by the Wellcome Trust

    Classification of movements of the rat based on intra-cortical signals using artificial neural network and support vector machine

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    A BCI aims at creating a communication pathway between the brain and an external device. This is possible by decoding signals from the primary motor cortex and translating them into commands for a prosthetic device. The experimental design was developed starting from intra-cortical signal recorded in the rat brain. The data pre-processing included denoising with wavelet technique, spike detection, and feature extraction. Artificial neural network and support vector machine were applied to classify the rat movements into two possible classes, Hit or No Hit. The misclassification error rates from denoised and not denoised data were statistically different (p<0.05), proving the efficiency of the denoising technique. ANN and SVM gave comparable classification result

    Dynamic models of brain imaging data and their Bayesian inversion

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    This work is about understanding the dynamics of neuronal systems, in particular with respect to brain connectivity. It addresses complex neuronal systems by looking at neuronal interactions and their causal relations. These systems are characterized using a generic approach to dynamical system analysis of brain signals - dynamic causal modelling (DCM). DCM is a technique for inferring directed connectivity among brain regions, which distinguishes between a neuronal and an observation level. DCM is a natural extension of the convolution models used in the standard analysis of neuroimaging data. This thesis develops biologically constrained and plausible models, informed by anatomic and physiological principles. Within this framework, it uses mathematical formalisms of neural mass, mean-field and ensemble dynamic causal models as generative models for observed neuronal activity. These models allow for the evaluation of intrinsic neuronal connections and high-order statistics of neuronal states, using Bayesian estimation and inference. Critically it employs Bayesian model selection (BMS) to discover the best among several equally plausible models. In the first part of this thesis, a two-state DCM for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is described, where each region can model selective changes in both extrinsic and intrinsic connectivity. The second part is concerned with how the sigmoid activation function of neural-mass models (NMM) can be understood in terms of the variance or dispersion of neuronal states. The third part presents a mean-field model (MFM) for neuronal dynamics as observed with magneto- and electroencephalographic data (M/EEG). In the final part, the MFM is used as a generative model in a DCM for M/EEG and compared to the NMM using Bayesian model selection

    Novel measure of olfactory bulb function in health and disease

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    Present neuroimaging techniques are capable of recording the neural activity from all over the brain but the olfactory bulb (OB). The OB is the first olfactory processing stage of the central nervous system and the site of insult in several neurological disorders, particularly Parkinson’s disease (PD). It has been suggested that the OB has a pivotal role in the olfactory system anal-ogous to primary visual cortex (V1) and thalamus in the visual system. However, due to the existing technical limitations, there has not been any non-invasive technique that can reliably measure the OB function in humans, consequently limiting its functional recording to one in-tracranial study dating back to the 60s. Initially in Study I, a non-invasive method of measuring the function of human OB is devel-oped, so-called electrobulbogram (EBG). In line with previous animal literature as well as the only intracranial study in human OB, it was demonstrated that gamma oscillations on the EBG electrodes occurred shortly after the odor onset. Subsequently, applying source recon-struction analysis provided evidence that observed oscillations were localized to the OB. Ad-ditionally, the OB recording with the EBG method showed a test-retest reliability comparable with visual event related potentials. Notably, the detected gamma oscillations were demon-strated to be insensitive to habituation, the OB’s marked characteristic which has previously been demonstrated in rodents. Last, but not least, assessing the EBG response in an individual who did not have the bilateral OB indicated that the lack of OB results in disappearance of gamma oscillations in the EBG electrodes. Given that Study I determined the possibility of reliably measuring the function of the OB using the EBG, in Study II, I assessed the functional role of OB’s oscillations in the pro-cessing of the odor valence. Odor valence has been suggested to be linked to approach–avoidance responses and therefore, processing of odor valence is thought to be one of the core aspects of odor processing in the olfactory system. Consequently, using combined EBG and EEG recording, OB activity was reconstructed on the source level during processing of odors with different valences. Gamma and beta oscillations were found to be related to va-lence perception in the human OB. Moreover, the early beta oscillations were associated with negative but not positive odors, where these beta oscillations can be linked to preparatory neural responses in the motor cortex. Subsequently, in a separate experiment, negative odors were demonstrated to trigger a whole-body motor avoidance response in the time window overlapping with the valence processes in the OB. These negative odor-elicited motor re-sponses were measured by a force plate as a leaning backward motion. Altogether, the results from Study II indicated that the human OB processes odor valence sequentially in the gamma and beta frequency bands, where the early processing of negative odors in the OB might be facilitating rapid approach-avoidance behaviors. To further evaluate the functional role of the OB in odor processing, in Study III, OB’s communication with its immediate recipient, namely piriform cortex (PC), was assessed. These two areas are critical nodes of the olfactory system which communicate with each other through neural oscillations. The activity of the OB and the PC were reconstructed using a combination of EBG, EEG, and source reconstruction techniques. Subsequently, the cross spectrogram of the OB and the PC was assessed as a measure of functional connectivity where temporal evolution from fast to slow oscillations in the OB–PC connectivity was found during the one second odor processing. Furthermore, the spectrally resolved Granger causal-ity analysis suggested that the afferent connection form the OB to the PC occurred in the gamma and beta bands whereas the efferent connection from the PC to the OB was concen-trated in the theta and delta bands. Notably, odor identity could be deciphered from the low gamma oscillatory pattern in the OB–PC connectivity as early as 100ms after the odor onset. Hence, findings from this study elucidate on our understanding of the bidirectional infor-mation flow in the human olfactory system. Olfactory dysfunction, due to neurodegeneration in the OB, commonly appears several years earlier than the occurrence of the PD-related characteristic motor symptoms. Consequently, a functional measure of the OB may serve as a potential early biomarker of PD. In Study IV, OB function was assessed in PD to answer whether the EBG method can be used to dissociate individuals with a PD diagnosis from healthy age-matched controls. The spectrogram of the EBG signals indicated that there were different values in gamma, beta, and theta for PDs compared with healthy controls. Specifically, six components were found in the EBG re-sponse during early and late time points which together dissociate PDs from controls with a 90% sensitivity and a 100% specificity. Furthermore, these components were linked to med-ication, disease duration and severity, as well as clinical odor identification performance. Overall, these findings support the notion that EBG has a diagnostic value and can be further developed to serve as an early biomarker for PD. In the last study, Study V, the prevalence of COVID-19 was determined using odor intensity ratings as an indication of olfactory dysfunction. Using a large sample data (n = 2440) from a Swedish population, odor intensity ratings of common household items over time were found to be closely associated with prevalence prediction of COVID-19 in the Stockholm region over the same time-period (r = -.83). Impairment in odor intensity rating was further correlated with the number of reported COVID-19 symptoms. Relatedly, individuals who progressed from having no symptoms to having at least one symptom had a marked decline in their odor intensity ratings. The results from this study, given the relatively large sample size, provided a concrete basis for the future studies to further assess the potential association between the deficits in the OB function and olfactory dysfunction in COVID-19. In conclusion, our proposed method for non-invasive measurement of the OB function was shown to provide a reliable recording with a potential as a diagnostic tool for PD. Combining EBG and EEG allowed for reconstruction of the OB signal at the source level, where specific oscillations were found to be critical for odor valence processing and rapid avoidance re-sponse. Moreover, oscillations in different frequency bands were found to be critical for the OB reciprocal communications and transfer of odor identity information to higher order ol-factory subsystems. Finally, COVID-19 was found to be associated with a decline in olfactory acuity which might originate from damage to the patient’s OB. In conclusion, the results from the studies within this thesis provide a new perspective on the functional role of oscillations in the human OB


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    This is a practical book on MEG that covers a wide range of topics. The book begins with a series of reviews on the use of MEG for clinical applications, the study of cognitive functions in various diseases, and one chapter focusing specifically on studies of memory with MEG. There are sections with chapters that describe source localization issues, the use of beamformers and dipole source methods, as well as phase-based analyses, and a step-by-step guide to using dipoles for epilepsy spike analyses. The book ends with a section describing new innovations in MEG systems, namely an on-line real-time MEG data acquisition system, novel applications for MEG research, and a proposal for a helium re-circulation system. With such breadth of topics, there will be a chapter that is of interest to every MEG researcher or clinician

    Information processing in dissociated neuronal cultures of rat hippocampal neurons

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    One of the major aims of Systems Neuroscience is to understand how the nervous system transforms sensory inputs into appropriate motor reactions. In very simple cases sensory neurons are immediately coupled to motoneurons and the entire transformation becomes a simple reflex, in which a noxious signal is immediately transformed into an escape reaction. However, in the most complex behaviours, the nervous system seems to analyse in detail the sensory inputs and is performing some kind of information processing (IP). IP takes place at many different levels of the nervous system: from the peripheral nervous system, where sensory stimuli are detected and converted into electrical pulses, to the central nervous system, where features of sensory stimuli are extracted, perception takes place and actions and motions are coordinated. Moreover, understanding the basic computational properties of the nervous system, besides being at the core of Neuroscience, also arouses great interest even in the field of Neuroengineering and in the field of Computer Science. In fact, being able to decode the neural activity can lead to the development of a new generation of neuroprosthetic devices aimed, for example, at restoring motor functions in severely paralysed patients (Chapin, 2004). On the other side, the development of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) (Marr, 1982; Rumelhart & McClelland, 1988; Herz et al., 1981; Hopfield, 1982; Minsky & Papert, 1988) has already proved that the study of biological neural networks may lead to the development and to the design of new computing algorithms and devices. All nervous systems are based on the same elements, the neurons, which are computing devices which, compared to silicon components, are much slower and much less reliable. How are nervous systems of all living species able to survive being based on slow and poorly reliable components? This obvious and na\uefve question is equivalent to characterizing IP in a more quantitative way. In order to study IP and to capture the basic computational properties of the nervous system, two major questions seem to arise. Firstly, which is the fundamental unit of information processing: 2 single neurons or neuronal ensembles? Secondly, how is information encoded in the neuronal firing? These questions - in my view - summarize the problem of the neural code. The subject of my PhD research was to study information processing in dissociated neuronal cultures of rat hippocampal neurons. These cultures, with random connections, provide a more general view of neuronal networks and assemblies, not depending on the circuitry of a neuronal network in vivo, and allow a more detailed and careful experimental investigation. In order to record the activity of a large ensemble of neurons, these neurons were cultured on multielectrode arrays (MEAs) and multi-site stimulation was used to activate different neurons and pathways of the network. In this way, it was possible to vary the properties of the stimulus applied under a controlled extracellular environment. Given this experimental system, my investigation had two major approaches. On one side, I focused my studies on the problem of the neural code, where I studied in particular information processing at the single neuron level and at an ensemble level, investigating also putative neural coding mechanisms. On the other side, I tried to explore the possibility of using biological neurons as computing elements in a task commonly solved by conventional silicon devices: image processing and pattern recognition. The results reported in the first two chapters of my thesis have been published in two separate articles. The third chapter of my thesis represents an article in preparation
