9,435 research outputs found

    Pedagogical Analysis of Educational Digital Storytelling Environments of the Last Five Years

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    AbstractDigital storytelling, the modern and challenging successor of storytelling, emerged over the last few years as a powerful teaching and learning tool, engaging both teachers and their students. For the evaluation of Educational Digital Storytelling Environments (EDSE), pedagogical aspects of designing or using EDSE are much less frequently studied than technical ones. Thus, taking into account modern, social and constructivist views of learning, a new pedagogical evaluation model was created (Psomos & Kordaki, 2011), using sixteen pedagogical criteria-dimensions. In this paper, the aforementioned pedagogical evaluation model is used to pedagogically analyze EDSE of the last five years

    Exploring digital comics as an edutainment tool: An overview

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    This paper aims t oexplore the growing potential of digital comics and graphic novels as an edutainment tool.Initially, the evolvement of comics medium along with academic and commercial initiatives in designing comicware systems arebriefly discussed. Prominent to this study, the methods and impact of utilizing this visual media with embedded instructional content and student-generated comics in classroom setting are rationallyoutlined.By recognizing the emerging technologies available for supporting and accelerating educational comic development, this article addresses the diverse research challenges and opportunities of innovating effective strategies to enhance comics integrated learning across disciplines

    Examining good practices in digital content marketing: a study on Portuguese hotel blogs

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    Este estudo examina o uso do marketing de conteúdo digital por parte de hotéis portugueses nos seus blogues. São analisadas boas práticas que a literatura aponta que devem ser utilizadas em blogues para que estes sejam bem-sucedidos na relação com o utilizador. Estas boas práticas sustentam-se no uso de aspetos específicos que beneficiam a gestão do blogue. O estudo oferece uma visão do nível da adoção dessas boas práticas/aspetos por parte de 22 hotéis analisados. O estudo é motivado pela escassez de informação existente sobre hotelaria portuguesa e o uso que esta faz do marketing de conteúdo digital nos seus blogues. Foram encontrados estudos que evidenciam a importância do marketing de conteúdo digital e a sua estreita ligação aos blogues noutras áreas, mas verifica-se uma lacuna na investigação deste tópico aplicado à hotelaria. Desta forma, este estudo centra-se em analisar como o marketing de conteúdo digital é utilizado nos blogues de hotéis portugueses. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um website gerido pelo Turismo de Portugal, no qual foi possível extrair-se uma lista de hotéis de 4 e 5 estrelas. Desta forma, foram identificados 198 websites de hotéis de 5 estrelas e 795 websites de hotéis de 4 estrelas, de forma a registar todos os hotéis que incorporavam blogues nos seus sites. Após esta fase preliminar, foi reunida uma amostra de 22 hotéis com blogues, nos quais se analisou seis dos seus mais recentes artigos/posts. Para o efeito, foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo dos mesmos, com uma aplicação quantitativa. Foram reunidas e analisadas 11 categorias principais e em alguns casos subcategorias, nomeadamente 1) “conteúdo educativo” (webinars, infográficos e e-books), 2) “credibilidade” (nome do autor), 3) “utilidade” (viagens/férias, dicas, lugares a visitar, relacionado ao negócio), 4) “relevância” (categorias), 5) “consistência”, 6) “atual”, 7) “cativante” (podcasts, vídeos, áudio, animações e imagens), 8) “comentários”, 9) “dimensão do texto”, 10) “botões de partilha” e 11) “artigos sugeridos”. A análise permitiu verificar que existe uma escassez de hotéis de 4 e 5 estrelas em Portugal com blogue no seu website, de acordo com os critérios usados no presente estudo. Além disso, algumas das categorias analisadas, como “conteúdo educacional” e suas subcategorias, nomeadamente webinars, infográficos e e-books, não estão a ser utilizados pelos blogues dos hotéis analisados. Ademais, na categoria analisada onde se tenta perceber se o conteúdo é “cativante” (engaging), relativamente às suas subcategorias, nomeadamente podcasts, vídeos, áudio, animações e imagens, concluiu-se que esta última subcategoria (imagens) é a mais adotada pela grande maioria dos hotéis nos posts dos seus blogues. Verificou-se que dos 22 hotéis, 21 (95%) utilizam imagens nos seus blogues. O uso das outras subcategorias é quase residual. Embora a literatura aponte como importante exibir o nome do autor do post/artigo no final do mesmo como forma de dar mais credibilidade, apenas 4 blogues (18%) incluem esta característica. Relativamente à atenção dada ao grau de “utilidade” (value) dos posts para os utilizadores, verificou-se que apenas 2 dos blogues analisados (9%) fazem melhor uso desta característica de forma consistente. Cerca de 41% recorrem a esta boa prática mas não de forma consistente. Com respeito à característica que indica que o blogue deve dar a possibilidade ao utilizador de escolher entre diferentes categorias (relevância), verificou-se que apenas 7 hotéis (32%) fazem uso desta opção. Verificou-se também que é importante que os blogues façam uma partilha regular de posts/artigos. Nesta categoria foi verificada a sua consistência ao longo do tempo. Os resultados apontam que 7 blogues (32%) partilham posts de forma consistente. Analisou-se se os blogues partilham posts que sejam atuais e que estejam ligados a eventos recentes. Verificou-se que 16 blogues (73%) partilharam posts que aplicam esta boa prática de marketing de conteúdo digital. Relativamente à característica que se refere à possibilidade de os utilizadores deixarem comentários nos posts, constatou-se que apenas 2 blogues (9%) permitem que o utilizador deixe comentários, o que não é consistente com a ideia de interatividade esperada ao nível do marketing de conteúdos digitais aplicado aos blogues. Com respeito à dimensão do texto dos posts, a literatura enfatiza a recomendação de que estes devem ter um mínimo de extensão de 500 palavras. Nesta característica, “dimensão do texto”, verificou-se que apenas 2 blogues (9%) são consistentes em todos os posts analisados. Embora alguns blogues partilhem artigos que respeitam este número de palavras, estes não são consistentes em todos os posts analisados Analisou-se se os blogues dos hotéis incorporavam um botão (share button) diretamente nos posts que permitisse a que os utilizadores pudessem partilhar o post nas suas redes sociais. Aqui analisaram-se 3 redes sociais diferentes, nomeadamente Facebook, LinkedIn e Twitter, assim como a possibilidade de partilha via email. Constatou-se que 9 blogues (41%) permitem partilhar artigos diretamente no Facebook, seguido pelo Twitter, com 8 blogs (36%), LinkedIn com 6 blogs (27%) e e-mail com 5 blogs (23%). Os resultados indicam também se os blogues fazem a sugestão de leitura de outros posts relacionado no próprio post que o utilizador leia. Desta forma, observou-se que 16 blogues (73%) aplicam esta boa prática. Este estudo revelou que as boas práticas analisadas são importantes para que os hotéis possam otimizar os seus blogues a nível da estratégia de comunicação digital, por conseguinte, tornar a sua relação com os utilizadores mais próxima. Do que foi analisado, constata-se que nenhum blogue reúne todas as categorias e subcategorias examinadas. No entanto, existem pelo menos 2 hotéis que sobressaem em comparação com os demais, como aplicando o maior número de boas práticas de marketing de conteúdos digitais em blogues. De uma forma geral, a maioria dos blogues não segue as práticas recomendadas na literatura de forma consistente, não estando, dessa forma, a usufruir de todos os benefícios de uma estratégia de comunicação digital por via desta ferramenta. Este estudo contribui para a literatura de marketing de conteúdo digital com aplicação em blogues de hotéis. Preenche uma lacuna existente ao nível do conhecimento, investigando de forma exaustiva o uso do marketing de conteúdo digital no uso de blogues que geridos por hotéis de 4 e 5 estrelas em Portugal. A metodologia usada pode ser usada no futuro no âmbito de outras tipologias de alojamento. Além disso, esta investigação enfatiza para a importância do uso de blogues de forma consistente e estruturada. Recomendações de marketing são oferecidas com o foco na gestão de marketing de hotéis com recurso a blogues.The main objective of this study is to examine if companies such as hotels follow the best practices recommended in digital content marketing (DCM) literature in relation to their blogs. More specifically, it is intended to analyze if the content shared by Portuguese hotels on their blogs adhere to the elements that literature highlights as important for developing engagement with the audience. In so doing, 22 hotel blogs were compared by highlighting the ones that follow the best practices and the reverse situation. This study is motivated by the scarcity of existing research on Portuguese hotels and their use of digital content marketing on their blogs. A content analysis approach using 11 categories (characteristics identified in literature) revealed that the good practices analyzed are important so that hotels optimize their blogs and, therefore, improve their relationship with users. The findings show that no blog brings together all the good practices examined. Of all the hotels studied, 2 hotel blogs stand out in comparison to the others by implementing the characteristics that literature points out as relevant in a good digital communication strategy via blogs. In general, the majority of blogs do not follow the practices recommended in literature in a consistent way, and therefore are not optimizing their blogs as a communication tool. This study contributes significantly to the digital content marketing literature with application on hotel blogs. It fills an existing research gap, by examining the use of digital content marketing via blogs in a hospitality context, with a focus on 4 and 5 star hotels. As a result, this research offers marketing recommendations addressed to hotels, considering the use of DCM with regards to blogs

    Interactive Experience Design: Integrated and Tangible Storytelling with Maritime Museum Artefacts

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    Museums play the role of intermediary between cultural heritage and visitors, and are often described as places and environments for education and enjoyment. The European Union also encourages innovative uses of museums to support education through the cultural heritage resources. However, the importance of visitors’ active role in museums as places for education and entertainment, on the one hand, and the growing and indispensable presence of technology in the cultural heritage domain, on the other hand, provided the initial ideas to develop the research. This thesis, presents the study and design for an interactive storytelling installation for a maritime museum. The installation is designed to integrate different museum artefacts into the storytelling system to enrich the visitors experience through tangible storytelling. The project was conducted in collaboration with another PhD student, Luca Ciotoli. His contribution was mainly focused on the narrative and storytelling features of the research, while my contribution was focused on the interaction- and technology-related features, including the design and implementation of the prototype. The research is deployed using a four-phase iterative approach. The first phase of the research, Study, deals with literature review and different studies to identify the requirements. The second phase, Design, determines the broad outlines of the project i.e., an interactive storytelling installation. The design phase includes interaction and museum experience design. We investigated different design approaches, e.g., interaction and museum experience design, to develop a conceptual design. The third phase, prototype, allows us to determine how to fulfill the tasks and meet the requirements that are established for the research. Prototyping involves content creation, storyboarding, integrating augmented artefacts into the storytelling system. Th final phase, test, refers to the evaluations that are conducted during the aforementioned phases e.g., formative and the final usability testing with users. The outcome of the research confirms previous results in the literature about how digital narratives can be enriched with the tangible dimension, moreover it shows how this dimension can enable to communicate stories and knowledge of the past that are complex, such as the art of navigating in the past, by integrating tangible objects that play different roles in the storytelling process

    University teachers’ digital stories of sustainable development: A method for learning to teach

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    In order to help teachers teach sustainability more effectively, we need more knowledge about both their understanding of suitable pedagogical methods and their own positioning in regard to sustainable development. This qualitative research focuses on how teachers see themselves as educators of sustainability and how they experience creative methods such as digital storytelling in supporting their learning. Interviews were carried out with nine university teachers during a staff training course on sustainable development and how it is best taught and learnt. Findings indicate that teachers’ positioning in regard to the teaching of sustainable development varied according to their discipline and their understanding of its four dimensions, namely ecological, social, economic and cultural. Digital storytelling thus proved to be a promising method for supporting holistic learning and teachers’ self-positioning in regard to education concerning this complex domain. However, some restrictions exist in relation to resource-taking and teachers’ need for additional support.In order to help teachers teach sustainability more effectively, we need more knowledge about both their understanding of suitable pedagogical methods and their own positioning in regard to sustainable development. This qualitative research focuses on how teachers see themselves as educators of sustainability and how they experience creative methods such as digital storytelling in supporting their learning. Interviews were carried out with nine university teachers during a staff training course on sustainable development and how it is best taught and learnt. Findings indicate that teachers’ positioning in regard to the teaching of sustainable development varied according to their discipline and their understanding of its four dimensions, namely ecological, social, economic and cultural. Digital storytelling thus proved to be a promising method for supporting holistic learning and teachers’ self-positioning in regard to education concerning this complex domain. However, some restrictions exist in relation to resource-taking and teachers’ need for additional support

    Player agency in interactive narrative: audience, actor & author

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    The question motivating this review paper is, how can computer-based interactive narrative be used as a constructivist learn- ing activity? The paper proposes that player agency can be used to link interactive narrative to learner agency in constructivist theory, and to classify approaches to interactive narrative. The traditional question driving research in interactive narrative is, ‘how can an in- teractive narrative deal with a high degree of player agency, while maintaining a coherent and well-formed narrative?’ This question derives from an Aristotelian approach to interactive narrative that, as the question shows, is inherently antagonistic to player agency. Within this approach, player agency must be restricted and manip- ulated to maintain the narrative. Two alternative approaches based on Brecht’s Epic Theatre and Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed are reviewed. If a Boalian approach to interactive narrative is taken the conflict between narrative and player agency dissolves. The question that emerges from this approach is quite different from the traditional question above, and presents a more useful approach to applying in- teractive narrative as a constructivist learning activity

    VR Storytelling

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    The question of cinematic VR production has been on the table for several years. This is due to the peculiarity of VR language which, even if it is de ned by an image that surrounds and immerses the viewer rather than placing them, as in the classic cinematic situation, in front of a screen, relies decisively on an audiovisual basis that cannot help but refer to cinematic practices of constructing visual and auditory experience. Despite this, it would be extremely reductive to consider VR as the mere transposition of elements of cinematic language. The VR medium is endowed with its own speci city, which inevitably impacts its forms of narration. We thus need to investigate the narrative forms it uses that are probably related to cinematic language, and draw their strength from the same basis, drink from the same well, but develop according to di erent trajectories, thus displaying di erent links and a nities

    Communicating engineering heritage through immersive technology:A VR framework for enhancing users' interpretation process in virtual immersive environments

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    The recent advancement in immersive technologies opens up opportunities for the way individuals perceive and engage with information in public spaces to be innovated. This article discusses a study that investigates the application of Virtual Reality (VR) as an instrument for communicating engineering heritage in museum environments with the aim to enhance visitor experience. The study adopted Shannon’s communication theory as the main principle for contextualising heritage objects within virtual environments. This approach can benefit curators in informing the way the intended meaning, value, and context behind museum artefacts to be delivered through visual narratives and aesthetics. In this study, three VR scenarios have been developed using the Unreal engine to investigate the aspects of learning, interaction, and immersion during the virtual experience. One-way ANOVA approach was used to determine the significant differences between the proposed factors in the study. The study found that the absence of interaction in the immersive scenario reduced the mean score leading to a lack of constructive guidance during navigation. Whereas using Gamified and narrated approaches significantly increased the mean value of the participants compared to the control group. While many researchers argue that the utilisation of VR could improve the users’ level of presence, the study outcomes suggest that there are certain conditions that should be structured during the development process to facilitate better engagement with virtual content. To achieve these conditions, gamification and storytelling strategies have been found to be effective in delivering an interactive immersive experience for engaging with heritage artefacts and contents