309 research outputs found

    Main contribution of iconic attractions towards increasing popularity of tourism destinations: an analysis of twitter posts and locations

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    The social media platforms, due to their universal and comfortable interface, have become the real enablers of a microblogging services. Moreover, with the evolution of online reviews, consumers feel comfortable to express their opinions and share their personal experiences not only about the brands, but also about the travel destinations. Henceforth, social networks such as, Twitter, became important source of information. In this study, author analyzes 4,000 Twitter posts about 2 popular and 2 less popular locations and associated derived sentiments. The study demonstrates that there is a certain difference in perception of locations with a different popularity rank. In terms of information exposure, more popular locations tend to have a higher message diffusion activity, with most of them being of neutral polarity. Additionally, results showed that negative affection is observed more for less popular locations, providing valuable insight for Destination Marketing Organizations. In addition, for both groups, role of followers’ base was ineffective, demonstrating that topic of message sentiment and diffusion are key in tourism domain. Thus, from a methodological point of view, the main contribution of this research is the usage of random and unstructured data in Twitter to the measurement of the perception of the potential visitors of tourist attractions based on the sentiment analysis of posts associated to them. From theoretical point of view, using the sentiment orientation, the study relates to the user exposure and affection of the iconic attractions by the perceived difference in their popularity in accordance with external destination ranking.As redes sociais, devido ao seu interface universal e confortável, tornaram-se reais facilitadores de serviços de microblogging. Por conseguinte, a evolução dos reviews on-line, conferiu aos consumidores maior conforto para expressar as suas opiniões e partilhar as suas experiências pessoais, não apenas sobre as marcas, mas também sobre os seus destinos de viagem. As redes sociais, como o Twitter, tornaram-se importantes fontes de informação. Neste estudo, o autor analisa os sentimentos derivados de 4.000 publicações do Twitter acerca de 2 locais turísticos mais populares e 2 menos populares. O estudo demonstra que há uma certa diferença na percepção dos locais em função do seu grau de popularidade. Em termos de exposição, os locais mais populares tendem a ter uma maior atividade de difusão nas suas mensagens, sendo a maioria delas de polaridade neutra. Adicionalmente, os resultados mostraram que o sentimento negativo é mais partilhado em locais menos populares, fornecendo informações valiosas para Organizações de Marketing. Não obstante, para ambos os grupos, a dimenção da base de seguidores foi irrelevante, demonstrando que o tema da mensagem sentimento e difusão são fundamentais no domínio do turismo. A nível metodológico, o principal contributo desta pesquisa é a análise do sentimento de dados aleatórios e desestruturados do Twitter para a medição da percepção acerca de atracções turísticas com base na. Do ponto de vista teórico, o estudo relaciona-se com a exposição do usuário e o sentimento das atrações icônicas pela diferença percebida na sua popularidade de acordo com um ranking de destinos externo

    Geo Data Science for Tourism

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    This reprint describes the recent challenges in tourism seen from the point of view of data science. Thanks to the use of the most popular Data Science concepts, you can easily recognise trends and patterns in tourism, detect the impact of tourism on the environment, and predict future trends in tourism. This reprint starts by describing how to analyse data related to the past, then it moves on to detecting behaviours in the present, and, finally, it describes some techniques to predict future trends. By the end of the reprint, you will be able to use data science to help tourism businesses make better use of data and improve their decision making and operations.

    A Study of User Activity Patterns and the Effect of Venue Types on City Dynamics Using Location-Based Social Network Data

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    The main purpose of this research is to study the effect of various types of venues on the density distribution of residents and model check-in data from a Location-Based Social Network for the city of Shanghai, China by using combination of multiple temporal, spatial and visualization techniques by classifying users’ check-ins into different venue categories. This article investigates the use of Weibo for big data analysis and its efficiency in various categories instead of manually collected datasets, by exploring the relation between time, frequency, place and category of check-in based on location characteristics and their contributions. The data used in this research was acquired from a famous Chinese microblogs called Weibo, which was preprocessed to get the most significant and relevant attributes for the current study and transformed into Geographical Information Systems format, analyzed and, finally, presented with the help of graphs, tables and heat maps. The Kernel Density Estimation was used for spatial analysis. The venue categorization was based on nature of the physical locations within the city by comparing the name of venue extracted from Weibo dataset with the function such as education for schools or shopping for malls and so on. The results of usage patterns from hours to days, venue categories and frequency distribution into these categories as well as the density of check-in within the Shanghai and contribution of each venue category in its diversity are thoroughly demonstrated, uncovering interesting spatio-temporal patterns including frequency and density of users from different venues at different time intervals, and significance of using geo-data from Weibo to study human behavior in variety of studies like education, tourism and city dynamics based on location-based social networks. Our findings uncover various aspects of activity patterns in human behavior, the significance of venue classes and its effects in Shanghai, which can be applied in pattern analysis, recommendation systems and other interactive applications for these classes.</jats:p

    The infrastructure of public catering in the context of tourist city space development

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    To assess the impact of environmental factors on the activities of catering enterprises of the Belgorod region and the quality of customer service, the authors proposed a method using STEP-analysis and SWOT-analysis. The analysis of environmental factors was carried out on the basis of the expert evaluation results conducted in two stage

    Location‐based social network’s data analysis and spatio‐temporal modeling for the mega city of Shanghai, China

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    © 2020 by the authors. The aim of the current study is to analyze and extract the useful patterns from Location-Based Social Network (LBSN) data in Shanghai, China, using different temporal and spatial analysis techniques, along with specific check-in venue categories. This article explores the applications of LBSN data by examining the association between time, frequency of check-ins, and venue classes, based on users’ check-in behavior and the city’s characteristics. The information regarding venue classes is created and categorized by using the nature of physical locations. We acquired the geo-location information from one of the most famous Chinese microblogs called Sina-Weibo (Weibo). The extracted data are translated into the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) format, and after analysis the results are presented in the form of statistical graphs, tables, and spatial heatmaps. SPSS is used for temporal analysis, and Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) is applied based on users’ check-ins with the help of ArcMap and OpenStreetMap for spatial analysis. The findings show various patterns, including more frequent use of LBSN while visiting entertainment and shopping locations, a substantial number of check-ins from educational institutions, and that the density extends to suburban areas mainly because of educational institutions and residential areas. Through analytical results, the usage patterns based on hours of the day, days of the week, and for an entire six months, including by gender, venue category, and frequency distribution of the classes, as well as check-in density all over Shanghai city, are thoroughly demonstrated

    Perancangan “Alas Jati” Sebagai Wisata Alam di Desa Wisata Caturharjo, Bantul

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    Desa Wisata merupakan pedesaan yang memiliki karakteristik khusus dan dapat digunakan sebagai daerah tujuan wisata karena penduduknya masih memiliki tradisi dan budaya asli. Faktir pendukung desa wisata adalah pertanian, kekayaan alam dan struktur sosial yang masih asli. &nbsp;Salah satu desa wisata yang memiliki tradisi dan alam yang masih asli adalah Desa Caturharjo. Desa ini memiliki kekayaan pemandangan alam yang indah yang menyebar di seluruh wilayah. Salah satu potensi wisata alam yang menjadi unggulan adalah wisata alam Alas Jati. Wisata ini memiliki keunikan karena hutan jati tumbuh di batu kapur bekas pertambangan kapur. Pohon jati memiliki karakteristik akan menggugurkan daunnya pada musim kemarau, sehingga hutan tersebut akan tampak berwarna putih pada saat musim kemarau. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencari kebutuhan pengguna adalah metode observasi lapangan dan wawancara dengan pihak desa. Pengaruh budaya yang kental dan tuntuntan akan modernitas membuat perancangan masterplan kawasan wisata Alas Jati menggunakan konsep Neo-Vernakular . Konsep tersebut mampu menyatukan lokalitas dan modernitas. Penggunaan konsep Neo-Vernakular &nbsp;tercermin dalam desain fasilitas wisata dan material yang digunakan


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    Development is the main problem facing cities in the world today. Urban development is inseparable from the support of labor. The population movement between regions provides a guarantee for the sustainable development of the city. Therefore, the interactive relationship between urban development and population mobility needs more in-depth research. This research combines official statistics and emerging big data to study the interactive relationship between urban development and population mobility from the macro, meso and micro levels. In addition, with the help of exploratory spatial data analysis methods, the spatial effects between urban development and population mobility can be captured, including spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity. The use of spatial econometric models reveals the driving forces that affect population mobility. The results of the empirical analysis can provide a theoretical reference for the future development of China’s urbanization.北九州市立大

    Research on Vitality and Sustainable Development of Urban Villages from the Urban Perspective

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    北九州市立大学博士(工学)China's urban development has shifted from rapid urbanization to stock development with urban renewal as the main focus, but the backward facilities and inefficient allocation of public resources in urban villages make it difficult to support sustainable urban development, leading to a decline in the quality of life of residents and dissipation of urban vitality. Urban vitality is an important indicator of healthy and sustainable urban development, and it is of great significance to study the impacts of urban villages on vitality, to re-conceptualize the value of urban villages, and to explore the development path of urban villages for the sustainable development of cities. This study takes urban villages and urban vitality as the research object and proposes a quantifiable and replicable framework for the adaptation of urban villages in Shenzhen. After assessing Shenzhen's vitality in terms of economic, social, and cultural aspects, a regression model is developed to analyze the relationship between vitality and the built environment. Finally, an empirical case study is conducted. It is hoped that this will deepen the community's understanding of urban villages and provide a theoretical basis for the long-term revitalization and sustainable development of cities.doctoral thesi