5 research outputs found

    A Convex Optimization Model and Algorithm for Retinex

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    Retinex is a theory on simulating and explaining how human visual system perceives colors under different illumination conditions. The main contribution of this paper is to put forward a new convex optimization model for Retinex. Different from existing methods, the main idea is to rewrite a multiplicative form such that the illumination variable and the reflection variable are decoupled in spatial domain. The resulting objective function involves three terms including the Tikhonov regularization of the illumination component, the total variation regularization of the reciprocal of the reflection component, and the data-fitting term among the input image, the illumination component, and the reciprocal of the reflection component. We develop an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to solve the convex optimization model. Numerical experiments demonstrate the advantages of the proposed model which can decompose an image into the illumination and the reflection components

    QBRIX : a quantile-based approach to retinex

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel probabilistic version of retinex. It is based on a probabilistic formalization of the random spray retinex sampling and contributes to the investigation of the spatial properties of the model. Various versions available of the retinex algorithm are characterized by different procedures for exploring the image content (so as to obtain, for each pixel, a reference white value), then used to rescale the pixel lightness. Here we propose an alternative procedure, which computes the reference white value from the percentile values of the pixel population. We formalize two versions of the algorithm: one with global and one with local behavior, characterized by different computational costs

    Real-time image dehazing by superpixels segmentation and guidance filter

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    Haze and fog had a great influence on the quality of images, and to eliminate this, dehazing and defogging are applied. For this purpose, an effective and automatic dehazing method is proposed. To dehaze a hazy image, we need to estimate two important parameters such as atmospheric light and transmission map. For atmospheric light estimation, the superpixels segmentation method is used to segment the input image. Then each superpixel intensities are summed and further compared with each superpixel individually to extract the maximum intense superpixel. Extracting the maximum intense superpixel from the outdoor hazy image automatically selects the hazy region (atmospheric light). Thus, we considered the individual channel intensities of the extracted maximum intense superpixel as an atmospheric light for our proposed algorithm. Secondly, on the basis of measured atmospheric light, an initial transmission map is estimated. The transmission map is further refined through a rolling guidance filter that preserves much of the image information such as textures, structures and edges in the final dehazed output. Finally, the haze-free image is produced by integrating the atmospheric light and refined transmission with the haze imaging model. Through detailed experimentation on several publicly available datasets, we showed that the proposed model achieved higher accuracy and can restore high-quality dehazed images as compared to the state-of-the-art models. The proposed model could be deployed as a real-time application for real-time image processing, real-time remote sensing images, real-time underwater images enhancement, video-guided transportation, outdoor surveillance, and auto-driver backed systems

    Ridge Regression Approach to Color Constancy

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    This thesis presents the work on color constancy and its application in the field of computer vision. Color constancy is a phenomena of representing (visualizing) the reflectance properties of the scene independent of the illumination spectrum. The motivation behind this work is two folds:The primary motivation is to seek ‘consistency and stability’ in color reproduction and algorithm performance respectively because color is used as one of the important features in many computer vision applications; therefore consistency of the color features is essential for high application success. Second motivation is to reduce ‘computational complexity’ without sacrificing the primary motivation.This work presents machine learning approach to color constancy. An empirical model is developed from the training data. Neural network and support vector machine are two prominent nonlinear learning theories. The work on support vector machine based color constancy shows its superior performance over neural networks based color constancy in terms of stability. But support vector machine is time consuming method. Alternative approach to support vectormachine, is a simple, fast and analytically solvable linear modeling technique known as ‘Ridge regression’. It learns the dependency between the surface reflectance and illumination from a presented training sample of data. Ridge regression provides answer to the two fold motivation behind this work, i.e., stable and computationally simple approach. The proposed algorithms, ‘Support vector machine’ and ‘Ridge regression’ involves three step processes: First, an input matrix constructed from the preprocessed training data set is trained toobtain a trained model. Second, test images are presented to the trained model to obtain the chromaticity estimate of the illuminants present in the testing images. Finally, linear diagonal transformation is performed to obtain the color corrected image. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms on both calibrated and uncalibrated data set in comparison to the methods discussed in literature review. Finally, thesis concludes with a complete discussion and summary on comparison between the proposed approaches and other algorithms

    Color in context and spatial color computation

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute in the field of spatial color computation models.We begin introducing an overview about different approaches in the definitionof computational models of color in digital imaging. In particular, we present a recent accurate mathematical definition of the Retinex algorithm, that lead to the definition of a new computational model called Random Spray Retinex (RSR). We then introduce the tone mapping problem, discussing the need for color computation in the implementation of a perceptual correct computational model. At this aim we will present the HDR Retinex algorithm, that addresses tone mappingand color constancy at the same time. In the end, we present some experiments analyzing the influence of HDR Retinex spatial color computation on tristimulus colors obtained using different Color Matching Functions (CMFs) on spectral luminance distribution generated by a photometric raytracer