9 research outputs found

    Deflection Routing Strategies for Optical Burst Switching Networks: Contemporary Affirmation of the Recent Literature

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    A promising option to raising busty interchange in system communication could be Optical Burst Switched (OBS) networks among scalable and support routing effective. The routing schemes with disputation resolution got much interest, because the OBS network is buffer less in character. Because the deflection steering can use limited optical buffering or actually no buffering thus the choice or deflection routing techniques can be critical. Within this paper we investigate the affirmation of the current literature on alternate (deflection) routing strategies accessible for OBS networks

    Segmentation-based nonpreemptive channel scheduling algorithms for optical burst-switched networks

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    Analysis and comparison of hot-potato and single-buffer deflection routing in very high bit rate optical mesh networks

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    The steady state behavior of regular two-connected multihoP networks in uniform traffic under hot-Pobto and a simple single-buffer deflection routing technique is analyzed for very high bit rate optical applications. Manhattan Street Network and ShuffleNet are compared in terms of throughput, delay, deflection probability, and hop distribution both analytically and by simulation. It is analytically verified that this single-buffer deflection routing technique recovers in both networks more than 6O% of the throughput loss of hot-pohto with respect to store-and-forward when packets are generated with independent the average message length exceeds 20 packets. destinations. This gain, however, decreases to below 40% when the average message length exceeds 20 packets

    New contention resolution techniques for optical burst switching

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    Optical burst switching (OBS) is a technology positioned between wavelength routing and optical packet switching that does not require optical buffering or packet-level parsing, and it is more efficient than circuit switching when the sustained traffic volume does not consume a full wavelength. However, several critical issues still need to be solved such as contention resolution without optical buffering which is a key determinant of packet-loss with a significant impact on network performance. Deflection routing is an approach for resolving contention by routing a contending packet to an output port other than the intended output port. In OBS networks, when contention between two bursts cannot be resolved through deflection routing, one of the bursts will be dropped. However, this scheme doesn’t take advantage of all the available resources in resolving contentions. Due to this, the performance of existing deflection routing scheme is not satisfactory. In this thesis, we propose and evaluate three new strategies which aim at resolving contention. We propose a new approach called Backtrack on Deflection Failure, which provides a second chance to blocked bursts when deflection failure occurs. The bursts in this scheme, when blocked, will get an opportunity to backtrack to the previous node and may get routed through any deflection route available at the previous node. Two variants are proposed for handling the backtracking delay involved in this scheme namely: (a) Increase in Initial Offset and (b) Open-Loop Reservation. Furthermore, we propose a third scheme called Bidirectional Reservation on Burst Drop in which bandwidth reservation is made in both the forward and the backward directions simultaneously. This scheme comes into effect only when control bursts get dropped due to bandwidth unavailability. The retransmitted control bursts will have larger offset value and because of this, they will have lower blocking probability than the original bursts. The performance of our schemes and of those proposed in the literature is studied through simulation. The parameters considered in evaluating these schemes are blocking probability, average throughput, and overall link utilization. The results obtained show that our schemes perform significantly better than their standard counterparts

    Architecture de simulation multiressource pour un réseau grille basé sur OBS

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    Le concept de la grille de calcul a émergé récemment comme infrastructure apte à répondre aux exigences des applications scientifiques et économiques en termes de stockage et calcul. Le principe de la grille est de regrouper toute la puissance inexploitée des ordinateurs d'un réseau pour la mettre à la disposition des applications nécessitant de grands calculs. Il s'agit également d'utiliser l'espace de stockage inutilisé des serveurs pour y entreposer des données. Une grille de calcul représente donc une collection de ressources informatiques réparties en plusieurs emplacements et agissent en tant que ressources de traitement unifiées ou comme une collection d'ordinateurs virtuels. L'avantage de la grille consiste en un traitement plus rapide et plus efficace. Elle permet aussi d'éliminer l'inconvénient de lier étroitement des machines spécifiques à des travaux spécifiques. Puisqu'elle permet à des utilisateurs et à des applications d'accéder et de contrôler efficacement diverses ressources de différentes locations distribuées. Toutefois, sans un moyen de transport de données assez rapide, il y aurait aucun avantage dans le traitement distribué des données. La commutation optique par rafales (OBS) a été identifiée comme la technologie idéale pour répondre aux exigences de la grille. Cette approche est connue sous le nom de grille basée sur OBS « GOBS ». Dans ce mémoire nous étudions et évaluons la performance d'un réseau GOBS. Nous présentons aussi le problème de multi-ressource dans le cas où plusieurs ressources informatiques seront dédiées pour le traitement des tâches de la grille. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de démontrer que l'approche multi-ressource est efficace pour le traitement distribuée au sein de la grille et particulièrement dans le cas de grandes tâches. Elle permet de réduire le taux de perte et aussi d'assurer un traitement plus rapide. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Grille de calcul, GOBS, OBS, Tâche, Burst, Rafale, Paquet de contrôle, Ressource

    Optical packet switching using multi-wavelength labels

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    Performance analysis of optical burst switching network

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    In this dissertation, after reviewing the new paradigm in the optical switching network invoked by the DWDM technology and studying the changes of the schemes, we design the new optical burst switching networks, analyze the performance of the proposed scheme and interpret the analysis results. For design point of view, the fairness guaranteeing scheme and burst blocking reduction schemes in the mesh networks, loss less burst transmission scheme in DWDM metro ring networks are considered. As a future broad band optical alternative, optical burst switching has been receive much focus. We review the property of the optical switching technologies such as optical packet switching, optical circuit switching, and optical burst switching. The benefits of the optical burst switching is illustrated. Even though optical burst switching has several advantage, it has intrinsic technology barrier. We study the research activities to remove the basic problem of optical burst switching. Optical deflection, optical burst segmentation, burst cloning, and burst piggy backing scheme is considered. To improve the network performance, we design optical burst switching network in mesh networks and metro ring networks. We also implement the proposed network by our own developed network test bench. We verify the proposed network performance by analyzing the network mathematically in terms of blocking rate, delay and throughput. The theoretical results are compared with the simulation results. The verification shows that our proposed schemes outperform those of the conventional scheme. Our mathematical models are also matched to the simulation results. The interpretation of the verification shows that our assumption and theoretical analysis is well designed. The results illustrate that the difference between the simulation results and mathematical results is within the considerable margin. The contribution of the thesis is that the performance improvement schemes in both of the mesh network and ring network are proposed and analyzed. By considering feasibility of the future optical networks, proposed scheme in this thesis is more deployable in commercial network in terms of the burst blocking rate and delay as well as the network stability

    Design of Routers for Optical Burst Switched Networks

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    Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is an experimental network technology that enables the construction of very high capacity routers using optical data paths and electronic control. In this dissertation, we study the design of network components that are needed to build an OBS network. Specifically, we study the design of the switches that form the optical data path through the network. An OBS network that switches data across wavelength channels requires wave-length converting switches to construct an OBS router. We study one particular design of wavelength converting switches that uses tunable lasers and wavelength grating routers. This design is interesting because wavelength grating routers are passive devices and are much less complex and hence less expensive than optical crossbars. We show how the routing problem for these switches can be formulated as a combinatorial puzzle or game, in which the design of the game board determines key performance characteristics of the switch. In this disertation, we use this formu-lation to facilitate the design of switches and associated routing strategies with good performance. We then introduce time sliced optical burst switching (TSOBS), a variant of OBS that switches data in the time domain rather that the wavelength domain. This eliminates the need for wavelength converters, the largest single cost component of systems that switch in the wavelength domain. We study the performance of TSOBS networks and discuss various design issues. One of the main components that is needed to build a TSOBS router is an optical time slot interchanger (OTSI). We explore various design options for OTSIs. Finally, we discuss the issues involved in the design of network interfaces that transmit the data from hosts that use legacy protocols into a TSOBS network. Ag-gregation and load balancing are the main issues that determine the performance of a TSOBS network and we develop and evaluate methods for both