85 research outputs found

    On the variational structure of breather solutions

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    In this paper we give a systematic and simple account that put in evidence that many breather solutions of integrable equations satisfy suitable variational elliptic equations, which also implies that the stability problem reduces in some sense to (i)(i) the study of the spectrum of explicit linear systems (\emph{spectral stability}), and (ii)(ii) the understanding of how bad directions (if any) can be controlled using low regularity conservation laws. We exemplify this idea in the case of the modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV), Gardner, and sine-Gordon (SG) equations. Then we perform numerical simulations that confirm, at the level of the spectral problem, our previous rigorous results, where we showed that mKdV breathers are H2H^2 and H1H^1 stable, respectively. In a second step, we also discuss the Gardner and the Sine-Gordon cases, where the spectral study of a fourth-order linear matrix system is the key element to show stability. Using numerical methods, we confirm that all spectral assumptions leading to the H2×H1H^2\times H^1 stability of SG breathers are numerically satisfied, even in the ultra-relativistic, singular regime. In a second part, we study the periodic mKdV case, where a periodic breather is known from the work of Kevrekidis et al. We rigorously show that these breathers satisfy a suitable elliptic equation, and we also show numerical spectral stability. However, we also identify the source of nonlinear instability in the case described in Kevrekidis et al. Finally, we present a new class of breather solution for mKdV, believed to exist from geometric considerations, and which is periodic in time and space, but has nonzero mean, unlike standard breathers.Comment: 55 pages; This paper is an improved version of our previous paper 1309.0625 and hence we replace i

    Coupling of adaptive refinement with variational multiscale element free Galerkin method for high gradient problems

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    In this thesis, a new adaptive refinement coupled with variational multiscale element free Galerkin method (EFGM) is developed for solving high gradient problems. The aim of this thesis is to propose a new framework of moving least squares (MLS) approximation with coupling method based on the variational multiscale concept. Additional new nodes will be inserted automatically at high gradient regions by adaptive algorithm based on refinement criteria. An enrichment function is embedded in the MLS approximation for the fine scale part of the problem. Besides, this new technique will be parallelized by using OpenMP which is based on shared memory architecture. The proposed new approach is first applied in two-dimensional large localized gradient problem, transient heat conduction problem as well as Burgers' equation in order to analyze the accuracy of the proposed method and validated with an available analytic solutions. The obtained numerical results show a very good agreement with the analytic solutions and is able to obtain more accurate results than the standard EFGM. It is found that the average relative error of this new method is reduced in the range of 15% to 70%. Besides, this new method is also extended to solve two-dimensional sine-Gordon solitons. The results obtained show good agreement with the published results. Moreover, the parallelization of adaptive variational multiscale EFGM can improve the computational efficiency by reducing the execution time without loss of accuracy. Therefore, the capability and robustness of this new method has the potential to investigate more complicated problems in order to produce higher precision solutions with shorter computational time

    Wavelet Methods for the Solutions of Partial and Fractional Differential Equations Arising in Physical Problems

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    The subject of fractional calculus has gained considerable popularity and importance during the past three decades or so, mainly due to its demonstrated applications in numerous seemingly diverse and widespread fields of science and engineering. It deals with derivatives and integrals of arbitrary orders. The fractional derivative has been occurring in many physical problems, such as frequency-dependent damping behavior of materials, motion of a large thin plate in a Newtonian fluid, creep and relaxation functions for viscoelastic materials, the PI D controller for the control of dynamical systems etc. Phenomena in electromagnetics, acoustics, viscoelasticity, electrochemistry, control theory, neutron point kinetic model, anomalous diffusion, Brownian motion, signal and image processing, fluid dynamics and material science are well described by differential equations of fractional order. Generally, nonlinear partial differential equations of fractional order are difficult to solve. So for the last few decades, a great deal of attention has been directed towards the solution (both exact and numerical) of these problems. The aim of this dissertation is to present an extensive study of different wavelet methods for obtaining numerical solutions of mathematical problems occurring in disciplines of science and engineering. This present work also provides a comprehensive foundation of different wavelet methods comprising Haar wavelet method, Legendre wavelet method, Legendre multi-wavelet methods, Chebyshev wavelet method, Hermite wavelet method and Petrov-Galerkin method. The intension is to examine the accuracy of various wavelet methods and their efficiency for solving nonlinear fractional differential equations. With the widespread applications of wavelet methods for solving difficult problems in diverse fields of science and engineering such as wave propagation, data compression, image processing, pattern recognition, computer graphics and in medical technology, these methods have been implemented to develop accurate and fast algorithms for solving integral, differential and integro-differential equations, especially those whose solutions are highly localized in position and scale. The main feature of wavelets is its ability to convert the given differential and integral equations to a system of linear or nonlinear algebraic equations, which can be solved by numerical methods. Therefore, our main focus in the present work is to analyze the application of wavelet based transform methods for solving the problem of fractional order partial differential equations. The introductory concept of wavelet, wavelet transform and multi-resolution analysis (MRA) have been discussed in the preliminary chapter. The basic idea of various analytical and numerical methods viz. Variational Iteration Method (VIM), Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM), Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM), First Integral Method (FIM), Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method (OHAM), Haar Wavelet Method, Legendre Wavelet Method, Chebyshev Wavelet Method and Hermite Wavelet Method have been presented in chapter 1. In chapter 2, we have considered both analytical and numerical approach for solving some particular nonlinear partial differential equations like Burgers’ equation, modified Burgers’ equation, Huxley equation, Burgers-Huxley equation and modified KdV equation, which have a wide variety of applications in physical models. Variational Iteration Method and Haar wavelet Method are applied to obtain the analytical and numerical approximate solution of Huxley and Burgers-Huxley equations. Comparisons between analytical solution and numerical solution have been cited in tables and also graphically. The Haar wavelet method has also been applied to solve Burgers’, modified Burgers’, and modified KdV equations numerically. The results thus obtained are compared with exact solutions as well as solutions available in open literature. Error of collocation method has been presented in this chapter. Methods like Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) and Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method (OHAM) are very powerful and efficient techniques for solving nonlinear PDEs. Using these methods, many functional equations such as ordinary, partial differential equations and integral equations have been solved. We have implemented HPM and OHAM in chapter 3, in order to obtain the analytical approximate solutions of system of nonlinear partial differential equation viz. the Boussinesq-Burgers’ equations. Also, the Haar wavelet method has been applied to obtain the numerical solution of BoussinesqBurgers’ equations. Also, the convergence of HPM and OHAM has been discussed in this chapter. The mathematical modeling and simulation of systems and processes, based on the description of their properties in terms of fractional derivatives, naturally leads to differential equations of fractional order and the necessity to solve such equations. The mathematical preliminaries of fractional calculus, definitions and theorems have been presented in chapter 4. Next, in this chapter, the Haar wavelet method has been analyzed for solving fractional differential equations. The time-fractional Burgers-Fisher, generalized Fisher type equations, nonlinear time- and space-fractional Fokker-Planck equations have been solved by using two-dimensional Haar wavelet method. The obtained results are compared with the Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method (OHAM), the exact solutions and the results available in open literature. Comparison of obtained results with OHAM, Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM), VIM and Operational Tau Method (OTM) has been demonstrated in order to justify the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed schemes. The convergence of two-dimensional Haar wavelet technique has been provided at the end of this chapter. In chapter 5, the fractional differential equations such as KdV-Burger-Kuramoto (KBK) equation, seventh order KdV (sKdV) equation and Kaup-Kupershmidt (KK) equation have been solved by using two-dimensional Legendre wavelet and Legendre multi-wavelet methods. The main focus of this chapter is the application of two-dimensional Legendre wavelet technique for solving nonlinear fractional differential equations like timefractional KBK equation, time-fractional sKdV equation in order to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed wavelet method. Similarly in chapter 6, twodimensional Chebyshev wavelet method has been implemented to obtain the numerical solutions of the time-fractional Sawada-Kotera equation, fractional order Camassa-Holm equation and Riesz space-fractional sine-Gordon equations. The convergence analysis has been done for these wavelet methods. In chapter 7, the solitary wave solution of fractional modified Fornberg-Whitham equation has been attained by using first integral method and also the approximate solutions obtained by optimal homotopy asymptotic method (OHAM) are compared with the exact solutions acquired by first integral method. Also, the Hermite wavelet method has been implemented to obtain approximate solutions of fractional modified Fornberg-Whitham equation. The Hermite wavelet method is implemented to system of nonlinear fractional differential equations viz. the fractional Jaulent-Miodek equations. Convergence of this wavelet methods has been discussed in this chapter. Chapter 8 emphasizes on the application of Petrov-Galerkin method for solving the fractional differential equations such as the fractional KdV-Burgers’ (KdVB) equation and the fractional Sharma-TassoOlver equation with a view to exhibit the capabilities of this method in handling nonlinear equation. The main objective of this chapter is to establish the efficiency and accuracy of Petrov-Galerkin method in solving fractional differential equtaions numerically by implementing a linear hat function as the trial function and a quintic B-spline function as the test function. Various wavelet methods have been successfully employed to numerous partial and fractional differential equations in order to demonstrate the validity and accuracy of these procedures. Analyzing the numerical results, it can be concluded that the wavelet methods provide worthy numerical solutions for both classical and fractional order partial differential equations. Finally, it is worthwhile to mention that the proposed wavelet methods are promising and powerful methods for solving fractional differential equations in mathematical physics. This work also aimed at, to make this subject popular and acceptable to engineering and science community to appreciate the universe of wonderful mathematics, which is in between classical integer order differentiation and integration, which till now is not much acknowledged, and is hidden from scientists and engineers. Therefore, our goal is to encourage the reader to appreciate the beauty as well as the usefulness of these numerical wavelet based techniques in the study of nonlinear physical system

    The well-posedness and solutions of Boussinesq-type equations

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    We develop well-posedness theory and analytical and numerical solution techniques for Boussinesq-type equations. Firstly, we consider the Cauchy problem for a generalized Boussinesq equation. We show that under suitable conditions, a global solution for this problem exists. In addition, we derive sufficient conditions for solution blow-up in finite time.Secondly, a generalized Jacobi/exponential expansion method for finding exact solutions of non-linear partial differential equations is discussed. We use the proposed expansion method to construct many new, previously undiscovered exact solutions for the Boussinesq and modified Korteweg-de Vries equations. We also apply it to the shallow water long wave approximate equations. New solutions are deduced for this system of partial differential equations.Finally, we develop and validate a numerical procedure for solving a class of initial boundary value problems for the improved Boussinesq equation. The finite element method with linear B-spline basis functions is used to discretize the equation in space and derive a second order system involving only ordinary derivatives. It is shown that the coefficient matrix for the second order term in this system is invertible. Consequently, for the first time, the initial boundary value problem can be reduced to an explicit initial value problem, which can be solved using many accurate numerical methods. Various examples are presented to validate this technique and demonstrate its capacity to simulate wave splitting, wave interaction and blow-up behavior

    Differential/Difference Equations

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    The study of oscillatory phenomena is an important part of the theory of differential equations. Oscillations naturally occur in virtually every area of applied science including, e.g., mechanics, electrical, radio engineering, and vibrotechnics. This Special Issue includes 19 high-quality papers with original research results in theoretical research, and recent progress in the study of applied problems in science and technology. This Special Issue brought together mathematicians with physicists, engineers, as well as other scientists. Topics covered in this issue: Oscillation theory; Differential/difference equations; Partial differential equations; Dynamical systems; Fractional calculus; Delays; Mathematical modeling and oscillations

    High-Order Numerical Methods in Lake Modelling

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    The physical processes in lakes remain only partially understood despite successful data collection from a variety of sources spanning several decades. Although numerical models are already frequently employed to simulate the physics of lakes, especially in the context of water quality management, improved methods are necessary to better capture the wide array of dynamically important physical processes, spanning length scales from ~ 10 km (basin-scale oscillations) - 1 m (short internal waves). In this thesis, high-order numerical methods are explored for specialized model equations of lakes, so that their use can be taken into consideration in the next generation of more sophisticated models that will better capture important small scale features than their present day counterparts. The full three-dimensional incompressible density-stratified Navier-Stokes equations remain too computationally expensive to be solved for situations that involve both complicated geometries and require resolution of features at length-scales spanning four orders of magnitude. The main source of computational expense lay with the requirement of having to solve a three-dimensional Poisson equation for pressure at every time-step. Simplified model equations are thus the only way that numerical lake modelling can be carried out at present time, and progress can be made by seeking intelligent parameterizations as a means of capturing more physics within the framework of such simplified equation sets. In this thesis, we employ the long-accepted practice of sub-dividing the lake into vertical layers of different constant densities as an approximation to continuous vertical stratification. We build on this approach by including weakly non-hydrostatic dispersive correction terms in the model equations in order to parameterize the effects of small vertical accelerations that are often disregarded by operational models. Favouring the inclusion of weakly non-hydrostatic effects over the more popular hydrostatic approximation allows these models to capture the emergence of small-scale internal wave phenomena, such as internal solitary waves and undular bores, that are missed by purely hydrostatic models. The Fourier and Chebyshev pseudospectral methods are employed for these weakly non-hydrostatic layered models in simple idealized lake geometries, e.g., doubly periodic domains, periodic channels, and annular domains, for a set of test problems relevant to lake dynamics since they offer excellent resolution characteristics at minimal memory costs. This feature makes them an excellent benchmark to compare other methods against. The Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method (DG-FEM) is then explored as a mid- to high-order method that can be used in arbitrary lake geometries. The DG-FEM can be interpreted as a domain-decomposition extension of a polynomial pseudospectral method and shares many of the same attractive features, such as fast convergence rates and the ability to resolve small-scale features with a relatively low number of grid points when compared to a low-order method. The DG-FEM is further complemented by certain desirable attributes it shares with the finite volume method, such as the freedom to specify upwind-biased numerical flux functions for advection-dominated flows, the flexibility to deal with complicated geometries, and the notion that each element (or cell) can be regarded as a control volume for conserved fluid quantities. Practical implementation details of the numerical methods used in this thesis are discussed, and the various modelling and methodology choices that have been made in the course of this work are justified as the difficulties that these choices address are revealed to the reader. Theoretical calculations are intermittently carried out throughout the thesis to help improve intuition in situations where numerical methods alone fall short of giving complete explanations of the physical processes under consideration. The utility of the DG-FEM method beyond purely hyperbolic systems is also a recurring theme in this thesis. The DG-FEM method is applied to dispersive shallow water type systems as well as incompressible flow situations. Furthermore, it is employed for eigenvalue problems where orthogonal bases must be constructed from the eigenspaces of elliptic operators. The technique is applied to the problem calculating the free modes of oscillation in rotating basins with irregular geometries where the corresponding linear operator is not self-adjoint

    Analytical and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations and Applications

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    The book is a printed version of the Special issue Analytical and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations and Applications, published in Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistic