43 research outputs found

    Cosine Based Non-Linear Frequency Modulation Waveforms with Low Sidelobes

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    Suppression of sidelobes is critical in most radar applications. The sidelobes of around -30 dB to -60dB are of primary interest in several radar applications. Several studies focused on the design of Nonlinear frequency modulated (NLFM) waveforms. Two cosine-based NLFM waveforms, NLFM I and II, are designed and investigated for their performance for sidelobe level for different time-bandwidth (BT) products. The designed waveforms achieved sidelobe levels of about -65.25 dB and -79.42 dB at BT product 1000. For low BT product 50, the sidelobes achieved are -52.71 dB and -42.05 dB, respectively. The reduction in sidelobes increased with an increase in BT product. For overall performance, the designed waveforms were investigated for doppler tolerance and signal to noise ratio (SNR). An increase in SNR caused sidelobe levels to decrease. Like other NLFM waveforms, they exhibited doppler intolerance

    Waveform Design and Related Processing for Multiple Target Detection and Resolution

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    The performance of modern radar systems mostly depends on the radiated waveforms, whose design is the basis of the entire system design. Today’s coherent, solid-state radars (either of the phased array type or of the single-radiator type as air traffic control or marine radars) transmit a set of deterministic signals with relatively large duty cycles, an order of 10%, calling for pulse compression to get the required range resolution. Often, power budget calls for different pulse lengths (e.g., short, medium, and long waveforms with a rectangular envelope) to cover the whole radar range. The first part of the chapter includes the topic of mitigating the effect of unwanted side lobes, inherent to every pulse compression, which is achieved both by a careful and optimal design of the waveform and by a (possibly mismatched) suitable processing. The second part of the chapter deals with the novel noise radar technology, not yet used in commercial radar sets but promising: (1) to prevent radar interception and exploitation by an enemy part and (2) to limit the mutual interferences of nearby radars, as in the marine environment. In this case, the design includes a tailoring of a set of pseudo-random waveforms, generally by recursive processing, to comply with the system requirements

    Analysis of Non Linear Frequency Modulation (NLFM) Waveforms for Pulse Compression Radar

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    Non Linear Frequency Modulation (NLFM) method can suppress the peak sidelobe level without additional windowing function. NLFM doesn’t require any weighting function because it has inbuilt one. NLFM has a variable frequency deviation function due to the relation between frequency and time of the signal which is not linear so that it is possible to suppress of peak sidelobe level. This paper studies the characteristic of various NLFM waveform, such as NLFM Tri Stage Piece Wise (TSPW), NLFM S, and NLFM Taylor. The study of Pulse Compression of NLFM waveform consists of three aspects. First, analysis of pulse compression performance. Second, analysis of background noise. Last, analysis of Doppler effects. The simulation is done using Matlab software. The lowest  value Peak Sidelobe Level (PSL)of NLFM TSPW is about -20 dB while NLFM S and NLFM Taylor are about -32 dB and -39 dB. Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and Doppler Effect influenced the value of PSL for each NLFM waveform. NLFM Taylor has the best NLFM waveform when the Doppler Effect and AWGN cause the value of PSL become high. Comparison between NLFM Taylor and Linear Frequency Modulation(LFM) is done in radar surveillance applications to analyze the detectability performance where the condition of Radar Cross Section (RCS) for each target has different significant value. The three targets are commercial airplanes, helicopter and fighter. For detectability performance, NLFM Taylor can detect more clearly than LFM conventional

    Waveform-Diverse Stretch Processing

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    Stretch processing with the use of a wideband LFM transmit waveform is a commonly used technique, and its popularity is in large part due to the large time-bandwidth product that provides fine range resolution capabilities for applications that require it. It allows pulse compression of echoes at a much lower sampling bandwidth without sacrificing any range resolution. Previously, this technique has been restrictive in terms of waveform diversity because the literature shows that the LFM is the only type of waveform that will result in a tone after stretch processing. However, there are also many examples in the literature that demonstrate an ability to compensate for distortions from an ideal LFM waveform structure caused by various hardware components in the transmitter and receiver. This idea of compensating for variations is borrowed here, and the use of nonlinear FM (NLFM) waveforms is proposed to facilitate more variety in wideband waveforms that are usable with stretch processing. A compensation transform that permits the use of these proposed NLFM waveforms replaces the final fast Fourier transform (FFT) stage of the stretch processing configuration, but the rest of the RF receive chain remains the same. This modification to the receive processing structure makes possible the use of waveform diversity for legacy radar systems that already employ stretch processing. Similarly, using the same concept of compensating for distortions to the LFM structure along with the notion that a Fourier transform is essentially the matched filter bank for an LFM waveform mixed with an LFM reference, a least-squares based mismatched filtering (MMF) scheme is proposed. This MMF could likewise be used to replace thefinal FFT stage, and can also facilitate the application of NLFM waveforms to legacy radar systems. The efficacy of these filtering approaches (compensation transform and least-squares based MMF) are demonstrated in simulation and experimentally using open-air measurements and are applied to different scenarios of NLFM waveform to assess the results and provide a means of comparison between the two techniques

    Generating nonlinear FM chirp waveforms for radar.

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    Development of Efficient Radar Pulse Compression Technique for Frequency Modulated Pulses

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    Radar systems use Pulse Compression techniques to enhance the long range detection capability of long duration pulse and the range resolution capability of short pulse. Frequency and phase modulation techniques are used to increase the BW of long duration pulse to achieve better range resolution with limited peak power. Towards this purpose Linear FM chrip is the very common form of waveform. This waveform has a matched filtered Response (or ACF) with side lobe level is about -13dB. It may be improve by using methods such as windowing, adaptive filtering and optimization techniques. Windowing is used in LFM pulse Compression to reduce the side lobes. But the output SNR can be reduced by 1 to 2 dB due to windowing, this leads to reduce the false alarm rates in object detection applications. Using a train of stepped frequency pulses is an efficient method that achieves large overall Bandwidth and at the same time, maintains narrow instantaneous bandwidth. In this method a frequency step frequency step is added between successive pulses. One of the benefits of this method is that it allows us to use the duration between pulses to control the mid frequency of the other narrow band components of the radar system. Introducing frequency step between consecutive pulses is an efficient method to enhance the bandwidth of pulse train. The large value of frequency step gives large total bandwidth and better range resolution. However, if the product of frequency step and pulse width becomes more than one, the stepped frequency pulse-train ACF experiences unwanted peaks, referred to as “grating lobes”. A way to reduce these grating lobes is to use LFM pulses of some bandwidth B in place of the fixed frequency pulses. We can derive a relationship between frequency step, bandwidth and pulse duration such that nulls are placed at points where the grating lobes have been located by analyzing ambiguity function and ACF expression

    Adaptive waveform design for SAR in a crowded spectrum

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    This thesis concerns the development of an adaptive waveform design scheme for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to support its operation in the increasingly crowded radio frequency (RF) spectrum, focusing on mitigating the effects of external RF interference. The RF spectrum is a finite resource and the rapid expansion of the telecommunications industry has seen radar users face a significant restriction in the range of available operational frequencies. This crowded spectrum scenario leads to increased likelihood of RF interference either due to energy leakage from neighbouring spectral users or from unlicensed transmitters. SAR is a wide bandwidth radar imaging mode which exploits the motion of the radar platform to form an image using multiple one dimensional profiles of the scene of interest known as the range profile. Due to its wideband nature, SAR is particularly vulnerable to RF interference which causes image impairments and overall reduction in quality. Altering the approach for radar energy transmission across the RF spectrum is now imperative to continue effective operation. Adaptive waveforms have recently become feasible for implementation and offer the much needed flexibility in the choice and control over radar transmission. However, there is a critically small processing time frame between waveform reception and transmission, which necessitates the use of computationally efficient processing algorithms to use adaptivity effectively. This simulation-based study provides a first look at adaptive waveform design for SAR to mitigate the detrimental effects of RF interference on a pulse-to-pulse basis. Standard SAR systems rely on a fixed waveform processing format on reception which restricts its potential to reap the benefits of adaptive waveform design. Firstly, to support waveform design for SAR, system identification techniques are applied to construct an alternative receive processing method which allows flexibility in waveform type. This leads to the main contribution of the thesis which is the formation of an adaptive spectral waveform design scheme. A computationally efficient closed-form expression for the waveform spectrum that minimizes the error in the estimate of the SAR range profile on a pulse to pulse basis is derived. The range profile and the spectrum of the interference are estimated at each pulse. The interference estimate is then used to redesign the proceeding waveform for estimation of the range profile at the next radar platform position. The solution necessitates that the energy is spread across the spectrum such that it competes with the interferer. The scenario where the waveform admits gaps in the spectrum in order to mitigate the effects of the interference is also detailed and is the secondary major thesis contribution. A series of test SAR images demonstrate the efficacy of these techniques and yield reduced interference effects compared to the standard SAR waveform

    Signal design and processing for noise radar

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    An efficient and secure use of the electromagnetic spectrum by different telecommunications and radar systems represents, today, a focal research point, as the coexistence of different radio-frequency sources at the same time and in the same frequency band requires the solution of a non-trivial interference problem. Normally, this is addressed with diversity in frequency, space, time, polarization, or code. In some radar applications, a secure use of the spectrum calls for the design of a set of transmitted waveforms highly resilient to interception and exploitation, i.e., with low probability of intercept/ exploitation capability. In this frame, the noise radar technology (NRT) transmits noise-like waveforms and uses correlation processing of radar echoes for their optimal reception. After a review of the NRT as developed in the last decades, the aim of this paper is to show that NRT can represent a valid solution to the aforesaid problems