8 research outputs found

    Adaptive Phototransistor Sensor for Line Finding

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    AbstractLine finding is used by wheeled mobile robot for localization. A phototransistor array was designed to detect the line position relative to the robot. This sensor is composed of six phototransistors to detect the position of line on the floor relative to the wheeled mobile robot. Because the ambience may change with time and the floor colour may be different from one location to another, an adaptive scheme has been designed to find the line on the floor. This proposed scheme consists of three parts; modulation and demodulation, threshold recognition with k-means clustering, and line finding with fuzzy logic. Modulation and demodulation technique is used to tackle the problem of different ambience in the surrounding. K-means clustering is used to recognize the contrast in the colour of line and floor while fuzzy logic is used to find the line relative to the sensor. Experiments were conducted in a microcontroller and it was found out that this scheme can find the line on the floor with minimum error

    Development of Microcontroller-Based Ball and Beam Trainer Kit

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    A ball and beam trainer kit based on microcontroller was developed for teaching control system course for the sophomore students. This specially-purposed kit consists of a ball located on a beam with a fixed axle at one of its end. At the other end, a servomotor was employed to control the position of the ball by adjusting the rotation angle of the servomotor. Seven predetermined positions were set to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 cm relative to the fixed axle of the beam. The Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) scheme was then used to compensate the error. This kit is equipped with a user interface to configure controller coefficients, select the set points, plot the actual ball position, and display parameter values. The user interface program runs on PC or notebook connected to microcontroller via serial communications. A questionnaire-based assessment about the use of this kit was conducted by 17 students taking the course, giving a rating value of 94.12%

    Implementasi Kendali Logika Fuzzypada Robot Line Follower

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    Robot line follower merupakan robot otonom yang dapat mengikuti jalur. Jalurnya bisa berupa garis berwarna hitam diatas permukaan putih atau sebaliknya. Pada penelitian ini, robot line follower menggunakan sistem kendali logika fuzzy dengan metode Mamdani. Selama ini robot line follower kebanyakan dirancang untuk jalur dengan lebar yang tetap, namun dengan sistem kendali logika fuzzy ini dapat mengenali jalur dengan variasi lebar antara satu hingga delapan titik sensor. Robot line follower ini mengimplementasikan 18 aturan fuzzy untuk memetakan antara antecedent posisi dan lebar jalur, dengan consequent kecepatan laju robot. Aturan fuzzy terdiri dari masing-masing 9 aturan untuk kondisi jalur tunggal dan jalur percabangan dua jalur. Robot line follower ini mampu menganalisis 57 case jalur dengan kendali fuzzy, mulai dari lebar jalur 2 hingga 12 cm. Dimana 36 case analisis jalur tunggal dan 21 casejalur percabangan dua jalur. Robot line follower ini juga mampu menyesuaikan kecepatan laju sesuai lebar jalurnya. Kata kunci— kendali logika fuzzy, kendali Mamdani, robot line follower Line follower Robot is an autonomous robot that can follow a track. The track can be a black line on a white surface or vice versa. In this study, the line follower robot using fuzzy logic control system by the method of Mamdani. Mostly line follower robots are designed with a fixed width, but with fuzzy logic control system itcan recognize the wide variation between one to eight pointsof sensor. This line follower robot implements18 fuzzy rules to map between the antecedents position and width of the line, with a consequents speed rate of the robot. There are 9 rules each  for single line and two routes branching paths. This line follower robot is designedwith capabilityto analyze 57 cases, the width of the line from 2 to 12 cm. There are 36 casesof analysis on a single line and 21 cases on two lines branching paths. This line follower robot can adjust it’s speed depend on the wide of the track. Keywords— fuzzy logic controller, Mamdani-controller, line follower robo

    An Undergraduate Fuzzy Logic Control Lab Using a Line Following Robot

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    ABSTRACT: Fuzzy logic controllers have gained popularity in the past few decades with highly successful implementation in many fields. Fuzzy logic enables designers to control complex systems more effectively than traditional methods. Teaching students fuzzy logic in a laboratory can be a time-consuming and an expensive task. This paper presents a low-cost educational microcontroller-based tool for fuzzy logic controlled line following mobile robot. The robot is used in the second year of undergraduate teaching in an elective course in the department of computer engineering of the Near East University. Hardware details of the robot and the software implementing the fuzzy logic control algorithm are given in the paper

    Blood type examination of Cigentur community as efforts to realize community care for health

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    Counseling and early examination of blood type to the community at Cigentur village has not been done before. Blood transfusion from incompatible types can cause immunological transfusion reactions and clinical aspects such as the incompatibility of the blood type systems ABO. The community engagement method consists of direct information to the community by visiting every communities house (door to door). Besides, the engagement was also carried out quietly, namely, the residents came to the post directly located at the Wiswa Anak Yatim Piatu, At-Taqwa. After conducting a health test, people who provide personal information from the results of their blood tests. In addition to identifying blood types, this activity provides more knowledge about the health of each that is related to the utilization that has been identified by the group. The results of this activity can be in the form of initial information to determine the policies of each community in carrying out social activities such as blood transfusion. The types of rhesus tests from the communityof Cigentur must be done for information about blood type identification are complete

    Proceeding International Conference on University-Community Engagement

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    The 3rd International Conference on University-Community Engagement 2018 is administered by Ministry of Religious Affairs in cooperation with UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang as this year’s host institution. This conference may provide more opportunities not only related to the submissions of academic papers or articles, but also related to various activities in creating partnership involving the elements of academicians, researchers, social activists, policy makers, CSR mangers and others. ICONUCE conference includes numbers of advanced activities: 1) Community Service Expo which is a place to promote the community service activities conducted by LP2M/P3M PTKIN throughout Indonesia. Various facilitates are provided by the committee including the exhibition stands, 2) Community Service Clinic which is fully supported by KOMPAK, a non-profit organization focusing on mentoring field. The realization of this clinic thanks to Universitas Membangun Desa (Universities in developing the villages). The participants are heads of LP2M/P3M, 3) Community Service Journal Clinic which aims at strengthening and developing the ability to write articles and then submit them to various reputable journals. The materials ICONUCE conference is a significant step, which will, in the long run, contribute towards social changes. It is expected to facilitate the necessary changes to University-Community Engagement, to diminish the gaps between university and community

    Research Participatory Action On Management Of Child Friendly Mosque In North Sumatera

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    The issue of child-friendly mosques is crucial when the phenomenon of the problem of violence against children emerges. Violence against children not only occurs in the household, school, but also various places, in cities, and villages, even in the mosques. The concept program of child-friendly mosque capacity building for BKM in Perumnas Simalingkar Village, Pancurbatu sub-district, carried out with Participatory Action Research approach. The mentoring strategies used in this study are three strategies, are, raising awareness, building commitment and capacity as well as participating groups and stakeholders. The findings of this study indicate that the critical thing to note in the problem identification process is the tendency to look at the socio-religious issues that exist at the site. From extracting the information facilitated by the Research Team, almost all participants directed the problem that was not directly related to the management of child-friendly mosques. In the activity of extracting opinions on actions and important steps carried out in the framework of managing child-friendly mosques in Simalingkar Housing, there seems to be a strong tendency to answer religious issues which emphasize increasing education and spiritual knowledge among the community, especially children and adolescent