9 research outputs found

    Implementing spot the differences game using Yolo algorithm.

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    The requirement for object detection has been expanding with computational force. Object identification is a technique that identifies the semantic class of the objects in the image or video. In this work, we talk about implementing an application that connects with the user and distinguishes the various objects present in two generally comparable images utilizing object recognition algorithms (YOLO algorithm). The user collaborates with the application through speech and recognizes the object. This execution has a precision of 70%. Object detection is one of the most demanding task in computer vision, and it involves in finding the type of the object and knowing the location in the image. Through object detection, we can achieve both object detection and tracking, whereas object tracking generally locks the moving object. However, YOLO is one if the top algorithm for object detection it gradually increased its accuracy with version updates one by one which helped it to become the best algorithm

    Similarity score of two images using different measures.

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    In the field of computer vision and image processing, image similarity has been a central concern for decades. If you compare two pictures, Image Similarity returns a value that tells you how physically they are close. A quantitative measure of the degree of correspondence between the images concerned is given by this test. The score of the similarity between images varies from 0 to 1. In this paper, ORB (Oriented Fast Rotated Brief) algorithm is used to measure the similarity and other types of similarity measures like Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), pixel similarity, Earth mover's Distance are used to obtain the score. When two images are compared, it shows how much identical (common) objects are there in the two images. So, the accuracy or similarity score is about 87 percent when the two images are compared

    Processing of image sequences from fundus camera

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    Cílem mé diplomové práce bylo navrhnout metodu analýzy retinálních sekvencí, která bude hodnotit kvalitu jednotlivých snímků. V teoretické části se také zabývám vlastnostmi retinálních sekvencí a způsobem registrace snímků z fundus kamery. V praktické části je implementována metoda hodnocení kvality snímků, která je otestována na reálných retinálních sekvencích a vyhodnocena její úspěšnost. Práce hodnotí i vliv této metody na registraci retinálních snímků.The aim of my master's thesis was to propose a method of retinal sequence analysis which will evaluate the quality of each frame. In the theoretical part, I will also deal with the properties of retinal sequences and the way of registering the images of the fundus camera. In the practical part the method of evaluating image quality is implemented. This algorithm is tested on real retinal sequences and its success is assessed. This work also evaluates the impact of proposed method on the registration of retinal images.

    Automatic Extraction and Assessment of Entities from the Web

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    The search for information about entities, such as people or movies, plays an increasingly important role on the Web. This information is still scattered across many Web pages, making it more time consuming for a user to find all relevant information about an entity. This thesis describes techniques to extract entities and information about these entities from the Web, such as facts, opinions, questions and answers, interactive multimedia objects, and events. The findings of this thesis are that it is possible to create a large knowledge base automatically using a manually-crafted ontology. The precision of the extracted information was found to be between 75–90 % (facts and entities respectively) after using assessment algorithms. The algorithms from this thesis can be used to create such a knowledge base, which can be used in various research fields, such as question answering, named entity recognition, and information retrieval

    Investigating Polynomial Fitting Schemes for Image Compression

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    Image compression is a means to perform transmission or storage of visual data in the most economical way. Though many algorithms have been reported, research is still needed to cope with the continuous demand for more efficient transmission or storage. This research work explores and implements polynomial fitting techniques as means to perform block-based lossy image compression. In an attempt to investigate nonpolynomial models, a region-based scheme is implemented to fit the whole image using bell-shaped functions. The idea is simply to view an image as a 3D geographical map consisting of hills and valleys. However, the scheme suffers from high computational demands and inferiority to many available image compression schemes. Hence, only polynomial models get further considerations. A first order polynomial (plane) model is designed to work in a multiplication- and division-free (MDF) environment. The intensity values of each image block are fitted to a plane and the parameters are then quantized and coded. Blocking artefacts, a common drawback of block-based image compression techniques, are reduced using an MDF line-fitting scheme at blocks’ boundaries. It is shown that a compression ratio of 62:1 at 28.8dB is attainable for the standard image PEPPER, outperforming JPEG, both objectively and subjectively for this part of the rate-distortion characteristics. Inter-block prediction can substantially improve the compression performance of the plane model to reach a compression ratio of 112:1 at 27.9dB. This improvement, however, slightly increases computational complexity and reduces pipelining capability. Although JPEG2000 is not a block-based scheme, it is encouraging that the proposed prediction scheme performs better in comparison to JPEG 2000, computationally and qualitatively. However, more experiments are needed to have a more concrete comparison. To reduce blocking artefacts, a new postprocessing scheme, based on Weber’s law, is employed. It is reported that images postprocessed using this scheme are subjectively more pleasing with a marginal increase in PSNR (<0.3 dB). The Weber’s law is modified to perform edge detection and quality assessment tasks. These results motivate the exploration of higher order polynomials, using three parameters to maintain comparable compression performance. To investigate the impact of higher order polynomials, through an approximate asymptotic behaviour, a novel linear mapping scheme is designed. Though computationally demanding, the performances of higher order polynomial approximation schemes are comparable to that of the plane model. This clearly demonstrates the powerful approximation capability of the plane model. As such, the proposed linear mapping scheme constitutes a new approach in image modeling, and hence worth future consideration

    Quantitative Analysis of Ultrasound Images of the Preterm Brain

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    In this PhD new algorithms are proposed to better understand and diagnose white matter damage in the preterm Brain. Since Ultrasound imaging is the most suited modality for the inspection of brain pathologies in very low birth weight infants we propose multiple techniques to assist in what is called Computer-Aided Diagnosis. As a main result we are able to increase the qualitative diagnosis from a 70% detectability to a 98% quantitative detectability