74 research outputs found

    Bibliometric analysis of venture teams of technology-based firms

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    [EN] Due to its growing impact on the economic development of countries, research on venture teams in new technology-based firms - TBFs has been increasing in recent years, seeking to identify the success and failure factors of this type of firms, given their high mortality rates. This paper analyzes the changes that have occurred in the intellectual structure of this discipline through the bibliometric analysis of research on the theme of venture teams in the new TBFs. The information collected was extracted from the main collection of the Web of Science (WoS) and SCOPUS databases from 1987 to 2020. The Nvivo and VOSviewer softwares are used to perform the initial analyzesas well as the analysis of citations, co-citations , co-authorship, etc. The advances associated with the main authors, sources and countries, the general citation structure and the development of this field are presented. The results show a growing publication trend as of 2009, seeing a higher production of articles between 2014 and 2019. USA is the most influential country, followed by UK and Italy. The"Journal of Business Venturing" and "Technovation" are the most influential sources. The main contribution of this work is to show the evolution of this theme, so that researchers can use it in the future in their theoretical and research frameworks.Ribes Giner, G.; Moya Clemente, I.; Alzate Alvarado, A. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of venture teams of technology-based firms. En Proceedings 3rd International Conference. Business Meets Technology. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 89-96. https://doi.org/10.4995/BMT2021.2021.13695899

    A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of the Scientific Publications of Universities: A Study of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences during 1992-2018

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    The evaluation of universities from different perspectives is important for their scientific development. Analyzing the scientific papers of a university under the bibliometric approach is one main evaluative approach. The aim of this study was to conduct a bibliometric analysis and visualization of papers published by Hamadan University of Medical Science (HUMS), Iran, during 1992-2018. This study used bibliometric and visualization techniques. Scopus database was used for data collection. 3753 papers were retrieved by applying Affiliation Search in Scopus advanced search section. Excel and VOSviewer software packages were used for data analysis and bibliometric indicator extraction. An increasing trend was seen in the numbers of HUMS's published papers and received citations. The highest rate of collaboration in national level was with Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Internationally, HUMS's researchers had the highest collaboration with the authors from the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, respectively. All highly-cited papers were published in high level Q1 journals. Term clustering demonstrated four main clusters: epidemiological studies, laboratory studies, pharmacological studies, and microbiological studies. The results of this study can be beneficial to the policy-makers of this university. In addition, researchers and bibliometricians can use this study as a pattern for studying and visualizing the bibliometric indicators of other universities and research institutions

    Innovation and entrepreneurship: an approach based on bibliometric analysis

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    [EN] The purpose of this article is to investigate the literature that relates innovation and entrepreneurship for its recognized contribution to the economy. In this article a bibliometric analysis of the research on this topic extracted from the main collection of the Web of Science (WoS) database from 2000 to 2020 is carried out, obtaining 1785 documents. The main of the bibliometric method is to perform, through BibExcel and VOSviewer software, a trend analysis, a study of the general and annual structure of citations, to present the advances associated with the main authors, journals and most relevant countries and to analyze their evolution over time and identify key research topics to contribute to the development of this field. In addition, this study will analyze co-citations, bibliographic couplings, co-occurrences and co-authorships, among others. The results show that the publication trend increases considerably from 2010, and it is, in the last years 2019 and 2020, when the highest production of articles has been registered. In relation to the most publishing countries, the United States, China, England and Spain are among the most representative. It is also found that the most influential journals in this field are Small Business Economics and Journal of Business Research. This systematic mapping of the field helps to illustrate the evolution of research over time, identify areas of current interest for use in theoretical and empirical frameworks, and provide, thanks to its findings, a solid roadmap for future research by detecting potential directions.Aparisi Torrijo, S. (2022). Innovation and entrepreneurship: an approach based on bibliometric analysis. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 111-119. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2021.2021.1340611111


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    The audit activity is the independent examination of the annual financial statements, including the consolidated ones of the audited entity to express a professional opinion of the auditor on whether the financial statements are prepared in all material respects in accordance with the applicable general financial reporting framework. The purpose of the audit consists in verifying the financial statements having an internal utility (for the management of the audited entity) and another external one, for informing third parties (shareholders, investors, government institutions, customers, suppliers, creditors, etc.), exercised in order to ensure the credibility of this information. The development and modernization of the economy presupposes the alignment of the audit with the exigencies and standards in the matter existing both in the European space and internationallyThe purpose of this research is to present the most relevant aspects with reference to the audit activity in the Republic of Moldova, but also to reveal the current context related to the theme, in order to formulate the conclusions related to the subject of the research. In order to examine the evolution of audit activity in the Republic of Moldova, we conducted a research on the entities in this field, researching five consecutive periods. For the evaluation of the scientific performance in the field of audit activity, the bibliographic and bibliometric databases in online format Web of Science and Scopus were analyzed

    Visualization and Scientometric Mapping of Global Agriculture Big Data Research

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    The present paper is a scientometric and visualization study of global Agriculture Big Data (ABD) research. however as per the quantification is concern, very little research have performed in the area of Agriculture Big Data. The study aims to traverse the present status of Agriculture Big Data research through network analysis and visualizations study of the ABD publications. A total of 379 publication data were downloaded from Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database within the time span of all years . VOSviewer, MS-Excel and R statistical software is used for data analysis. Various results are drawn based on annual scientific production, most cited papers, most cited authors, most cited affiliations, most prolific nations, author\u27s h-index, co-authorship analysis of countries and organizations, co-citation analysis of sources, the keyword co-occurrence analysis and density visualization. This study investigates the growth status in ABD related research which can help the policy maker, researchers and people of agriculture and allied sector to have an exhaustive understanding on Agriculture Big Data research for the further study

    Trend Analysis of Flipped-Classroom Research in English as A Foreign Language

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    The researchers accessed the online Scopus database to gather data for the study. The researchers utilized Microsoft Excel for frequency analysis, VOSviewer for data visualization, and Harzing's Publish or Perish for citation metrics and analysis. According to a keywords search for "Flipped-Classroom” and “EFL," 26 articles were assessed. The research on this matter was started in 2014 with one article for the entire year. From the next year to 2020, the number of publications each year grew. As a result of analysis, the researcher discloses the data on the growth of the research, the most active journals on the topic, the distribution of author keywords and co-occurrences of author keywords, and the most active authors and authors’ collaboration. It was shown that throughout the last seven years, researchers have increased their focus on flipped classroom and EFL research, with the highest number of publications occurring in 2020 (11 papers). The most active journal on the subject is the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, which has published three pieces on the subject. Additionally, the investigation found that instruction, perception, and performance are the most commonly used keywords. However, involvement and motivation are mentioned infrequently in research reports

    Introduction of a new nomenclature of academic specialities in Russia: Continuity and innovations

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    Introduction. The nomenclature of academic specialities to be awarded academic degrees is a system-forming element of academic degree holders’ certification system in any country of the world. Therefore, there is a need to revise and update the relevant structure of academic specialities in order to meet the prospective demand from research and development sector of high-tech industries. Apparently, the current nomenclature of 2017, as the instrument of realisation of public policy in the sphere of the state certification of academic and teaching staff in Russia, needed updating. The aim of the present research was to analyse a new version of the nomenclature of academic specialities in Russia to be awarded the degree of Doctor or Candidate of Science, and to make conceptual proposals on the implementation of new nomenclature provisions taking into account possible transformation of scientific and educational environment, including the emergence of new complex areas of academic research. Methodology and research methods. The research object is a system of certification of academic and teaching staff from the position of a three-level structure of the nomenclature of academic specialities, according to which academic degrees are awarded. The methods of comparison and data statistical analysis were applied to assess structural changes in the nomenclature. Results and scientific novelty. The authors considered the prerequisites for update of the nomenclature of academic specialities approved in 2017. The features of a new edition of the nomenclature of academic specialities were highlighted. The analysis of its new structure and content changes was carried out. It is demonstrated that current network of dissertation councils (1696 councils) can be divided into 4 groups according to the degree of compliance of academic specialities and fields of science with the previous and recent versions of nomenclature. It is necessary to create new dissertation councils for 20 new academic specialities. Practical significance. The authors revealed the features of the new nomenclature, requiring the reorganisation of councils network for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations. On this basis, to provide promising areas of academic research, the proposals on the implementation of new nomenclature provisions are outlined. The stages of re-opening of dissertation councils network are described.Введение. Номенклатура научных специальностей, по которым присуждаются ученые степени, является системообразующим элементом для аттестации кадров высшей научной квалификации в любой стране мира. Этим обусловлена необходимость поддержания актуальной структуры научных специальностей, отвечающей перспективному спросу со стороны сектора исследований и разработок высокотехнологичных отраслей экономики. В связи с этим действующая номенклатура 2017 года как инструмент реализации государственной политики в сфере государственной научной аттестации научных и научно-педагогических кадров в России нуждалась в обновлении. Целью работы являются анализ новой редакции номенклатуры научных специальностей в России, по которым присуждаются ученые степени, и концептуальные предложения по путям реализации положений новой номенклатуры с учетом возможных траекторий трансформации научно-образовательной среды, включающих прогнозную оценку появления новых комплексных областей научных исследований. Методология и методы. Объект исследования – система аттестации научных и научно-педагогических работников с позиции трехуровневой структуры номенклатуры научных специальностей, по которым присуждаются ученые степени кандидата и доктора наук. Для оценки структурных изменений номенклатуры использовались методы сравнения и статистического анализа данных. Результаты и научная новизна. Рассмотрены предпосылки необходимости обновления номенклатуры специальностей, утвержденной в 2017 году. Выделены особенности новой редакции номенклатуры научных специальностей, по которым присуждаются ученые степени. Проведен анализ ее структурных и содержательных изменений. Показано, что действующую сеть диссертационных советов (1696 советов) можно разделить на 4 группы по степени соответствия научных специальностей и отраслей науки предыдущей и новой номенклатурам. Для 20 новых научных специальностей необходимо открывать новые диссертационные советы. Практическая значимость. Выявлены особенности новой номенклатуры, обуславливающие необходимость реорганизации сети советов по защите докторских и кандидатских диссертаций. На основе этого сформированы предложения по путям реализации положений новой номенклатуры, обеспечивающих перспективные направления научных исследований. Описаны этапы перерегистрации сети диссертационных советов

    Análisis bibliométrico del campo de la energía undimotriz

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    [ES] El presente artículo investiga de manera cuantitativa la literatura relacionada con la energía undimotriz, por su prometedora contribución al campo de las energías renovables. En este trabajo, se realiza un análisis bibliométrico de los más de 3.000 artículos extraídos de la colección principal de la base de datos de Web of Science, desde 2016 hasta mediados de 2021. La finalidad principal de este método es efectuar un estudio de tendencias de las publicaciones, un examen de la estructura general y anual de las citas, presentar los principales autores, revistas y países más relevantes, así como identificar temas de investigación clave para contribuir al desarrollo de este campo. Los resultados muestran que la evolución de publicación aumenta considerablemente desde 2016, especialmente en los dos últimos años. Entre los países más publicadores se encuentran China y Estados Unidos. En cuanto a las revistas más representativas en esta materia son Renewable Energy y Energies. Esta cartografía actual del ámbito de la energía undimotriz ayuda a entender la investigación desarrollada en los últimos años, para identificar las áreas de interés actual y proporcionar una hoja de ruta para las investigaciones futuras.Aparisi Torrijo, J.; Pacheco Blanco, BV.; Lengua Lengua, I.; Hernandis Ortuño, B. (2022). Análisis bibliométrico del campo de la energía undimotriz. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 437-444. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2021.2021.1337543744

    Impacto del Covid-19 en la educación superior: análisis bibliométrico

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    [ES] El COVID-19 ha cambiado significativamente la docencia universitaria, tanto en la actividad de los alumnos, como en la forma de enseñar de los profesores. Desde marzo de 2020 hasta la actualidad han proliferado multitud de artículos que tratan de analizar el impacto del virus en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las universidades en todo el mundo. En este contexto, el objetivo de la ponencia es presentar las principales líneas de investigación en el ámbito de estudio de la educación superior tomando como referencia las restricciones de la pandemia en España. Para ello se realiza un análisis bibliométrico con el objetivo de conocer las orientaciones que han seguido los trabajos científicos y cuáles han sido las conclusiones más importantes. Este estudio ha comenzado con una búsqueda en Scopus de las palabras clave “higher education” y “covid 19” y se han obtenido 62 documentos que hacen referencia al territorio español. Entre los resultados obtenidos, destaca que las universidades de Salamanca, Valladolid y Granada son las más fructíferas en artículos sobre la influencia del COVID-19. Las temáticas donde abundan más trabajos se centran en el área de ciencias sociales, ambientales e informática. El escaso lapso de tiempo de su publicación (2020 y 2021) da lugar a que el documento con 63 citas es el que encabeza el ranking bajo este criterio. Por último, a partir de las palabras clave del conjunto de las 62 investigaciones utilizando el software VOSviewer se ha realizado una agrupación de tres clusters que permiten identificar las principales temáticas de los artículos analizados.Puertas Medina, RM.; Martí Selva, ML.; Guaita Martínez, JM.; Carracedo, P. (2022). Impacto del Covid-19 en la educación superior: análisis bibliométrico. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 237-244. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2021.2021.13303OCS23724

    A Discipline-Spanning Overview of Action Research and Its Implications for Technology and Innovation Management

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    The iterative and learning character of action research is particularly beneficial for exploring complex socio-technical problems in technology and innovation management (TIM). In this respect, action research allows both rigorous and relevant research due to parallel solving of real-world problems, capability building, and gaining scientific insights. However, the use of action research within TIM research is surprisingly limited. Action research also is not a homogeneous research methodology since each research discipline, such as education and organizational science, has its own action research streams, which are often only loosely linked. A systematic overview of those action research traditions and specific best practices is still missing, which complicates a systematic transfer and use of action research in TIM. This article addresses this essential gap by building a cross-disciplinary overview of action research streams based on a bibliometric analysis using Scopus. The analysis includes relevant disciplines with action research traditions, their development over time, and the most influential journals, authors, institutions, and countries. Along with this discipline-spanning analysis, the article investigates particular TIM benefits and challenges of action research. The two key contributions of this article are: 1) a discipline-spanning overview of action research and its evolution and 2) an analysis of its implications for TIM research. These contributions build the basis for strengthening the use of action research in TIM. In the medium-term, action research has the capacity to link academia and industry more closely and, in doing so, assists important endeavours of translating more of our research outcomes into practice