158 research outputs found

    An Evolutionary Algorithm for Improved Diversity in DSL Spectrum Balancing Solutions

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    There are many spectrum balancing algorithms to combat the deleterious impact of crosstalk interference in digital subscriber lines (DSL) networks. These algorithms aim to find a unique operating point by optimizing the power spectral densities (PSDs) of the modems. Typically, the figure of merit of this optimization is the bit rate, power consumption or margin. This work poses and solves a different problem: instead of providing the solution for one specific operation point, it finds a set of operating points, each one corresponding to a distinct matrix with PSDs. This solution is useful for planning DSL deployment, for example, helping operators to conveniently evaluate their network capabilities and better plan their usage. The proposed method is based on a multiobjective formulation and implemented as an evolutionary genetic algorithm. Simulation results show that this algorithm achieves a better diversity among the operating points with lower computational cost when compared to an alternative approach

    Ant Colony Optimization for Social Utility Maximization in a Multiuser Communication System

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    In a multiuser communication system such as cognitive radio or digital subscriber lines, the transmission rate of each user is affected by the channel background noise and the crosstalk interference from other users. This paper presents an efficient ant colony optimization algorithm to allocate each user’s limited power on different channels for maximizing social utility (i.e., the sum of all individual utilities). The proposed algorithm adopts an initial solution that allocates more power on the channel with a lower background noise level. Besides, the cooling concept of simulated annealing is integrated into the proposed method to improve the convergence rate during the local search of the ant colony optimization algorithm. A number of experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Optimization models for resource management in two-tier cellular networks

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    Macro-femtocell network is the most promising two-tier architecture for the cellular network operators because it can improve their current network capacity without additional costs. Nevertheless, the incorporation of femtocells to the existing cellular networks needs to be finely tuned in order to enhance the usage of the limited wireless resources, because the femtocells operate in the same spectrum as the macrocell. In this thesis, we address the resource optimization problem for the OFDMA two-tier networks for scenarios where femtocells are deployed using hybrid access policy. The hybrid access policy is a technique that could provide different levels of service to authorized users and visitors to the femtocell. This method reduces interference received by femtocell subscribers by granting access to nearby public users. These approaches should find a compromise between the level of access granted to public users and the impact on the subscribers satisfaction. This impact should be reduced in terms of performance or through economic compensation. In this work, two specific issues of an OFDMA two-tier cellular network are addressed. The first is the trade-off between macrocell resource usage efficiency and the fairness of the resource distribution among macro mobile users and femtocells. The second issue is the compromise between interference mitigation and granting access to public users without depriving the subscriber downlink transmissions. We tackle these issues by developing several resource allocation models for non-dense and dense femtocell deployment using Linear Programming and one evolutionary optimization method. In addition, the proposed resource allocation models determine the best suitable serving base station together with bandwidth and transmitted power per user in order to enhance the overall network capacity. The first two parts of this work cope with the resource optimization for non-dense deployment using orthogonal and co-channel allocation. Both parts aim at the maximization of the sum of the weighted user data rates. In the first part, several set of weights are introduced to prioritize the use of femtocells for subscribers and public users close to femtocells. In addition, macrocell power control is incorporated to enhance the power distribution among the active downlink transmissions and to improve the tolerance to the environmental noise. The second part enables the spectral reuse and the power adaptation is a three-folded solution that enhances the power distribution over the active downlink transmissions, improves the tolerance to the environmental noise and a given interference threshold, and achieves the target Quality of Service (QoS). To reduce the complexity of the resource optimization problem for dense deployment, the third part of this work divides the optimization problem into subproblems. The main idea is to divide the user and FC sets into disjoint sets taking into account their locations. Thus, the optimization problem can be solved independently in each OFDMA zone. This solution allows the subcarriers reuse among inner macrocell zones and femtocells located in outer macrocell zones and also between femtocells belonging to different clusters if they are located in the same zone. Macrocell power control is performed to avoid the cross-tier interference among macrocell inner zones and inside femtocells located in outer zones. Another well known method used to reduce the complexity of the resource optimization problem is the femtocell clustering. However, finding the optimal cluster configuration together with the resource allocation is a complex optimization problem due to variable number related to the possible cluster configurations. Therefore, the part four of this work deals with a heuristic cluster based resource allocation model and a motivation scheme for femtocell clustering through the allocation of extra resources for subscriber and “visitor user” transmissions. The cluster based resource allocation model maximizes the network throughput while keeping balanced clusters and minimizing the inter-cluster interference. Finally, the proposed solutions are evaluated through extensive numerical simulations and the numerical results are presented to provide a comparison with the related works found in the literature

    Game theoretical models for clustering and resource sharing in macro-femtocells networks

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    One of the main challenges of cellular network operators is to keep a good network quality for their users. In most cases, network quality decreases in indoor environments causing users to switch from one operator to another. A promising solution to cope with this issue is the deployment of femtocells that are used mainly at homes to enhance the mobile network coverage. In fact, higher penetration of broadband and mobile phones with high requirements of new applications such as video conferencing and internet games are promoting femtocell market. However, the deployment of femtocells in existing macrocell networks is a very challenging task due to the high complexity of the resource allocation. In this thesis, we focus on proposing several solutions to address the resource allocation problem in macro-femtocell networks with dense deployment of femtocells based on clustering techniques. Clustering techniques are used to reduce the resource allocation complexity of dense-femtocell networks since the resources are allocated locally within each cluster. Furthermore, a cluster head is responsible for the allocation of resources to femtocells within the cluster which avoids the co-tier interference. The clustering techniques have been widely used for distributed resource allocation in heterogeneous networks through the use of game theory models. In this work, three distributed resource allocation algorithms based on cooperative and evolutionary games are proposed. In the first part, we discuss the resource allocation problem for the non-dense deployment of femtocells. Toward this goal, a coalitional game is used to incentive femtocells in the formation of clusters. The approach decomposes in: (i) a base station selection algorithm for public users, (ii) a clustering algorithm based on cooperative game theory and (iii) a resource allocation within each cluster based on the PSO technique. Besides, an interference control mechanism enabled femtocells to leave its current cluster when the interference levels are higher than an interference threshold. In the second part, we focus on a fair allocation of resources for macro-femtocell networks. We develop a clustering algorithm based on a cooperative game for non-dense femtocell network. The Shapley value is applied to find the marginal contribution of every femtocell to all the possible groups of femtocells, thus, finding the fair amount of resources to be allocated to each femtocell within a cluster. This solution is only applied for non-dense femtocell deployment due to that the complexity of calculating the Shapley value increases significantly with a large number of femtocells. Stability criteria based on the ε-concept of game theory is utilized to find the set of stable clusters. Finally, the analysis of the resource allocation for dense-femtocell deployment is addressed through an evolutionary game theory (EGT) model. It is assumed that EGT requires bounded rationality from players, this reduces the complexity and allows the dense deployment of femtocells. In addition, we demonstrate that the set of clusters formed with EGT are stable by means of the replicator dynamics. The proposed model also includes system analysis for users with low mobility such as pedestrians and cyclists

    Multi-objective power quality optimization of smart grid based on improved differential evolution

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    In the modern generation, Electric Power has become one of the fundamental needs for humans to survive. This is due to the dependence of continuous availability of power. However, for electric power to be available to the society, it has to pass through a number of complex stages. Through each stage power quality problems are experienced on the grid. Under-voltages and over-voltages are the most common electric problems experienced on the grid, causing industries and business firms losses of Billions of dollars each year. Researchers from different regions are attracted by an idea that will overcome all the electrical issues experienced in the traditional grid using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The idea is said to provide electric power that is sustainable, economical, reliable and efficient to the society based on Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). The idea is Smart Grid. The research focused on Power Quality Optimization in Smart Grid based on improved Differential Evolution (DE), with the objective functions to minimize voltage swells, counterbalance voltage sags and eliminate voltage surges or spikes, while maximizing the power quality. During Differential Evolution improvement research, elimination of stagnation, better and fast convergence speed were achieved based on modification of DE’s mutation schemes and parameter control selection. DE/Modi/2 and DE/Modi/3 modified mutation schemes proved to be the excellent improvement for DE algorithm by achieving excellent optimization results with regards to convergence speed and elimination of stagnation during simulations. The improved DE was used to optimize Power Quality in smart grid in combination with the reconfigured and modified Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). Excellent convergence results of voltage swells and voltage sags minimization were achieved based on application of multi-objective parallel operation strategy during simulations. MATLAB was used to model the proposed solution and experimental simulations.Electrical and Mining EngineeringM. Tech. (Electrical Engineering

    Enhancing security of MME handover via fractional programming and Firefly algorithm

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    Key update and residence management have been investigated as an effective solution to cope with desynchronisation attacks in Mobility Management Entity (MME) handovers. In this paper, we first analyse the impacts of the Key Update Interval (KUI) and MME Residence Interval (MRI) on handover processes and their secrecy performance in terms of the Number of Exposed Packets (NEP), Signaling Overhead Rate (SOR) and Outage Probability of Vulnerability (OPV). Specifically, the bounds of the derived NEP and SOR not only capture their behaviours at the boundary of the KUI and MRI, but also show the trade-off between the NEP and SOR. Additionally, through the analysis of the OPV, it is shown that the handover security can be enhanced by shortening the KUI and the desynchonisation attacks can be avoided with high-mobility users. The above facts accordingly motivate us to propose a Multi- objective Optimisation (MO) problem to find the optimal KUI and MRI that minimise both the NEP and SOR subject to the constraint on the OPV. To this end, two scalarisation techniques are adopted to transform the proposed MO problem into single- objective optimisation problems, i.e., an achievement-function method via Fractional Programming (FP) and a weighted-sum method. Based on the derived bounds on NEP and SOR, the FP approach can be optimally solved via a simple numerical method. For the weighted-sum method, the Firefly Algorithm (FA) is utilised to find the optimal solution. The results show that both techniques can solve the proposed MO problem with a significantly reduced searching complexity compared to the conventional heuristic iterative search technique

    State-Of-The-Art and Prospects for Peer-To-Peer Transaction-Based Energy System

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    Transaction-based energy (TE) management and control has become an increasingly relevant topic, attracting considerable attention from industry and the research community alike. As a result, new techniques are emerging for its development and actualization. This paper presents a comprehensive review of TE involving peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading and also covering the concept, enabling technologies, frameworks, active research efforts and the prospects of TE. The formulation of a common approach for TE management modelling is challenging given the diversity of circumstances of prosumers in terms of capacity, profiles and objectives. This has resulted in divergent opinions in the literature. The idea of this paper is therefore to explore these viewpoints and provide some perspectives on this burgeoning topic on P2P TE systems. This study identified that most of the techniques in the literature exclusively formulate energy trade problems as a game, an optimization problem or a variational inequality problem. It was also observed that none of the existing works has considered a unified messaging framework. This is a potential area for further investigation

    Cost based optimization for strategic mobile radio access network planning using metaheuristics

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    La evolución experimentada por las comunicaciones móviles a lo largo de las últimas décadas ha sido motivada por dos factores principales: el surgimiento de nuevas aplicaciones y necesidades por parte del usuario, así como los avances tecnológicos. Los servicios ofrecidos para términales móviles han evolucionado desde el clásico servicio de voz y mensajes cortos (SMS), a servicios más atractivos y por lo tanto con una rápida aceptación por parte de usuario final como, video telephony, video streaming, online gaming, and the internet broadband access (MBAS). Todos estos nuevos servicios se han convertido en una realidad gracias a los avances técnologicos, avances tales como nuevas técnicas de acceso al medio compartido, nuevos esquemas de codificiación y modulación de la información intercambiada, sistemas de transmisión y recepción basados en múltiples antenas (MIMO), etc. Un aspecto importante en esta evolución fue la liberación del sector a principios de los años 90, donde la función reguladora llevado a cabo por las autoridades regulatorias nacionales (NRA) se ha antojado fundamental. Uno de los principales problemas tratados por la NRA espcífica de cada nación es la determinación de los costes por servicios mayoristas, esto es los servicios entre operadores de servicios móvilles, entre los que cabe destacar el coste por terminación de llamada o de inteconexión. El servicio de interconexión hace posible la comunicación de usuarios de diferente operadores, así como el acceso a la totalidad de servicios, incluso a aquellos no prestados por un operador en concreto gracias al uso de una red perteneciente a otro operador, por parte de todos los usuarios. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la minimización de los costes de inversión en equipamiento de red, lo cual repercute en el establecimiento de las tarifas de interconexión como se verá a lo largo de este trabajo. La consecución de dicho objetivo se divide en dos partes: en primer lugar, el desarrollo de un conjunto de algoritmos para el dimesionado óptimo de una red de acceso radio (RAN) para un sistema de comunicaciones móvilles. En segundo lugar, el diseño y aplicación de algoritmos de optimización para la distribución óptima de los servicios sobre el conjunto de tecnologías móviles existentes (OSDP). El modulo de diseño de red proporciona cuatro algoritmos diferenciados encargados del dimensionado y planificación de la red de acceso móvil. Estos algoritmos se aplican en un entorno multi-tecnología, considerando sistemas de segunda (2G), tercera (3G) y cuarta (4G) generación, multi-usuario, teniendo en cuenta diferentes perfiles de usuarios con su respectiva carga de tráfico, y multo-servicio, incluyendo voz, servicios de datos de baja velocidad (64-144 Kbps), y acceso a internet de banda ancha móvil. La segunda parte de la tesis se encarga de distribuir de una manera óptima el conjunto de servicios sobre las tecnologías a desplegar. El objetivo de esta parte es hacer un uso eficiente de las tecnologías existentes reduciendo los costes de inversión en equipamiento de red. Esto es posible gracias a las diferencias tecnológicas existente entre los diferentes sistemas móviles, que hacen que los sistemas de segunda generación sean adecuados para proporcionar el servicio de voz y mensajería corta, mientras que redes de tercera generación muestran un mejor rendimiento en la transmisión de servicios de datos. Por último, el servicio de banda ancha móvil es nativo de redes de última generadón, como High Speed Data Acces (HSPA) y 4G. Ambos módulos han sido aplicados a un extenso conjunto de experimentos para el desarrollo de análisis tecno-económicos tales como el estudio del rendimiento de las tecnologías de HSPA y 4G para la prestación del servicio de banda ancha móvil, así como el análisis de escenarios reales de despliegue para redes 4G que tendrán lugar a partir del próximo año coinicidiendo con la licitación de las frecuencias en la banda de 800 MHz. Así mismo, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre el despliegue de redes de 4G en las bandas de 800 MHz, 1800 MHz y 2600 MHz, comparando los costes de inversión obtenidos tras la optimización. En todos los casos se ha demostrado la mejora, en términos de costes de inversión, obtenida tras la aplicación de ambos módulos, posibilitando una reducción en la determinación de los costes de provisión de servicios. Los estudios realizados en esta tesis se centran en la nación de España, sin embargo todos los algoritmos implementados son aplicables a cualquier otro país europeo, prueba de ello es que los algoritmos de diseño de red han sido utilizados en diversos proyectos de regulación

    Cost based optimization for strategic mobile radio access network planning using metaheuristics

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    La evolución experimentada por las comunicaciones móviles a lo largo de las últimas décadas ha sido motivada por dos factores principales: el surgimiento de nuevas aplicaciones y necesidades por parte del usuario, así como los avances tecnológicos. Los servicios ofrecidos para términales móviles han evolucionado desde el clásico servicio de voz y mensajes cortos (SMS), a servicios más atractivos y por lo tanto con una rápida aceptación por parte de usuario final como, video telephony, video streaming, online gaming, and the internet broadband access (MBAS). Todos estos nuevos servicios se han convertido en una realidad gracias a los avances técnologicos, avances tales como nuevas técnicas de acceso al medio compartido, nuevos esquemas de codificiación y modulación de la información intercambiada, sistemas de transmisión y recepción basados en múltiples antenas (MIMO), etc. Un aspecto importante en esta evolución fue la liberación del sector a principios de los años 90, donde la función reguladora llevado a cabo por las autoridades regulatorias nacionales (NRA) se ha antojado fundamental. Uno de los principales problemas tratados por la NRA espcífica de cada nación es la determinación de los costes por servicios mayoristas, esto es los servicios entre operadores de servicios móvilles, entre los que cabe destacar el coste por terminación de llamada o de inteconexión. El servicio de interconexión hace posible la comunicación de usuarios de diferente operadores, así como el acceso a la totalidad de servicios, incluso a aquellos no prestados por un operador en concreto gracias al uso de una red perteneciente a otro operador, por parte de todos los usuarios. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la minimización de los costes de inversión en equipamiento de red, lo cual repercute en el establecimiento de las tarifas de interconexión como se verá a lo largo de este trabajo. La consecución de dicho objetivo se divide en dos partes: en primer lugar, el desarrollo de un conjunto de algoritmos para el dimesionado óptimo de una red de acceso radio (RAN) para un sistema de comunicaciones móvilles. En segundo lugar, el diseño y aplicación de algoritmos de optimización para la distribución óptima de los servicios sobre el conjunto de tecnologías móviles existentes (OSDP). El modulo de diseño de red proporciona cuatro algoritmos diferenciados encargados del dimensionado y planificación de la red de acceso móvil. Estos algoritmos se aplican en un entorno multi-tecnología, considerando sistemas de segunda (2G), tercera (3G) y cuarta (4G) generación, multi-usuario, teniendo en cuenta diferentes perfiles de usuarios con su respectiva carga de tráfico, y multo-servicio, incluyendo voz, servicios de datos de baja velocidad (64-144 Kbps), y acceso a internet de banda ancha móvil. La segunda parte de la tesis se encarga de distribuir de una manera óptima el conjunto de servicios sobre las tecnologías a desplegar. El objetivo de esta parte es hacer un uso eficiente de las tecnologías existentes reduciendo los costes de inversión en equipamiento de red. Esto es posible gracias a las diferencias tecnológicas existente entre los diferentes sistemas móviles, que hacen que los sistemas de segunda generación sean adecuados para proporcionar el servicio de voz y mensajería corta, mientras que redes de tercera generación muestran un mejor rendimiento en la transmisión de servicios de datos. Por último, el servicio de banda ancha móvil es nativo de redes de última generadón, como High Speed Data Acces (HSPA) y 4G. Ambos módulos han sido aplicados a un extenso conjunto de experimentos para el desarrollo de análisis tecno-económicos tales como el estudio del rendimiento de las tecnologías de HSPA y 4G para la prestación del servicio de banda ancha móvil, así como el análisis de escenarios reales de despliegue para redes 4G que tendrán lugar a partir del próximo año coinicidiendo con la licitación de las frecuencias en la banda de 800 MHz. Así mismo, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre el despliegue de redes de 4G en las bandas de 800 MHz, 1800 MHz y 2600 MHz, comparando los costes de inversión obtenidos tras la optimización. En todos los casos se ha demostrado la mejora, en términos de costes de inversión, obtenida tras la aplicación de ambos módulos, posibilitando una reducción en la determinación de los costes de provisión de servicios. Los estudios realizados en esta tesis se centran en la nación de España, sin embargo todos los algoritmos implementados son aplicables a cualquier otro país europeo, prueba de ello es que los algoritmos de diseño de red han sido utilizados en diversos proyectos de regulación

    Towards UAV Assisted 5G Public Safety Network

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    Ensuring ubiquitous mission-critical public safety communications (PSC) to all the first responders in the public safety network is crucial at an emergency site. The first responders heavily rely on mission-critical PSC to save lives, property, and national infrastructure during a natural or human-made emergency. The recent advancements in LTE/LTE-Advanced/5G mobile technologies supported by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have great potential to revolutionize PSC. However, limited spectrum allocation for LTE-based PSC demands improved channel capacity and spectral efficiency. An additional challenge in designing an LTE-based PSC network is achieving at least 95% coverage of the geographical area and human population with broadband rates. The coverage requirement and efficient spectrum use in the PSC network can be realized through the dense deployment of small cells (both terrestrial and aerial). However, there are several challenges with the dense deployment of small cells in an air-ground heterogeneous network (AG-HetNet). The main challenges which are addressed in this research work are integrating UAVs as both aerial user and aerial base-stations, mitigating inter-cell interference, capacity and coverage enhancements, and optimizing deployment locations of aerial base-stations. First, LTE signals were investigated using NS-3 simulation and software-defined radio experiment to gain knowledge on the quality of service experienced by the user equipment (UE). Using this understanding, a two-tier LTE-Advanced AG-HetNet with macro base-stations and unmanned aerial base-stations (UABS) is designed, while considering time-domain inter-cell interference coordination techniques. We maximize the capacity of this AG-HetNet in case of a damaged PSC infrastructure by jointly optimizing the inter-cell interference parameters and UABS locations using a meta-heuristic genetic algorithm (GA) and the brute-force technique. Finally, considering the latest specifications in 3GPP, a more realistic three-tier LTE-Advanced AG-HetNet is proposed with macro base-stations, pico base-stations, and ground UEs as terrestrial nodes and UABS and aerial UEs as aerial nodes. Using meta-heuristic techniques such as GA and elitist harmony search algorithm based on the GA, the critical network elements such as energy efficiency, inter-cell interference parameters, and UABS locations are all jointly optimized to maximize the capacity and coverage of the AG-HetNet