1,052 research outputs found

    Study of Routing Protocols in Telecommunication Networks

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    In this paper we have discussed the problem of routing in telecommunication networks and the salient characteristics of some of the most popular routing schemes. In particular, we have discussed the characteristics of adaptive and multipath routing solutions versus static and single-path strategies

    Benchmarking and viability assessment of optical packet switching for metro networks

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    Optical packet switching (OPS) has been proposed as a strong candidate for future metro networks. This paper assesses the viability of an OPS-based ring architecture as proposed within the research project DAVID (Data And Voice Integration on DWDM), funded by the European Commission through the Information Society Technologies (IST) framework. Its feasibility is discussed from a physical-layer point of view, and its limitations in size are explored. Through dimensioning studies, we show that the proposed OPS architecture is competitive with respect to alternative metropolitan area network (MAN) approaches, including synchronous digital hierarchy, resilient packet rings (RPR), and star-based Ethernet. Finally, the proposed OPS architectures are discussed from a logical performance point of view, and a high-quality scheduling algorithm to control the packet-switching operations in the rings is explained

    Multi-Overlay network planning by applying a variable neighbourhood search approach.

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    This thesis presents an approach for the topological design and sizing of an IP/MPLSmultioverlay network with the purpose of minimising the economical resources involved on ANTEL (AdministraciĂłn Nacional de Telecomunicaciones) infrastructure. The overlay network is an MPLS Data Network, which physically exchange traffic over an existent Transport infrastructure. The solution to find must be of optimal cost, robust to simple failures in the Transport Network, and deal with differential traffic. The mathematical model for this kind of problems is obtained by using weighted graphs which leads to a combinatorial optimisation formulation. As the problem undertaken is NP-Hard concerning computational complexity, a metaheuristic methodology is employed, which reaches approximate though often optimal solutions in a reasonable time. The metaheuristic selected is VNS (Variable Neihbourhood Search), which has shown positive qualities as simplicity, efficiency and effectiveness among others. Then, the implemented local searches and achieved results are described

    Physics-inspired methods for networking and communications

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    Advances in statistical physics relating to our understanding of large-scale complex systems have recently been successfully applied in the context of communication networks. Statistical mechanics methods can be used to decompose global system behavior into simple local interactions. Thus, large-scale problems can be solved or approximated in a distributed manner with iterative lightweight local messaging. This survey discusses how statistical physics methodology can provide efficient solutions to hard network problems that are intractable by classical methods. We highlight three typical examples in the realm of networking and communications. In each case we show how a fundamental idea of statistical physics helps solve the problem in an efficient manner. In particular, we discuss how to perform multicast scheduling with message passing methods, how to improve coding using the crystallization process, and how to compute optimal routing by representing routes as interacting polymers

    Survivability aspects of future optical backbone networks

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    In huidige glasvezelnetwerken kan een enkele vezel een gigantische hoeveelheid data dragen, ruwweg het equivalent van 25 miljoen gelijktijdige telefoongesprekken. Hierdoor zullen netwerkstoringen, zoals breuken van een glasvezelkabel, de communicatie van een groot aantal eindgebruikers verstoren. Netwerkoperatoren kiezen er dan ook voor om hun netwerk zo te bouwen dat zulke grote storingen automatisch opgevangen worden. Dit proefschrift spitst zich toe op twee aspecten rond de overleefbaarheid in toekomstige optische netwerken. De eerste doelstelling die beoogd wordt is het tot stand brengen vanrobuuste dataverbindingen over meerdere netwerken. Door voldoende betrouwbare verbindingen tot stand te brengen over een infrastructuur die niet door een enkele entiteit wordt beheerd kan men bv. weredwijd Internettelevisie van hoge kwaliteit aanbieden. De bestudeerde oplossing heeft niet enkel tot doel om deze zeer betrouwbare verbinding te berekenen, maar ook om dit te bewerkstelligen met een minimum aan gebruikte netwerkcapaciteit. De tweede doelstelling was om een antwoord te formuleren om de vraag hoe het toepassen van optische schakelsystemen gebaseerd op herconfigureerbare optische multiplexers een impact heeft op de overleefbaarheid van een optisch netwerk. Bij lagere volumes hebben optisch geschakelde netwerken weinig voordeel van dergelijke gesofistikeerde methoden. Elektronisch geschakelde netwerken vertonen geen afhankelijkheid van het datavolume en hebben altijd baat bij optimalisatie

    Multi-ring SDH network design over optical mesh networks

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2002.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2002.Includes bibliographical references leaves 84-87.The evolution of networks in telecommunications has brought on the importance of design techniques to obtain survivable and cost-effective transportation networks. In this thesis, we study Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) ring design problem with an interconnected multi-ring architecture overlaid over an optical mesh network. We decouple the problem into two sub-problems: the first problem is the SDH ring selection, and the second problem is the mapping of these rings onto the physical mesh topology. In this structure, the logical topology consists of SDH Add/Drop Multiplexers (ADMs) and Digital Cross-Connects (DXCs), and the physical topology consists of Optical Cross-Connects (OXCs). The ring selection problem is to choose the rings that give minimum inter-ring traffic in the network. Since inter-ring traffic increases the network cost and complexity, we aim to minimize the inter-ring traffic. We propose a greedy heuristic algorithm for this problem that finds a solution subject to the constraint that the number of nodes on each ring is limited. Numerical results on the ring design problem are presented for different topologies. Once the logical topology is obtained, resilient mapping of SDH rings onto the mesh physical topology is formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problem. In order to guarantee proper operation of SDH ring protection against all single failures, each link on an SDH ring must be mapped onto a lightpath which is link and node disjoint from all other lightpaths comprising the same ring. The objective of this mapping is to minimize the total fiber cost in the network. We also apply a post-processing algorithm to eliminate redundant rings. The postprocessing algorithm is very useful to reduce the cost. We evaluate the performance of our design algorithm for different networks.Tan, Tuba AkıncılarM.S
