245 research outputs found

    Lessons from Formally Verified Deployed Software Systems (Extended version)

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    The technology of formal software verification has made spectacular advances, but how much does it actually benefit the development of practical software? Considerable disagreement remains about the practicality of building systems with mechanically-checked proofs of correctness. Is this prospect confined to a few expensive, life-critical projects, or can the idea be applied to a wide segment of the software industry? To help answer this question, the present survey examines a range of projects, in various application areas, that have produced formally verified systems and deployed them for actual use. It considers the technologies used, the form of verification applied, the results obtained, and the lessons that can be drawn for the software industry at large and its ability to benefit from formal verification techniques and tools. Note: a short version of this paper is also available, covering in detail only a subset of the considered systems. The present version is intended for full reference.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1211.6186 by other author

    Tuning the Computational Effort: An Adaptive Accuracy-aware Approach Across System Layers

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    This thesis introduces a novel methodology to realize accuracy-aware systems, which will help designers integrate accuracy awareness into their systems. It proposes an adaptive accuracy-aware approach across system layers that addresses current challenges in that domain, combining and tuning accuracy-aware methods on different system layers. To widen the scope of accuracy-aware computing including approximate computing for other domains, this thesis presents innovative accuracy-aware methods and techniques for different system layers. The required tuning of the accuracy-aware methods is integrated into a configuration layer that tunes the available knobs of the accuracy-aware methods integrated into a system

    Technology 2000, volume 1

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    The purpose of the conference was to increase awareness of existing NASA developed technologies that are available for immediate use in the development of new products and processes, and to lay the groundwork for the effective utilization of emerging technologies. There were sessions on the following: Computer technology and software engineering; Human factors engineering and life sciences; Information and data management; Material sciences; Manufacturing and fabrication technology; Power, energy, and control systems; Robotics; Sensors and measurement technology; Artificial intelligence; Environmental technology; Optics and communications; and Superconductivity

    First CLIPS Conference Proceedings, volume 2

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    The topics of volume 2 of First CLIPS Conference are associated with following applications: quality control; intelligent data bases and networks; Space Station Freedom; Space Shuttle and satellite; user interface; artificial neural systems and fuzzy logic; parallel and distributed processing; enchancements to CLIPS; aerospace; simulation and defense; advisory systems and tutors; and intelligent control

    Matrix Transform Imager Architecture for On-Chip Low-Power Image Processing

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    Camera-on-a-chip systems have tried to include carefully chosen signal processing units for better functionality, performance and also to broaden the applications they can be used for. Image processing sensors have been possible due advances in CMOS active pixel sensors (APS) and neuromorphic focal plane imagers. Some of the advantages of these systems are compact size, high speed and parallelism, low power dissipation, and dense system integration. One can envision using these chips for portable and inexpensive video cameras on hand-held devices like personal digital assistants (PDA) or cell-phones In neuromorphic modeling of the retina it would be very nice to have processing capabilities at the focal plane while retaining the density of typical APS imager designs. Unfortunately, these two goals have been mostly incompatible. We introduce our MAtrix Transform Imager Architecture (MATIA) that uses analog floating--gate devices to make it possible to have computational imagers with high pixel densities. The core imager performs computations at the pixel plane, but still has a fill-factor of 46 percent - comparable to the high fill-factors of APS imagers. The processing is performed continuously on the image via programmable matrix operations that can operate on the entire image or blocks within the image. The resulting data-flow architecture can directly perform all kinds of block matrix image transforms. Since the imager operates in the subthreshold region and thus has low power consumption, this architecture can be used as a low-power front end for any system that utilizes these computations. Various compression algorithms (e.g. JPEG), that use block matrix transforms, can be implemented using this architecture. Since MATIA can be used for gradient computations, cheap image tracking devices can be implemented using this architecture. Other applications of this architecture can range from stand-alone universal transform imager systems to systems that can compute stereoscopic depth.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Hasler, Paul; Committee Member: David Anderson; Committee Member: DeWeerth, Steve; Committee Member: Jackson, Joel; Committee Member: Smith, Mar

    The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory

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    The successful installation, commissioning, and operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory would not have been possible without the strong commitment and effort from the technical and administrative staff in Malargüe. We are very grateful to the following agencies and organizations for financial support: Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Fundación Antorchas, Gobierno De La Provincia de Mendoza, Municipalidad de Malargüe, NDM Holdings and Valle Las Leñas, in gratitude for their continuing cooperation over land access, Argentina; the Australian Research Council; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Grants # 2010/07359-6 and # 1999/05404-3, Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), Brazil; MSMT-CR LG13007, 7AMB14AR005, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0058 and the Czech Science Foundation Grant 14-17501S, Czech Republic; Centre de Calcul IN2P3/CNRS, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Conseil Régional Ile-de-France, Département Physique Nucléaire et Corpusculaire (PNC-IN2P3/CNRS), Département Sciences de l'Univers (SDU-INSU/CNRS), Institut Lagrange de Paris, ILP LABEX ANR-10-LABX-63, within the Investissements d'Avenir ProgrammeANR-11-IDEX-0004-02, France; Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Finanzministerium Baden-Württemberg, Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics (HAP), Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren (HGF), Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Nordrhein Westfalen, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), Gran Sasso Center for Astroparticle Physics (CFA), CETEMPS Center of Excellence, Italy; Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT), Mexico; Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM), Netherlands; National Centre for Research and Development, Grant nos. ERA-NETASPERA/01/11 and ERA-NET-ASPERA/02/11, National Science Centre, Grant nos. 2013/08/M/ST9/00322, and 2013/08/M/ST9/00728 and HARMONIA 5 – 2013/10/M/ST9/00062, Poland; Portuguese national funds and FEDER funds within COMPETE – Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade through Fundação para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Portugal; Romanian Authority for Scientific Research ANCS, CNDI-UEFISCDI partnership projects nos. 20/2012 and nr.194/2012, project nos. 1/ASPERA2/2012 ERA-NET, PN-II-RU-PD-2011-3-0145-17, and PN-II-RU-PD-2011- 3-0062, the Minister of National Education, Programme for research – Space Technology and Advanced Research – STAR, project number 83/2013, Romania; Slovenian Research Agency, Slovenia; Comunidad de Madrid, FEDER funds, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Xunta de Galicia, European Community 7th Framework Program, Grant no. FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF-328826, Spain; Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom; Department of Energy, Contract no. DE-AC02-07CH11359, DE-FR02-04ER41300, DE-FG02-99ER41107 and DE-SC0011689, National Science Foundation, Grant no. 0450696, The Grainger Foundation, USA; NAFOSTED, Vietnam; Marie Curie-IRSES/EPLANET, European Particle Physics Latin American Network, European Union 7th Framework Program, Grant no. PIRSES-2009- GA-246806; and UNESCO.The Pierre Auger Observatory, located on a vast, high plain in western Argentina, is the world׳s largest cosmic ray observatory. The objectives of the Observatory are to probe the origin and characteristics of cosmic rays above 1017 eV and to study the interactions of these, the most energetic particles observed in nature. The Auger design features an array of 1660 water Cherenkov particle detector stations spread over 3000 km2 overlooked by 24 air fluorescence telescopes. In addition, three high elevation fluorescence telescopes overlook a 23.5 km2, 61-detector infilled array with 750 m spacing. The Observatory has been in successful operation since completion in 2008 and has recorded data from an exposure exceeding 40,000 km2 sr yr. This paper describes the design and performance of the detectors, related subsystems and infrastructure that make up the Observatory.Comision Nacional de Energia AtomicaFundacion AntorchasGobierno De La Provincia de MendozaMunicipalidad de MalargueNDM Holdings and Valle Las LenasAustralian Research CouncilNational Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)Ciencia Tecnologia e Inovacao (FINEP)Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) 2010/07359-6 1999/05404-3Ministerio de Ciencia e Tecnologia (MCT), BrazilMinistry of Education, Youth & Sports - Czech Republic LG13007 7AMB14AR005 CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0058Grant Agency of the Czech Republic Czech Republic Government 14-17501SCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)Region Ile-de-FranceDepartement Physique Nucleaire et Corpusculaire PNC-IN2P3/CNRSDepartement Sciences de l'Univers (SDU-INSU/CNRS)Institut Lagrange de ParisFrench National Research Agency (ANR) ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02 ANR-10-LABX-63Federal Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF)German Research Foundation (DFG)Finanzministerium Baden-WurttembergHelmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics (HAP)Helmholtz AssociationMinisterium fur Wissenschaft und ForschungNordrhein WestfalenMinisterium fur WissenschaftForschung und KunstBaden-Wurttemberg, GermanyIstituto Nazionale Astrofisica (INAF)Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR)Gran Sasso Center for Astroparticle Physics (CFA)CETEMPS Center of Excellence, ItalyConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT)Ministerie van OnderwijsCultuur en WetenschapNetherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)FOM (The Netherlands) Netherlands GovernmentNational Centre for Research and Development ERA-NET-ASPERA/01/11 ERA-NET-ASPERA/02/11National Science Centre, Poland 2013/08/M/ST9/00322 2013/08/M/ST9/00728 HARMONIA 5 - 2013/10/M/ST9/00062Portuguese national fundsFEDER funds within COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade through Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, PortugalRomanian Authority for Scientific Research ANCSCNDI-UEFISCDI 20/2012 194/2012 1/ASPERA2/2012 ERA-NET PN-II-RU-PD-2011-3-0145-17 PN-II-RU-PD-2011-3-0062Programme for research - Space Technology and Advanced Research - STAR, Romania 83/2013Slovenian Research Agency - SloveniaComunidad de Madrid Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIEuropean Union (EU)Spanish GovernmentXunta de GaliciaEuropean Community, Spain FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF-328826Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)United States Department of Energy (DOE) DE-AC02-07CH11359 DE-FR02-04ER41300 DE-FG02-99ER41107 DE-SC0011689National Science Foundation (NSF) 0450696Grainger Foundation, USANational Foundation for Science & Technology Development (NAFOSTED)Marie Curie-IRSES/EPLANETEuropean Particle Physics Latin American NetworkEuropean Union (EU) PIRSES-2009-GA-246806UNESC

    The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory, located on a vast, high plain in western Argentina, is the world's largest cosmic ray observatory. The objectives of the Observatory are to probe the origin and characteristics of cosmic rays above 1017 eV and to study the interactions of these, the most energetic particles observed in nature. The Auger design features an array of 1660 water Cherenkov particle detector stations spread over 3000 km2 overlooked by 24 air fluorescence telescopes. In addition, three high elevation fluorescence telescopes overlook a 23.5 km2 , 61-detector infilled array with 750 m spacing. The Observatory has been in successful operation since completion in 2008 and has recorded data from an exposure exceeding 40,000 km2 sr yr. This paper describes the design and performance of the detectors, related subsystems and infrastructure that make up the Observatory.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory, located on a vast, high plain in western Argentina, is the world's largest cosmic ray observatory. The objectives of the Observatory are to probe the origin and characteristics of cosmic rays above 1017 eV and to study the interactions of these, the most energetic particles observed in nature. The Auger design features an array of 1660 water Cherenkov particle detector stations spread over 3000 km2 overlooked by 24 air fluorescence telescopes. In addition, three high elevation fluorescence telescopes overlook a 23.5 km2 , 61-detector infilled array with 750 m spacing. The Observatory has been in successful operation since completion in 2008 and has recorded data from an exposure exceeding 40,000 km2 sr yr. This paper describes the design and performance of the detectors, related subsystems and infrastructure that make up the Observatory.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    An Optoelectronic Stimulator for Retinal Prosthesis

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    Retinal prostheses require the presence of viable population of cells in the inner retina. Evaluations of retina with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) have shown a large number of cells remain in the inner retina compared with the outer retina. Therefore, vision loss caused by AMD and RP is potentially treatable with retinal prostheses. Photostimulation based retinal prostheses have shown many advantages compared with retinal implants. In contrary to electrode based stimulation, light does not require mechanical contact. Therefore, the system can be completely external and not does have the power and degradation problems of implanted devices. In addition, the stimulating point is flexible and does not require a prior decision on the stimulation location. Furthermore, a beam of light can be projected on tissue with both temporal and spatial precision. This thesis aims at fi nding a feasible solution to such a system. Firstly, a prototype of an optoelectronic stimulator was proposed and implemented by using the Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA evaluation board. The platform was used to demonstrate the possibility of photostimulation of the photosensitized neurons. Meanwhile, with the aim of developing a portable retinal prosthesis, a system on chip (SoC) architecture was proposed and a wide tuning range sinusoidal voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) which is the pivotal component of the system was designed. The VCO is based on a new designed Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Operational Transconductance Ampli er (OTA) which achieves a good linearity over a wide tuning range. Both the OTA and the VCO were fabricated in the AMS 0.35 µm CMOS process. Finally a 9X9 CMOS image sensor with spiking pixels was designed. Each pixel acts as an independent oscillator whose frequency is controlled by the incident light intensity. The sensor was fabricated in the AMS 0.35 µm CMOS Opto Process. Experimental validation and measured results are provided
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