22 research outputs found

    Development of digital twin ecosystem and ontology in medicine

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    Summary: Providing citizens with high-quality and safe medical services, providing information support for medical research and continuous medical education, making both doctor’s decisions and management decisions necessitated the provision of tools to ensure complex digitization of healthcare. To achieve these goals, a wide range of modern technologies have emerged. One such technology is digital twin technology. Modern medicine, being formed in the environment of Health 4.0, includes not only the treatment of patients, but also the management of healthcare, the prevention of diseases and the processes of health restoration. With the increasing popularity of information communication technologies, people’s demand for health services is shifting from offline service to new online models. Currently, the field of online medicine is not developed enough to serve the elderly, chronically ill people and the people with infectious diseases. Using the advantages of digital twins in solving these problems can give positive results. The article describes the nature, capabilities and applications of digital twin technology. The principles of the formation of the medical digital twin ecosystem are developed to ensure citizens’ accessibility to medical services and to make both medical and managerial decisions. The architecture and structural components of the digital twin ecosystem providing the connection between physical medical objects (patient, hospital, doctor, etc.) and their virtual images are shown. An ontological model for the staged construction and functionalization of the general DT of healthcare is proposed and its hierarchical architecture is establishe

    Health Improvement Path: Ontological Approach to Self-management Support in Personal Health Management Systems

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    Ontologies have been used for knowledge modeling and reasoning in healthcare domain (e.g., homecare, hospital clinical procedure, mHealth, etc.), but few in a context of self-management in healthcare with no sufficient reasoning rules to specify a systematic health management plan for an individual. In response to such needs, we aim to provide a generic ontology model for organizing the broad range of multidisciplinary knowledge required in personal health management by applying the ontology design patterns as well as for being extensible to more specific activity ontologies (e.g., physical exercises, diet, medication intake, etc.). The scope of a proposed ontology is to classify core concepts and relations in health self-management process and to build axioms for health improvement plans to meet an individual’s needs and health capability/maturity level. The proposed ontology is developed based on our previous work, health capability maturity model (HCMM) and can be integrated with existing health-related ontologies for further specification in health management processes

    A Knowledge Representation Model Based on Select and Test Algorithm for Diagnosing Breast Cancer

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    There exist several terminal diseases whose fatality rate escalates with time of which breast cancer is a frontline disease among such. Computer aided systems have also been well researched through the use intelligent algorithms capable of detecting, diagnosing, and proffering treatment for breast cancer.  While good research breakthrough has been attained in terms of algorithmic solution towards diagnosis of breast cancer, however, not much has been done to sufficiently model knowledge frameworks for diagnostic algorithms that are knowledge-based. While Select and Test (ST) algorithm have proven relevant for implementing diagnostic systems, through support for reasoning, however the knowledge representation pattern that enables inference of missing or ambiguous data still limits the effectiveness of ST algorithm. This paper therefore proposes a knowledge representation model to systematically model knowledge to aid the performance of ST algorithm. Our proposal is specifically targeted at developing systematic knowledge representation for breast cancer. The approach uses the ontology web language (OWL) to implement the design of the knowledge model proposed.   This study aims at carefully crafting a knowledge model whose implementation seamlessly work with ST algorithm. Furthermore, this study adapted the proposed model into an implementation of ST algorithm an obtained an improved performance compared to the simple knowledge model proposed by the author of ST algorithm. Our knowledge mode resulted in an accuracy gain of 23.5% and obtained and AUC of (0.49, 1.0). This proposed model has therefore shown that combining an inference-oriented knowledge model with an inference-oriented reasoning algorithm improves the performance of computer aided diagnostic (CADx) systems. In future, we intend to enhance the proposed model to support rules. Keywords— Semantic web, ontology, OWL, breast cancer, Select and Test (ST) algorithm, knowledge representatio

    A Cooperative Model to Improve Hospital Equipments and Drugs Management

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    Abstract. The cost of services provided by public and private healthcare systems is nowadays becoming critical. This work tackles the criticalities of hospital equipments and drugs management by emphasizing its implications on the whole healthcare system efficiency. The work presents a multi-agent based model for decisional cooperation in order to address the problem of integration of departments, wards and personnel for improving equipments, and drugs management. The proposed model faces the challenge of (i) gaining the benefits deriving from successful collaborative models already used in industrial systems and (ii) transferring the most appropriate industrial management practices to healthcare systems

    Um Estudo Sobre o Desenvolvimento de uma Taxonomia para a Classificação de Trabalhos de um Mapeamento Sistemático sobre o uso de Ontologias em Informática Médica

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    Tendo em vista a importância que a Informática Médica tem adquirido juntamente com a utilização de técnicas de Inteligência Artificial em suas aplicações, principalmente no que diz respeito à Engenharia do Conhecimento e Ontologias, faz-se necessário mapear a evolução desta área de maneira completa, imparcial e sistemática. Para tanto foi construído um Mapeamento Sistemático sobre o uso de Ontologias em Informática Médica. Como não há uma taxonomia geral que defina as subáreas da Informática Médica, este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a construção de uma taxonomia que caracterize todas as subáreas da Informática Médica que permita classificar os estudos selecionados para o Mapeamento Sistemático


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    Although business process management systems (BPM) have been used over the years, their performance in unpredicted situations has not been adequately solved. In these cases, it is common to request user assistance or invoke predefined procedures. In this paper, we propose using the Active Semantic Model (ASM) to detect and handle exceptions. This is a specifically developed semantic network model for modeling of semantic features of the business processes. ASM is capable of classifying new situations based on their similarities with existing ones. Within BPM systems this is then used to classify new situations as exceptions and to handle the exceptions by changing the process based on ASM’s previous experience. This enables automatic detection and handling of exceptions which significantly improves the performance of bpm systems

    Applications of digital twins in medicine and the ontological model of medical digital twins

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    The article demonstrates the applications, essence and possibilities of digital twin technology and explains the advantages of digital twin technology and potential challenges. A digital twin is a digital copy that can be used to simulate the status of a physical object or system. The integration of digital twin technologies with the Internet of things, Big Data and Artificial intelligence offers innovative solutions for quicker detection of arisen problems (or problems to arise) related to changes in a real physical object and for making relevant decisions. The development of such solutions in the healthcare is crucial for preserving human health and providing people with higher-quality medical care. It is possible to get an early diagnosis of the disease and the selection of a more effective treatment method on the produced digital twin by transferring the patient’s physical characteristics and changes in his/her body to the digital environment. The article analyzes medical digital twins, categorizing their benefits into patient health, cost reduction, self-management, and other benefits. In order to ensure adaptability and effectiveness in disease therapy and healthcare management decision-making, the patientoriented ontology of healthcare is examined, and a four-level ontological model is suggested to create its digital twin. The creation of a patient-oriented digital twin of healthcare requires the creation of a digital twin of existing physical objects at each level of its ontological model. The creation of digital twin in healthcare opens wide opportunities for making decisions on provision of safe and high-quality medical care to patients


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    Com uma maior disponibilidade de informações e o uso de tecnologias em favor dos pacientes, notadamente ocorre uma verdadeira transformação na área da saúde nos últimos anos. As organizações de saúde precisam trabalhar com flexibilidade em suas operações para sustentar a excelência em práticas clínicas e de negócios. Técnicas e ferramentas que otimizem os processos de assistência médica e terapêutica e os administrativos, podem aumentar a efetividade do cuidado e a segurança paciente. A utilização de ontologias juntamente com processos de negócio tem por objetivo manter e representar uma linguagem comum, de forma que todos possam entender, padronizar e participar de maneira efetiva da modelagem dos processos. Apesar dos benefícios do uso de ontologias, sua utilização é limitada nas organizações em geral. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os resultados de uma revisão sistemática, cujo intuito foi identificar e conhecer as propostas de utilização de ontologias juntamente com Business Process Management (BPM) na área da saúde. Os resultados apontam que apesar do uso de ontologias ser realidade na área da saúde, poucas são as propostas de alinhamento com as práticas de BPM, apesar dos promissores benefícios para organizações, profissionais e pacientes