21 research outputs found

    Towards a Re-Usable Ontology for Waste Processing

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    The potential of ontologies and knowledge modeling in process systems engineering has been realised and researched, efforts were directed to create semantic models representing the process industry domain. In this paper we present a re-usable ontology that consists of two main classification modules: i) Waste and ii) Processing Technology. The ontology has been developed, validated and used for processing of waste within the framework of Industrial Symbiosis. It supports a web platform that enables Industrial Symbiosis practice. The ontology is used for collecting information, user registration and semantic input output matching. © 2014 Elsevier B.V

    Model Integration Using Ontology Input-Output Matching

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    This paper introduces ontology controlled model integration framework using inputoutput matching in the domain of biorefining. The framework builds upon the existing framework and replaces the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) object bus with more flexible semantic repository. Semantic Web Services Description Ontologies (OWL-S) are used to describe model inputs, outputs, preconditions, operating environment and its functionality. The OWL-S enables the automation of model integration through (i) discovery, (ii) selection, (iii) composition, and (iv) execution stages. This concept has been verified with a small scale model integration to demonstrate the flexibility of model integration through all four stages of the process

    Modelos de metabolismo cíclico y procesos energéticos asociado en ecosistemas industriales con agentes inteligentes

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    En la actualidad existen diversas alternativas para concebir productos y sistemas que al final de su vida se integren al metabolismo de la Tecnoesfera o de la Naturesfera. Entre estas técnicas se encuentra el Ecodiseño, Ecología Industrial, ACV, C2C, producción limpia en la fase de diseño y manufactura directa. En la fase de manufactura inversa existen distintos enfoques tales como reciclaje o las bolsas de subproductos y subsustancias, cuya gestión permite poner en contacto a los agentes productivos de la tecnoesfera al objeto de cerrar ciclos. Estas tareas tienen requerimientos de intercambio de información y requieren conocimiento para el cierre de los ciclos en atención a la ecocompatibilidad, toxicidad y eficiencia energética. En el presente trabajo se formula el estado del arte del cierre de ciclos sobre la tecnoesfera en la manufactura inversa y se realiza una propuesta de gestión de los procesos de comunicación, esbozando una ontología de conocimiento con agentes inteligentes que de soporte a la manufactura inversa basada en ciclos cerrados sobre la tecnoesfera o naturesfera, ecocompatibles y con eficiencia en procesos energéticos.Actually there are several alternatives to products and systems design that in the end of its life are integrated into Technosphere or Natursphere metabolism. Among these techniques is Ecodesign, Industrial Ecology, LCA, C2C, clean production from the design phase and direct manufacturing, etc. In inverse manufacturing phase there are different approaches such as recycling or byproducts and substances, whose management allows contacting the technosphere productive agents in order to close cycles. These tasks have requirements for exchange of information and knowledge for closing cycles is required in response to eco-compatibility, toxicity, and energy efficiency. In this paper the state of the art of closing cycles on the technosphere in inverse manufacturing is formulated and a proposed management communication process is performed. This is done by outlining ontology of knowledge based on intelligent agents to provide support inverse manufacturing based in closed cycles on the technosphere or natursphere, eco-compatible and efficient in energy process

    Industrial symbiosis implementation by leveraging on process efficiency methodologies

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    Resource efficiency is a crucial step for manufacturing companies to improve their operations performance and to reduce waste generation. However, there is no guarantee of a zero waste scenario and companies need to look for new strategies to complement their resource efficiency vision. Therefore, it is important to enroll in an industrial symbiosis strategy as a means to maximize industrial value capturing through the exchange of resources (waste, energy, water and by-products) between different processes and companies. Within this, it is crucial to quantify and characterize the waste, e.g. to have clear understanding of the potential industrial symbiosis hot spots among the processes. For such characterization, it is proposed to use an innovative process efficiency assessment approach. This empowers a clear understanding and quantification of efficiency that identifies industrial symbiosis hot spots (donors) in low efficiency process steps, and enables a plausible definition of potential cold spots (receivers), in order to promote the symbiotic exchanges

    Model Integration Using Ontology Input-Output Matching

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    This paper introduces ontology controlled model integration framework using inputoutput matching in the domain of biorefining. The framework builds upon the existing framework and replaces the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) object bus with more flexible semantic repository. Semantic Web Services Description Ontologies (OWL-S) are used to describe model inputs, outputs, preconditions, operating environment and its functionality. The OWL-S enables the automation of model integration through (i) discovery, (ii) selection, (iii) composition, and (iv) execution stages. This concept has been verified with a small scale model integration to demonstrate the flexibility of model integration through all four stages of the process

    Smart eco-industrial parks: A circular economy implementation based on industrial metabolism

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    In order to conserve natural environments, the Circular Economy (CE) is considered as a suitable way to carry out the transition from current economic models to models of a more sustainable nature. From the biological perspective however, industrial systems are generally inefficient. Manufacturing systems from the biological perspective therefore require the incorporation of tools to support decision making, thereby enabling organizations to improve their functions and competitiveness in a global and integrated perspective. Accordingly, at meso level, eco-industrial parks are gaining importance as an approach towards ensuring CE. In this work, an ontological framework for CE, based on industrial metabolism, is developed as the technology for information and knowledge models to share the circularity of resources through industrial ecosystems, based on ecological, economic, and social criteria. The ontology developed is modelled using Ontology Web Language and integrated in an architecture based on bio-inspired Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). Moreover, a quantitative method, Ecological Network Analysis, is incorporated into MAS knowledge to analyze and establish relationships and metabolic pathways between companies, which can increase the circularity of technical nutrients and reduce biological nutrient extraction. The integrated model is applied to a case study on the product life cycle for the establishment of its metabolic pathway through an eco-industrial park. The subsequent incorporation of MAS thereby establishes the Smart Eco-Industrial Park

    An assessment of European information technology tools to support industrial symbiosis

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    Industrial symbiosis (IS) has proven to bring collective benefits to multiple stakeholders by minimising underutilised resources, sharing knowledge and improving business and technical processes. In Europe alone, over €130 million have been invested since 2006 in research projects that enable IS by developing a methodology, tool, software, platform or network that facilitates the uptake of IS by different economic actors. This paper discusses and assesses information technology (IT) developments for supporting IS in Europe, following the five-stage methodology of Grant et al. (2010). It provides guidance to the applicants and reviewers of publicly funded research projects by listing the developments and gaps in the newly developed IT tools for IS. Content analysis of publicly available information on 20 IS supporting IT tools reveals a strong focus on synergy identification but a lack of support for the implementation stage of IS. The paper indicates that a vast quantity of IT tools and knowledge is created during the IT tool development stage and newer IT tools now also include implicit information for identifying IS. It was found that successfully operational IT tools are either part of a national or local IS programme or owned by a private company. The paper ends with the recommendation that better mechanisms are needed to ensure that publicly funded IS-supporting IT tools successfully reach the market

    An ontological approach to chemical engineering curriculum development

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    Continuous reflection and evolution of curricula in chemical engineering is beneficial for adaptation to evolving industries and technologies and for improving student experience. To this end it was necessary to develop a method to enable a holistic reflection on the curriculum and to examine potential areas of improvement and change. The curriculum was modelled using knowledge modelling through the development of an ontology, Chemical Engineering Education Ontology (ChEEdO) in the Protégé 3.5 environment. ChEEdO models topics, taught modules and the learning outcomes of the modules within the domain of chemical engineering. The learning outcomes were related to the topics using verb properties from Bloom’s taxonomy and the context of each learning outcome. The functionality of semantic reasoning via the ontology was demonstrated with a case study. The modelling results showed that the ontology could be successfully utilised for curriculum development, horizontal and vertical integration and to identify appropriate pre-requisite learning

    A semantic framework for enabling model integration for biorefining

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    This paper introduces a new paradigm for establishing a framework that enables interoperability between process models and datasets using ontology engineering. Semantics are used to model the knowledge in the domain of biorefining including both tacit and explicit knowledge, which supports registration and instantiation of the models and datasets. Semantic algorithms allow the formation of model integration through input/output matching based on semantic relevance between the models and datasets. In addition, partial matching is employed to facilitate flexibility to broaden the horizon to find opportunities in identifying an appropriate model and/or dataset. The proposed algorithm is implemented as a web service and demonstrated using a case study.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support by the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks Program, under the RENESENG project (FP7-607415)