107 research outputs found

    Multi-Objective Optimization of the Switched Reluctance Motor for Improved Performance in a Heavy Hybrid Electric Vehicle Application

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    The goal of this research is to improve the performance of the switched reluctanc

    Image-Based Force Estimation and Haptic Rendering For Robot-Assisted Cardiovascular Intervention

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    Clinical studies have indicated that the loss of haptic perception is the prime limitation of robot-assisted cardiovascular intervention technology, hindering its global adoption. It causes compromised situational awareness for the surgeon during the intervention and may lead to health risks for the patients. This doctoral research was aimed at developing technology for addressing the limitation of the robot-assisted intervention technology in the provision of haptic feedback. The literature review showed that sensor-free force estimation (haptic cue) on endovascular devices, intuitive surgeon interface design, and haptic rendering within the surgeon interface were the major knowledge gaps. For sensor-free force estimation, first, an image-based force estimation methods based on inverse finite-element methods (iFEM) was developed and validated. Next, to address the limitation of the iFEM method in real-time performance, an inverse Cosserat rod model (iCORD) with a computationally efficient solution for endovascular devices was developed and validated. Afterward, the iCORD was adopted for analytical tip force estimation on steerable catheters. The experimental studies confirmed the accuracy and real-time performance of the iCORD for sensor-free force estimation. Afterward, a wearable drift-free rotation measurement device (MiCarp) was developed to facilitate the design of an intuitive surgeon interface by decoupling the rotation measurement from the insertion measurement. The validation studies showed that MiCarp had a superior performance for spatial rotation measurement compared to other modalities. In the end, a novel haptic feedback system based on smart magnetoelastic elastomers was developed, analytically modeled, and experimentally validated. The proposed haptics-enabled surgeon module had an unbounded workspace for interventional tasks and provided an intuitive interface. Experimental validation, at component and system levels, confirmed the usability of the proposed methods for robot-assisted intervention systems

    Editing Fluid Simulations with Jet Particles

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    Fluid simulation is an important topic in computer graphics in the pursuit of adding realism to films, video games and virtual environments. The results of a fluid simulation are hard to edit in a way that provide a physically plausible solution. Edits need to preserve the incompressibility condition in order to create natural looking water and smoke simulations. In this thesis we present an approach that allows a simple artist-friendly interface for designing and editing complex fluid-like flows that are guaranteed to be incompressible in two and three dimensions. Key to our method is a formulation for the design of flows using jet particles. Jet particles are Lagrangian solutions to a regularised form of Euler’s equations, and their velocity fields are divergence-free which motivates their use in computer graphics. We constrain their dynamics to design divergence-free flows and utilise them effectively in a modern visual effects pipeline. Using just a handful of jet particles we produce visually convincing flows that implicitly satisfy the incompressibility condition. We demonstrate an interactive tool in two dimensions for designing a range of divergence-free deformations. Further we describe methods to couple these flows with existing simulations in order to give the artist creative control beyond the initial outcome. We present examples of local temporal edits to smoke simulations in 2D and 3D. The resulting methods provide promising new ways to design and edit fluid-like deformations and to create general deformations in 3D modelling. We show how to represent existing divergence-free velocity fields using jet particles, and design new vector fields for use in fluid control applications. Finally we provide an efficient implementation for deforming grids, meshes, volumes, level sets, vectors and tensors, given a jet particle flow

    Human-like arm motion generation: a review

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    In the last decade, the objectives outlined by the needs of personal robotics have led to the rise of new biologically-inspired techniques for arm motion planning. This paper presents a literature review of the most recent research on the generation of human-like arm movements in humanoid and manipulation robotic systems. Search methods and inclusion criteria are described. The studies are analyzed taking into consideration the sources of publication, the experimental settings, the type of movements, the technical approach, and the human motor principles that have been used to inspire and assess human-likeness. Results show that there is a strong focus on the generation of single-arm reaching movements and biomimetic-based methods. However, there has been poor attention to manipulation, obstacle-avoidance mechanisms, and dual-arm motion generation. For these reasons, human-like arm motion generation may not fully respect human behavioral and neurological key features and may result restricted to specific tasks of human-robot interaction. Limitations and challenges are discussed to provide meaningful directions for future investigations.FCT Project UID/MAT/00013/2013FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    Advanced rotor blade design based on high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics

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    This thesis is aimed at expanding the current state of the art in rotor design by combining high fidelity CFD and optimisation methods. Such methods are associated with extremely high computational costs, when optimisation of unsteady flow fields is required such as those encountered by a rotor in forward flight. For this reason, the majority of studies in literature resort to lower fidelity models for forward flight optimisation. To maintain the high fidelity of the Navier-Stokes equations at modest computational costs, an optimisation framework based on an overset adjoint harmonic balance method was developed within the present research, which is the primary novelty of the thesis. Firstly, however, the CFD solver is validated for a range of rotor designs in hover and forward flight, by comparing the performance predictions with available experimental data, and thereby verifying the findings obtained in the rotor design study. The CFD validation also includes a sensitivity analysis of various numerical modelling parameters on the performance predictions including effects of computational setup, grid resolution and turbulence models. The validation studies highlighted the need for more accurate and higher quality experimental data. Based on the CFD validation results, the use of standard performance metrics such as figure of merit and lift-to-drag ratio was assessed for comparing different rotor designs, showing that a dimensional thrust and torque comparison is more informative. A blade solidity study was also performed to inform the correct use of different solidity parameters, in particular, thrust- weighted solidity. The comparison of the different designs used for CFD validation highlighted the subtle aerodynamics involved in advanced planform shapes and the need for numerical optimisation. The developed optimisation framework was applied to the AH-64A rotor blade and showed that significant performance benefits are available through blade planform shape modifications. The final design was validated in hover and forward flight using time-marching calculations. The differences between the harmonic balance and time-marching simulations are analysed in detail along with the sources behind the performance gains for the optimised blade. Finally, a discussion of the favourable rotor design features is conducted along with suggestions for improvements of the optimisation framework

    New method for mathematical modelling of human visual speech

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    Audio-visual speech recognition and visual speech synthesisers are used as interfaces between humans and machines. Such interactions specifically rely on the analysis and synthesis of both audio and visual information, which humans use for face-to-face communication. Currently, there is no global standard to describe these interactions nor is there a standard mathematical tool to describe lip movements. Furthermore, the visual lip movement for each phoneme is considered in isolation rather than a continuation from one to another. Consequently, there is no globally accepted standard method for representing lip movement during articulation. This thesis addresses these issues by designing a transcribed group of words, by mathematical formulas, and so introducing the concept of a visual word, allocating signatures to visual words and finally building a visual speech vocabulary database. In addition, visual speech information has been analysed in a novel way by considering both lip movements and phonemic structure of the English language. In order to extract the visual data, three visual features on the lip have been chosen; these are on the outer upper, lower and corner of the lip. The extracted visual data during articulation is called the visual speech sample set. The final visual data is obtained after processing the visual speech sample sets to correct experimented artefacts such as head tilting, which happened during articulation and visual data extraction. The ‘Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation’ (BLI) formulates the visual speech sample sets into visual speech signals. The visual word is defined in this work and consists of the variation of three visual features. Further processing on relating the visual speech signals to the uttered word leads to the allocation of signatures that represent the visual word. This work suggests the visual word signature can be used either as a ‘visual word barcode’, a ‘digital visual word’ or a ‘2D/3D representations’. The 2D version of the visual word provides a unique signature that allows the identification of the words being uttered. In addition, identification of visual words has also been performed using a technique called ‘volumetric representations of the visual words’. Furthermore, the effect of altering the amplitudes and sampling rate for BLI has been evaluated. In addition, the performance of BLI in reconstructing the visual speech sample sets has been considered. Finally, BLI has been compared to signal reconstruction approach by RMSE and correlation coefficients. The results show that the BLI is the more reliable method for the purpose of this work according to Section 7.7

    Feasible, Robust and Reliable Automation and Control for Autonomous Systems

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    The Special Issue book focuses on highlighting current research and developments in the automation and control field for autonomous systems as well as showcasing state-of-the-art control strategy approaches for autonomous platforms. The book is co-edited by distinguished international control system experts currently based in Sweden, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom, with contributions from reputable researchers from China, Austria, France, the United States of America, Poland, and Hungary, among many others. The editors believe the ten articles published within this Special Issue will be highly appealing to control-systems-related researchers in applications typified in the fields of ground, aerial, maritime vehicles, and robotics as well as industrial audiences

    Multi-disciplinary performance studies on propulsion system integration for military aircraft.

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    Military aircraft propulsion systems represent one of the most challenging sectors of jet engine design: Operating at an extremely variable environment strongly influenced by aircraft aerodynamics, these engines should pack high thrust output at the minimum possible size without compromising reliability and operating cost. In addition, the multidisciplinary nature of military aircraft operations frequently introduces contradicting performance objectives which are hard to incorporate to engine design. All the above are combined with the very high cost of engine development, necessitating proper selections early in the design phase to ensure the success of the development process and the viability of new engine concepts. Despite the significant volume of research in the field and perhaps due to the sensitivity of the data involved, studies published to date are focused on rather specific topics without addressing the full multidisciplinary aircraft-propulsion system integration problem. In order to achieve this, a new synthesis of methods needs to be established combining aspects and contributions from different areas of research. This project investigates the development of a new methodology for interconnecting engine preliminary design to aircraft operational requirements. Under this scope, a representation of a generic military airframe is constructed and combined with engine performance models and simulation tools to investigate propulsion system effects on aircraft mission performance and survivability. More specifically, the project’s contributions in the field of military aircraft propulsion system integration are focused on three domains: • A new military aircraft representation modelling critical aspects of the interaction between the aircraft and the propulsion system: Aircraft aerodynamics, airframe/propulsion system aerodynamic interference, IR and noise signature. The model has low computational requirements and is suitable for use in the context of large-scale parametric studies and trajectory optimization cases. • New simulation-based techniques for estimating climb performance and assessing the mission capabilities of aircraft/engine configurations in realistic mission scenarios. Points of novelty within the developed methods include a multi-objective formulation to the climb trajectory problem, a technique for Altitude-Mach tracking, an expansion of the Energy-Manoeuvrability (E-M) technique allowing for the concurrent optimization of the aircraft trajectory and engine schedule and the introduction of minimum noise and IR trajectories for military aircraft. • The quantification of propulsion system effects on aircraft survivability, taking into account both the aircraft’s IR signature and aircraft/missile kinematic performance. This is achieved through a combination of an aircraft IR model with kinematic simulations of missile-vs-aircraft and aircraft-vs-aircraft which are used to measure an aircraft’s susceptibility to attacks, along with its own ability to attack manoeuvring targets. The above methods are developed and validated using published data and applied to investigate aircraft performance trends in a series of test cases where the effectiveness of different propulsion system designs is evaluated in a variety of simulated mission tasks. The results successfully demonstrate the developed methods’ ability to quantify the relation between aircraft performance and engine design, providing a basis for understanding the performance trade-offs that result from the adoption of different propulsion system configurations, to maximize the efficiency of the powerplant design process.PhD in Aerospac

    New method for mathematical modelling of human visual speech

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    Audio-visual speech recognition and visual speech synthesisers are used as interfaces between humans and machines. Such interactions specifically rely on the analysis and synthesis of both audio and visual information, which humans use for face-to-face communication. Currently, there is no global standard to describe these interactions nor is there a standard mathematical tool to describe lip movements. Furthermore, the visual lip movement for each phoneme is considered in isolation rather than a continuation from one to another. Consequently, there is no globally accepted standard method for representing lip movement during articulation. This thesis addresses these issues by designing a transcribed group of words, by mathematical formulas, and so introducing the concept of a visual word, allocating signatures to visual words and finally building a visual speech vocabulary database. In addition, visual speech information has been analysed in a novel way by considering both lip movements and phonemic structure of the English language. In order to extract the visual data, three visual features on the lip have been chosen; these are on the outer upper, lower and corner of the lip. The extracted visual data during articulation is called the visual speech sample set. The final visual data is obtained after processing the visual speech sample sets to correct experimented artefacts such as head tilting, which happened during articulation and visual data extraction. The ‘Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation’ (BLI) formulates the visual speech sample sets into visual speech signals. The visual word is defined in this work and consists of the variation of three visual features. Further processing on relating the visual speech signals to the uttered word leads to the allocation of signatures that represent the visual word. This work suggests the visual word signature can be used either as a ‘visual word barcode’, a ‘digital visual word’ or a ‘2D/3D representations’. The 2D version of the visual word provides a unique signature that allows the identification of the words being uttered. In addition, identification of visual words has also been performed using a technique called ‘volumetric representations of the visual words’. Furthermore, the effect of altering the amplitudes and sampling rate for BLI has been evaluated. In addition, the performance of BLI in reconstructing the visual speech sample sets has been considered. Finally, BLI has been compared to signal reconstruction approach by RMSE and correlation coefficients. The results show that the BLI is the more reliable method for the purpose of this work according to Section 7.7
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