1,154 research outputs found

    Within-Die Delay Variation Measurement And Analysis For Emerging Technologies Using An Embedded Test Structure

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    Both random and systematic within-die process variations (PV) are growing more severe with shrinking geometries and increasing die size. Escalation in the variations in delay and power with reductions in feature size places higher demands on the accuracy of variation models. Their availability can be used to improve yield, and the corresponding profitability and product quality of the fabricated integrated circuits (ICs). Sources of within-die variations include optical source limitations, and layout-based systematic effects (pitch, line-width variability, and microscopic etch loading). Unfortunately, accurate models of within-die PVs are becoming more difficult to derive because of their increasingly sensitivity to design-context. Embedded test structures (ETS) continue to play an important role in the development of models of PVs and as a mechanism to improve correlations between hardware and models. Variations in path delays are increasing with scaling, and are increasingly affected by neighborhood\u27 interactions. In order to fully characterize within-die variations, delays must be measured in the context of actual core-logic macros. Doing so requires the use of an embedded test structure, as opposed to traditional scribe line test structures such as ring oscillators (RO). Accurate measurements of within-die variations can be used, e.g., to better tune models to actual hardware (model-to-hardware correlations). In this research project, I propose an embedded test structure called REBEL (Regional dELay BEhavior) that is designed to measure path delays in a minimally invasive fashion; and its architecture measures the path delays more accurately. Design for manufacture-ability (DFM) analysis is done on the on 90 nm ASIC chips and 28nm Zynq 7000 series FPGA boards. I present ASIC results on within-die path delay variations in a floating-point unit (FPU) fabricated in IBM\u27s 90 nm technology, with 5 pipeline stages, used as a test vehicle in chip experiments carried out at nine different temperature/voltage (TV) corners. Also experimental data has been analyzed for path delay variations in short vs long paths. FPGA results on within-die variation and die-to-die variations on Advanced Encryption System (AES) using single pipelined stage are also presented. Other analysis that have been performed on the calibrated path delays are Flip Flop propagation delays for both rising and falling edge (tpHL and tpLH), uncertainty analysis, path distribution analysis, short versus long path variations and mid-length path within-die variation. I also analyze the impact on delay when the chips are subjected to industrial-level temperature and voltage variations. From the experimental results, it has been established that the proposed REBEL provides capabilities similar to an off-chip logic analyzer, i.e., it is able to capture the temporal behavior of the signal over time, including any static and dynamic hazards that may occur on the tested path. The ASIC results further show that path delays are correlated to the launch-capture (LC) interval used to time them. Therefore, calibration as proposed in this work must be carried out in order to obtain an accurate analysis of within-die variations. Results on ASIC chips show that short paths can vary up to 35% on average, while long paths vary up to 20% at nominal temperature and voltage. A similar trend occurs for within-die variations of mid-length paths where magnitudes reduced to 20% and 5%, respectively. The magnitude of delay variations in both these analyses increase as temperature and voltage are changed to increase performance. The high level of within-die delay variations are undesirable from a design perspective, but they represent a rich source of entropy for applications that make use of \u27secrets\u27 such as authentication, hardware metering and encryption. Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) are a class of primitives that leverage within-die-variations as a means of generating random bit strings for these types of applications, including hardware security and trust. Zynq FPGAs Die-to-Die and within-die variation study shows that on average there is 5% of within-Die variation and the range of die-to-Die variation can go upto 3ns. The die-to-Die variations can be explored in much further detail to study the variations spatial dependance. Additionally, I also carried out research in the area data mining to cater for big data by focusing the work on decision tree classification (DTC) to speed-up the classification step in hardware implementation. For this purpose, I devised a pipelined architecture for the implementation of axis parallel binary decision tree classification for meeting up with the requirements of execution time and minimal resource usage in terms of area. The motivation for this work is that analyzing larger data-sets have created abundant opportunities for algorithmic and architectural developments, and data-mining innovations, thus creating a great demand for faster execution of these algorithms, leading towards improving execution time and resource utilization. Decision trees (DT) have since been implemented in software programs. Though, the software implementation of DTC is highly accurate, the execution times and the resource utilization still require improvement to meet the computational demands in the ever growing industry. On the other hand, hardware implementation of DT has not been thoroughly investigated or reported in detail. Therefore, I propose a hardware acceleration of pipelined architecture that incorporates the parallel approach in acquiring the data by having parallel engines working on different partitions of data independently. Also, each engine is processing the data in a pipelined fashion to utilize the resources more efficiently and reduce the time for processing all the data records/tuples. Experimental results show that our proposed hardware acceleration of classification algorithms has increased throughput, by reducing the number of clock cycles required to process the data and generate the results, and it requires minimal resources hence it is area efficient. This architecture also enables algorithms to scale with increasingly large and complex data sets. We developed the DTC algorithm in detail and explored techniques for adapting it to a hardware implementation successfully. This system is 3.5 times faster than the existing hardware implementation of classification.\u2

    On-die transient event sensors and system-level ESD testing

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    System level electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing of electronic products is a critical part of product certification. Test methods were investigated to develop system level ESD simulation models to predict soft-failures in a system with multiple sensors. These methods rely completely on measurements. The model developed was valid only for the linear operation range of devices within the system. These methods were applied to a commercial product and used to rapidly determine when a soft failure would occur. Attaching cables and probes to determine stress voltages and currents within a system, as in the previous study, is time-consuming and can alter the test results. On-chip sensors have been developed which allow the user to avoid using cables and probes and can detect an event along with the level, polarity, and location of a transient event seen at the I/O pad. The sensors were implemented with minimum area consumption and can be implemented within the spacer cell of an I/O pad. Some of the proposed sensors were implemented in a commercial test microcontroller and have been tested to successfully record the event occurrence, location, level, and polarity on that test microcontroller. System level tests were then performed on a pseudo-wearable device using the on-chip sensors. The measurements were successful in capturing the peak disturbance and counting the number of ESD events without the addition of any external measurement equipment. A modification of the sensors was also designed to measure the peak voltage on a trace or pin inside a complex electronic product. The peak current can also be found when the sensor is placed across a transient voltage suppressor with a known I-V curve. The peak level is transmitted wirelessly to a receiver outside the system using frequency-modulated magnetic or electric fields, thus allowing multiple measurements to be made without opening the enclosure or otherwise modifying the system. Simulations demonstrate the sensors can accurately detect the peak transient voltage and transmit the level to an external receiver --Abstract, page iv

    Product assurance technology for custom LSI/VLSI electronics

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    The technology for obtaining custom integrated circuits from CMOS-bulk silicon foundries using a universal set of layout rules is presented. The technical efforts were guided by the requirement to develop a 3 micron CMOS test chip for the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES). This chip contains both analog and digital circuits. The development employed all the elements required to obtain custom circuits from silicon foundries, including circuit design, foundry interfacing, circuit test, and circuit qualification

    Solid State Circuits Technologies

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    The evolution of solid-state circuit technology has a long history within a relatively short period of time. This technology has lead to the modern information society that connects us and tools, a large market, and many types of products and applications. The solid-state circuit technology continuously evolves via breakthroughs and improvements every year. This book is devoted to review and present novel approaches for some of the main issues involved in this exciting and vigorous technology. The book is composed of 22 chapters, written by authors coming from 30 different institutions located in 12 different countries throughout the Americas, Asia and Europe. Thus, reflecting the wide international contribution to the book. The broad range of subjects presented in the book offers a general overview of the main issues in modern solid-state circuit technology. Furthermore, the book offers an in depth analysis on specific subjects for specialists. We believe the book is of great scientific and educational value for many readers. I am profoundly indebted to the support provided by all of those involved in the work. First and foremost I would like to acknowledge and thank the authors who worked hard and generously agreed to share their results and knowledge. Second I would like to express my gratitude to the Intech team that invited me to edit the book and give me their full support and a fruitful experience while working together to combine this book

    inSense: A Variation and Fault Tolerant Architecture for Nanoscale Devices

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    Transistor technology scaling has been the driving force in improving the size, speed, and power consumption of digital systems. As devices approach atomic size, however, their reliability and performance are increasingly compromised due to reduced noise margins, difficulties in fabrication, and emergent nano-scale phenomena. Scaled CMOS devices, in particular, suffer from process variations such as random dopant fluctuation (RDF) and line edge roughness (LER), transistor degradation mechanisms such as negative-bias temperature instability (NBTI) and hot-carrier injection (HCI), and increased sensitivity to single event upsets (SEUs). Consequently, future devices may exhibit reduced performance, diminished lifetimes, and poor reliability. This research proposes a variation and fault tolerant architecture, the inSense architecture, as a circuit-level solution to the problems induced by the aforementioned phenomena. The inSense architecture entails augmenting circuits with introspective and sensory capabilities which are able to dynamically detect and compensate for process variations, transistor degradation, and soft errors. This approach creates ``smart\u27\u27 circuits able to function despite the use of unreliable devices and is applicable to current CMOS technology as well as next-generation devices using new materials and structures. Furthermore, this work presents an automated prototype implementation of the inSense architecture targeted to CMOS devices and is evaluated via implementation in ISCAS \u2785 benchmark circuits. The automated prototype implementation is functionally verified and characterized: it is found that error detection capability (with error windows from \approx30-400ps) can be added for less than 2\% area overhead for circuits of non-trivial complexity. Single event transient (SET) detection capability (configurable with target set-points) is found to be functional, although it generally tracks the standard DMR implementation with respect to overheads

    Improved state integrity of flip-flops for voltage scaled retention under PVT variation

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    Through measurements from 82 test chips, each with a state retention block of 8192 flip-flops, implemented using 65-nm design library, we demonstrate that state integrity of a flip-flop is sensitive to process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variation. It has been found at 25?C that First Failure Voltage (FFV) of flip-flops varies from die to die, ranging from 245-mV to 315-mV, with 79% of total dies exhibiting single bit failure at FFV, while the rest show multi-bit failure. In terms of temperature variation, it has been found that FFV increases by up to 30-mV with increase in temperature from 25?C to 79?C, demonstrating its sensitivity to temperature variation. This work proposes a PVT-aware state-protection technique to ensure state integrity of flip-flops, while achieving maximum leakage savings. The proposed technique consists of characterization algorithm to determine minimum state retention voltage (MRV) of each die, and employs horizontal and vertical parity for error detection and single bit error correction. In case of error detection, it dynamically adjusts MRV per die to avoid subsequent errors. Silicon results show that at characterized MRV, flip-flop state integrity is preserved, while achieving up to 17.6% reduction in retention voltage across 82-dies

    Characterization and mitigation of process variation in digital circuits and systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-166).Process variation threatens to negate a whole generation of scaling in advanced process technologies due to performance and power spreads of greater than 30-50%. Mitigating this impact requires a thorough understanding of the variation sources, magnitudes and spatial components at the device, circuit and architectural levels. This thesis explores the impacts of variation at each of these levels and evaluates techniques to alleviate them in the context of digital circuits and systems. At the device level, we propose isolation and measurement of variation in the intrinsic threshold voltage of a MOSFET using sub-threshold leakage currents. Analysis of the measured data, from a test-chip implemented on a 0. 18[mu]m CMOS process, indicates that variation in MOSFET threshold voltage is a truly random process dependent only on device dimensions. Further decomposition of the observed variation reveals no systematic within-die variation components nor any spatial correlation. A second test-chip capable of characterizing spatial variation in digital circuits is developed and implemented in a 90nm triple-well CMOS process. Measured variation results show that the within-die component of variation is small at high voltages but is an increasing fraction of the total variation as power-supply voltage decreases. Once again, the data shows no evidence of within-die spatial correlation and only weak systematic components. Evaluation of adaptive body-biasing and voltage scaling as variation mitigation techniques proves voltage scaling is more effective in performance modification with reduced impact to idle power compared to body-biasing.(cont.) Finally, the addition of power-supply voltages in a massively parallel multicore processor is explored to reduce the energy required to cope with process variation. An analytic optimization framework is developed and analyzed; using a custom simulation methodology, total energy of a hypothetical 1K-core processor based on the RAW core is reduced by 6-16% with the addition of only a single voltage. Analysis of yield versus required energy demonstrates that a combination of disabling poor-performing cores and additional power-supply voltages results in an optimal trade-off between performance and energy.by Nigel Anthony Drego.Ph.D

    CMOS MESFET Cascode Amplifiers for RFIC Applications

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    abstract: There is an ever-increasing demand for higher bandwidth and data rate ensuing from exploding number of radio frequency integrated systems and devices. As stated in the Shannon-Hartley theorem, the maximum achievable data rate of a communication channel is linearly proportional to the system bandwidth. This is the main driving force behind pushing wireless systems towards millimeter-wave frequency range, where larger bandwidth is available at a higher carrier frequency. Observing the Moor’s law, highly scaled complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technologies provide fast transistors with a high unity power gain frequency which enables operating at millimeter-wave frequency range. CMOS is the compelling choice for digital and signal processing modules which concurrently offers high computation speed, low power consumption, and mass integration at a high manufacturing yield. One of the main shortcomings of the sub-micron CMOS technologies is the low breakdown voltage of the transistors that limits the dynamic range of the radio frequency (RF) power blocks, especially with the power amplifiers. Low voltage swing restricts the achievable output power which translates into low signal to noise ratio and degraded linearity. Extensive research has been done on proposing new design and IC fabrication techniques with the goal of generating higher output power in CMOS technology. The prominent drawbacks of these solutions are an increased die area, higher cost per design, and lower overall efficiency due to lossy passive components. In this dissertation, CMOS compatible metal–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFETs) are utilized to put forward a new solution to enhance the power amplifier’s breakdown voltage, gain and maximum output power. Requiring no change to the conventional CMOS process flow, this low cost approach allows direct incorporation of high voltage power MESFETs into silicon. High voltage MESFETs were employed in a cascode structure to push the amplifier’s cutoff frequency and unity power gain frequency to the 5G and K-band frequency range. This dissertation begins with CMOS compatible MESFET modeling and fabrication steps, and culminates in the discussion of amplifier design and optimization methodology, parasitic de-embedding steps, simulation and measurement results, and high resistivity RF substrate characterization.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201