1,332 research outputs found

    Pembangunan Sistem Pengelolaan Layanan Aktivitas Pariwisata di Dolano

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    Pada era modern ini, masyarakat mengalami banyak tekanan karena dituntut untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri. Salah satu cara untuk meredakannya adalah dengan berwisata. Salah satu produk dari wisata adalah aktivitas pariwisata. Kebutuhan masyarakat ini memiliki beberapa kendala seperti kurangnya informasi yang tersedia, infrastruktur yang kurang memadahi, dan keamanan yang kurang terjamin. Selain untuk meredakan stress, kegiatan ini juga berpotensi untuk menambah pemasukan daerah wisata. Untuk itu, solusinya adalah dengan pembangunan sistem pengelolaan layanan aktivitas pariwisata yang saling terintegrasi dan dapat memenuhi standar fasilitas dan keamanan dalam berwisata. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan arsitektur microservices dan ditulis menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Python pada sisi backend dan Kotlin pada sisi Android.Kata Kunci: pariwisata, aktivitas wisata, dolan

    Afluentia: suporte à comunicação para afasia fluente

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    Aphasia is a language disorder caused by brain damage (eg, stroke) that affects a person’s ability to communicate. Involves different degrees of impairment and it can manifest by difficulties in speaking fluently or difficulty finding words (anomia), but can also entail impairment in spoken language comprehension, inability to repeat words or phrases, impairments in written expression (agraphia), in reading comprehension (alexia) or a combination of any of these difficulties. It can thus result in limitations in the way the person with aphasia interacts with others, for instance, to express how they are feeling as well as their needs, making it hard for them to have a more independent life or have their difficulties addressed. Additionally, this condition also has a strong impact in the life of those around them (e.g., family, carers) as the difficulties of communication, should anything happen, can lead to fear of leaving these patients unattended. Several challenges arise when addressing the communication needs of people with aphasia deriving from the diverse and idiosyncratic nature of their condition and although assisted communication tools have been proposed in the literature (e.g. using pictograms), the characteristics of aphasia often render them as partial solutions. In this sense, this project focuses on understanding the characteristics and needs of aphasic patients and also on the proposal of technology-mediated communication tools that address them in their daily lives. This work adopts a user-centered design and development approach to explore how people with aphasia can be supported in their day-today communication resorting to technology mediation. It was thus achieving an iterative design with the development and evaluation of a proof-of-concept solution for communication aspects, which was progressively implemented and refined having in consideration the identified requirements and the continuous evaluation of the proposed solutions, carried out with a focus group composed by a Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) and a Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Expert. After a first version of the system was achieved, an evaluation phase with Speech and Language Therapists with a strong experience with patients with aphasia took place in order to understand and validate the achieved application, which led to more refinement phases. At its current stage of development, evaluation results show a good level of usability and satisfaction and establish Afluentia as promising ground for further evolving the research on communication mediated by technology to support people with aphasia.A afasia é um distúrbio da linguagem provocada por danos cerebrais (por exemplo, acidente vascular cerebral) e que afeta a capacidade de comunicação de uma pessoa. Envolve diferentes graus de deficiência e pode-se manifestar por dificuldades em falar fluentemente ou dificuldade em encontrar palavras (anomia), mas também pode acarretar prejuízo na compreensão da linguagem falada, incapacidade de repetir palavras ou frases, deficiências na expressão escrita (agrafia), na compreensão da leitura (alexia) ou numa combinação de qualquer uma dessas dificuldades. Pode assim resultar em limitações na forma como a pessoa com afasia interage com outras para, por exemplo, exprimir como se está a sentir assim como as suas necessidades, impossibilitando que tenha uma vida mais independente ou tenha as suas dificuldades abordadas. Além disso, a afasia também tem um forte impacto na vida das pessoas ao redor do afásico (por exemplo, familiares, cuidadores), pois as dificuldades de comunicação da pessoa com afasia podem levar ao medo de deixála desacompanhada por aqueles que a rodeiam. Vários desafios surgem ao abordar as necessidades de comunicação de pessoas com afasia decorrentes da natureza diversa e idiossincrática da sua condição e embora ferramentas de comunicação assistida tenham sido propostas na literatura (por exemplo, usando pictogramas), as características da afasia geralmente tornam essas soluções parciais. Nesse sentido, este projeto foca-se na compreensão das características e necessidades dos pacientes afásicos e também na proposta de ferramentas de comunicação mediada por tecnologia que os abordem, no seu cotidiano. Este trabalho adota uma abordagem de design e desenvolvimento centrada no utilizador de modo explorar como as pessoas com afasia podem ser apoiadas na sua comunicação quotidiana recorrendo à mediação tecnológica. Foi assim conseguindo um design iterativo com desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma solução de prova de conceito para aspectos de comunicação, que foi progressivamente implementada e aperfeiçoada tendo em consideração os requisitos identificados e a avaliação contínua das soluções propostas, realizada com um grupo de foco composto por uma Terapeuta da Fala e um Especialista em Interacção Humano Computador. Após a obtenção de uma primeira versão do sistema, uma fase de avaliação com Terapeutas da Fala com forte experiência com pacientes com afasia também ocorreu de modo a entender e validar a aplicação alcançada, o que levou a mais fases de refinamento. Na sua atual fase de desenvolvimento, os resultados da avaliação mostram um bom nível de usabilidade e satisfação e definem o Afluentia como um terreno promissor para evoluir ainda mais a pesquisa em comunicação mediada por tecnologia de suporte a pessoas com afasia.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Enhancing Mobile Data Collection Applications with Sensing Capabilities

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    Over the past years, using smart mobile devices for data collection purposes has become ubiquitous in many application domains, replacing traditional pen-and-paper based data collection approaches. However, in many cases, modern approaches only aim to replicate traditional data collection instruments (e.g., paper-based questionnaires) in a digital from (e.g., smartphone surveys). Thereby, the full potential of smart mobile devices is often not fully exploited. Most modern smart mobile devices comprise a variety of sensing capabilities, which may provide valuable data, and thus insights. In addition, external sensors and devices may be easily connected to become part of the overall data collection process. In order to integrate sensing functionality into existing data collection applications, one has to address each desired sensor manually from within the application, which may cause severe development effort. Alternatively one can fall back on dedicated sensing frameworks to perform sensing operations. However, the latter are often targeted towards one specific mobile platform (e.g., iOS or Android) or lack required functionality, which may also lead to unnecessary development overhead when implementing mobile data collection applications. To cope with these issues, a cross-platform mobile sensing framework that can be used within large-scale mobile data collection scenarios was developed in the context of this thesis. Thereby, an in-depth look at existing mobile sensing frameworks as well as common use case scenarios is taken. Further, requirements derived from the latter are explicitly stated and were taken into consideration in the course of the overall development process. The latter is documented and discussed in detail in the course of this thesis, including the design of a framework architecture, implementation details and the integration of the framework into mobile data collection applications

    Cultivating Community Interactions in Citizen Science: Connecting People to Each Other and the Environment

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    Citizen science leverages a distributed user-base which participates in crowd-sourced scientific inquiry. Geotagger is a citizen science project that allows people to collaboratively investigate the natural world around them and share their findings. Citizens are rarely compensated for their work and individual contributors can feel isolated which leads to motivation problems. This thesis focuses on engaging citizen scientists and motivating their contributions via social interaction and engagement. As a part of this work, a number of social enhancements have been developed as extensions to the existing Geotagger project. These enhancements and their effect on social engagement were evaluated using in-field studies and design investigations with children. In the studies, children engaged effectively with each other using the social enhancements in Geotagger, and showed a preference for the application that included these social enhancements

    A model-driven approach for mobile business information systems applications

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    Context: Mobile BIS apps demand is increasing, with shorter time-to-market requirements, but their production faces problems, such as handling business rules concurrently, multiple platforms, localization and extensibility. Objective: Propose a generative approach for mobile BIS apps that will mitigate the identified problems. Method: We adopted the Design Science Research methodology, that helps gaining problem understanding, identifying systemically appropriate solutions, and in evaluating innovative solutions. Results: We identified the problem and its motivation, defined the objectives for a solution, designed and developed a prototype generative tool for BIS apps, demonstrated its usage and evaluated how well it mitigates a subset of the identified problems in an observational study. Limitations: Several issues are pending such as distributed business rules enforcement and the formalization of the required transformations from the PIM to several platform-specific models (PSMs). Conclusion: We intend to contribute for reducing BIS apps time-to-market, while improving the maintainability of those apps.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Heart rate monitoring, activity recognition, and recommendation for e-coaching

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    Equipped with hardware, such as accelerometer and heart rate sensor, wearables enable measuring physical activities and heart rate. However, the accuracy of these heart rate measurements is still unclear and the coupling with activity recognition is often missing in health apps. This study evaluates heart rate monitoring with four different device types: a specialized sports device with chest strap, a fitness tracker, a smart watch, and a smartphone using photoplethysmography. In a state of rest, similar measurement results are obtained with the four devices. During physical activities, the fitness tracker, smart watch, and smartphone measure sudden variations in heart rate with a delay, due to movements of the wrist. Moreover, this study showed that physical activities, such as squats and dumbbell curl, can be recognized with fitness trackers. By combining heart rate monitoring and activity recognition, personal suggestions for physical activities are generated using a tag-based recommender and rule-based filter

    RADAR-Base: Open Source Mobile Health Platform for Collecting, Monitoring, and Analyzing Data Using Sensors, Wearables, and Mobile Devices

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    BACKGROUND: With a wide range of use cases in both research and clinical domains, collecting continuous mobile health (mHealth) streaming data from multiple sources in a secure, highly scalable, and extensible platform is of high interest to the open source mHealth community. The European Union Innovative Medicines Initiative Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse-Central Nervous System (RADAR-CNS) program is an exemplary project with the requirements to support the collection of high-resolution data at scale; as such, the Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse (RADAR)-base platform is designed to meet these needs and additionally facilitate a new generation of mHealth projects in this nascent field. // OBJECTIVE: Wide-bandwidth networks, smartphone penetrance, and wearable sensors offer new possibilities for collecting near-real-time high-resolution datasets from large numbers of participants. The aim of this study was to build a platform that would cater for large-scale data collection for remote monitoring initiatives. Key criteria are around scalability, extensibility, security, and privacy. // METHODS: RADAR-base is developed as a modular application; the backend is built on a backbone of the highly successful Confluent/Apache Kafka framework for streaming data. To facilitate scaling and ease of deployment, we use Docker containers to package the components of the platform. RADAR-base provides 2 main mobile apps for data collection, a Passive App and an Active App. Other third-Party Apps and sensors are easily integrated into the platform. Management user interfaces to support data collection and enrolment are also provided. // RESULTS: General principles of the platform components and design of RADAR-base are presented here, with examples of the types of data currently being collected from devices used in RADAR-CNS projects: Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, and Depression cohorts. // CONCLUSIONS: RADAR-base is a fully functional, remote data collection platform built around Confluent/Apache Kafka and provides off-the-shelf components for projects interested in collecting mHealth datasets at scale