24 research outputs found

    An iterative identification procedure for dynamic modeling of biochemical networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mathematical models provide abstract representations of the information gained from experimental observations on the structure and function of a particular biological system. Conferring a predictive character on a given mathematical formulation often relies on determining a number of non-measurable parameters that largely condition the model's response. These parameters can be identified by fitting the model to experimental data. However, this fit can only be accomplished when identifiability can be guaranteed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a novel iterative identification procedure for detecting and dealing with the lack of identifiability. The procedure involves the following steps: 1) performing a structural identifiability analysis to detect identifiable parameters; 2) globally ranking the parameters to assist in the selection of the most relevant parameters; 3) calibrating the model using global optimization methods; 4) conducting a practical identifiability analysis consisting of two (<it>a priori </it>and <it>a posteriori</it>) phases aimed at evaluating the quality of given experimental designs and of the parameter estimates, respectively and 5) optimal experimental design so as to compute the scheme of experiments that maximizes the quality and quantity of information for fitting the model.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The presented procedure was used to iteratively identify a mathematical model that describes the NF-<it>κ</it>B regulatory module involving several unknown parameters. We demonstrated the lack of identifiability of the model under typical experimental conditions and computed optimal dynamic experiments that largely improved identifiability properties.</p

    Modeling the dynamics of hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) within single cells and 3D cell culture systems

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    HIF (hypoxia inducible factor) is an oxygen-regulated transcription factor that mediates the intracellular response to hypoxia in human cells. There is increasing evidence that cell signaling pathways encode temporal information, and thus cell fate may be determined by the dynamics of protein levels. We have developed a mathematical model to describe the transient dynamics of the HIF-1α protein measured in single cells subjected to hypoxic shock. The essential characteristics of these data are modeled with a system of differential equations describing the feedback inhibition between HIF-1α and prolyl hydroxylases (PHD) oxygen sensors. Heterogeneity in the single-cell data is accounted through parameter variation in the model. We previously identified the PHD2 isoform as the main PHD sensor responsible for controlling the HIF-1α transient response, and make here testable predictions regarding HIF-1α dynamics subject to repetitive hypoxic pulses. The model is further developed to describe the dynamics of HIF-1α in cells cultured as 3D spheroids, with oxygen dynamics parameterized using experimental measurements of oxygen within spheroids. We show that the dynamics of HIF-1α and transcriptional targets of HIF-1α display a non-monotone response to the oxygen dynamics. Specifically we demonstrate that the dynamic transient behaviour of HIF-1α results in differential dynamics in transcriptional targets

    Structural identifiability of compartmental models for infectious disease transmission is influenced by data type

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    If model identifiability is not confirmed, inferences from infectious disease transmission models may not be reliable, so they might result in misleading recommendations. Structural identifiability analysis characterises whether it is possible to obtain unique solutions for all unknown model parameters, given the model structure. In this work, we studied the structural identifiability of some typical deterministic compartmental models for infectious disease transmission, focusing on the influence of the data type considered as model output on the identifiability of unknown model parameters, including initial conditions. We defined 26 model versions, each having a unique combination of underlying compartmental structure and data type(s) considered as model output(s). Four compartmental model structures and three common data types in disease surveillance (incidence, prevalence and detected vector counts) were studied. The structural identifiability of some parameters varied depending on the type of model output. In general, models with multiple data types as outputs had more structurally identifiable parameters, than did models with a single data type as output. This study highlights the importance of a careful consideration of data types as an integral part of the inference process with compartmental infectious disease transmission models

    Global Identifiability of Differential Models

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    Many real-world processes and phenomena are modeled using systems of ordinary differential equations with parameters. Given such a system, we say that a parameter is globally identifiable if it can be uniquely recovered from input and output data. The main contribution of this paper is to provide theory, an algorithm, and software for deciding global identifiability. First, we rigorously derive an algebraic criterion for global identifiability (this is an analytic property), which yields a deterministic algorithm. Second, we improve the efficiency by randomizing the algorithm while guaranteeing the probability of correctness. With our new algorithm, we can tackle problems that could not be tackled before. A software based on the algorithm (called SIAN) is available at https://github.com/pogudingleb/SIAN

    Threshold-Free Population Analysis Identifies Larger DRG Neurons to Respond Stronger to NGF Stimulation

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    Sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) are highly heterogeneous in terms of cell size, protein expression, and signaling activity. To analyze their heterogeneity, threshold-based methods are commonly used, which often yield highly variable results due to the subjectivity of the individual investigator. In this work, we introduce a threshold-free analysis approach for sparse and highly heterogeneous datasets obtained from cultures of sensory neurons. This approach is based on population estimates and completely free of investigator-set parameters. With a quantitative automated microscope we measured the signaling state of single DRG neurons by immunofluorescently labeling phosphorylated, i.e., activated Erk1/2. The population density of sensory neurons with and without pain-sensitizing nerve growth factor (NGF) treatment was estimated using a kernel density estimator (KDE). By subtraction of both densities and integration of the positive part, a robust estimate for the size of the responsive subpopulations was obtained. To assure sufficiently large datasets, we determined the number of cells required for reliable estimates using a bootstrapping approach. The proposed methods were employed to analyze response kinetics and response amplitude of DRG neurons after NGF stimulation. We thereby determined the portion of NGF responsive cells on a true population basis. The analysis of the dose dependent NGF response unraveled a biphasic behavior, while the study of its time dependence showed a rapid response, which approached a steady state after less than five minutes. Analyzing two parameter correlations, we found that not only the number of responsive small-sized neurons exceeds the number of responsive large-sized neurons—which is commonly reported and could be explained by the excess of small-sized cells—but also the probability that small-sized cells respond to NGF is higher. In contrast, medium-sized and large-sized neurons showed a larger response amplitude in their mean Erk1/2 activity

    Designing experimental conditions to use the Lotka-Volterra model to infer tumor cell line interaction types

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    The Lotka-Volterra model is widely used to model interactions between two species. Here, we generate synthetic data mimicking competitive, mutualistic and antagonistic interactions between two tumor cell lines, and then use the Lotka-Volterra model to infer the interaction type. Structural identifiability of the Lotka-Volterra model is confirmed, and practical identifiability is assessed for three experimental designs: (a) use of a single data set, with a mixture of both cell lines observed over time, (b) a sequential design where growth rates and carrying capacities are estimated using data from experiments in which each cell line is grown in isolation, and then interaction parameters are estimated from an experiment involving a mixture of both cell lines, and (c) a parallel experimental design where all model parameters are fitted to data from two mixtures simultaneously. In addition to assessing each design for practical identifiability, we investigate how the predictive power of the model-i.e., its ability to fit data for initial ratios other than those to which it was calibrated-is affected by the choice of experimental design. The parallel calibration procedure is found to be optimal and is further tested on in silico data generated from a spatially-resolved cellular automaton model, which accounts for oxygen consumption and allows for variation in the intensity level of the interaction between the two cell lines. We use this study to highlight the care that must be taken when interpreting parameter estimates for the spatially-averaged Lotka-Volterra model when it is calibrated against data produced by the spatially-resolved cellular automaton model, since baseline competition for space and resources in the CA model may contribute to a discrepancy between the type of interaction used to generate the CA data and the type of interaction inferred by the LV model.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figure