15,114 research outputs found

    Taking the heterogeneity of citizens into account: flood risk communication in coastal cities – a case study of Bremen

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    The likely manifestations of climate change like flood hazards are prominent topics in public communication. This can be shown by media analysis and questionnaire data. However, in the case of flood risks an information gap remains resulting in misinformed citizens who probably will not perform the necessary protective actions when an emergency occurs. This paper examines more closely a newly developed approach to flood risk communication that takes the heterogeneity of citizens into account and aims to close this gap. The heterogeneity is analysed on the meso level regarding differences in residential situation as well as on the micro level with respect to risk perception and protective actions. Using the city of Bremen as a case study, empirical data from n=831 respondents were used to identify Action Types representing different states of readiness for protective actions in view of flood risks. These subpopulations can be provided with specific information to meet their heterogeneous needs for risk communication. A prototype of a computer-based information system is described that can produce and pass on such tailored information. However, such an approach to risk communication has to be complemented by meso level analysis which takes the social diversity of subpopulations into account. Social vulnerability is the crucial concept for understanding the distribution of resources and capacities among different social groups. We therefore recommend putting forums and organisations into place that can mediate between the state and its citizens

    Environmental Response Management Application

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    The Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC), a partnership between the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and NOAA\u27s Office of Response and Restoration (ORR), is leading an effort to develop a data platform capable of interfacing both static and real-time data sets accessible simultaneously to a command post and assets in the field with an open source internet mapping server. The Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA™) is designed to give responders and decision makers ready access to geographically specific data useful during spill planning/drills, incident response, damage assessment and site restoration. In addition to oil spill and chemical release response, this website can be relevant to other environmental incidents and natural disasters, responses and regional planning efforts. The platform is easy to operate, without the assistance of Information Technology or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialists. It allows users to access individual data layer values, overlay relevant data sets, and zoom into segments of interest. The platform prototype is being developed specifically for Portsmouth Harbor and the Great Bay Estuary, NH. The prototype demonstrates the capabilities of an integrated data management platform and serves as the pilot for web-based GIS platforms in other regions

    Designing Web-enabled services to provide damage estimation maps caused by natural hazards

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    The availability of building stock inventory data and demographic information is an important requirement for risk assessment studies when attempting to predict and estimate losses due to natural hazards such as earthquakes, storms, floods or tsunamis. The better this information is provided, the more accurate are predictions on damage to structures and lifelines and the better can expected impacts on the population be estimated. When a disaster strikes, a map is often one of the first requirements for answering questions related to location, casualties and damage zones caused by the event. Maps of appropriate scale that represent relative and absolute damage distributions may be of great importance for rescuing lives and properties, and for providing relief. However, this type of maps is often difficult to obtain during the first hours or even days after the occurrence of a natural disaster. The Open Geospatial Consortium Web Services (OWS) Specifications enable access to datasets and services using shared, distributed and interoperable environments through web-enabled services. In this paper we propose the use of OWS in view of these advantages as a possible solution for issues related to suitable dataset acquisition for risk assessment studies. The design of web-enabled services was carried out using the municipality of Managua (Nicaragua) and the development of damage and loss estimation maps caused by earthquakes as a first case study. Four organizations located in different places are involved in this proposal and connected through web services, each one with a specific role

    Workshop sensing a changing world : proceedings workshop November 19-21, 2008

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    Using the 'myVolcano' mobile phone app for citizen science in St. Vincent and the Grenadines : a pilot study

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    The British Geological Survey (BGS) has been working with Caribbean partners on the role of citizen science in increasing resilience to natural hazards. The work has largely focused on the potential use of the myVolcano smartphone app, which was developed by the BGS following the 2010 Eyafjallajökull and 2011 Grímsvötn eruptions in Iceland. During these eruptions the BGS asked the UK public to collect particle samples, subsequently analysing these for ash presence to map the distribution of ash fallout across the UK. These requests led to the development of the myVolcano app, which was designed to capture transboundary and distal observations of volcanic ash and emissions. The observations are made visible to other users via an interactive map built into the app. The map interface has global coverage and the data collection methods (free-text descriptions and photographs) are such that information about any natural hazard, anywhere in the world, can be captured. In 2015, BGS carried out an ESRC-DfID-NERC funded scoping study in collaboration with the University of the West Indies’ Seismic Research Centre (UWI SRC), to test the potential use of the app in environments affected by proximal volcanic hazards. The study focused on St. Vincent and the Grenadines and investigated the potential for capturing a wider variety of observations for use by the public, operational scientists and civil protection. The study, which included a combination of desk study and remote interviews, highlighted the potential for, and challenges of, using such an app for increasing resilience to natural hazards and the need for a follow-up study in St Vincent. In March 2017, a workshop and school activities were held in St. Vincent to collect feedback from potential users of myVolcano, hereafter referred to as the pilot study. Workshop participants came from across government, monitoring agencies, emergency response and telecommunications. As part of the workshop, a multi-hazard scenario was ‘played out’ to stimulate discussions on the usability of the app, data gathering and processing, and participants’ use of existing citizen science applications. Discussions developed around data validation and quality assurance, data sharing and presentation, local management of data by nominated scientists (e.g. to facilitate real-time decision making) and the associated need for a locally appropriate app (i.e. no one size fits all). This last point is particularly significant when considering the utility of an app in several countries – the user interface, at least, requires specific tailoring to the country’s needs. Using this feedback, the BGS Official Development Assistance (ODA) programme is currently funding collaborations with Caribbean partners in order to modify the app to meet the local requirements, including widening the multi-hazard application and enhancing two-way information sharing. Of particular importance is how best to share critical information with those making observations and how to make observations available to decision-makers and monitoring scientists in real-time (e.g. through local management of the app)

    Investigation of Flood Monitoring & Detection System Using IoT Application

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    This research was conducted to investigate the performance of the Flood Monitoring & Detection System applying Internet of Thing (IoT) with solar system as a backup source. A flood is a catastrophe that happens unexpectedly and unpredictably. It is a disaster that often happens every year, especially once during the monsoon season. With the development of technology nowadays, it can help people’s that live in the flood risk areas daily lives become easier. Flood Monitoring and Detection technology with warning system is built to monitor and warn people living in areas a high risk for floods so that they are always prepared for floods before it happens. This project is applying the Internet of Thing (IoT) which is applying the wireless connection concept. The system is completely controlled by one of the great Microcontroller technologies, namely the Arduino Mega, this microcontroller system can be designed according to a set program. This system requires some programming part for interfacing. Ultrasonic sensor is used in this to transfer the signal into the microcontroller board for the data output signal analysis. In current world, internet is the very most important thing nowadays, it also can be applied anytime and everywhere. Users can monitor the current situation of river water level on the application. In addition, this device also constructs as a back-up energy source with the presence of solar energy, which can be longer lasting and effective compared to conventional flood detection systems

    Technology Resources for Earthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR)

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    Earthquakes represent a major hazard for populations around the world, causing frequent loss of life, human suffering, and enormous damage to homes, other buildings, and infrastructure. The Technology Resources for Earthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR) proposal is designed to address this problem. This proposal recommends two prototype systems integrating space-based and ground technology. The suggested pilot implementation is over a 10-year period in three focus countries – China, Japan, and Peru – that are among the areas in the world most afflicted by earthquakes. The first proposed system is an Earthquake Early Warning Prototype System that addresses the potential of earthquake precursors, the science of which is incomplete and considered controversial within the scientific community. We recommend the development and launch of two small satellites to study ionospheric and electromagnetic precursors. In combination with ground-based precursor research, the data gathered will improve existing knowledge of earthquake-related phenomena. The second proposed system is an Earthquake Simulation and Response Prototype. An earthquake simulator will combine any available precursor data with detailed knowledge of the affected areas using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to identify those areas that are most likely to experience the greatest level of damage. Mobile satellite communication hubs will provide telephone and data links between response teams, while satellite navigation systems will locate and track emergency vehicles. We recommend a virtual response satellite constellation composed of existing and future high resolution satellites. We also recommend education and training for response teams on the use of these technologies. The two prototypes will be developed and implemented by a proposed non-profit nongovernmental organization (NGO) called the TREMOR Foundation, which will obtain funding from government disaster management agencies and NGOs. A for-profit subsidiary will market any spin-off technologies and provide an additional source of funding. Assuming positive results from the prototype systems, Team TREMOR recommends their eventual and permanent implementation in all countries affected by earthquakes.Postprint (published version