264,287 research outputs found

    Optimal Path Finding With Beetle Antennae Search Algorithm by Using Ant Colony Optimization Initialization and Different Searching Strategies

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    Intelligent algorithm acts as one of the most important solutions to path planning problem. In order to solve the problems of poor real-time and low accuracy of the heuristic optimization algorithm in 3D path planning, this paper proposes a novel heuristic intelligent algorithm derived from the Beetle Antennae Search (BAS) algorithm. The algorithm proposed in this paper has the advantages of wide search range and high search accuracy, and can still maintain a low time complexity when multiple mechanisms are introduced. This paper combines the BAS algorithm with three non-trivial mechanisms proposed to solve the problems of low search efficiency and poor convergence accuracy in 3D path planning. The algorithm contains three non-trivial mechanisms, including local fast search, aco initial path generation, and searching information orientation. At first, local fast search mechanism presents a specific bounded area and add fast iterative exploration to speed up the convergence of path finding. Then aco initial path generation mechanism is initialized by Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) as a pruning basis. The initialization of the ACO algorithm can quickly obtain an effective path. Using the exploration trend of this path, the algorithm can quickly obtain a locally optimal path. Thirdly, searching information orientation mechanism is employed for BAS algorithm to guarantee the stability of the path finding, thereby avoiding blind exploration and reducing wasted computing resources. Simulation results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper has higher search accuracy and exploration speed than other intelligent algorithms, and improves the adaptability of the path planning algorithms in different environments. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified in simulation

    QoS routing in ad-hoc networks using GA and multi-objective optimization

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    Much work has been done on routing in Ad-hoc networks, but the proposed routing solutions only deal with the best effort data traffic. Connections with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as voice channels with delay and bandwidth constraints, are not supported. The QoS routing has been receiving increasingly intensive attention, but searching for the shortest path with many metrics is an NP-complete problem. For this reason, approximated solutions and heuristic algorithms should be developed for multi-path constraints QoS routing. Also, the routing methods should be adaptive, flexible, and intelligent. In this paper, we use Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and multi-objective optimization for QoS routing in Ad-hoc Networks. In order to reduce the search space of GA, we implemented a search space reduction algorithm, which reduces the search space for GAMAN (GA-based routing algorithm for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks) to find a new route. We evaluate the performance of GAMAN by computer simulations and show that GAMAN has better behaviour than GLBR (Genetic Load Balancing Routing).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Application of A* algorithm in intelligent vehicle path planning

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    Path planning is one of the important directions in the field of intelligent vehicles research. Traditional path planning algorithms generally use Dijkstra algorithm, Breadth-First-Search (BFS) algorithm and A* algorithm. Dijkstra algorithm is a search-based algorithm, which can search to an optimal path, but the disadvantage is too many expansion nodes, which leads to insufficient search efficiency. BFS algorithm is a heuristic search algorithm, which reduces the disadvantage of too many expansion nodes and improves the search efficiency by heuristic function. A* algorithm is a heuristic search algorithm that combines Dijkstra’s algorithm and BFS algorithm, which has higher search efficiency and can search to an optimal path at the same time, but it is still lacking in the search mode and smoothness of the planned route. This paper first introduces the general path planning algorithm, then introduces and analyzes the A* algorithm, and proposes improvement measures for its shortcomings; finally, the executability and effectiveness of the improved algorithm are tested using simulation, and compared with the traditional A* algorithm, and the results show that the improved A* algorithm has good effect on path planning of intelligent vehicles

    Goal quest for an intelligent surfer moving in a chaotic flow

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    We consider a model of an intelligent surfer moving on the Ulam network generated by a chaotic dynamics in the Chirikov standard map. This directed network is obtained by the Ulam method with a division of the phase space in cells of fixed size forming the nodes of a Markov chain. The goal quest for this surfer is to determine the network path from an initial node A to a final node B with minimal resistance given by the sum of inverse transition probabilities. We develop an algorithm for the intelligent surfer that allows to perform the quest in a small number of transitions which grows only logarithmically with the network size. The optimal path search is done on a fractal intersection set formed by nodes with small Erd\"os numbers of the forward and inverted networks. The intelligent surfer exponentially outperforms a naive surfer who tries to minimize its phase space distance to the target B. We argue that such an algorithm provides new hints for motion control in chaotic flows.Comment: 11+5 pages, 7+11 figure

    Constructs and evaluation strategies for intelligent speculative parallelism - armageddon revisited

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    This report addresses speculative parallelism (the assignment of spare processing resources to tasks which are not known to be strictly required for the successful completion of a computation) at the user and application level. At this level, the execution of a program is seen as a (dynamic) tree —a graph, in general. A solution for a problem is a traversal of this graph from the initial state to a node known to be the answer. Speculative parallelism then represents the assignment of resources to múltiple branches of this graph even if they are not positively known to be on the path to a solution. In highly non-deterministic programs the branching factor can be very high and a naive assignment will very soon use up all the resources. This report presents work assignment strategies other than the usual depth-first and breadth-first. Instead, best-first strategies are used. Since their definition is application-dependent, the application language contains primitives that allow the user (or application programmer) to a) indícate when intelligent OR-parallelism should be used; b) provide the functions that define "best," and c) indícate when to use them. An abstract architecture enables those primitives to perform the search in a "speculative" way, using several processors, synchronizing them, killing the siblings of the path leading to the answer, etc. The user is freed from worrying about these interactions. Several search strategies are proposed and their implementation issues are addressed. "Armageddon," a global pruning method, is introduced, together with both a software and a hardware implementation for it. The concepts exposed are applicable to áreas of Artificial Intelligence such as extensive expert systems, planning, game playing, and in general to large search problems. The proposed strategies, although showing promise, have not been evaluated by simulation or experimentation

    A* Pathfinding Pada Game Space Spider 3D Berbasis Dynamic Target Movement

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) nowadays has been generally used in pathfinding game to create an intelligent NPC that could search and find the path towards to a static or dynamic targets. Research within the last 5 years mostly used a static targets rather than dynamic. A static targets makes the game less attractive and easily predictable. The search algorithms are also not maximally used because it’s only used as a help feature. This research aims to develop a game Space Spider 3D with dynamic pathfinding targets. The search algorithm using the A* algorithm which is applied to the enemy NPC in game and maximally used during the game runs. The A* algorithm is one of the heuristic search algorithms that frequently used and has advantages in terms optimality, completeness, and time complexity compared to other algorithms which are generally only have one of those criteria. The research methodology used a waterfall method. The Space Spider 3D game developed by using some tools like Unity and MonoDevelop. This research successfully develop the Space Spider 3D game where there are a player as a target which can move dynamically and enemies NPC with A* algorithm which can always find an optimal path and move toward a player during the game runs

    A novel path planning approach for smart cargo ships based on anisotropic fast marching

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    Path planning is an essential tool for smart cargo ships that navigate in coastal waters, inland waters or other crowded waters. These ships require expert and intelligent systems to plan safe paths in order to avoid collision with both static and dynamic obstacles. This research proposes a novel path planning approach based on the anisotropic fast marching (FM) method to specifically assist with safe operations in complex marine navigation environments. A repulsive force field is specially produced to describe the safe area distribution surrounding obstacles based on the knowledge of human. In addition, a joint potential field is created to evaluate the travel cost and a gradient descent method is used to search for appropriate paths from the start point to the end point. Meanwhile, the approach can be used to constantly optimize the paths with the help of the expert knowledge in collision avoidance. Particularly, the approach is validated and evaluated through simulations. The obtained results show that it is capable of providing a reasonable and smooth path in a crowded waters. Moreover, the ability of this approach exhibits a significant contribution to the development of expert and intelligent systems in autonomous collision avoidance
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