287 research outputs found

    JPEG steganography with particle swarm optimization accelerated by AVX

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    Digital steganography aims at hiding secret messages in digital data transmitted over insecure channels. The JPEG format is prevalent in digital communication, and images are often used as cover objects in digital steganography. Optimization methods can improve the properties of images with embedded secret but introduce additional computational complexity to their processing. AVX instructions available in modern CPUs are, in this work, used to accelerate data parallel operations that are part of image steganography with advanced optimizations.Web of Science328art. no. e544

    Integrasi Discrete Wavelet Transform dan Singular Value Decomposition pada Watermarking Citra untuk Perlindungan Hak Cipta

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    Tren masalah watermarking pada sekarang ini adalah bagaimana mengoptimalkan trade-off antara imperceptibility (visibilitas) citra ter-watermark terhadap pengaruh distorsi dan robustness terhadap penyisipan watermark. Masalah menggunakan kekuatan penyisipan berdasarkan Single Scaling Factor (SSF) atau Multiple Scaling Factor (MSF) juga ditemukan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode penyisipan watermark untuk perlindungan hak cipta pada citra dan algoritma ekstraksi citra ter-watermark yang dioptimalkan dengan penggabungan Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) dan Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Nilai-nilai singular dari LL3 koefisien sub-band dari citra host dimodifikasi menggunakan nilai tunggal citra watermark biner menggunakan MSFs. Kontribusi utama dari skema yang diusulkan adalah aplikasi DWT-SVD untuk mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor skala yang optimal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skema yang diusulkan menghasilkan nilai Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) yang tinggi, yang menunjukkan bahwa kualitas visual gambar yang baik pada masalah citra watermarking telah mengoptimalkan trade-off. Trade-off antara imperceptibility (visibilitas) citra ter-watermark terhadap pengaruh distorsi dan robustness citra ter-watermark terhadap operasi pengolahan citra. Nilai PSNR yang didapat pada citra yang diujikan: baboon=53,184; boat=53,328; cameraman=53,700; lena=53,668; man=53,328; dan pepper sebesar 52,662. Delapan perlakuan khusus pada hasil citra ter-watermark diujikan dan diekstraksi kembali yaitu JPEG 5%, Noise 5%, Gaussian filter 3x3, Sharpening, Histogram Equalization, Scaling 512-256, Gray Quantitation 1bit, dan Cropping 1/8. Hasil dari perlakuan khusus kemudian diukur nilai Normalized Cross-Correlation (NC) yang menghasilkan rata-rata semua citra diperoleh sebesar 0,999 dari satu. Hasil penelitian dari metode yang diusulkan lebih unggul nilai PSNR dan NC dari penelitian sebelumnya. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan dengan metode DWT-SVD ini mampu menghasilkan citra yang robust namun memiliki tingkat imperceptibility yang cukup tinggi

    PSO Based Lossless and Robust Image Watermarking using Integer Wavelet Transform

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    In recent days, the advances in the broadcasting of multimedia contents in digital format motivate to protect this digital multimedia content form illegal use, such as manipulation, duplication and redistribution. However, watermarking algorithms are designed to meet the requirements of different applications, because, various applications have various requirements. This paper intends to design a new watermarking algorithm with an aim of provision of a tradeoff between the robustness and imperceptibility and also to reduce the information loss. This approach applies Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT) instead of conventional floating point wavelet transforms which are having main drawback of round of error. Then the most popular artificial intelligence technique, particle swarm optimization (PSO) used for optimization of watermarking strength. The strength of watermarking technique is directly related to the watermarking constant alpha. The PSO optimizes alpha values such that, the proposed approach achieves better robustness over various attacks and an also efficient imperceptibility. Numerous experiments are conducted over the proposed approach to evaluate the performance. The obtained experimental results demonstrates that the proposed approach is superior compared to conventional approach and is able to provide efficient resistance over Gaussian noise, sal

    Reversible Image Watermarking Using Modified Quadratic Difference Expansion and Hybrid Optimization Technique

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    With increasing copyright violation cases, watermarking of digital images is a very popular solution for securing online media content. Since some sensitive applications require image recovery after watermark extraction, reversible watermarking is widely preferred. This article introduces a Modified Quadratic Difference Expansion (MQDE) and fractal encryption-based reversible watermarking for securing the copyrights of images. First, fractal encryption is applied to watermarks using Tromino's L-shaped theorem to improve security. In addition, Cuckoo Search-Grey Wolf Optimization (CSGWO) is enforced on the cover image to optimize block allocation for inserting an encrypted watermark such that it greatly increases its invisibility. While the developed MQDE technique helps to improve coverage and visual quality, the novel data-driven distortion control unit ensures optimal performance. The suggested approach provides the highest level of protection when retrieving the secret image and original cover image without losing the essential information, apart from improving transparency and capacity without much tradeoff. The simulation results of this approach are superior to existing methods in terms of embedding capacity. With an average PSNR of 67 dB, the method shows good imperceptibility in comparison to other schemes

    Hybrid of Particle Swarm Optimization with Evolutionary Operators to Fragile Image Watermarking Based DCT

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    Optimized DWT Based Digital Image Watermarking and Extraction Using RNN-LSTM

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    The rapid growth of Internet and the fast emergence of multi-media applications over the past decades have led to new problems such as illegal copying, digital plagiarism, distribution and use of copyrighted digital data. Watermarking digital data for copyright protection is a current need of the community. For embedding watermarks, robust algorithms in die media will resolve copyright infringements. Therefore, to enhance the robustness, optimization techniques and deep neural network concepts are utilized. In this paper, the optimized Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is utilized for embedding the watermark. The optimization algorithm is a combination of Simulated Annealing (SA) and Tunicate Swarm Algorithm (TSA). After performing the embedding process, the extraction is processed by deep neural network concept of Recurrent Neural Network based Long Short-Term Memory (RNN-LSTM). From the extraction process, the original image is obtained by this RNN-LSTM method. The experimental set up is carried out in the MATLAB platform. The performance metrics of PSNR, NC and SSIM are determined and compared with existing optimization and machine learning approaches. The results are achieved under various attacks to show the robustness of the proposed work

    An Optimized Medical Image Watermarking Approach for E-Health Applications

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    Background: In recent years, information and communication technologies have been widely used in the healthcare sector. This development enables E-Health applications to transmit medical data, as well as their sharing and remote access by healthcare professionals. However, due to their sensitivity, medical data in general, and medical images in particular, are vulnerable to a variety of illegitimate attacks. Therefore, suitable security and effective protection are necessary during transmission. Method: In consideration of these challenges, we put forth a security system relying on digital watermarking with the aim of ensuring the integrity and authenticity of medical images. The proposed approach is based on Integer Wavelet Transform as an embedding algorithm; furthermore, Particles Swarm Optimization was employed to select the optimal scaling factor, which allows the system to be compatible with different medical imaging modalities. Results: The experimental results demonstrate that the method provides a high imperceptibility and robustness for both secret watermark and watermarked images. In addition, the proposed scheme performs better for medical images compared with similar watermarking algorithms. Conclusion: As it is suitable for a lossless-data application, IWT is the best choice for medical images integrity. Furthermore, using the PSO algorithm enables the algorithm to be compatible with different medical imaging modalities

    A Brief Review of Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA) Research Progression from 2010 to 2013

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    Cuckoo Search Algorithm is a new swarm intelligence algorithm which based on breeding behavior of the Cuckoo bird. This paper gives a brief insight of the advancement of the Cuckoo Search Algorithm from 2010 to 2013. The first half of this paper presents the publication trend of Cuckoo Search Algorithm. The remaining of this paper briefly explains the contribution of the individual publication related to Cuckoo Search Algorithm. It is believed that this paper will greatly benefit the reader who needs a bird-eyes view of the Cuckoo Search Algorithm’s publications trend

    ROI-based reversible watermarking scheme for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of DICOM MR images

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    Reversible and imperceptible watermarking is recognized as a robust approach to confirm the integrity and authenticity of medical images and to verify that alterations can be detected and tracked back. In this paper, a novel blind reversible watermarking approach is presented to detect intentional and unintentional changes within brain Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. The scheme segments images into two parts; the Region of Interest (ROI) and the Region of Non Interest (RONI). Watermark data is encoded into the ROI using reversible watermarking based on the Difference Expansion (DE) technique. Experimental results show that the proposed method, whilst fully reversible, can also realize a watermarked image with low degradation for reasonable and controllable embedding capacity. This is fulfilled by concealing the data into ‘smooth’ regions inside the ROI and through the elimination of the large location map required for extracting the watermark and retrieving the original image. Our scheme delivers highly imperceptible watermarked images, at 92.18-99.94dB Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) evaluated through implementing a clinical trial based on relative Visual Grading Analysis (relative VGA). This trial defines the level of modification that can be applied to medical images without perceptual distortion. This compares favorably to outcomes reported under current state-of-art techniques. Integrity and authenticity of medical images are also ensured through detecting subsequent changes enacted on the watermarked images. This enhanced security measure, therefore, enables the detection of image manipulations, by an imperceptible approach, that may establish increased trust in the digital medical workflow
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