14 research outputs found

    Kesediaan pelajar politeknik kejuruteraan elektrik dalam menceburi bidang keusahawanan

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    Bidang keusahawanan kini semakin berkembang maju selaras dengan seruan kerajaan yang banyak memberi dorongan kepada rakyat Malaysia agar menjadikan usahawan sebagai kerjaya utama. Kajian yang dijalankan adalah untuk mengenal pasti kesediaan pelajar bidang kejuruteraan elektrik di Politeknik bahagian zon selatan yang terdiri daripada Politeknik Melaka (PM), Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (PIS), Politeknik Merlimau (PMM) dan Politeknik Port Dickson (PPD) dalam menceburi bidang keusahawanan. Seramai 291 orang pelajar terlibat dalam kajian ini. Kajian yang dijalankan adalah berasaskan Model Integratif Keusahawanan Input dan Keluaran, Model Asas Proses Keusahawanan, Teori Tingkah Laku Terancang, Model Pembangunan Usahawan dan juga Model Proses Pembentukan Usahawan Data kajian diperolehi daripada borang soal selidik yang mengandungi 73. Nilai kebolehpercayaan, Alpha Cronbach bagi instrument kajian adalah 0.957. Dapatan yang diperolehi dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian komputer Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) Versi 16.0 untuk mendapat nilai frekuensi, peratus dan juga pekali korelasi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan min bagi setiap elemen kesediaan yang dikaji ialah pengetahuan (3.60), kemahiran (min: 3.45), dorongan (min: 3.74), minat (min: 3.72), pengalaman (3.20) dan kepimpinan (min: 3.80). Manakala min bagi kekangan sikap ialah 2.56. Dapatan kajian juga mendapati bahawa hipotesis yang menyatakan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara minat keusahawan dan kepimpinan keusahawanan ditolak (r: 0.46). Berdasarkan kajian ini, dirumuskan bahawa elemen kesediaan keusahawanan bagi diri pelajar politeknik berada pada tahap sederhana

    A Proposed Model for Assessing Organisational Culture Towards Achieving Business Objectives

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    Most of the traditional business performances measures are based on productivity and process criteria, which mainly focus on method of investment appraisal such as payback method, return on investment (ROI), cost-benefits analysis (CBA), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR). However, the measurement scales of business performance are not limited to those measures. One element that has strong correlation to the business performances is ‘organisational culture’. Many studies proved that one of the significant criteria for achieving desired business objectives is the right organisational culture within workplace. Basically, the measurement of organisational culture is reflecting on two distinct elements: organisational culture and business objectives. In broader perspective, an organisation is considered effective if it meets its business objectives. This paper aims to present and discuss the preliminary culture model to indicate the culture performance within organisational. The model has been developed through literature review, expert opinion and experience which is anticipated of being able to potentially measure the culture capability of organisations across industries to “successfully achieve business objectives”. The model is composed of six progressive stages of maturity that an organisation can achieve its culture performance. For each maturity stage, the model describes a set of characteristics that must be in place for the company to achieve each stage. The validity of the proposed model will be tested by a few case studies. The idea is to provide managers with a qualitative measurement tools to enable them to identify where culture improvements are required within their organisations and to indicate their readiness for achieving business objectives

    Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Persediaan Pada CV. Sarana Telemaxindo

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    Evaluation objectives of inventory information systems at CV. Facilities Telemaxindo was to evaluate the weaknesses of the implementation of internal control, as well as estimating and assessing possible risks that might arise. The research method used is literature study of reference books in the library, and field study consisted of observation, interviews with relevant parties, creating check lists, check the inventory information systems documentation, and testing of inventory application systems. The results are findings of control weaknesses in the implementation of security management, operational management control, boundary control, input control, and output control on the present inventory information system. These weaknesses could pose a risk and if not dealt soon it could hurt the company. The resulting conclusion of the security management control, boundary control, control input, and output control is not running well so that it needs to be improved in accordance with the recommendations, while operational management control has been running fairly well

    Effect of ERP Usage on Transparency, Ethical Work Climate and Organizational Performance

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    this research in progress we investigate the impact of ERP usage on perceived transparency, ethical work climate and perceived organizational performance. The goal is to shed light on ERP usage outcomes using organizational variables measured at the individual level. Data will be collected using an online survey from ERP users in different organizations in an emerging economy

    Performance, scalability and reliability issues in web applications

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    Purpose– The primary purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive strategy for performance, reliability and scalability (PSR) testing of multi-tier web applications.Design/methodology/approach– The strategy for PSR testing is presented primarily through examination of the intangible knowledge base in the PSR testing field. The paper also draws on relevant recent work conducted in the area of software performance evaluation.Findings– The study revealed that appropriate testing procedures are critical for the success of web-based multi-tier applications. However, there was little academic work that collectively focused on PSR testing issues. This paper provides step-by-step testing procedures to ensure that web-based applications are functioning well to meet user demands.Research limitations/implications– Given the rapid changes in technology and business environments, more applied research will be needed in the area of PSR testing to ensure the successful functioning of web-based applications. For future studies, structured interviews or case-study methods could be employed to present the views of online companies.Originality/value– This paper provides a comprehensive strategy and the suggested steps for managers and technical personnel to ensure that the multi-tier, web-based applications are effective, scalable and reliable

    Information systems evaluation in Ghanaian academic libraries using DandM IS success model

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    The use of Information Systems (ISs) has been widely accepted and proven to increase the service quality in many organizations. Academic libraries have embraced the use of ISs and have implemented them to perform different activities. The efficient utilization and management of ISs in libraries will help libraries to derive maximum benefit from adopted ISs. The researchers therefore used the DeLone and McLean IS success theory to determine the impact of IS management on the quality of the IS and the use of the IS

    Information Systems evaluation in Ghanaian academic Libraries using DandM IS success model

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    The use of Information Systems (ISs) has been widely accepted and proven to increase the service quality in many organizations. Academic libraries have embraced the use of ISs and have implemented them to perform different activities. The efficient utilization and management of ISs in libraries will help libraries to derive maximum benefit from adopted ISs. The researchers therefore used the DeLone and McLean IS success theory to determine the impact of IS management on the quality of the IS and the use of the IS. The researchers solicited responses using questionnaire from all the staff members who use any electronic system in libraries that were purposively selected. The research revealed that the management of ISs affects the quality thereof. Quality of ISs affects use, and use affects the benefits gained from use

    Madurez tecnológica de la generación Z: reto de la transformación digital en Colombia

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    Generational differences are considered the main cause that determines the ability to interact with new technologies. The concept of digital native has gained strength and visibility in certain fields of knowledge such as engineering and technology, health sciences, and social and management sciences, among others. The main objective of this study was to determine the digital maturity of Generation Z in Colombia based on the existing correlation between knowledge on digital transformation, the appropriation of digital technologies, and the experience and intention to use digital tools in the future. The research approach of this study was quantitative with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design, where a survey was administered via the Internet to 250 people as a data collection instrument. Among the main findings, it was determined that the variables under analysis—such as knowledge on digital transformation, the experience of using digital tools, and the intention to use them in the future—contribute and are significantly related to the technological maturity of Generation Z. The evidence in this paper validates the traditional behavior of new technology adoption and contributes to the area of management and technology management because it argues that the level of technological maturity of Generation Z directly impacts any digital transformation strategy.Las diferencias generacionales son consideradas la causa principal que determina la capacidad de interacción con nuevas tecnologías. El concepto de «nativo digital» ha tomado fuerza y visibilidad en ciertas áreas de conocimiento tales como ingenierías y tecnología, ciencias de la salud, ciencias sociales y administrativas, entre otras. Por tal motivo, el objetivo principal de esta investigación fue determinar la madurez digital de la generación Z en Colombia, a partir de la correlación existente entre el conocimiento sobre la transformación digital, la apropiación de tecnologías digitales, la experiencia e intención de uso de herramientas digitales en el futuro. El enfoque del estudio fue cuantitativo con un diseño no experimental, de carácter transversal, donde además se realizó un cuestionario como instrumento de recolección de datos, el cual fue suministrado, vía internet, a 250 personas. Entre los principales hallazgos se encontró que las variables de análisis como el conocimiento sobre la transformación digital, la experiencia de uso de herramientas digitales y la intención de uso en el futuro, aportan y están relacionadas de forma significativa con la madurez tecnológica de la generación Z. La evidencia proporcionada valida el comportamiento tradicional de adopción de nuevas tecnologías, donde, esta investigación contribuye al área de administración y gestión tecnológica argumentando que el nivel de madurez tecnológica de la generación Z impacta de manera directa cualquier estrategia de transformación digital empresarial

    Mikroekonomski vidiki managementa produktivnosti

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    Az ipar 4.0-felkészültség értékelési rendszere a témamodellezés segítségével – középpontban a kis- és középvállalatok

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    Számos kutatás az ipar 4.0 technológiákban a vállalatok termelékenységi problémáinak egyik megoldási eszközét látja. Ugyanakkor ezek alkalmazása sokszor nem hozza a várt eredményt. Különösen igaz ez a kis- és középvállalatokra, amelyek, úgy tűnik, sok esetben nem rendelkeznek az eredményes bevezetéshez szükséges alapvető szervezeti képességekkel. Jelenleg ugyanakkor nincs olyan, a kis- és középvállalati szektorra validált modell, amely ezeket az úgynevezett ipar 4.0 felkészültségi szempontokkal értékelni tudná. A tanulmány célja, hogy javaslatot tegyen egy ilyen értékelési szempontrendszerre. Vegyes módszertani eszköztárral dolgozik, amikor a témakörben készített félig strukturált szakértői interjúk révén keletkezett szövegtestet a témamodellezés (topic modeling) segítségével elemzi. A témamodellezés a mesterséges intelligencia felhasználásával az elemzést végző kutatótól függetlenül képes dokumentumokban szó- és kifejezésmintákat észlelni és csoportosítani oly módon, hogy az tartalmi szempontból a lehető legjobban jellemezze a vizsgált dokumentumot. A BERTopic-módszerrel végzett vizsgálat eredménye azt mutatja, hogy két, egymásra épülő szervezeti képességet kell azoknak a vállalatoknak magas szinten birtokolniuk, amelyek ilyen technológiákat terveznek bevezetni: a folyamatmenedzsment és az IT-menedzsment képességét. A tanulmány ezeknek az összetett képességeknek az építőelemeit tárgyalja, amelyek alapján felállítható a kis- és középvállalatokra vonatkozó ipar 4.0 felkészültségi modell szempontrendszere.* Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: C49, D29, M15, O14