8,894 research outputs found

    Composite Learning Control With Application to Inverted Pendulums

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    Composite adaptive control (CAC) that integrates direct and indirect adaptive control techniques can achieve smaller tracking errors and faster parameter convergence compared with direct and indirect adaptive control techniques. However, the condition of persistent excitation (PE) still has to be satisfied to guarantee parameter convergence in CAC. This paper proposes a novel model reference composite learning control (MRCLC) strategy for a class of affine nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties to guarantee parameter convergence without the PE condition. In the composite learning, an integral during a moving-time window is utilized to construct a prediction error, a linear filter is applied to alleviate the derivation of plant states, and both the tracking error and the prediction error are applied to update parametric estimates. It is proven that the closed-loop system achieves global exponential-like stability under interval excitation rather than PE of regression functions. The effectiveness of the proposed MRCLC has been verified by the application to an inverted pendulum control problem.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, conference submissio

    Adaptive Systems: History, Techniques, Problems, and Perspectives

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    We survey some of the rich history of control over the past century with a focus on the major milestones in adaptive systems. We review classic methods and examples in adaptive linear systems for both control and observation/identification. The focus is on linear plants to facilitate understanding, but we also provide the tools necessary for many classes of nonlinear systems. We discuss practical issues encountered in making these systems stable and robust with respect to additive and multiplicative uncertainties. We discuss various perspectives on adaptive systems and their role in various fields. Finally, we present some of the ongoing research and expose problems in the field of adaptive control

    Adaptive control of plants with input saturation: an approach for performance improvement

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    In this work, a new method for adaptive control of plants with input saturation is presented. The new anti-windup scheme can be shown to result in bounded closed-loop states under certain conditions on the plant and the initial closed-loop states. As an improvement in comparison to existing methods in adaptive control, a new degree of freedom is introduced in the control scheme. It allows to improve the closed-loop response when actually encountering input saturation without changing the closed-loop performance for unconstrained inputs.Diese Arbeit präsentiert eine neue Methode für die adaptive Regelung von Strecken mit Stellgrößenbegrenzung. Für das neue anti-windup Verfahren wird gezeigt, dass die Zustände des Regelkreises begrenzt bleiben, wenn dessen initiale Werte und die Regelstrecke bestimmte Bedingungen erfüllen. Eine Verbesserung im Vergleich zu existierenden Methoden wird durch die Einführung eines zusätzlichen Freiheitsgrades erzielt. Dieser erlaubt die Verbesserung der Regelgüte des geschlossenen Regelkreises, wenn das Eingangssignal sich in der Limitierung befindet, ohne diese sonst zu verändern

    Bi-velocity discrete particle swarm optimization and its application to multicast routing problem in communication networks

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    This paper proposes a novel bi-velocity discrete particle swarm optimization (BVDPSO) approach and extends its application to the NP-complete multicast routing problem (MRP). The main contribution is the extension of PSO from continuous domain to the binary or discrete domain. Firstly, a novel bi-velocity strategy is developed to represent possibilities of each dimension being 1 and 0. This strategy is suitable to describe the binary characteristic of the MRP where 1 stands for a node being selected to construct the multicast tree while 0 stands for being otherwise. Secondly, BVDPSO updates the velocity and position according to the learning mechanism of the original PSO in continuous domain. This maintains the fast convergence speed and global search ability of the original PSO. Experiments are comprehensively conducted on all of the 58 instances with small, medium, and large scales in the OR-library (Operation Research Library). The results confirm that BVDPSO can obtain optimal or near-optimal solutions rapidly as it only needs to generate a few multicast trees. BVDPSO outperforms not only several state-of-the-art and recent heuristic algorithms for the MRP problems, but also algorithms based on GA, ACO, and PSO

    Regression Filtration with Resetting to Provide Exponential Convergence of MRAC for Plants with Jump Change of Unknown Parameters

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    This paper proposes a new method to provide the exponential convergence of both the parameter and tracking errors of the composite adaptive control system without the requirement of the regressor persistent excitation (PE). Instead, the composite adaptation law obtained in this paper requires the regressor to be finitely exciting (FE) to guarantee the above-mentioned properties. Unlike known solutions, not only does it relax the PE requirement, but also it functions effectively under the condition of a jump change of the plant uncertainty parameters. To derive such an adaptation law, an integral filter of regressor with damping and resetting is proposed. It provides the required properties of the control system, and its output signal is bounded even when its input is subjected to noise and disturbances. A rigorous analytical proof of all mentioned properties of the developed adaptation law is presented. Such law is compared with the known composite ones relaxing the PE requirement. The wing-rock problem is used for the modeling of the developed composite MRAC system. The obtained results fully support the theoretical analysis and demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Design and Implementation of an Artificial Neural Network Controller for Quadrotor Flight in Confined Environment

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    Quadrotors offer practical solutions for many applications, such as emergency rescue, surveillance, military operations, videography and many more. For this reason, they have recently attracted the attention of research and industry. Even though they have been intensively studied, quadrotors still suffer from some challenges that limit their use, such as trajectory measurement, attitude estimation, obstacle avoidance, safety precautions, and land cybersecurity. One major problem is flying in a confined environment, such as closed buildings and tunnels, where the aerodynamics around the quadrotor are affected by close proximity objects, which result in tracking performance deterioration, and sometimes instability. To address this problem, researchers followed three different approaches; the Modeling approach, which focuses on the development of a precise dynamical model that accounts for the different aerodynamic effects, the Sensor Integration approach, which focuses on the addition of multiple sensors to the quadrotor and applying algorithms to stabilize the quadrotor based on their measurements, and the Controller Design approach, which focuses on the development of an adaptive and robust controller. In this research, a learning controller is proposed as a solution for the issue of quadrotor trajectory control in confined environments. This controller utilizes Artificial Neural Networks to adjust for the unknown aerodynamics on-line. A systematic approach for controller design is developed, so that, the approach could be followed for the development of controllers for other nonlinear systems of similar form. One goal for this research is to develop a global controller that could be applied to any quadrotor with minimal adjustment. A novel Artificial Neural Network structure is presented that increases learning efficiency and speed. In addition, a new learning algorithm is developed for the Artificial Neural Network, when utilized with the developed controller. Simulation results for the designed controller when applied to the Qball-X4 quadrotor are presented that show the effectiveness of the proposed Artificial Neural Network structure and the developed learning algorithm in the presence of variety of different unknown aerodynamics. These results are confirmed with real time experimentation, as the developed controller was successfully applied to Quanser’s Qball-X4 quadrotor for the flight control in confined environment. The practical challenges associated with the application of such a controller for quadrotor flight in confined environment are analyzed and adequately resolved to achieve an acceptable tracking performance

    Assessment Study of the State of the Art in Adaptive Control and its Applications to Aircraft Control

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    Many papers relevant to reconfigurable flight control have appeared over the past fifteen years. In general these have consisted of theoretical issues, simulation experiments, and in some cases, actual flight tests. Results indicate that reconfiguration of flight controls is certainly feasible for a wide class of failures. However many of the proposed procedures although quite attractive, need further analytical and experimental studies for meaningful validation. Many procedures assume the availability of failure detection and identification logic that will supply adequately fast, the dynamics corresponding to the failed aircraft. This in general implies that the failure detection and fault identification logic must have access to all possible anticipated faults and the corresponding dynamical equations of motion. Unless some sort of explicit on line parameter identification is included, the computational demands could possibly be too excessive. This suggests the need for some form of adaptive control, either by itself as the prime procedure for control reconfiguration or in conjunction with the failure detection logic. If explicit or indirect adaptive control is used, then it is important that the identified models be such that the corresponding computed controls deliver adequate performance to the actual aircraft. Unknown changes in trim should be modelled, and parameter identification needs to be adequately insensitive to noise and at the same time capable of tracking abrupt changes. If however, both failure detection and system parameter identification turn out to be too time consuming in an emergency situation, then the concepts of direct adaptive control should be considered. If direct model reference adaptive control is to be used (on a linear model) with stability assurances, then a positive real or passivity condition needs to be satisfied for all possible configurations. This condition is often satisfied with a feedforward compensator around the plant. This compensator must be robustly designed such that the compensated plant satisfies the required positive real conditions over all expected parameter values. Furthermore, with the feedforward only around the plant, a nonzero (but bounded error) will exist in steady state between the plant and model outputs. This error can be removed by placing the compensator also in the reference model. Design of such a compensator should not be too difficult a problem since for flight control it is generally possible to feedback all the system states
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