2,409 research outputs found

    Fault-free performance validation of fault-tolerant multiprocessors

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    A validation methodology for testing the performance of fault-tolerant computer systems was developed and applied to the Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor (FTMP) at NASA-Langley's AIRLAB facility. This methodology was claimed to be general enough to apply to any ultrareliable computer system. The goal of this research was to extend the validation methodology and to demonstrate the robustness of the validation methodology by its more extensive application to NASA's Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor System (FTMP) and to the Software Implemented Fault-Tolerance (SIFT) Computer System. Furthermore, the performance of these two multiprocessors was compared by conducting similar experiments. An analysis of the results shows high level language instruction execution times for both SIFT and FTMP were consistent and predictable, with SIFT having greater throughput. At the operating system level, FTMP consumes 60% of the throughput for its real-time dispatcher and 5% on fault-handling tasks. In contrast, SIFT consumes 16% of its throughput for the dispatcher, but consumes 66% in fault-handling software overhead

    Macroservers: An Execution Model for DRAM Processor-In-Memory Arrays

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    The emergence of semiconductor fabrication technology allowing a tight coupling between high-density DRAM and CMOS logic on the same chip has led to the important new class of Processor-In-Memory (PIM) architectures. Newer developments provide powerful parallel processing capabilities on the chip, exploiting the facility to load wide words in single memory accesses and supporting complex address manipulations in the memory. Furthermore, large arrays of PIMs can be arranged into a massively parallel architecture. In this report, we describe an object-based programming model based on the notion of a macroserver. Macroservers encapsulate a set of variables and methods; threads, spawned by the activation of methods, operate asynchronously on the variables' state space. Data distributions provide a mechanism for mapping large data structures across the memory region of a macroserver, while work distributions allow explicit control of bindings between threads and data. Both data and work distributuions are first-class objects of the model, supporting the dynamic management of data and threads in memory. This offers the flexibility required for fully exploiting the processing power and memory bandwidth of a PIM array, in particular for irregular and adaptive applications. Thread synchronization is based on atomic methods, condition variables, and futures. A special type of lightweight macroserver allows the formulation of flexible scheduling strategies for the access to resources, using a monitor-like mechanism

    A Self-Repairing Execution Unit for Microprogrammed Processors

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    Describes a processor which dynamically reconfigures its internal microcode to execute each instruction using only fault-free blocks from the execution unit. Working without redundant or spare computational blocks, this self-repair approach permits a graceful performance degradatio

    Exploiting the Parallelism Exposed by Partial Evaluation

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    We describe an approach to parallel compilation that seeks to harness the vast amount of fine-grain parallelism that is exposed through partial evaluation of numerically-intensive scientific programs. We have constructed a compiler for the Supercomputer Toolkit parallel processor that uses partial evaluation to break down data abstractions and program structure, producing huge basic blocks that contain large amounts of fine-grain parallelism. We show that this fine-grain prarllelism can be effectively utilized even on coarse-grain parallel architectures by selectively grouping operations together so as to adjust the parallelism grain-size to match the inter-processor communication capabilities of the target architecture

    Efficient and Reliable Task Scheduling, Network Reprogramming, and Data Storage for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) typically consist of a large number of resource-constrained nodes. The limited computational resources afforded by these nodes present unique development challenges. In this dissertation, we consider three such challenges. The first challenge focuses on minimizing energy usage in WSNs through intelligent duty cycling. Limited energy resources dictate the design of many embedded applications, causing such systems to be composed of small, modular tasks, scheduled periodically. In this model, each embedded device wakes, executes a task-set, and returns to sleep. These systems spend most of their time in a state of deep sleep to minimize power consumption. We refer to these systems as almost-always-sleeping (AAS) systems. We describe a series of task schedulers for AAS systems designed to maximize sleep time. We consider four scheduler designs, model their performance, and present detailed performance analysis results under varying load conditions. The second challenge focuses on a fast and reliable network reprogramming solution for WSNs based on incremental code updates. We first present VSPIN, a framework for developing incremental code update mechanisms to support efficient reprogramming of WSNs. VSPIN provides a modular testing platform on the host system to plug-in and evaluate various incremental code update algorithms. The framework supports Avrdude, among the most popular Linux-based programming tools for AVR microcontrollers. Using VSPIN, we next present an incremental code update strategy to efficiently reprogram wireless sensor nodes. We adapt a linear space and quadratic time algorithm (Hirschberg\u27s Algorithm) for computing maximal common subsequences to build an edit map specifying an edit sequence required to transform the code running in a sensor network to a new code image. We then present a heuristic-based optimization strategy for efficient edit script encoding to reduce the edit map size. Finally, we present experimental results exploring the reduction in data size that it enables. The approach achieves reductions of 99.987% for simple changes, and between 86.95% and 94.58% for more complex changes, compared to full image transmissions - leading to significantly lower energy costs for wireless sensor network reprogramming. The third challenge focuses on enabling fast and reliable data storage in wireless sensor systems. A file storage system that is fast, lightweight, and reliable across device failures is important to safeguard the data that these devices record. A fast and efficient file system enables sensed data to be sampled and stored quickly and batched for later transmission. A reliable file system allows seamless operation without disruptions due to hardware, software, or other unforeseen failures. While flash technology provides persistent storage by itself, it has limitations that prevent it from being used in mission-critical deployment scenarios. Hybrid memory models which utilize newer non-volatile memory technologies, such as ferroelectric RAM (FRAM), can mitigate the physical disadvantages of flash. In this vein, we present the design and implementation of LoggerFS, a fast, lightweight, and reliable file system for wireless sensor networks, which uses a hybrid memory design consisting of RAM, FRAM, and flash. LoggerFS is engineered to provide fast data storage, have a small memory footprint, and provide data reliability across system failures. LoggerFS adapts a log-structured file system approach, augmented with data persistence and reliability guarantees. A caching mechanism allows for flash wear-leveling and fast data buffering. We present a performance evaluation of LoggerFS using a prototypical in-situ sensing platform and demonstrate between 50% and 800% improvements for various workloads using the FRAM write-back cache over the implementation without the cache

    Constraint analysis for DSP code generation

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    Exploiting the Parallelism Exposed by Partial Evaluation

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    We describe the key role played by partial evaluation in the Supercomputing Toolkit, a parallel computing system for scientific applications that effectively exploits the vast amount of parallelism exposed by partial evaluation. The Supercomputing Toolkit parallel processor and its associated partial evaluation-based compiler have been used extensively by scientists at MIT, and have made possible recent results in astrophysics showing that the motion of the planets in our solar system is chaotically unstable

    Transparently Mixing Undo Logs and Software Reversibility for State Recovery in Optimistic PDES

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    The rollback operation is a fundamental building block to support the correct execution of a speculative Time Warp-based Parallel Discrete Event Simulation. In the literature, several solutions to reduce the execution cost of this operation have been proposed, either based on the creation of a checkpoint of previous simulation state images, or on the execution of negative copies of simulation events which are able to undo the updates on the state. In this paper, we explore the practical design and implementation of a state recoverability technique which allows to restore a previous simulation state either relying on checkpointing or on the reverse execution of the state updates occurred while processing events in forward mode. Differently from other proposals, we address the issue of executing backward updates in a fully-transparent and event granularity-independent way, by relying on static software instrumentation (targeting the x86 architecture and Linux systems) to generate at runtime reverse update code blocks (not to be confused with reverse events, proper of the reverse computing approach). These are able to undo the effects of a forward execution while minimizing the cost of the undo operation. We also present experimental results related to our implementation, which is released as free software and fully integrated into the open source ROOT-Sim (ROme OpTimistic Simulator) package. The experimental data support the viability and effectiveness of our proposal

    Animation From Instructions

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    We believe that computer animation in the form of narrated animated simulations can provide an engaging, effective and flexible medium for instructing agents in the performance of tasks. However, we argue that the only way to achieve the kind of flexibility needed to instruct agents of varying capabilities to perform tasks with varying demands in work places of varying layout is to drive both animation and narration from a common representation that embodies the same conceptualization of tasks and actions as Natural Language itself. To this end, we are exploring the use of Natural Language instructions to drive animated simulations. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between instructions and behavior that underlie our work and the overall structure of our system. We then describe in some what more detail three aspects of the system - the representation used by the Simulator, the operation of the Simulator and the Motion Generators used in the system