82 research outputs found

    A Linear Antenna Array Failure Correction with Null Steering using Firefly Algorithm

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    The element failure of digital beam forming array antenna systems used in defence equipment increases the side lobe power level which distorts the beam pattern of the antenna array. The problem of array failure correction becomes more complex when null steering conditions are required to be added. In this paper, the problem of linear antenna array failure has been addressed with multiple wide band null steering using firefly algorithm (FA) by controlling the amplitude and phase excitation of array elements. A fitness function in the form of template has been formulated to obtain the error between original (pre-failed) side lobe pattern and measured side lobe pattern and this error function has been minimized using FA. Numerical example of element failure correction of element failure of array along with multiple nulls is presented to show the capability of this flexible approach.Defence Science Journal, 2014, 64(2), pp. 136-142. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.64.425

    Time Modulated Arrays: from their Origin to Their Utilization in Wireless Communication Systems

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    [Abstract] Time-modulated arrays (TMAs) are electromagnetic systems whose radiated power pattern is controlled by the application of variable-width periodical pulses to the individual elements. The nonlinear nature of the array operation causes the appearance of radiation patterns at the harmonic frequencies of such periodic pulses. The technique can be used for improving the side-lobe level (SLL) topology of the radiation pattern at the central frequency and/or to profitably exploit the harmonic patterns in order to supply smart antenna capabilities. Among the latter features, the TMA harmonic beamforming takes on special importance due to its attractive trade-off performance-hardware complexity. From this perspective, TMAs are sensors capable of transforming the spatial diversity of a communication channel into frequency diversity, thus improving the performance of a wireless communication. In addition to a walk through the origins of the concept, and a brief analysis of the mathematical fundamentals, this paper organizes the prolific state of the art of TMAs in two major thematic blocks: (1) TMA design from an antenna perspective; and (2) TMA design from a signal processing perspective.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; TEC2015-69648-RED

    Automated design optimisation and simulation of stitched antennas for textile devices

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    This thesis describes a novel approach for designing 7-segment and 5-angle pocket and collar planar antennas (for operation at 900 MHz). The motivation for this work originates from the problem of security of children in rural Nigeria where there is risk of abduction. There is a strong potential benefit to be gained from hidden wireless tracking devices (and hence antennas) that can protect their security. An evolutionary method based on a genetic algorithm was used in conjunction with electromagnetic simulation. This method determines the segment length and angle between segments through several generations. The simulation of the antenna was implemented using heuristic crossover with non-uniform mutation. Antennas obtained from the algorithm were fabricated and measured to validate the proposed method.This first part of this research has been limited to linear wire antennas because of the wide range and flexibility of this class of antennas. Linear wire antennas are used for the design of high or low gain, broad or narrow band antennas. Wire antennas are easy and inexpensive to build. All the optimised linear wire antenna samples exhibit similar performances, most of the power is radiated within the GSM900 frequency band. The reflection coefficient (S11) is generally better than -10dB. The method of moment (MoM-NEC2) and FIT (CST Studio Suite 2015) solvers were used for this design. MATLAB is used to as an interface to control computational electromagnetic solvers for antenna designs and analysis. The genetic algorithm procedures were written in MATLAB. The second part of the work focuses on meshed ground planes for applications at 900 MHz global system for mobile communications (GSM), 2.45 GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band and 5 GHz wearable wireless local area networks (WLAN) frequencies. Square ground planes were developed and designed using linear equations in MATLAB. The ground plane was stitched using embroidery machines. To examine the effect of meshing on the antenna performance and to normalise the meshed antenna to a reference, solid patch antenna was designed, fabricated on an FR4 substrate. A finite grid of resistors was created for numerical simulation in MATLAB. The resistance from the centre to any node of a finite grid of resistors are evaluated using nodal analysis. The probability that a node connects to each node in the grid was computed. The circuit model has been validated against the experimental model by measurement of the meshed ground plane. A set of measurement were collected from a meshed and compared with the numerical values, they show good agreement.</div

    Estudio de los efectos producidos por la modulación temporal aplicada a una agrupación de antenas en sistemas de transmisión digital

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións en Redes Móbiles. 5032V0[Resumo] Os selos de identidade das comunicacións móbiles e sen fíos de hoxe en día son a demanda continua e crecente de mobilidade, capacidade e fiabilidade, xunto cun firme e definitivo compromiso coa sustentabilidade. Baixo estas premisas, as antenas intelixentes –capaces de sensar a contorna electromagnética e adaptar de xeito eficaz as súas características de radiación– están chamadas a xogar un papel crucial nas ditas comunicacións. Neste senso, os estándares sen fíos actuais consideran técnicas multi-antena encamiñadas a explotar a diversidade espacial, o multiplexado espacial e o conformado de feixe, acadando así mellores niveis de fiabilidade e capacidade. Con todo, ditas vantaxes obtéñense a expensas dun incremento da complexidade do sistema, factor non sempre asumible en termos de tamaño e eficiencia enerxética. Consecuentemente, suscítanse unha serie de retos de cara a desenvolver tecnoloxías de antena axeitadas e capaces de dar resposta ás anteriores prestacións no espazo limitado que dita a mobilidade. O concepto de agrupación de antenas modulada temporalmente (TMAs, do inglés time-modulated arrays) é unha técnica multi-antena que achega unha simplificación hardware significativa: o seu diagrama de radiación contrólase mediante a sinxela aplicación de pulsos periódicos de duración variable ás excitacións individuais da agrupación. A natureza non lineal desta operación causa a aparición de diagramas de radiación nas frecuencias harmónicas dos pulsos periódicos aplicados. A técnica pode empregarse para mellorar a topoloxía do nivel dos lóbulos secundarios do diagrama de radiación na frecuencia central e/ou para explotar de xeito proveitoso os diagramas dos harmónicos, dotando á antena de capacidades de antena intelixente. Esta tese é o resultado dunha investigación das TMAs dende unha perspectiva interdisciplinaria, é dicir, non soamente dende a óptica do diagrama de radiación ou das agrupacións de antenas, senón tamén dende un punto de vista de procesado do sinal. Máis concretamente, a tese é unha análise en profundidade da aplicación das TMAs ás comunicacións dixitais, desenvolvida en catro etapas: 1) análise matemática da posibilidade de transmitir sinais dixitais mediante TMAs, identificando as restricións para salvagardar a integridade do sinal e cuantificando a potencia radiada, 2) caracterización da taxa de erro de bit dun sistema de comunicación dixital que incorpora un TMA en recepción explotando o seu modo fundamental e considerando canles con ruído branco Gaussiano, 3) estudo das prestacións das TMAs –explotando os harmónicos– na recepción de sinais de comunicación dixitais con diversidade angular en canles multitraxecto con esvaecemento, 4) caracterización de TMAs para conformado de feixe mediante o uso de pulsos de suma de cosenos ponderados no lugar de pulsos rectangulares, chegando ás denominadas TMAs melloradas, dotadas dunha resposta superior en termos de flexibilidade e eficiencia.[Resumen] Hoy en día, los sellos de identidad de las comunicaciones inalámbricas son la demanda continua y creciente de movilidad, capacidad y fiabilidad, junto con un firme y definitivo compromiso con la sostenibilidad. Bajo estas premisas, las antenas inteligentes –capaces de sensar el entorno electromagnético y adaptar de forma eficaz sus características de radiación– están llamadas a jugar un papel crucial en dichas comunicaciones. En este sentido, los estándares inalámbricos actuales consideran técnicas multiantena encaminadas a explotar la diversidad espacial, el multiplexado espacial o el conformado de haz, alcanzando así mejores niveles de fiabilidad y capacidad. Sin embargo, dichas ventajas se obtienen a expensas de un incremento de la complejidad del sistema, factor no siempre asumible en términos de tamaño y eficiencia energética. En consecuencia, se plantean una serie de retos en el desarrollo de tecnologías de antena adecuadas, capaces de dar respuesta a las anteriores prestaciones en el espacio limitado que dicta la movilidad. El concepto de agrupación de antenas modulada temporalmente (TMAs, del inglés time-modulated arrays) es una técnica multiantena que aporta una simplificación hardware significativa: su diagrama de radiación se controla mediante la sencilla aplicación de pulsos periódicos de duración variable a las excitaciones individuales de la agrupación. La naturaleza no lineal de esta operación causa la aparición de diagramas de radiación en las frecuencias armónicas de los pulsos periódicos aplicados. La técnica se puede utilizar para mejorar la topología del nivel de los lóbulos secundarios del diagrama de radiación en la frecuencia central y/o para explotar de forma beneficiosa los diagramas de armónicos, dotando a la antena de capacidades de antena inteligente. Esta tesis es el resultado de una investigación de las TMAs desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar, es decir, no solamente desde la óptica del diagrama de radiación o de las agrupaciones de antenas, sino también desde un punto de vista de procesado de señal. Más concretamente, la tesis es un análisis en profundidad de la aplicación de las TMAs a las comunicaciones digitales, desarrollada en cuatro etapas: 1) análisis matemático de la factibilidad de transmitir señales digitales mediante TMAs, identificando las restricciones para salvaguardar la integridad de la señal y cuantificando la potencia radiada, 2) caracterización de la tasa de error de bit de un sistema de comunicación digital que incorpora una TMA en recepción explotando su modo fundamental y considerando canales con ruido blanco Gaussiano, 3) estudio de las prestaciones de las TMAs –explotando los armónicos– en la recepción de señales digitales con diversidad angular en canales multitrayecto con desvanecimiento, 4) caracterización de TMAs para conformado de haz mediante el uso de pulsos de suma de cosenos ponderados en lugar de pulsos rectangulares, llegando a las denominadas TMAs mejoradas, dotadas de una respuesta superior en términos de flexibilidad y eficiencia.[Abstract] An ever-increasing demand for higher mobility, capacity and reliability, together with a definitive compromise with sustainability, are the hallmarks of mobile and wireless communications systems nowadays. Under these premises, smart antenna devices –capable of sensing the electromagnetic environment and suitably adapting its radiation features– are correspondingly called to play a crucial role. In this sense, today’s wireless standards consider multiple-antenna techniques in order to exploit space diversity, spatial multiplexing and beamforming to achieve better levels of reliability and capacity. Such advantages, however, are obtained at the expense of increased system complexity which may be unaffordable in terms of size and energy efficiency. Consequently, some technical challenges remain to develop the adequate antenna technologies capable of supporting the aforementioned features in a limited physical space that the mobility demand dictates. The concept of time-modulated array (TMA) is a feasible multi-antenna technique that provides a significant hardware simplification: its radiated power pattern is controlled by the simple application of variable-width periodical pulses to the individual array excitations. The nonlinear nature of such an array operation causes the appearance of radiation patterns at the harmonic frequencies of the applied periodic pulses. The technique can be used for improving the side-lobe level topology of the radiation pattern at the central frequency and/or to profitably exploit the harmonic patterns in order to supply smart antenna capabilities. This thesis is the result of an investigation of TMAs from an interdisciplinary perspective, i.e., not only under a radiation pattern or an antenna array outlook but also from a signal processing point of view. More specifically, the thesis deals with an in-depth analysis of the application of TMAs in digital communications developed in four stages: 1) mathematical analysis of the feasibility of transmission of digital signals over TMAs, identifying the restrictions to safeguard the integrity of the signal and quantifying the radiated power, 2) characterization of the bit error rate of a digital communication system that incorporates a receive-TMA exploiting its fundamental mode and considering additive white Gaussian noise channels, 3) study of the performance of TMAs –exploiting their harmonics– for the angle diversity reception of digital communication signals over multipath fading channels, 4) an approach to the characterization of beamforming TMAs which use sum of weighted cosines pulses instead of rectangular ones, leading to the so-called enhanced time-modulated arrays, which endows them with a better response in terms of flexibility and efficiency

    Inverse Kinematic Analysis of Robot Manipulators

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    An important part of industrial robot manipulators is to achieve desired position and orientation of end effector or tool so as to complete the pre-specified task. To achieve the above stated goal one should have the sound knowledge of inverse kinematic problem. The problem of getting inverse kinematic solution has been on the outline of various researchers and is deliberated as thorough researched and mature problem. There are many fields of applications of robot manipulators to execute the given tasks such as material handling, pick-n-place, planetary and undersea explorations, space manipulation, and hazardous field etc. Moreover, medical field robotics catches applications in rehabilitation and surgery that involve kinematic, dynamic and control operations. Therefore, industrial robot manipulators are required to have proper knowledge of its joint variables as well as understanding of kinematic parameters. The motion of the end effector or manipulator is controlled by their joint actuator and this produces the required motion in each joints. Therefore, the controller should always supply an accurate value of joint variables analogous to the end effector position. Even though industrial robots are in the advanced stage, some of the basic problems in kinematics are still unsolved and constitute an active focus for research. Among these unsolved problems, the direct kinematics problem for parallel mechanism and inverse kinematics for serial chains constitute a decent share of research domain. The forward kinematics of robot manipulator is simpler problem and it has unique or closed form solution. The forward kinematics can be given by the conversion of joint space to Cartesian space of the manipulator. On the other hand inverse kinematics can be determined by the conversion of Cartesian space to joint space. The inverse kinematic of the robot manipulator does not provide the closed form solution. Hence, industrial manipulator can achieve a desired task or end effector position in more than one configuration. Therefore, to achieve exact solution of the joint variables has been the main concern to the researchers. A brief introduction of industrial robot manipulators, evolution and classification is presented. The basic configurations of robot manipulator are demonstrated and their benefits and drawbacks are deliberated along with the applications. The difficulties to solve forward and inverse kinematics of robot manipulator are discussed and solution of inverse kinematic is introduced through conventional methods. In order to accomplish the desired objective of the work and attain the solution of inverse kinematic problem an efficient study of the existing tools and techniques has been done. A review of literature survey and various tools used to solve inverse kinematic problem on different aspects is discussed. The various approaches of inverse kinematic solution is categorized in four sections namely structural analysis of mechanism, conventional approaches, intelligence or soft computing approaches and optimization based approaches. A portion of important and more significant literatures are thoroughly discussed and brief investigation is made on conclusions and gaps with respect to the inverse kinematic solution of industrial robot manipulators. Based on the survey of tools and techniques used for the kinematic analysis the broad objective of the present research work is presented as; to carry out the kinematic analyses of different configurations of industrial robot manipulators. The mathematical modelling of selected robot manipulator using existing tools and techniques has to be made for the comparative study of proposed method. On the other hand, development of new algorithm and their mathematical modelling for the solution of inverse kinematic problem has to be made for the analysis of quality and efficiency of the obtained solutions. Therefore, the study of appropriate tools and techniques used for the solution of inverse kinematic problems and comparison with proposed method is considered. Moreover, recommendation of the appropriate method for the solution of inverse kinematic problem is presented in the work. Apart from the forward kinematic analysis, the inverse kinematic analysis is quite complex, due to its non-linear formulations and having multiple solutions. There is no unique solution for the inverse kinematics thus necessitating application of appropriate predictive models from the soft computing domain. Artificial neural network (ANN) can be gainfully used to yield the desired results. Therefore, in the present work several models of artificial neural network (ANN) are used for the solution of the inverse kinematic problem. This model of ANN does not rely on higher mathematical formulations and are adept to solve NP-hard, non-linear and higher degree of polynomial equations. Although intelligent approaches are not new in this field but some selected models of ANN and their hybridization has been presented for the comparative evaluation of inverse kinematic. The hybridization scheme of ANN and an investigation has been made on accuracies of adopted algorithms. On the other hand, any Optimization algorithms which are capable of solving various multimodal functions can be implemented to solve the inverse kinematic problem. To overcome the problem of conventional tool and intelligent based method the optimization based approach can be implemented. In general, the optimization based approaches are more stable and often converge to the global solution. The major problem of ANN based approaches are its slow convergence and often stuck in local optimum point. Therefore, in present work different optimization based approaches are considered. The formulation of the objective function and associated constrained are discussed thoroughly. The comparison of all adopted algorithms on the basis of number of solutions, mathematical operations and computational time has been presented. The thesis concludes the summary with contributions and scope of the future research work

    Assessment of monthly rain fade in the equatorial region at C & KU-band using measat-3 satellite links

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    C & Ku-band satellite communication links are the most commonly used for equatorial satellite communication links. Severe rainfall rate in equatorial regions can cause a large rain attenuation in real compared to the prediction. ITU-R P. 618 standards are commonly used to predict satellite rain fade in designing satellite communication network. However, the prediction of ITU-R is still found to be inaccurate hence hinder a reliable operational satellite communication link in equatorial region. This paper aims to provide an accurate insight by assessment of the monthly C & Ku-band rain fade performance by collecting data from commercial earth stations using C band and Ku-band antenna with 11 m and 13 m diameter respectively. The antennas measure the C & Ku-band beacon signal from MEASAT-3 under equatorial rain conditions. The data is collected for one year in 2015. The monthly cumulative distribution function is developed based on the 1-year data. RMSE analysis is made by comparing the monthly measured data of C-band and Ku-band to the ITU-R predictions developed based on ITU-R’s P.618, P.837, P.838 and P.839 standards. The findings show that Ku-band produces an average of 25 RMSE value while the C-band rain attenuation produces an average of 2 RMSE value. Therefore, the ITU-R model still under predicts the rain attenuation in the equatorial region and this call for revisit of the fundamental quantity in determining the rain fade for rain attenuation to be re-evaluated

    Machine Learning in Tribology

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    Tribology has been and continues to be one of the most relevant fields, being present in almost all aspects of our lives. The understanding of tribology provides us with solutions for future technical challenges. At the root of all advances made so far are multitudes of precise experiments and an increasing number of advanced computer simulations across different scales and multiple physical disciplines. Based upon this sound and data-rich foundation, advanced data handling, analysis and learning methods can be developed and employed to expand existing knowledge. Therefore, modern machine learning (ML) or artificial intelligence (AI) methods provide opportunities to explore the complex processes in tribological systems and to classify or quantify their behavior in an efficient or even real-time way. Thus, their potential also goes beyond purely academic aspects into actual industrial applications. To help pave the way, this article collection aimed to present the latest research on ML or AI approaches for solving tribology-related issues generating true added value beyond just buzzwords. In this sense, this Special Issue can support researchers in identifying initial selections and best practice solutions for ML in tribology

    Contribución al desarrollo de herramientas CAD para el análisis y diseño de antenas de banda ultra ancha mediante el método de elementos finitos : Contribution to the development of CAD tools for the analysis and design of ultra-wideband antennas by means of the finite element method

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    RESUMEN ------- Esta tesis doctoral está dedicada al desarrollo de herramientas de diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD) y de optimización de antenas de banda ultra ancha (UWB) mediante el método de elementos finitos (FEM). El objetivo de este trabajo es adecuar una técnica de análisis numérico versátil, fiable y precisa como es el FEM, pero a su vez sumamente costosa en términos de recursos de computación, para su uso en conjunción con algoritmos de optimización y la creación de herramientas CAD. Así, gracias a la versatilidad proporcionada por el método de análisis, se pueden abordar optimizaciones ciegas sobre formas arbitrarias, de forma que se puedan explorar y estudiar nuevas geometrías con mejores prestaciones que ayuden a evolucionar el estado del arte en antenas UWB. Es, por tanto, también objetivo de este trabajo el diseño y optimización de geometrías de antena UWB novedosas cuyas prestaciones las sitúen a la cabeza del estado del arte. Teniendo en cuenta estos objetivos, este trabajo se ha dividido en dos partes principales: una dedicada a los fundamentos teóricos que permiten aumentar la eficiencia del FEM de manera que pueda ser integrado en rutinas de optimización, y una segunda dedicada al diseño de antenas de banda ultra ancha con las herramientas desarrolladas. Acompañando estos dos bloques temáticos principales se encuentran también una introducción, cuyo objetivo es presentar los antecedentes y motivaciones del trabajo, y unas conclusiones, cuyo objetivo es resaltar las contribuciones originales de este trabajo y las líneas de trabajo futuras abiertas por este trabajo. Dentro del primer bloque temático, se presentan dos metodologías diferentes cuyo objetivo es dotar de una mayor efiencia al método del elementos finitos: la formulación SFELP y el análisis mediante matrices de admitancia multipropósito (MAM). La primera se basa en el desarrollo de una formulación que permite la obtención de la matriz de admitancia generalizada (GAM) de una estructura electromagnética de una forma eficiente, de manera que puede realizarse la segmentación del dominio mediante la conexión de las GAM de los diferentes segmentos. El análisis mediante MAM se basa, en cambio, en la resolución de problemas electromagnéticos utilizando puertas artificiales, mediante las cuales se pueden establecer condiciones de contorno variables que pueden fijarse a posteriori una vez realizado el análisis electromagnético, mediante simples y eficientes manipulaciones circuitales. De esta manera puede abordarse la optimización de estructuras muy complejas de una forma muy eficiente. El segundo bloque temático se adentra en el diseño y estudio de geometrías de antena UWB con perfiles optimizados para mejorar sus prestaciones. Este bloque se divide en cuatro capítulos en los que se presenta el diseño y optimización de otros tantos tipos de estructura de banda ultra ancha. En el primero de esos capítulos se aborda el estudio y optimización del perfil de antenas de tipo monopolo (tanto estructuras con perfil plano como estructuras tridimensionales) con el objetivo de minimizar las pérdidas de retorno. Como evolución de dichas estructuras, el siguiente capítulo presenta el diseño y optimización de monopolos con perfil plano y banda rechazada mediante la optimización de ranuras en el perfil. En el tercer capítulo se trata el diseño de una antena de apertura con polarización dual con perfil de alimentación optimizado para minimizar las pérdidas de retorno en la banda UWB. Por último, el cuarto diseño aborda la posibilidad del conformado del haz de radiación mediante la optimización del perfil de un dieléctrico utilizado a modo de recubrimiento en una antena de tipo monopolo. ABSTRACT -------- This thesis is devoted to the development of computer aided design (CAD) tools for the optimization of Ultra Wide-Band antennas by means of the Finite Element Method (FEM). The objective of this work is to adequate the versatile and accurate but costly in terms of computational resources, the FEM is, for its use together with optimization algorithms and other CAD tools. Hence, thanks to the versatility provided by the analysis method, blind optimizations can be carried out over arbitrary profiles, so that new geometries can be explored and studied in order to make the state of the art in UWB antennas evolve. Therefore, the design and optimization of novel UWB antennas with performances which make them situate in the head of the state of the art, is another objective of this work. Keeping in mind these objectives, this work has been divided into two main parts: one dedicated to the theoretical basis which allow to increase the efficiency of the FEM so that it can be used together with optimization routines, and a second one dedicated to the design of ultra-wideband antennas with the developed tools. Together with these two main thematic blocks there is also an introduction, whose objective is to present the background and motivations of this work, and a conclusion chapter, whose objective is to highlight the original contributions of this thesis and the future research work related to this thesis. In the first part, two different methodologies are presented, in order to provide the finite element method with a higher efficiency: the SFELP formulation and the MAM-based analysis. The first one is based on the development of a formulation which allows to obtain the GAM of an electromagnetic structure in an efficient way, so that a segmentation of the domain can be performed by means of the connection of the GAM of the different segments. The MAM analysis is based in the use of artificial ports when computing an electromagnetic problem, which allow to establish variable boundary conditions which can be fixed a posteriori once the electromagnetic analysis has been completed, by means of simple and efficient circuital manipulations. Hence, the optimization of very complex structures can be carried out in a very efficient way. The second part presents the design and study of UWB structures with optimized profiles for better performances. This part is divided into four chapters in which the design and optimization of four types of ultra-wideband antennas is performed. The first chapter is devoted to the study and optimization of monopole-like (both planar and non-planar profiles) antennas designed to minimize return losses. As an evolution of these structures, the second chapter presents the design and optimization of frequency notched planar profile monopole antennas in which the notches of the antenna are optimized for optimal performance. The third chapter treats the design of a dual polarized aperture antenna an optimized profile feed for minimum return losses in the UWB band. Finally, the fourth design deals with the possibility of radiation pattern conforming by means of an optimized profile dielectric coating in a monopole antenna