85,247 research outputs found

    Dynamic concentration of the triangle-free process

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    The triangle-free process begins with an empty graph on n vertices and iteratively adds edges chosen uniformly at random subject to the constraint that no triangle is formed. We determine the asymptotic number of edges in the maximal triangle-free graph at which the triangle-free process terminates. We also bound the independence number of this graph, which gives an improved lower bound on the Ramsey numbers R(3,t): we show R(3,t) > (1-o(1)) t^2 / (4 log t), which is within a 4+o(1) factor of the best known upper bound. Our improvement on previous analyses of this process exploits the self-correcting nature of key statistics of the process. Furthermore, we determine which bounded size subgraphs are likely to appear in the maximal triangle-free graph produced by the triangle-free process: they are precisely those triangle-free graphs with density at most 2.Comment: 75 pages, 1 figur

    On the Minimax Regret for Online Learning with Feedback Graphs

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    In this work, we improve on the upper and lower bounds for the regret of online learning with strongly observable undirected feedback graphs. The best known upper bound for this problem is O(αTlnK)\mathcal{O}\bigl(\sqrt{\alpha T\ln K}\bigr), where KK is the number of actions, α\alpha is the independence number of the graph, and TT is the time horizon. The lnK\sqrt{\ln K} factor is known to be necessary when α=1\alpha = 1 (the experts case). On the other hand, when α=K\alpha = K (the bandits case), the minimax rate is known to be Θ(KT)\Theta\bigl(\sqrt{KT}\bigr), and a lower bound Ω(αT)\Omega\bigl(\sqrt{\alpha T}\bigr) is known to hold for any α\alpha. Our improved upper bound O(αT(1+ln(K/α)))\mathcal{O}\bigl(\sqrt{\alpha T(1+\ln(K/\alpha))}\bigr) holds for any α\alpha and matches the lower bounds for bandits and experts, while interpolating intermediate cases. To prove this result, we use FTRL with qq-Tsallis entropy for a carefully chosen value of q[1/2,1)q \in [1/2, 1) that varies with α\alpha. The analysis of this algorithm requires a new bound on the variance term in the regret. We also show how to extend our techniques to time-varying graphs, without requiring prior knowledge of their independence numbers. Our upper bound is complemented by an improved Ω(αT(lnK)/(lnα))\Omega\bigl(\sqrt{\alpha T(\ln K)/(\ln\alpha)}\bigr) lower bound for all α>1\alpha > 1, whose analysis relies on a novel reduction to multitask learning. This shows that a logarithmic factor is necessary as soon as α<K\alpha < K

    Independent sets and cuts in large-girth regular graphs

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    We present a local algorithm producing an independent set of expected size 0.44533n0.44533n on large-girth 3-regular graphs and 0.40407n0.40407n on large-girth 4-regular graphs. We also construct a cut (or bisection or bipartite subgraph) with 1.34105n1.34105n edges on large-girth 3-regular graphs. These decrease the gaps between the best known upper and lower bounds from 0.01780.0178 to 0.010.01, from 0.02420.0242 to 0.01230.0123 and from 0.07240.0724 to 0.06160.0616, respectively. We are using local algorithms, therefore, the method also provides upper bounds for the fractional coloring numbers of 1/0.445332.245541 / 0.44533 \approx 2.24554 and 1/0.404072.47481 / 0.40407 \approx 2.4748 and fractional edge coloring number 1.5/1.341051.11851.5 / 1.34105 \approx 1.1185. Our algorithms are applications of the technique introduced by Hoppen and Wormald

    Counting independent sets in triangle-free graphs

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    Ajtai, Koml\'os, and Szemer\'edi proved that for sufficiently large tt every triangle-free graph with nn vertices and average degree tt has an independent set of size at least n100tlogt\frac{n}{100t}\log{t}. We extend this by proving that the number of independent sets in such a graph is at least 2(1/2400)ntlog2t. 2^{(1/2400)\frac{n}{t}\log^2{t}}. This result is sharp for infinitely many t,nt,n apart from the constant. An easy consequence of our result is that there exists c>0c'>0 such that every nn-vertex triangle-free graph has at least 2cnlogn 2^{c'\sqrt n \log n} independent sets. We conjecture that the exponent above can be improved to n(logn)3/2\sqrt{n}(\log{n})^{3/2}. This would be sharp by the celebrated result of Kim which shows that the Ramsey number R(3,k)R(3,k) has order of magnitude k2/logkk^2/\log k

    New lower bounds for the independence number of sparse graphs and hypergraphs

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    We obtain new lower bounds for the independence number of KrK_r-free graphs and linear kk-uniform hypergraphs in terms of the degree sequence. This answers some old questions raised by Caro and Tuza \cite{CT91}. Our proof technique is an extension of a method of Caro and Wei \cite{CA79, WE79}, and we also give a new short proof of the main result of \cite{CT91} using this approach. As byproducts, we also obtain some non-trivial identities involving binomial coefficients

    Density version of the Ramsey problem and the directed Ramsey problem

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    We discuss a variant of the Ramsey and the directed Ramsey problem. First, consider a complete graph on nn vertices and a two-coloring of the edges such that every edge is colored with at least one color and the number of bicolored edges ERB|E_{RB}| is given. The aim is to find the maximal size ff of a monochromatic clique which is guaranteed by such a coloring. Analogously, in the second problem we consider semicomplete digraph on nn vertices such that the number of bi-oriented edges Ebi|E_{bi}| is given. The aim is to bound the size FF of the maximal transitive subtournament that is guaranteed by such a digraph. Applying probabilistic and analytic tools and constructive methods we show that if ERB=Ebi=p(n2)|E_{RB}|=|E_{bi}| = p{n\choose 2}, (p[0,1)p\in [0,1)), then f,F<Cplog(n)f, F < C_p\log(n) where CpC_p only depend on pp, while if m=(n2)ERB<n3/2m={n \choose 2} - |E_{RB}| <n^{3/2} then f=Θ(n2m+n)f= \Theta (\frac{n^2}{m+n}). The latter case is strongly connected to Tur\'an-type extremal graph theory.Comment: 17 pages. Further lower bound added in case $|E_{RB}|=|E_{bi}| = p{n\choose 2}

    A Quantum Lovasz Local Lemma

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    The Lovasz Local Lemma (LLL) is a powerful tool in probability theory to show the existence of combinatorial objects meeting a prescribed collection of "weakly dependent" criteria. We show that the LLL extends to a much more general geometric setting, where events are replaced with subspaces and probability is replaced with relative dimension, which allows to lower bound the dimension of the intersection of vector spaces under certain independence conditions. Our result immediately applies to the k-QSAT problem: For instance we show that any collection of rank 1 projectors with the property that each qubit appears in at most 2k/(ek)2^k/(e \cdot k) of them, has a joint satisfiable state. We then apply our results to the recently studied model of random k-QSAT. Recent works have shown that the satisfiable region extends up to a density of 1 in the large k limit, where the density is the ratio of projectors to qubits. Using a hybrid approach building on work by Laumann et al. we greatly extend the known satisfiable region for random k-QSAT to a density of Ω(2k/k2)\Omega(2^k/k^2). Since our tool allows us to show the existence of joint satisfying states without the need to construct them, we are able to penetrate into regions where the satisfying states are conjectured to be entangled, avoiding the need to construct them, which has limited previous approaches to product states.Comment: 19 page