737 research outputs found

    An improved ant colony algorithm with diversified solutions based on the immune strategy

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    BACKGROUND: Ant colony algorithm has emerged recently as a new meta-heuristic method, which is inspired from the behaviours of real ants for solving NP-hard problems. However, the classical ant colony algorithm also has its defects of stagnation and premature. This paper aims at remedying these problems. RESULTS: In this paper, we propose an adaptive ant colony algorithm that simulates the behaviour of biological immune system. The solutions of the problem are much more diversified than traditional ant colony algorithms. CONCLUSION: The proposed method for improving the performance of traditional ant colony algorithm takes into account the polarization of the colonies, and adaptively adjusts the distribution of the solutions obtained by the ants. This makes the solutions more diverse so as to avoid the stagnation and premature phenomena

    Development of Computations in Bioscience and Bioinformatics and its Application: Review of the Symposium of Computations in Bioinformatics and Bioscience (SCBB06)

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    The first symposium of computations in bioinformatics and bioscience (SCBB06) was held in Hangzhou, China on June 21-22, 2006. Twenty-six peer-reviewed papers were selected for publication in this special issue of BMC Bioinformatics. These papers cover a broad range of topics including bioinformatics theories, algorithms, applications and tool development. The main technical topics contain gene expression analysis, sequence analysis, genome analysis, phylogenetic analysis, gene function prediction, molecular interaction and system biology, genetics and population study, immune strategy, protein structure prediction and proteomics

    Population-Based Optimization Algorithms for Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem

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    [Extract] Population based optimization algorithms are the techniques which are in the set of the nature based optimization algorithms. The creatures and natural systems which are working and developing in nature are one of the interesting and valuable sources of inspiration for designing and inventing new systems and algorithms in different fields of science and technology. Evolutionary Computation (Eiben& Smith, 2003), Neural Networks (Haykin, 99), Time Adaptive Self-Organizing Maps (Shah-Hosseini, 2006), Ant Systems (Dorigo & Stutzle, 2004), Particle Swarm Optimization (Eberhart & Kennedy, 1995), Simulated Annealing (Kirkpatrik, 1984), Bee Colony Optimization (Teodorovic et al., 2006) and DNA Computing (Adleman, 1994) are among the problem solving techniques inspired from observing nature. In this chapter population based optimization algorithms have been introduced. Some of these algorithms were mentioned above. Other algorithms are Intelligent Water Drops (IWD) algorithm (Shah-Hosseini, 2007), Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) (Dasgupta, 1999) and Electromagnetism-like Mechanisms (EM) (Birbil & Fang, 2003). In this chapter, every section briefly introduces one of these population based optimization algorithms and applies them for solving the TSP. Also, we try to note the important points of each algorithm and every point we contribute to these algorithms has been stated. Section nine shows experimental results based on the algorithms introduced in previous sections which are implemented to solve different problems of the TSP using well-known datasets

    Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem Based on The Genetic Reactive Bone Route Algorithm whit Ant Colony System

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    [EN] The TSP is considered one of the most well-known combinatorial optimization tasks and researchers have paid so much attention to the TSP for many years. In this problem, a salesman starts to move from an arbitrary place called depot and after visits all of the nodes, finally comes back to the depot. The objective is to minimize the total distance traveled by the salesman.  Because this problem is a non-deterministic polynomial (NP-hard) problem in nature, a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm called REACSGA is used for solving the TSP. In REACSGA, a reactive bone route algorithm that uses the ant colony system (ACS) for generating initial diversified solutions and the genetic algorithm (GA) as an improved procedure are applied. Since the performance of the Metaheuristic algorithms is significantly influenced by their parameters, Taguchi Method is used to set the parameters of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm is tested on several standard instances involving 24 to 318 nodes from the literature. The computational result shows that the results of the proposed algorithm are competitive with other metaheuristic algorithms for solving the TSP in terms of better quality of solution and computational time respectively. In addition, the proposed REACSGA is significantly efficient and finds closely the best known solutions for most of the instances in which thirteen best known solutions are also found.Yousefikhoshbakht, M.; Malekzadeh, N.; Sedighpour, M. (2016). Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem Based on The Genetic Reactive Bone Route Algorithm whit Ant Colony System. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 4(2):65-73. doi:10.4995/ijpme.2016.4618.SWORD65734

    Traveling Salesman Problem

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    The idea behind TSP was conceived by Austrian mathematician Karl Menger in mid 1930s who invited the research community to consider a problem from the everyday life from a mathematical point of view. A traveling salesman has to visit exactly once each one of a list of m cities and then return to the home city. He knows the cost of traveling from any city i to any other city j. Thus, which is the tour of least possible cost the salesman can take? In this book the problem of finding algorithmic technique leading to good/optimal solutions for TSP (or for some other strictly related problems) is considered. TSP is a very attractive problem for the research community because it arises as a natural subproblem in many applications concerning the every day life. Indeed, each application, in which an optimal ordering of a number of items has to be chosen in a way that the total cost of a solution is determined by adding up the costs arising from two successively items, can be modelled as a TSP instance. Thus, studying TSP can never be considered as an abstract research with no real importance

    A novel iterative optimization algorithm based on dynamic random population

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    U umjetnoj inteligenciji razvijene su različite heurističke metode optimalizacije. Te su metode uglavnom potaknute prirodnom evolucijom ili nekim primjenljivim inovacijama koje traže dobra (gotovo optimalna) rješenja uz razumnu računalnu cijenu za istraživane probleme. U radu se predlaže novi iterativni algoritam optimalizacije. Algoritam se zasniva na pretraživanju najvrednijeg dijela područja rješenja, koje je uobičajeno koncentrirano oko ciljanog (bias) vektora (u obliku dinamične slučajne populacije). Taj algoritam nezasitno pretražuje prostor rješenja u potrazi za globalnim ekstremom. Usporedba rezultata predloženog algoritma i nekih poznatih heurističkih metoda pretraživanja potvrđuje superiornost naše predložene metode u rješavanju različitih nelinearnih problema optimalizacije sa stajališta jednostavnosti i točnosti.Various heuristic optimization methods have been developed in artificial intelligence. These methods are mostly inspired by natural evolution or some applicable innovations, which seek good (near-optimal) solutions at a reasonable computational cost for search problems. A new iterative optimization algorithm is proposed in this paper. The algorithm is based on searching the most valuable part of the solution space, which is normally concentrated about a targeted bias vector (in the form of a dynamic random population). This algorithm greedily searches the solution space for global extremum. The comparison results between the proposed algorithm and some of the well-known heuristic search methods confirm the superiority of our proposed method in solving various non-linear optimization problems from the viewpoint of simplicity and accuracy

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction Using Evolutionary Approach: A Survey

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    Protein Structure Prediction (PSP) problem is to determine the three-dimensional structure of a protein only from its primary structure. Misfolding of a protein causes human diseases. Thus, the knowledge of the structure and functionality of proteins, combined with the prediction of their structure is a complex problem and a challenge for the area of computational biology. The metaheuristic optimization algorithms are naturally applicable to support in solving NP-hard problems.These algorithms are bio-inspired, since they were designed based on procedures found in nature, such as the successful evolutionary behavior of natural systems. In this paper, we present a survey on methods to approach the \textit{ab initio} protein structure prediction based on evolutionary computing algorithms, considering both single and multi-objective optimization. An overview of the works is presented, with some details about which characteristics of the problem are considered, as well as specific points of the algorithms used. A comparison between the approaches is presented and some directions of the research field are pointed out