2,571 research outputs found

    Fatores que afetam a adoção de análises de Big Data em empresas

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    With the total quantity of data doubling every two years, the low price of computing and data storage, make Big Data analytics (BDA) adoption desirable for companies, as a tool to get competitive advantage. Given the availability of free software, why have some companies failed to adopt these techniques? To answer this question, we extend the unified theory of technology adoption and use of technology model (UTAUT) adapted for the BDA context, adding two variables: resistance to use and perceived risk. We used the level of implementation of these techniques to divide companies into users and non-users of BDA. The structural models were evaluated by partial least squares (PLS). The results show the importance of good infrastructure exceeds the difficulties companies face in implementing it. While companies planning to use Big Data expect strong results, current users are more skeptical about its performance.Con la cantidad total de datos duplicándose cada dos años, el bajo precio de la informática y del almacenamiento de datos, la adopción del análisis Big Data (BDA) es altamente deseable para las empresas, como un instrumento para conseguir una ventaja competitiva. Dada la disponibilidad de software libre, ¿por qué algunas empresas no han adoptado estas técnicas? Para responder a esta pregunta, ampliamos la teoría unificada de la adopción y uso de tecnología (UTAUT) adaptado para el contexto BDA, agregando dos variables: resistencia al uso y riesgo percibido. Utilizamos el grado de implantación de estas técnicas para dividir las empresas entre: usuarias y no usuarias de BDA. Los modelos estructurales fueron evaluados con partial least squres (PLS). Los resultados muestran que la importancia de una buena infraestructura excede las dificultades que enfrentan las empresas para implementarla. Mientras que las compañías que planean usar BDA esperan muy buenos resultados, las usuarias actuales son más escépticos sobre su rendimiento.Com a quantidade total de dados duplicando a cada dois anos, o baixo preço da computação e do armazenamento de dados tornam a adoção de análises de Big Data (BDA) desejável para as empresas, como aquelas que obterão uma vantagem competitiva. Dada a disponibilidade de software livre, por que algumas empresas não adotaram essas técnicas? Para responder a essa pergunta, estendemos a teoria unificada de adoção e uso de tecnologia (UTAUT) adaptado para o contexto do BDA, adicionando duas variáveis: resistência ao uso e risco percebido. Usamos a nível da implementação da tecnologia para dividir as empresas em usuários e não usuários de técnicas de BDA. Os modelos estruturais foram avaliados por partial least squares (PLS). Os resultados mostram que a importância de uma boa infraestrutura excede as dificuldades que as empresas enfrentam para implementá-la. Enquanto as empresas que planejam usar Big Data esperam resultados fortes, os usuários atuais são mais céticos em relação ao seu desempenho

    The use of UTAUT and Post Acceptance models to investigate the attitude towards a telepresence robot in an educational setting

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    (1) Background: In the last decade, various investigations into the field of robotics have created several opportunities for further innovation to be possible in student education. However, despite scientific evidence, there is still strong scepticism surrounding the use of robots in some social fields, such as personal care and education; (2) Methods: In this research, we present a new tool named: HANCON model that was developed merging and extending the constructs of two solid and proven models: the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to examine the factors that may influence the decision to use a telepresence robot as an instrument in educational practice, and the Post Acceptance Model to evaluate acceptability after the actual use of a telepresence robot. The new tool is implemented and used to study the acceptance of a Double telepresence robot by 112 pre-service teachers in an educational setting; (3) Results: The analysis of the experimental results predicts and demonstrate a positive attitude towards the use of telepresence robot in a school setting and confirm the applicability of the model in an educational context; (4) Conclusions: The constructs of the HANCON model could predict and explain the acceptance of social telepresence robots in social contexts

    Unravelling technology-acceptance factors influencing farmer use of banana tissue culture planting materials in Central Uganda

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    Effective management of plant health is fundamental for food and income security to meet the growing demands of local and global markets. This however requires farmers’ adequate access to quality planting materials under the prevailing contextual and psycho-social factors. This study, anchored in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technologies, unravels technology-acceptance factors that influence farmers’ intentions to use banana tissue culture planting materials in the control of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt. Data were collected from 248 randomly sampled banana farmers using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using structural equation modelling to examine hypothesized paths in the uptake of banana tissue culture planting materials. Results show that farmer intentions to use tissue culture planting materials are dependent on two constructs: social influence and farmer innovativeness. However, social influence is the main predictor of intentions to use tissue culture planting materials. In particular, farmer innovativeness mediates facilitating conditions and social influence in predicting intentions to use tissue culture planting materials. Thus, this study reveals two factors that influence farmer intentions to use tissue culture planting materials: social influence and farmer innovativeness. The findings imply that social influence and farmer innovativeness are critical in disseminating novel agricultural technologies in Uganda and elsewhere

    An Empirical Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Adoption of Mobile Health Services in Bangladesh Based on Extended UTAUT Model

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    The aim of this study was to examine the critical factors affecting the adoption of mobile technologies in healthcare system of Bangladesh. Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model as a theoretical framework, this study incorporates perceived reliability, price value as new factors that reflects the user’s reliability, beliefs and monetary concerns in the acceptance of mHealth services in the context of Bangladesh. A cross sectional survey questionnaire was used to collect data from 296 participants from general mHealth users in Bangladesh. The results demonstrate that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition & perceived reliability had significant influence on the intention to use mHealth services in Bangladesh. Surprisingly, price value (p\u3e0.05) had no significant influence on adoption of mHealth services. The insights from this study could benefit mHealth services providers, agencies and policy maker in implementing more effective marketing strategies to increase the acceptability of this service. With the proposed model, it is possible to develop better mHealth services to meet the requirements of the common people based on widely available Smartphone

    Concerns and Trade-offs in Information Technology Acceptance: The Balance between the Requirement for Privacy and the Desire for Safety

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    In this paper, we construct a new motivation model by bridging self-determination theory (SDT) with the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). Using an explorative approach, we study how human motivational determinants influence the trade-off between safety and privacy in technology acceptance. We take the Scandinavian healthcare context as our empirical outset and explore how older Danish adults perceive sensor-based e-health monitor technology that monitors their health status. Danish municipalities have begun to use these technologies to identify early warning signs and, thereby, improve the quality of care and life by making people more self-reliant and reducing unnecessary hospitalization. However, one needs to consider ethical issues concerning privacy versus safety when implementing these technologies. After monitoring 21 respondents (mean age: 85) living independently at home over nine weeks, we interviewed them about their concerns regarding privacy and safety. We found that the respondents were willing to compromise their privacy if their autonomy and personal integrity were respected and if the benefits of sensor-based monitoring outweighed health-related threats. We used these findings and the theoretical outset to create a novel model that takes human motivation into account when using UTAUT

    Factors Influencing Medical Professional Adoption Of Electronic Health Record In Jordan Hospital

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    Electronic health records (EHRs) have proven to improve hospital quality, reduces health costs and medical errors. Currently, EHRs adoption is not completed in Jordan hospitals, and limited research has been done in Jordan government hospitals. The aim of this study is to explore the factors that influence medical professional adoption of EHRs in Jordan Hospital. The problem statement of this study is the low acceptance level of EHRs in Jordan hospitals. A conceptual model, adapted from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) model, is built to relate the Individual Context and Trust Factor on the Behavioural Intention to adopt EHRs in Jordan hospitals. Self-administered questionnaires are used to gather the data from healthcare professionals in two major government hospitals that have used EHRs. The results indicated that the effects of Individual Context, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Hedonic Motivation, Habit, Trust Factors, Trust Information and Trust System on the Behavioural Intention, to use EHRs are significant and positive. The results also indicated that Individual Context is the most significant predictor of the Behavioural Intention to use EHRs. Trust Factors is found as the second most significant predictor. Finally, from the results of moderation analysis, it is found that Age positively moderates the effects of Social Influence, Trust Information and Trust System on Behavioural Intention to use EHRs. However, the effect of Effort Expectancy on the Behavioural Intention to use EHRs is negatively moderated by the Age. The finding of this work has contributed to the growth and enhancement of the theoretical knowledge of UTAUT2 in the medical informatics field. This study has extended the current model and extension of the UTAUT2 model by including Trust Information and Trust System. Therefore, the findings can aid decision makers in formulating EHRs adoption strategies in Jordan hospitals medical informatics

    An Extended TOE Framework for Cybersecurity-adoption Decisions

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    High-profile cybersecurity incidents, such as the 2019 Capital One data breach and the 2017 Equifax breach, have engendered doubts about firms’ trustworthiness and resulted cybersecurity becoming a critical risk factor firms must address. Breaches can precipitate extreme consequences for affected firms’ managers, shareholders, and customers. Unsurprisingly, data breaches represent IT leaders’ biggest concern. In this paper, we report on a qualitative field study in which we interviewed C-level executives and IT consultants to investigate cybersecurity concerns and factors that influence adoption decisions for cybersecurity. We found that the traditional technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework does not fully capture the range of issues in the cybersecurity context. Thus, we propose a new extended TOE framework that pertains specifically to cybersecurity-adoption decisions. This extended framework includes new dimensions, cyber catalysts, practice standards, and new factors under the traditional technology, organization, and environment dimensions

    Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology: A Synthesis and the Road Ahead

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    The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) is a little over a decade old and has been used extensively in information systems (IS) and other fields, as the large number of citations to the original paper that introduced the theory evidences. In this paper, we review and synthesize the IS literature on UTAUT from September 2003 until December 2014, perform a theoretical analysis of UTAUT and its extensions, and chart an agenda for research going forward. Based on Weber’s (2012) framework of theory evaluation, we examined UTAUT and its extensions along two sets of quality dimensions; namely, the parts of a theory and the theory as a whole. While our review identifies many merits to UTAUT, we also found that the progress related to this theory has hampered further theoretical development in research into technology acceptance and use. To chart an agenda for research that will enable significant future work, we analyze the theoretical contributions of UTAUT using Whetten’s (2009) notion of cross-context theorizing. Our analysis reveals several limitations that lead us to propose a multi-level framework that can serve as the theoretical foundation for future research. Specifically, this framework integrates the notion of research context and cross-context theorizing with the theory evaluation framework to: 1) synthesize the existing UTAUT extensions across both the dimensions and the levels of the research context and 2) highlight promising research directions. We conclude with recommendations for future UTAUT-related research using the proposed framework