5 research outputs found

    Niat dan Perilaku Mahasiswa di Indonesia untuk Bertransaksi ZISWAF Secara Digital Melalui Layanan M-Banking Syariah

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    This research is to analyze the behavior and intentions of students to transact ZISWAF digitally through sharia m-banking services. This study uses the expansion of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use to Technology (UTAUT) model by adding the trust construct. Data collection used the Google form with a sample of students who had ZISWAF digitally through sharia m-banking with a sample of 97 respondents. The research findings show that the intention to participate in ZISWAF through sharia m-banking is influenced by social influence, facilitating conditions and trust. However, the variable performance expectations and effort expectations are not significant to behavioral intentions. Meanwhile, adoption behavior (usage adoption) is influenced by beliefs and behavioral intentions which significantly influence the adoption of sharia m-banking services for students with ZISWAF among students in Indonesia

    Adoption of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Applications in E-learning: Perception of the Management Undergraduates in a Selected State University of Sri Lanka

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    Software-as-a-Service applications immensely impact the success of e-learning with their ability of cost saving, scalability, and better collaboration. Identifying the factors influencing Software-as-a-Service applications’ adoption and their impact on the adoption of e-learning by management undergraduates in Sri Lanka became the main objectives for this research. 116 responses obtained were analyzed adopting Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling in SmartPLS. Findings revealed that behavioral intention to adopt such software together with facilitating conditions has a significant impact on the SaaS applications’ adoption by undergraduates in e-learning and factors such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and trust determine the intention towards adoption. This research is a value addition to the theoretical arena where studies are lacking regarding SaaS technology, specifically in the context of e-learning. Universities can focus on significant factors determined in this research when promoting the adoption of SaaS applications as an innovative tool to enhance the quality of education. Keywords: Software-as-a-Service; e-learning; UTAUT model; Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modellin


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    U radu se predlaže konceptualni model prihvaćanja uslužnog računalstva. Model uključuje varijable TAM modela, TOE okvira i varijablu sigurnosnog rizika. Cilj rada je provjeriti prikladnost predloženog modela za mjerenje prihvaćanja uslužnog računalstva od strane revizora i asistenata revizora u Republici Hrvatskoj. Za potrebe istraživanja prikupljeni su podaci putem anketnog upitnika. Uzorak je obuhvaćao 111 ovlaštenih revizora i 28 asistenata revizora. Korišteno je strukturalno modeliranje (SEM metoda) kako bi se analizirali prikupljeni podaci i procijenio predloženi model. Rezultati su potvrdili utjecaj percipirane korisnosti te vremena i kompleksnosti na namjeru korištenja. Potvrđen je utjecaj ugleda, edukacije, percipirane lakoće upotrebe i sigurnosnog rizika na percipiranu korisnost, dok se utjecaj percipirane lakoće upotrebe na namjeru korištenja nije pokazao značajnim. Konstrukti percipirana korisnost, percipirana lakoća upotrebe te vrijeme i kompleksnost objašnjavaju 31% varijance namjere korištenja uslužnog računalstva. U radu su navode ograničenja istraživanja kao i znanstveni doprinos.The paper proposes a conceptual model of cloud computing acceptance. The model includes variables from TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), TOE (Technology-organization-environment) framework, and the security risk variable. This study aims to verify the suitability of the proposed model for measuring cloud computing acceptance by the auditors and auditors\u27 assistants in the Republic of Croatia. For the purposes of the study, data were collected through a questionnaire. The sample included 111 certified auditors and 28 auditing assistants. The structural equation modeling (SEM) method was used to analyze the data collected and evaluate the proposed model. The results confirmed the impact of perceived usefulness and time and complexity on the intention to use. The influence of image, education, perceived ease of use and security risk on perceived usefulness was confirmed, while the effect of perceived ease of use on the intention to use did not prove significant. Constructs perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and time and complexity explain 31% of the variance in intention to use cloud computing. The paper outlines the limitations of the research as well as the scientific contribution

    Efektivitas Sistem Layanan Mobile Banking dalam Merespon Kebutuhan Nasabah di Era Pandemic Covid-19 (Studi pada Nasabah PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk KCP Bulukumba Sam Ratulangi)

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    Hasil penelitian persentase yakni indikator pemahaman nasabah diperoleh sebesar 84,4%, indikator tepat sasaran diperoleh sebesar 80%, indikator tepat waktu diperoleh sebesar 85,44%, indikator pencapaian tujuan diperoleh sebesar 84,15%, indikator perubahan nyata diperoleh sebesar 84,26%, dan secara rekapitulasi menujukkan bahwa tingkat persentase efektivitas sistem layanan Mobile Banking dalam merespon kebutuhan nasabah di era pandemic Covid-19 (Studi Pada Nasabah PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk KCP Bulukumba Sam Ratulangi) diperoleh sebesar 83,91% yang interpretasinya tergolong efektif

    Cloud Computing Adoption in Afghanistan: A Quantitative Study Based on the Technology Acceptance Model

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    Cloud computing emerged as an alternative to traditional in-house data centers that businesses can leverage to increase the operation agility and employees\u27 productivity. IT solution architects are tasked with presenting to IT managers some analysis reflecting cloud computing adoption critical barriers and challenges. This quantitative correlational study established an enhanced technology acceptance model (TAM) with four external variables: perceived security (PeS), perceived privacy (PeP), perceived connectedness (PeN), and perceived complexity (PeC) as antecedents of perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEoU) in a cloud computing context. Data collected from 125 participants, who responded to the invitation through an online survey focusing on Afghanistan\u27s main cities Kabul, Mazar, and Herat. The analysis showed that PEoU was a predictor of the behavioral intention of cloud computing adoption, which is consistent with the TAM; PEoU with an R2 = .15 had a stronger influence than PU with an R2 = .023 on cloud computing behavior intention of adoption and use. PeN, PeS, and PeP significantly influenced the behavioral intentions of IT architects to adopt and use the technology. This study showed that PeC was not a significant barrier to cloud computing adoption in Afghanistan. By adopting cloud services, employees can have access to various tools that can help increase business productivity and contribute to improving the work environment. Cloud services, as an alternative solution to home data centers, can help businesses reduce power consumption and consecutively decrease in carbon dioxide emissions due to less power demand