93 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Persepsi Kenyamanan, Persepsi Kegunaan,Kebiasaan dan Kepuasan Terhadap Niat Keberlanjutan Penggunaan Pada Aplikasi Penunjuk Jalan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi kenyamanan, persepsi kegunaan, kebiasaan dan kepuasan terhadap niat keberlanjutan penggunaan pada aplikasi penunjuk jalan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pria dan wanita yang menggunakan aplikasi penunjuk jalan yang berada di area Jakarta. Peneliti menggunakan kuesioner dalam melakukan pengumpulan data dan AMOS dalam melakukan pengolahan data. Sedangkan metode analisis data yang digunakan, peneliti menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan juga SEM untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan persepsi kenyamanan dan kepuasan terhadap kebiasaan pada penggunaan aplikasi penunjuk jalan (2) persepsi kenyamanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi kegunaan (3) persepsi kenyamanan dan persepsi kegunaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan (4) kebiasaan dan kepuasan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat keberlanjutan penggunaan pada aplikasi penunjuk jalan

    Analisis Pengaruh Perceived Benefit, Perceived Sacrifice, Perceived Value, Confirmation, Satisfaction dan Implikasinya terhadap Continuance Intention: Studi Kasus pada Pengguna Netflix

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    Layanan Video on Demand (VOD) atau video sesuai permintaan adalah sistem televisi interaktif yang dapat memilih sendiri tontonan yang diinginkan. Di masa pandemi COVID-19, layanan VOD semakin digemari masyarakat terutama remaja di Indonesia. Salah satu VOD yang sedang berkembang pesat adalah Netflix. Diterima dengan hangat oleh masyarakat, Netflix cukup terkenal di Indonesia sejak pertama kali masuk. Namun tentunya ada beberapa tantangan yang dihadapi Netflix, salah satunya pesaing VOD yang baru masuk 6 bulan namun sudah bisa menempati posisi kedua dengan pengguna terbanyak di Indonesia. Fenomena tersebut membuat penulis ingin menganalisa dan meneliti faktor-faktor apa saja yang membuat pengguna ingin terus tetap berlangganan Netflix. Maka dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif, nonprobability sampling dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan mendapatkan sebanyak 160 responden untuk kemudian diolah datanya menggunakan software SmartPLS. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah perceived benefit, perceived value, dan satisfaction mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap continuance intention, perceiced benefit dan confirmation mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap satisfaction, perceived benefit dan perceived sacrifice berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived value, confirmation berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived benefit, dan perceived value tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap satisfaction. Adanya penelitian ini penulis harapkan dapat menjadi gambaran ke depannya untuk pelaku bisnis VOD tentang apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat berlangganan Kembali dari pengguna layanan VOD

    Online qualitative methods – challenges and opportunities

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    This is a prepublication version of the following article; Online qualitative methods – challenges and opportunities 2018, 26 Qualitative Methods in Psychology Bulletin A growing proportion of the population are spending an increasing amount of time online (Poushter, 2016) and engaging in a wide variety of online activities (Blank & Groselj, 2014). Communication is one of the most common, with email, for example, being used by over 90% of UK adults (Blank & Groselj, 2014), and other forms of ‘computer mediated discourse’ (Herring & Androutsopoulos, 2015) including private, ‘direct messages’ sent between individuals through applications such as Whatsapp or Facebook messenger, also being widely used (Oghuma, Libaque-Saenz, Wong & Chang, 2016). Thus, there are many efficient and convenient avenues of online communication via which primary qualitative data can be collected; such as online interviews through text-based or video-based chat, or online qualitative surveys

    Why continue sharing: determinants of behavior in collaborative economy services

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    La economía colaborativa está revolucionando la forma en que los consumidores utilizan los bienes y servicios. En nuestro estudio modificamos y ampliamos el modelo de confirmación de expectativas para determinar los factores motivacionales que impulsan la satisfacción y la intención de continuar usando los servicios de viajes colaborativos. Más importante aún, agregamos el valor social como un factor adicional. En este estudio fueron encuestados usuarios españoles experimentados de BlaBlaCar. La calidad del servicio, la utilidad percibida, la confianza y el valor social son determinantes de la satisfacción de los usuarios experimentados y, a través de ella, de la intención de continuar usando; mientras que no es el caso para el impacto ambiental ni para los beneficios económicos. Además, la confianza afecta directamente a la intención de continuar. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones gerenciales relevantes, mostrando que los usuarios de algunos servicios colaborativos están motivados por otros factores además de los económicos.The sharing economy is revolutionizing the way consumers use goods and services. In our study we modify and extend the expectation confirmation model to determine the motivational factors which drive the satisfaction and continue intention to use ridesharing services. Most importantly, we add social value as an additional factor to those previously studied in the literature. We apply our model in a survey among experienced Spanish users of BlaBlaCar. Service quality, perceived usefulness, trust and social value are determinants of satisfaction of experienced users and through it, of intention to continuance; while it is the case neither for environmental impact nor for economic benefits. Additionally, trust affects directly continuance. These results have relevant managerial implications, showing that users of some sharing services are motivated by other factors than purely economic

    Investigation of Adoption of Smartphone Technology for Learning

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    In this study, we will investigate the adoption of smartphones for learning. The 160 respondents are fulfill the questionnaires to test the proposed model. UTAUT and ECM (Expectation-Confirmation Model) models was employed to predict the Behavioral Intention. The findings reveal that Social Influence, Innovativeness, Effort Expectancy, Performance Expectancy, Perceived Performance, Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intention have significantly relation to each other. Surprisingly, the Performance Expectancy is the main variable on the adoption of smartphone technology for learning and Perceived Performance is variable determining the user can satisfy in using smartphone technology for learning. Behavioral variables naming Age and Experience have important role in the relationship of variables in the study. The older and experienced users of smartphone for learning have highly concern with performance of smartphone and more satisfy with their learning application on smartphone

    The Determinants of Mobile Marketing Services Acceptance among Gen-Y Consumers

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    This research aims to examine the acceptance of mobile marketing services by computing the consumers’ intention towards actual use for mobile marketing services. This research’s conceptual framework is developed based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour by examining the attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, intention, and actual use. This research also strives to identify the effects of risk perception on purpose, which still an inadequacy of explanation in mobile marketing usage among Gen Y. A total of 650 questionnaires was distributed to the full-time university students of four Universities in the East Coast Region in Malaysia. The main statistical technique used in this research was SmartPLS and SPSS software. This research indicated that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, and perceived risk tend to influence intention to use. The behavioural intention was also found to influence the actual use of mobile marketing services among generation Y. Based on the findings, the theoretical and practical implications of the study, limitation, and future studies suggestions were discussed in this research

    Continuance Intention on Mobile Social Networking Service: Examine the Effects of Habit and Gratifications

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    By integrating the uses and gratifications theory and habit theory, this study develops a theoretical model to explore factors affecting continuance intention of mobile social networking service. 218 valid data were collected in China. The empirical results show that, cognitive need and affective need have significant impacts on continuance intention. In addition, habit is significantly determined by affective need, tension-release need and prior use, which further significantly influences continuance intention

    Predicting Intention to Continue Using E-Tourism Technologies amidst Covid-19 Endemic: A PLS-SEM Approach

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    After almost two years of stalling, the tourism sector is now thriving as we move into the Covid-19 endemic phase, making travel safer. Therefore, continuous use of personalized immersive technology that can deliver timely information and shield users from the outbreak is essential. This study looks at how travellers intend to continue using e-tourism technologies which include augmented reality, social media, smartphone apps, smart technologies, websites and reservation systems. Purposive sampling was used to select 200 respondents who were above 18 years old to participate in a survey that was based on the Expectation-Confirmation Model. The acquired data was then examined using PLS SEM for hypothesis testing. The results showed that satisfaction with e-tourism technologies was the most significant predictor of motivation to keep using such technologies. Further discussion includes contributions to the field of knowledge as well as for players, developers and service providers in the tourism sector

    Explaining E-Wallet Continuance Intention: A Modified Expectation Confirmation Model

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    This research paper aimed to examine the factors influencing user preferences to continue using E-Wallet. This research paper identified the factors by modifying the Expectation Confirmation Model by adding the Perceived Risk and Trust variables. This research paper employed primary data based on a questionnaire with a sample of E-Wallet users. Data were obtained by distributing online questionnaires, and data from 200 respondents were analyzed using Structural Equation Model – Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). Data analysis indicated that Perceived Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Trust had a significant positive effect on users' intentions to continue using E-Wallet. On the other hand, confirmation had a positive and significant impact on perceived Usefulness and trust, while no effect on Satisfaction and Perceived Risk. Explanation and implications of data analysis are discussed
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