1,731 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of multicast networks and service differentiation mechanisms in IP networks

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    The performance of a communication network depends on how well the network is designed in terms of delivering the level of service required by a given type of traffic. The field of teletraffic theory is concerned with quantifying the three-way relationship between the network, its level of service and the traffic arriving at the network. In this thesis, we study three different problems concerning this three-way relationship and present models to assist in designing and dimensioning networks to satisfy the different quality of service demands. In the first part of the thesis, we consider service differentiation mechanisms in packet-switched IP networks implementing a Differentiated Services (DiffServ) architecture. We study how bandwidth can be divided in a weighted fair manner between persistent elastic TCP flows, and between these TCP flows and streaming real-time UDP flows. To this end, we model the traffic conditioning and scheduling mechanisms on the packet and the flow level. We also model the interaction of these DiffServ mechanisms with the TCP congestion control mechanism and present closed-loop models for the sending rate of a TCP flow that reacts to congestion signals from the network. In the second part, we concentrate on non-persistent elastic TCP traffic in IP networks and study how flows can be differentiated in terms of mean delay by giving priority to flows based on their age. We study Multi Level Processor Sharing (MLPS) disciplines, where jobs are classified into levels based on their age or attained service. Between levels, a strict priority discipline is applied; the level containing the youngest jobs has the highest priority. Inside a particular level, any scheduling discipline could be used. We present an implementation proposal of a two-level discipline, PS+PS, with the Processor Sharing discipline used inside both levels. We prove that, as long as the hazard rate of the job-size distribution is decreasing, which is the case for Internet traffic, PS+PS, and any MLPS discipline that favors young jobs, is better than PS with respect to overall mean delay. In the final part, we study distribution-type streaming traffic in a multicast network, where there is, at most, one copy of each channel transmission in each network link, and quantify the blocking probability. We derive an exact blocking probability algorithm for multicast traffic in a tree network based on the convolution and truncation algorithm for unicast traffic. We present a new convolution operation, the OR-convolution, to suit the transmission principle of multicast traffic, and a new truncation operator to take into account the case of having both unicast and multicast traffic in the network. We also consider different user models derived from the single-user model.reviewe

    Digital Switching in the Quantum Domain

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    In this paper, we present an architecture and implementation algorithm such that digital data can be switched in the quantum domain. First we define the connection digraph which can be used to describe the behavior of a switch at a given time, then we show how a connection digraph can be implemented using elementary quantum gates. The proposed mechanism supports unicasting as well as multicasting, and is strict-sense non-blocking. It can be applied to perform either circuit switching or packet switching. Compared with a traditional space or time domain switch, the proposed switching mechanism is more scalable. Assuming an n-by-n quantum switch, the space consumption grows linearly, i.e. O(n), while the time complexity is O(1) for unicasting, and O(log n) for multicasting. Based on these advantages, a high throughput switching device can be built simply by increasing the number of I/O ports.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, LaTe

    On the utility of network coding in dynamic environments

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    Many wireless applications, such as ad-hoc networks and sensor networks, require decentralized operation in dynamically varying environments. We consider a distributed randomized network coding approach that enables efficient decentralized operation of multi-source multicast networks. We show that this approach provides substantial benefits over traditional routing methods in dynamically varying environments. We present a set of empirical trials measuring the performance of network coding versus an approximate online Steiner tree routing approach when connections vary dynamically. The results show that network coding achieves superior performance in a significant fraction of our randomly generated network examples. Such dynamic settings represent a substantially broader class of networking problems than previously recognized for which network coding shows promise of significant practical benefits compared to routing

    All optical multicasting in wavelength routing mesh networks with power considerations: design and operation

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    Wavelength routing Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) are optical networks that support all-optical services. They have become the most appealing candidate for wide area backbone networks. Their huge available bandwidth provides the solution for the exponential growth in trayc demands that is due to the increase in the number of users and the surge of more bandwidth intensive network applications and services. A sizable fraction of these applications and services are of multi-point nature. Therefore, supporting multicast service in this network environment is very critical and unique. The all-optical support of various services has advantages, which includes achieving the signal transparency to its content. Nevertheless, the all-optical operational support comes with an associated cost and new issues that make this problem very challenging. In this thesis, we investigate the power-related issues for supporting multicast service in the optical domain, referred to as All-Optical Multicasting (AOM). Our study treats these issues from two networking contexts, namely, Network Provisioning and Connection Provisioning. We propose a number of optimal and heuristic solutions with a unique objective function for each context. In this regard, the objective function for the network provisioning problem is to reduce the network cost, while the solutions for the connection provisioning problem aim to reduce the connection blocking ratio. The optimal formulations are inherently non-linear. However, we introduce novel methods for linearizing them and formulate the problems as Mixed Integer Linear Programs. Also, the design of the heuristic solutions takes into account various optimization factors which results in efficient heuristics that can produce fast solutions that are relatively close to their optimal counterparts, as shown in the numerical results we present

    In-operation planning in flexgrid optical core networks

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    New generation applications, such as cloud computing or video distribution, can run in a telecom cloud infrastructure where the datacenters (DCs) of telecom operators are integrated in their networks thus, increasing connections' dynamicity and resulting in time-varying traffic capacities, which might also entail changes in the traffic direction along the day. As a result, a flexible optical technology able to dynamically set-up variable-capacity connections, such as flexgrid, is needed. Nonetheless, network dynamicity might entail network performance degradation thus, requiring re-optimizing the network while it is in operation. This thesis is devoted to devise new algorithms to solve in-operation network planning problems aiming at enhancing the performance of optical networks and at studying their feasibility in experimental environments. In-operation network planning requires from an architecture enabling the deployment of algorithms that must be solved in stringent times. That architecture can be based on a Path Computation Element (PCE) or a Software Defined Networks controller. In this thesis, we assume the former split in a front-end PCE, in charge of provisioning paths and handling network events, and a specialized planning tool in the form of a back-end PCE responsible for solving in-operation planning problems. After the architecture to support in-operation planning is assessed, we focus on studying the following applications: 1) Spectrum fragmentation is one of the most important problems in optical networks. To alleviate it to some extent without traffic disruption, we propose a hitless spectrum defragmentation strategy. 2) Each connection affected by a failure can be recovered using multiple paths to increase traffic restorability at the cost of poor resource utilization. We propose re-optimizing the network after repairing the failure to aggregate and reroute those connections to release spectral resources. 3) We study two approaches to provide multicast services: establishing a point-to-multipoint connections at the optical layer and using multi-purpose virtual network topologies (VNT) to serve both unicast and multicast connectivity requests. 4) The telecom cloud infrastructure, enables placing contents closer to the users. Based on it, we propose a hierarchical content distribution architecture where VNTs permanently interconnect core DCs and metro DCs periodically synchronize contents to the core DCs. 5) When the capacity of the optical backbone network becomes exhausted, we propose using a planning tool with access to inventory and operation databases to periodically decide the equipment and connectivity to be installed at the minimum cost reducing capacity overprovisioning. 6) In multi-domain multi-operator scenarios, a broker on top of the optical domains can provision multi-domain connections. We propose performing intra-domain spectrum defragmentation when no contiguous spectrum can be found for a new connection request. 7) Packet nodes belonging to a VNT can collect and send incoming traffic monitoring data to a big data repository. We propose using the collected data to predict next period traffic and to adapt the VNT to future conditions. The methodology followed in this thesis consists in proposing a problem statement and/or a mathematical formulation for the problems identified and then, devising algorithms for solving them. Those algorithms are simulated and then, they are experimentally assessed in real test-beds. This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of performing in-operation planning in optical networks, shows that it enhances the performance of the network and validates the feasibility of its deployment in real networks. It shall be mentioned that part of the work reported in this thesis has been done within the framework of several research projects, namely IDEALIST (FP7-ICT-2011-8) and GEANT (238875) funded by the EC and SYNERGY (TEC2014-59995-R) funded by the MINECO.Les aplicacions de nova generació, com ara el cloud computing o la distribució de vídeo, es poden executar a infraestructures de telecom cloud (TCI) on operadors integren els seus datacenters (DC) a les seves xarxes. Aquestes aplicacions fan que incrementi tant la dinamicitat de les connexions, com la variabilitat de les seves capacitats en el temps, arribant a canviar de direcció al llarg del dia. Llavors, cal disposar de tecnologies òptiques flexibles, tals com flexgrid, que suportin aquesta dinamicitat a les connexions. Aquesta dinamicitat pot degradar el rendiment de la xarxa, obligant a re-optimitzar-la mentre és en operació. Aquesta tesis està dedicada a idear nous algorismes per a resoldre problemes de planificació sobre xarxes en operació (in-operation network planning) per millorar el rendiment de les xarxes òptiques i a estudiar la seva factibilitat en entorns experimentals. Aquests problemes requereixen d’una arquitectura que permeti desplegar algorismes que donin solucions en temps restrictius. L’arquitectura pot estar basada en un Element de Computació de Rutes (PCE) o en un controlador de Xarxes Definides per Software. En aquesta tesis, assumim un PCE principal encarregat d’aprovisionar rutes i gestionar esdeveniments de la xarxa, i una eina de planificació especialitzada en forma de PCE de suport per resoldre problemes d’in-operation planning. Un cop validada l’arquitectura que dona suport a in-operation planning, estudiarem les següents aplicacions: 1) La fragmentació d’espectre és un dels principals problemes a les xarxes òptiques. Proposem reduir-la en certa mesura, fent servir una estratègia que no afecta al tràfic durant la desfragmentació. 2) Cada connexió afectada per una fallada pot ser recuperada fent servir múltiples rutes incrementant la restaurabilitat de la xarxa, tot i empitjorar-ne la utilització de recursos. Proposem re-optimitzar la xarxa després de reparar una fallada per agregar i re-enrutar aquestes connexions tractant d’alliberar recursos espectrals. 3) Estudiem dues solucions per aprovisionar serveis multicast: establir connexions punt-a-multipunt sobre la xarxa òptica i utilitzar Virtual Network Topologies (VNT) multi-propòsit per a servir peticions de connectivitat tant unicast com multicast. 4) La TCI permet mantenir els continguts a prop dels usuaris. Proposem una arquitectura jeràrquica de distribució de continguts basada en la TCI, on els DC principals s’interconnecten per mitjà de VNTs permanents i els DCs metropolitans periòdicament sincronitzen continguts amb els principals. 5) Quan la capacitat de la xarxa òptica s’exhaureix, proposem utilitzar una eina de planificació amb accés a bases de dades d’inventari i operacionals per decidir periòdicament l’equipament i connectivitats a instal·lar al mínim cost i reduir el sobre-aprovisionament de capacitat. 6) En entorns multi-domini multi-operador, un broker per sobre dels dominis òptics pot aprovisionar connexions multi-domini. Proposem aplicar desfragmentació d’espectre intra-domini quan no es pot trobar espectre contigu per a noves peticions de connexió. 7) Els nodes d’una VNT poden recollir i enviar informació de monitorització de tràfic entrant a un repositori de big data. Proposem utilitzar aquesta informació per adaptar la VNT per a futures condicions. La metodologia que hem seguit en aquesta tesis consisteix en formalitzar matemàticament els problemes un cop aquests son identificats i, després, idear algorismes per a resoldre’ls. Aquests algorismes son simulats i finalment validats experimentalment en entorns reals. Aquesta tesis demostra la factibilitat d’implementar mecanismes d’in-operation planning en xarxes òptiques, mostra els beneficis que aquests aporten i valida la seva aplicabilitat en xarxes reals. Part del treball presentat en aquesta tesis ha estat dut a terme en el marc dels projectes de recerca IDEALIST (FP7-ICT-2011-8) i GEANT (238875), finançats per la CE, i SYNERGY (TEC2014-59995-R), finançat per el MINECO.Postprint (published version

    Towards Terabit Carrier Ethernet and Energy Efficient Optical Transport Networks

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    Design of Overlay Networks for Internet Multicast - Doctoral Dissertation, August 2002

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    Multicast is an efficient transmission scheme for supporting group communication in networks. Contrasted with unicast, where multiple point-to-point connections must be used to support communications among a group of users, multicast is more efficient because each data packet is replicated in the network – at the branching points leading to distinguished destinations, thus reducing the transmission load on the data sources and traffic load on the network links. To implement multicast, networks need to incorporate new routing and forwarding mechanisms in addition to the existing are not adequately supported in the current networks. The IP multicast are not adequately supported in the current networks. The IP multicast solution has serious scaling and deployment limitations, and cannot be easily extended to provide more enhanced data services. Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, IP multicast has ignored the economic nature of the problem, lacking incentives for service providers to deploy the service in wide area networks. Overlay multicast holds promise for the realization of large scale Internet multicast services. An overlay network is a virtual topology constructed on top of the Internet infrastructure. The concept of overlay networks enables multicast to be deployed as a service network rather than a network primitive mechanism, allowing deployment over heterogeneous networks without the need of universal network support. This dissertation addresses the network design aspects of overlay networks to provide scalable multicast services in the Internet. The resources and the network cost in the context of overlay networks are different from that in conventional networks, presenting new challenges and new problems to solve. Our design goal are the maximization of network utility and improved service quality. As the overall network design problem is extremely complex, we divide the problem into three components: the efficient management of session traffic (multicast routing), the provisioning of overlay network resources (bandwidth dimensioning) and overlay topology optimization (service placement). The combined solution provides a comprehensive procedure for planning and managing an overlay multicast network. We also consider a complementary form of overlay multicast called application-level multicast (ALMI). ALMI allows end systems to directly create an overlay multicast session among themselves. This gives applications the flexibility to communicate without relying on service provides. The tradeoff is that users do not have direct control on the topology and data paths taken by the session flows and will typically get lower quality of service due to the best effort nature of the Internet environment. ALMI is therefore suitable for sessions of small size or sessions where all members are well connected to the network. Furthermore, the ALMI framework allows us to experiment with application specific components such as data reliability, in order to identify a useful set of communication semantic for enhanced data services

    Design and analysis of a scalable terabit multicast packet switch : architecture and scheduling algorithms

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    Internet growth and success not only open a primary route of information exchange for millions of people around the world, but also create unprecedented demand for core network capacity. Existing switches/routers, due to the bottleneck from either switch architecture or arbitration complexity, can reach a capacity on the order of gigabits per second, but few of them are scalable to large capacity of terabits per second. In this dissertation, we propose three novel switch architectures with cooperated scheduling algorithms to design a terabit backbone switch/router which is able to deliver large capacity, multicasting, and high performance along with Quality of Service (QoS). Our switch designs benefit from unique features of modular switch architecture and distributed resource allocation scheme. Switch I is a unique and modular design characterized by input and output link sharing. Link sharing resolves output contention and eliminates speedup requirement for central switch fabric. Hence, the switch architecture is scalable to any large size. We propose a distributed round robin (RR) scheduling algorithm which provides fairness and has very low arbitration complexity. Switch I can achieve good performance under uniform traffic. However, Switch I does not perform well for non-uniform traffic. Switch II, as a modified switch design, employs link sharing as well as a token ring to pursue a solution to overcome the drawback of Switch 1. We propose a round robin prioritized link reservation (RR+POLR) algorithm which results in an improved performance especially under non-uniform traffic. However, RR+POLR algorithm is not flexible enough to adapt to the input traffic. In Switch II, the link reservation rate has a great impact on switch performance. Finally, Switch III is proposed as an enhanced switch design using link sharing and dual round robin rings. Packet forwarding is based on link reservation. We propose a queue occupancy based dynamic link reservation (QOBDLR) algorithm which can adapt to the input traffic to provide a fast and fair link resource allocation. QOBDLR algorithm is a distributed resource allocation scheme in the sense that dynamic link reservation is carried out according to local available information. Arbitration complexity is very low. Compared to the output queued (OQ) switch which is known to offer the best performance under any traffic pattern, Switch III not only achieves performance as good as the OQ switch, but also overcomes speedup problem which seriously limits the OQ switch to be a scalable switch design. Hence, Switch III would be a good choice for high performance, scalable, large-capacity core switches
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