5 research outputs found

    Input significance analysis: feature selection through synaptic weights manipulation for EFuNNs classifier

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    This work is interested in ISA methods that can manipulate synaptic weights namelyConnection Weights (CW) and Garson’s Algorithm (GA) and the classifier selected isEvolving Fuzzy Neural Networks (EFuNNs). Firstly, it test FS method on a dataset selectedfrom the UCI Machine Learning Repository and executed in an online environment, recordthe results and compared with the results that used original and ranked data from the previouswork. This is to identify whether FS can contribute to improved results and which of the ISAmethods mentioned above that work well with FS, i.e. give the best results. Secondly, to attestthe FS results by using a differently selected dataset taken from the same source and in thesame environment. The results are promising when FS is applied, some efficiency andaccuracy are noticeable compared to the original and ranked data.Keywords: feature selection; feature ranking; input significance analysis; evolvingconnectionist systems; evolving fuzzy neural network; connection weights; Garson’salgorithm

    Online Active Learning for Human Activity Recognition from Sensory Data Streams

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) is highly relevant to many real-world do- mains like safety, security, and in particular healthcare. The current machine learning technology of HAR is highly human-dependent which makes it costly and unreliable in non-stationary environment. Existing HAR algorithms assume that training data is collected and annotated by human a prior to the training phase. Furthermore, the data is assumed to exhibit the true characteristics of the underlying distribution. In this paper, we propose a new autonomous approach that consists of novel algorithms. In particular, we adopt active learning (AL) strategy to selectively query the user/resident about the label of particular activities in order to improve the model accuracy. This strategy helps overcome the challenge of labelling sequential data with time dependency which is highly time-consuming and difficult. Because of the changes that may affect the way activities are performed, we regard sensor data as a stream and human activity learning as an online continuous process. In such process the leaner can adapt to changes, incorporate novel activities and discard obsolete ones. To this extent, we propose a novel semi-supervised classifier (OSC) that works together with a novel Bayesian stream-based active learning (BSAL). Because of the changes in the sensor layouts across different houses' settings, we use Conditional Re-stricted Boltzmann Machine (CRBM) to handle the features engineering issue by learning the features regardless of the environment settings. CRBM is then applied to extract low-level features from unlabelled raw high-dimensional activity input. The resulting approach will then tackle the challenges of activity recognition using a three-module architecture composed of a feature extractor (CRBM), an online semi-supervised classifier (OSC) equipped with BSAL. CRBM-BSAL-OSC allows completely autonomous learning that adjusts to the environment setting, explores the changes and adapt to them. The paper provides the theoretical details of the proposed approach as well as an extensive empirical study to evaluate the performance of the approach. we propose a novel semi-supervised classifier (OSC) that works together with a novel Bayesian stream-based active learning (BSAL). Because of the changes in the sensor layouts across di erent houses' settings, we use Conditional Re

    Sistemas granulares evolutivos

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    Orientador: Fernando Antonio Campos GomideTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Recentemente tem-se observado um crescente interesse em abordagens de modelagem computacional para lidar com fluxos de dados do mundo real. Métodos e algoritmos têm sido propostos para obtenção de conhecimento a partir de conjuntos de dados muito grandes e, a princípio, sem valor aparente. Este trabalho apresenta uma plataforma computacional para modelagem granular evolutiva de fluxos de dados incertos. Sistemas granulares evolutivos abrangem uma variedade de abordagens para modelagem on-line inspiradas na forma com que os humanos lidam com a complexidade. Esses sistemas exploram o fluxo de informação em ambiente dinâmico e extrai disso modelos que podem ser linguisticamente entendidos. Particularmente, a granulação da informação é uma técnica natural para dispensar atenção a detalhes desnecessários e enfatizar transparência, interpretabilidade e escalabilidade de sistemas de informação. Dados incertos (granulares) surgem a partir de percepções ou descrições imprecisas do valor de uma variável. De maneira geral, vários fatores podem afetar a escolha da representação dos dados tal que o objeto representativo reflita o significado do conceito que ele está sendo usado para representar. Neste trabalho são considerados dados numéricos, intervalares e fuzzy; e modelos intervalares, fuzzy e neuro-fuzzy. A aprendizagem de sistemas granulares é baseada em algoritmos incrementais que constroem a estrutura do modelo sem conhecimento anterior sobre o processo e adapta os parâmetros do modelo sempre que necessário. Este paradigma de aprendizagem é particularmente importante uma vez que ele evita a reconstrução e o retreinamento do modelo quando o ambiente muda. Exemplos de aplicação em classificação, aproximação de função, predição de séries temporais e controle usando dados sintéticos e reais ilustram a utilidade das abordagens de modelagem granular propostas. O comportamento de fluxos de dados não-estacionários com mudanças graduais e abruptas de regime é também analisado dentro do paradigma de computação granular evolutiva. Realçamos o papel da computação intervalar, fuzzy e neuro-fuzzy em processar dados incertos e prover soluções aproximadas de alta qualidade e sumário de regras de conjuntos de dados de entrada e saída. As abordagens e o paradigma introduzidos constituem uma extensão natural de sistemas inteligentes evolutivos para processamento de dados numéricos a sistemas granulares evolutivos para processamento de dados granularesAbstract: In recent years there has been increasing interest in computational modeling approaches to deal with real-world data streams. Methods and algorithms have been proposed to uncover meaningful knowledge from very large (often unbounded) data sets in principle with no apparent value. This thesis introduces a framework for evolving granular modeling of uncertain data streams. Evolving granular systems comprise an array of online modeling approaches inspired by the way in which humans deal with complexity. These systems explore the information flow in dynamic environments and derive from it models that can be linguistically understood. Particularly, information granulation is a natural technique to dispense unnecessary details and emphasize transparency, interpretability and scalability of information systems. Uncertain (granular) data arise from imprecise perception or description of the value of a variable. Broadly stated, various factors can affect one's choice of data representation such that the representing object conveys the meaning of the concept it is being used to represent. Of particular concern to this work are numerical, interval, and fuzzy types of granular data; and interval, fuzzy, and neurofuzzy modeling frameworks. Learning in evolving granular systems is based on incremental algorithms that build model structure from scratch on a per-sample basis and adapt model parameters whenever necessary. This learning paradigm is meaningful once it avoids redesigning and retraining models all along if the system changes. Application examples in classification, function approximation, time-series prediction and control using real and synthetic data illustrate the usefulness of the granular approaches and framework proposed. The behavior of nonstationary data streams with gradual and abrupt regime shifts is also analyzed in the realm of evolving granular computing. We shed light upon the role of interval, fuzzy, and neurofuzzy computing in processing uncertain data and providing high-quality approximate solutions and rule summary of input-output data sets. The approaches and framework introduced constitute a natural extension of evolving intelligent systems over numeric data streams to evolving granular systems over granular data streamsDoutoradoAutomaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Active learning for data streams.

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    With the exponential growth of data amount and sources, access to large collections of data has become easier and cheaper. However, data is generally unlabelled and labels are often difficult, expensive, and time consuming to obtain. Two learning paradigms have been used by machine learning community to diminish the need for labels in training data: semi-supervised learning (SSL) and active learning (AL). AL is a reliable way to efficiently building up training sets with minimal supervision. By querying the class (label) of the most interesting samples based upon previously seen data and some selection criteria, AL can produce a nearly optimal hypothesis, while requiring the minimum possible quantity of labelled data. SSL, on the other hand, takes the advantage of both labelled and unlabelled data to address the challenge of learning from a small number of labelled samples and large amount of unlabelled data. In this thesis, we borrow the concept of SSL by allowing AL algorithms to make use of redundant unlabelled data so that both labelled and unlabelled data are used in their querying criteria. Another common tradition within the AL community is to assume that data samples are already gathered in a pool and AL has the luxury to exhaustively search in that pool for the samples worth labelling. In this thesis, we go beyond that by applying AL to data streams. In a stream, data may grow infinitely making its storage prior to processing impractical. Due to its dynamic nature, the underlying distribution of the data stream may change over time resulting in the so-called concept drift or possibly emergence and fading of classes, known as concept evolution. Another challenge associated with AL, in general, is the sampling bias where the sampled training set does not reflect on the underlying data distribution. In presence of concept drift, sampling bias is more likely to occur as the training set needs to represent the underlying distribution of the evolving data. Given these challenges, the research questions that the thesis addresses are: can AL improve learning given that data comes in streams? Is it possible to harness AL to handle changes in streams (i.e., concept drift and concept evolution by querying selected samples)? How can sampling bias be attenuated, while maintaining AL advantages? Finally, applying AL for sequential data steams (like time series) requires new approaches especially in the presence of concept drift and concept evolution. Hence, the question is how to handle concept drift and concept evolution in sequential data online and can AL be useful in such case? In this thesis, we develop a set of stream-based AL algorithms to answer these questions in line with the aforementioned challenges. The core idea of these algorithms is to query samples that give the largest reduction of an expected loss function that measures the learning performance. Two types of AL are proposed: decision theory based AL whose losses involve the prediction error and information theory based AL whose losses involve the model parameters. Although, our work focuses on classification problems, AL algorithms for other problems such as regression and parameter estimation can be derived from the proposed AL algorithms. Several experiments have been performed in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms. The obtained results show that our algorithms outperform other state-of-the-art algorithms