7 research outputs found

    An evaluation of user acceptance of a corporate intranet

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    Intranets represent an important organisational resource for knowledge sharing. However, as yet, there has been little research into the quality of intranets and the impact of quality on intranet user acceptance. In the study reported in this paper, an intranet quality assessment tool comprising the dimensions usability, design, and information quality, is combined with perceived usefulness and social influence from the technology acceptance literature to create an intranet acceptance model. The model is applied to the sales and marketing division of an international manufacturing company. Data is collected via a Web survey (n=131, response rate = 65.5%) and tested using the partial least squares approach to structural equation modelling. The results show that intranet quality is a significant factor in determining behavioural intention to use, although it is less important than perceived usefulness and social influence. Comments collected from respondents are used to illustrate the findings and provide an insight into user behaviour. The discussion considers the implications, future research (e.g., the role of social influence in intranet usage) and limitations. The paper rounds off with a short summary

    Factor affecting the use of e-money in millennial generation: Research model UTAUT 2

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence users in using electronic money in transactions. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is used as a research model with independent variables: performance expectations, facility conditions, social influence, expectations, perceived values, habits, beliefs, and hedonic motivation. The dependent variable in this study is actual use and interest to be used as a mediator variable. This research method uses an online survey method that is distributed using Google Surveys. This study's sample was 194 electronic money users spread across three major cities in Indonesia, such as DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Central Java. Primary data collected were analyzed using SmartPLS software. The study results explain that trust is a substantial factor in influencing the use of electronic money. Companies, in this case, must pay attention to system security factors to be able to attract millennials using electronic money

    The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): a literature review

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    YesPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to perform a systematic review of articles that have used the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). Design/methodology/approach – The results produced in this research are based on the literature analysis of 174 existing articles on the UTAUT model. This has been performed by collecting data including demographic details, methodological details, limitations, and significance of relationships between the constructs from the available articles based on the UTAUT. Findings – The findings indicated that general purpose systems and specialized business systems were examined in the majority of the articles using the UTAUT. The analysis also indicated that crosssectional approach, survey methods, and structural equation modelling analysis techniques were the most explored research methodologies whereas SPSS was found to be the largely used analysis tools. Moreover, the weight analysis of independent variables indicates that variables such as performance expectancy and behavioural intention qualified for the best predictor category. Moreover, the analysis also suggested that single subject or biased sample as the most explored limitation across all studies. Research limitations/implications – The search activities were centered on occurrences of keywords to avoid tracing a large number of publications where these keywords might have been used as casual words in the main text. However, we acknowledge that there may be a number of studies, which lack keywords in the title, but still focus upon UTAUT in some form. Originality/value – This is the first research of its type which has extensively examined the literature on the UTAUT and provided the researchers with the accumulative knowledge about the model

    Sosiaalinen intranet : toiminnot ja problematiikka

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    Tutkimuksen ensisijaisena päämääränä oli luoda sosiaalisten intranet-sovellusten toimintoja ja ominaisuuksia kartoittava malli ja tietopankki. Motiivina tälle oli se, että lähdekirjallisuudessa ei esiintynyt kattavaa ja yksityiskohtaista tutkimustietoa esimerkiksi sovellusvaihtoehdoista ja niiden ominaisuuksista. Näin ollen sovellusten keskinäinen vertailtavuus ja niiden erilaisiin tarpeisiin vastaavuus jäi epäselväksi. Malli perustuu Excel-taulukoihin syötettävään dataan, joka keskittyy eri toimintojen määrälliseen pisteytykseen sekä toimintojen luokitteluun ja kategorisointiin. Datan keräämisen yhteydessä selvitettiin vuonna 2020 tarjolla olevat sovellusvaihtoehdot ja niiden ominaisuudet sekä soveltuvuudet. Tietopankkiin kerättiin tietoa mm. hinnoittelusta, toimivuudesta eri ympäristöissä ja saatavilla olevista tukipalveluista. Lisäksi kartoitettiin, mihin intranetiin liittyviin osa-alueisiin kohdistui erityisesti kritiikkiä. Tämä tapahtui tarkastelemalla eri sovellusten saamia sanallisia käyttäjäarvosteluja. Eri ohjelmistovaihtoehtojen kartoittamiseksi tarkistettiin kaikkiaan 81 potentiaalista sovellusta. Karsintaprosessissa poistuivat mm. muista järjestelmistä liiaksi riippuvaiset sovellukset. Valittujen sovellusten toiminnallisuuden tutkimiseen käytettiin toimintoattribuuttien numeerista taulukointia ja luokittelua. Toiminnallisuuteen liittyviä pääluokkia oli 21, ja niiden apuluokkia 12 kpl. Kritisoitujen osa-alueiden kartoitus perustui sanallisten negatiivisten käyttäjäarvostelujen luokitteluun ja analysointiin. Kritisoituja osa-alueita muodostettiin käyttäjäarvostelujen luokittelun perusteella 40 kpl. Eri osa-alueisiin kohdistuneita osumia oli käytetyssä aineistossa yhteensä 234 kpl. Tutkittuja arvosteluita oli aineistossa kaikkiaan 1086 kpl. Tutkimusaineistona käytetty data kerättiin sovelluslistauksiin- ja arviointeihin erikoistuneilta Capterra-sivustolta sekä sovellusten valmistajien verkkosivuilta. Tutkimustuloksena saatiin yleiskäsitys sosiaalisten intranet-sovellusten tarjonnasta, perustiedoista ja toiminnoista sekä niiden kohtaamasta kritiikistä. Sovelluskartoituksen tuloksena malliin otettiin mukaan 45 kriteerit täyttävää sovellusta. Hinnoittelun osalta yleisintä oli käyttäjäkohtainen hinnoittelu. Jokainen sovellus oli saatavana SaaS (Software as a Service) - pilvipalveluna. Mobiilisovellusta tarjosi 60 % valmistajista, ja asiakkaan omiin tiloihin tapahtuvaa On-Site-asennusta 38 %. Toimintojen osalta useimmin esiintyviä ja kattavimpia luokkia olivat mm. sisäinen kommunikaatio, digitaalinen työpaikka, yhteistoiminta sekä sisällönhallinta ja tiedostot. Luotettavan ja kattavan toimintodatan kerääminen osoittautui kuitenkin ongelmalliseksi. Valmistajien ja Capterra-sivuston ilmoittamat toiminnot poikkesivat toisistaan määrällisesti merkittävästi, ja kummassakin lähteessä ilmeni useissa tapauksissa tietojen suppeutta tai puutteellisuutta. Kritisoiduimpia intranetin osa-alueita puolestaan olivat mm. integraatiot. mobiilikäyttö, tiedostot ja dokumentit sekä yleinen kompleksisuus. Tutkimustuloksissa on huomioitava se rajoittava tekijä, että ainoastaan 22 sovellusta (=49 % kokonaismäärästä) oli saanut riittäväksi arvioidun määrän negatiivisia sanallisia käyttäjäarvosteluita

    Knowledge sharing for sustainable development: A mixed-method study of an international civil engineering consultancy

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    Sustainable development (SD) is a pressing global issue that is becoming increasingly prominent on clients and governing bodies agendas. In order to survive, organisations are seeking ways to negate their detrimental environmental impacts. This is no easy feat: SD is both complex and dynamic. To be successful, organisations need to leverage and expand their most valuable asset – knowledge. Civil engineering plays a significant role in SD – it shapes our environment and governs our interaction with it. However, extant research asserts that civil engineering related disciplines have been slow to adopt SD oriented practices; a possible result of their complex and fragmented organisational environments. The literature suggests that effective knowledge sharing (KS) can overcome these barriers, thus driving enhanced SD performance. Consequently, this research aims to investigate how the civil engineering sector can improve its intra-organisational sharing of SD knowledge, using an international civil engineering consultancy as an exemplar. Whilst there has been much research surrounding KS and SD there has been limited research that has investigated KS for SD, thus this thesis contributes to this limited body of knowledge. Mixed-method research was used to address the abovementioned aim. An increasingly popular approach, it is widely believed to generate greater value through complementary integration of quantitative and qualitative research paradigms. This approach lends itself also to the ethnographic inclinations of the reported research: the author was embedded within the case organisation, and sought a rich and reliable understanding of the study phenomena. An initial set of semi-structured interviews suggested that the case organisation’s members exhibit positive attitudes towards KS and SD, yet are often constrained by a number of common KS barriers, namely: a lack of organisation slack (i.e. time); a silo mentality; and poor SD ICT systems. These socio-cultural and technical barriers were subsequently investigated and contested using social network analysis techniques and an intranet acceptance model. A number of observations are made on the relationships between the findings from the research activities. It is believed the organisation often exhibits a reactive approach to KS for SD, which is deemed undesirable. This signals the need for greater senior management support to cultivate a culture where KS for SD is the norm and is integrated with work practices. A series of recommendations are provided to help the case organisation understand how such change could be cultivated. Several implications follow from this work. The mixed-method approach revealed a number of contradictions between the findings of each research activity. It is therefore postulated that mixed-method designs can provide a richer understanding, thus reducing misconceptions of KS phenomena. Following from this, the research contends that it may be too easy for researchers to identify with ubiquitous KS barriers as the reported research suggests that these may be perceived rather than actual. The research also reinforces the need for senior management support. These individuals govern the systems in which organisational members operate and thus have the ability to enhance KS for SD. Finally, the research demonstrates that SD ICT systems have little impact unless they are embedded in receptive contexts. Thus, an action research approach to KS system development is advocated to ensure systems are shaped to meet user expectations and drive desired KS behaviours. This research is presented in five peer-reviewed articles.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Collective Dynamics of Digitally Enabled Social Networks

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    This thesis investigates the role of technology in the collective dynamics of digitally enabled social networks. Based on a review of the historical foundation of research on crowds, collective behaviour, and collective dynamics in the social sciences and in research on complex systems, it develops a conceptualisation of collective dynamics in the context of digitally enabled social networks. This conceptualisation provides the foundation for one overarching and three subordinate research questions dedicated to different aspects of the role technology plays in understanding and managing the collective dynamics of digitally enabled social networks. The body of work comprising this dissertation is distributed across fifteen papers that contribute to these research questions

    An evaluation of user acceptance of a corporate intranet

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    Intranets represent an important organisational resource for knowledge sharing. However, as yet, there has been little research into the quality of intranets and the impact of quality on intranet user acceptance. In the study reported in this paper, an intranet quality assessment tool comprising the dimensions usability, design, and information quality, is combined with perceived usefulness and social influence from the technology acceptance literature to create an intranet acceptance model. The model is applied to the sales and marketing division of an international manufacturing company. Data is collected via a Web survey (n=131, response rate = 65.5%) and tested using the partial least squares approach to structural equation modelling. The results show that intranet quality is a significant factor in determining behavioural intention to use, although it is less important than perceived usefulness and social influence. Comments collected from respondents are used to illustrate the findings and provide an insight into user behaviour. The discussion considers the implications, future research (e.g., the role of social influence in intranet usage) and limitations. The paper rounds off with a short summary