163 research outputs found

    A predefined channel coefficients library for vehicle-to-vehicle communications

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    It is noticeable that most of VANETs communications tests are assessed through simulation. In a majority of simulation results, the physical layer is often affected by an apparent lack of realism. Therefore, vehicular channel model has become a critical issue in the field of intelligent transport systems (ITS). To overcome the lack of realism problem, a more robust channel model is needed to reflect the reality. This paper provides an open access, predefined channel coefficients library. The library is based on 2x2 and 4x4 Multiple – Input – Multiple – Output (MIMO) systems in V2V communications, using a spatial channel model extended SCME which will help to reduce the overall simulation time. In addition, it provides a more realistic channel model for V2V communications; considering: over ranges of speeds, distances, multipath signals, sub-path signals, different angle of arrivals, different angle departures, no line of sight and line of sight. An intensive evaluation process has taken place to validate the library and acceptance results are produced. Having an open access predefined library, enables the researcher at relevant communities to test and evaluate several complicated vehicular communications scenarios in a wider manners with less time and efforts

    Vehicle to vehicle (V2V) wireless communications

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    This work focuses on the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, its current challenges, future perspective and possible improvement.V2V communication is characterized by the dynamic environment, high mobility, nonpredective scenario, propagation effects, and also communicating antenna's positions. This peculiarity of V2V wireless communication makes channel modelling and the vehicular propagation quite challenging. In this work, firstly we studied the present context of V2V communication also known as Vehicular Ad-hoc Netwok (VANET) including ongoing researches and studies particularly related to Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC), specifically designed for automotive uses with corresponding set of protocols and standards. Secondly, we focused on communication models and improvement of these models to make them more suitable, reliable and efficient for the V2V environment. As specifies the standard, OFDM is used in V2V communication, Adaptable OFDM transceiver was designed. Some parameters as performance analytics are used to compare the improvement with the actual situation. For the enhancement of physical layer of V2V communication, this work is focused in the study of MIMO channel instead of SISO. In the designed transceiver both SISO and MIMO were implemented and studied successfully

    Analysis of Small-Scale Fading Distributions in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications

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    [EN] This work analyzes the characteristics of the small-scale fading distribution in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) channels. The analysis is based on a narrowband channelmeasurements campaign at 5.9GHz designed specifically for that purpose.Themeasurements were carried out in highway and urban environments around the city of Valencia, Spain.Theexperimental distribution of the small-scale fading is compared to several analytical distributions traditionally used to model the fast fading in wireless communications, such as Rayleigh, Nakagami-𝑚,Weibull, Rice, and 𝛼-𝜇 distributions. The parameters of the distributions are derived through statistical inference techniques and their goodness-of-fit is evaluated using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. Our results show that the 𝛼-𝜇 distribution exhibits a better fit compared to the other distributions, making its use interesting to model the small-scale fading in V2V channels.This work has been funded in part by the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia del Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain, TEC2013-47360-C3-3-P, and the Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion COLCIENCIAS en Colombia.Rodrigo Peñarrocha, VM.; Reig, J.; Rubio Arjona, L.; Fernández González, HA.; Loredo, S. (2016). Analysis of Small-Scale Fading Distributions in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications. Mobile Information Systems. 2016:1-7. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/9584815S17201

    Empirical Study and Modeling of Vehicular Communications at Intersections in the 5 GHz Band

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    [EN] Event warnings are critical in the context of ITS, being dependent on reliable and low-delay delivery ofmessages to nearby vehicles. One of the main challenges to address in this context is intersection management. Since buildings will severely hinder signals in the 5GHz band, it becomes necessary to transmit at the exact moment a vehicle is at the center of an intersection to maximize delivery chances. However, GPS inaccuracy, among other problems, complicates the achievement of this goal. In this paper we study this problem by first analyzing different intersection types, studying the vehicular communications performance in each type of intersection through real scenario experiments. Obtained results show that intersection-related communications depend on the distances to the intersection and line-of-sight (LOS) conditions. Also, depending on the physical characteristics of intersections, the presented blockages introduce different degrees of hampering to message delivery. Based on the modeling of the different intersection types, we then study the expected success ratio when notifying events at intersections. In general, we find that effective propagation of messages at intersections is possible, even in urban canyons and despite GPS errors, as long as rooftop antennas are used to compensate for poor communication conditions.This work was partially supported by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competividad, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Proyectos I+D+I 2014,” Spain, under Grants TEC2014-52690-R and BES-2015-075988.Hadiwardoyo, SA.; Tomás Domínguez, AE.; Hernández-Orallo, E.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Cano, J.; Manzoni, P. (2017). Empirical Study and Modeling of Vehicular Communications at Intersections in the 5 GHz Band. Mobile Information Systems. (2861827):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2861827S1152861827Xiong, Z., Sheng, H., Rong, W., & Cooper, D. E. (2012). Intelligent transportation systems for smart cities: a progress review. Science China Information Sciences, 55(12), 2908-2914. doi:10.1007/s11432-012-4725-1Papadimitratos, P., La Fortelle, A., Evenssen, K., Brignolo, R., & Cosenza, S. (2009). Vehicular communication systems: Enabling technologies, applications, and future outlook on intelligent transportation. IEEE Communications Magazine, 47(11), 84-95. doi:10.1109/mcom.2009.5307471Grant-Muller, S., & Usher, M. (2014). Intelligent Transport Systems: The propensity for environmental and economic benefits. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 82, 149-166. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2013.06.010Ma, X., Chen, X., & Refai, H. H. (2009). Performance and Reliability of DSRC Vehicular Safety Communication: A Formal Analysis. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2009(1). doi:10.1155/2009/969164Martinez, F. J., Toh, C.-K., Cano, J.-C., Calafate, C. T., & Manzoni, P. (2010). A Street Broadcast Reduction Scheme (SBR) to Mitigate the Broadcast Storm Problem in VANETs. Wireless Personal Communications, 56(3), 559-572. doi:10.1007/s11277-010-9989-4Sanguesa, J. A., Fogue, M., Garrido, P., Martinez, F. J., Cano, J.-C., & Calafate, C. T. (2016). A Survey and Comparative Study of Broadcast Warning Message Dissemination Schemes for VANETs. Mobile Information Systems, 2016, 1-18. doi:10.1155/2016/8714142Sommer, C., Joerer, S., Segata, M., Tonguz, O. K., Cigno, R. L., & Dressler, F. (2015). How Shadowing Hurts Vehicular Communications and How Dynamic Beaconing Can Help. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 14(7), 1411-1421. doi:10.1109/tmc.2014.2362752Lin, J.-C., Lin, C.-S., Liang, C.-N., & Chen, B.-C. (2012). Wireless communication performance based on IEEE 802.11p R2V field trials. IEEE Communications Magazine, 50(5), 184-191. doi:10.1109/mcom.2012.6194401Gozalvez, J., Sepulcre, M., & Bauza, R. (2012). IEEE 802.11p vehicle to infrastructure communications in urban environments. IEEE Communications Magazine, 50(5), 176-183. doi:10.1109/mcom.2012.6194400Tornell, S. M., Patra, S., Calafate, C. T., Cano, J.-C., & Manzoni, P. (2015). GRCBox: Extending Smartphone Connectivity in Vehicular Networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 11(3), 478064. doi:10.1155/2015/478064Chou, L.-D., Yang, J.-Y., Hsieh, Y.-C., Chang, D.-C., & Tung, C.-F. (2011). Intersection-Based Routing Protocol for VANETs. Wireless Personal Communications, 60(1), 105-124. doi:10.1007/s11277-011-0257-zSaleet, H., Langar, R., Naik, K., Boutaba, R., Nayak, A., & Goel, N. (2011). Intersection-Based Geographical Routing Protocol for VANETs: A Proposal and Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60(9), 4560-4574. doi:10.1109/tvt.2011.2173510Guan, X., Huang, Y., Cai, Z., & Ohtsuki, T. (2015). Intersection-based forwarding protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks. Telecommunication Systems, 62(1), 67-76. doi:10.1007/s11235-015-9983-yKarney, C. F. F. (2011). Transverse Mercator with an accuracy of a few nanometers. Journal of Geodesy, 85(8), 475-485. doi:10.1007/s00190-011-0445-3Durgin, G., Rappaport, T. S., & Hao Xu. (1998). Measurements and models for radio path loss and penetration loss in and around homes and trees at 5.85 GHz. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 46(11), 1484-1496. doi:10.1109/26.729393Haklay, M., & Weber, P. (2008). OpenStreetMap: User-Generated Street Maps. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 7(4), 12-18. doi:10.1109/mprv.2008.8

    Agile Calibration Process of Full-Stack Simulation Frameworks for V2X Communications

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    Computer simulations and real-world car trials are essential to investigate the performance of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) networks. However, simulations are imperfect models of the physical reality and can be trusted only when they indicate agreement with the real-world. On the other hand, trials lack reproducibility and are subject to uncertainties and errors. In this paper, we will illustrate a case study where the interrelationship between trials, simulation, and the reality-of-interest is presented. Results are then compared in a holistic fashion. Our study will describe the procedure followed to macroscopically calibrate a full-stack network simulator to conduct high-fidelity full-stack computer simulations.Comment: To appear in IEEE VNC 2017, Torino, I

    On The Security And Quality Of Wireless Communications In Outdoor Mobile Environment

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    The rapid advancement in wireless technology along with their low cost and ease of deployment have been attracting researchers academically and commercially. Researchers from private and public sectors are investing into enhancing the reliability, robustness, and security of radio frequency (RF) communications to accommodate the demand and enhance lifestyle. RF base communications -by nature- are slower and more exposed to attacks than a wired base (LAN). Deploying such networks in various cutting-edge mobile platforms (e.g. VANET, IoT, Autonomous robots) adds new challenges that impact the quality directly. Moreover, adopting such networks in public outdoor areas make them vulnerable to various attacks (regardless of the attacker motive). Therefore, the quality and security of the communications cannot be neglected especially when developing outdoor wireless applications/networks. While some wireless applications and platforms aim to provide comfort and infotainment, others are more critical to protect and save lives. Thus, the need for mobile broadband connections has been increased to accommodate such applications. The FCC took the first step to regulate and assure the quality when using these technologies by allocating spectrums and issuing standards and amendments (e.g. IEEE802.11a, b, g, n, and p) to deliver reliable and secure communications. In this dissertation, we introduce several problems related to the security and quality of communications in outdoor environments. Although we focus on the ISM-RF bands UHF and SHF (licensed and unlicensed) and their applications when solving quality and security issues nevertheless, the concept of propagating signals through the air for communications remain the same across other ISM bands. Therefore, problems and their solutions in this work can be applied to different wireless technologies with respect to environment and mobility

    Modeling Impact of Weather Conditions on 5G Communication and Mitigation Measures on Control of Automated Intersections

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    69A3551747117Recent research activities are focused on improving Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication (V2V) based on the 5G Technology. V2V applications are important because they are expected to reduce the risk of accidents up to 80%, enhance traffic management, mitigate congestion, and optimize fuel consumption. Typical autonomous vehicle applications require a high bandwidth transmission channel, so the 5G communication channel might be a reliable solution to support this technology. The dedicated short-range communications (DSRC), characterized by a frequency bandwidth of 5.9 GHz, were used as vehicular connectivity with bandwidth up to 200 mb/s and limited capacity, and it is here utilized for comparison to 5G. The 5G band can support connected autonomous vehicles with higher data rates and larger bandwidth. The 5G communication channel is suitable for vehicular connectivity since it has a very high bandwidth in the millimeter waves spectrum range. The quality of 5G wireless communication channels between connected vehicles is affected by weather conditions such as rain, snow, fog, dust, and sand. In this report, the effect of dust and sand on the propagation of millimeter waves is presented. The effect of dust and sand on the communication path loss of DSRC and 5G frequency band is investigated in the case of Urban areas and Highway conditions. Results show that the attenuation caused by dust and sand depends on the particle size of sand, frequency of propagating wave, and concentration of dust. Finally, a new model of link margin is presented to estimate the effect of dust and sand on DSRC (5.9 GHz) and 5G (28 GHz-73.5 GHz) communication path loss

    Small-Scale Fading Analysis of the Vehicular-to-Vehicular Channel inside Tunnels

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    [EN] We present a small-scale fading analysis of the vehicular-to-vehicular (V2V) propagation channel at 5.9 GHz when both the transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx) vehicles are inside a tunnel and are driving in the same direction. This analysis is based on channel measurements carried out at different tunnels under real road traffic conditions. The Rice distribution has been adopted to fit the empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF). A comparison of the K factor values inside and outside the tunnels shows differences in the small-scale fading behavior, with the K values derived from the measurements being lower inside the tunnels. Since there are so far few published results for these confined environments, the results obtained can be useful for the deployment of V2V communication systems inside tunnels.The authors want to thank J. A. Campuzano, D. Balaguer, and L. Morag on for their support during the measurement campaign, as well as B. Bernardo-Clemente and A. VilaJimenez for their support and assistance in the laboratory activities. This work has been funded in part by Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia delMinisterio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain, TEC2013-47360-C3-3-P, and Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion COLCIENCIAS en Colombia.Loredo, S.; Del Castillo, A.; Fernandez, H.; Rodrigo Peñarrocha, VM.; Reig, J.; Rubio Arjona, L. (2017). Small-Scale Fading Analysis of the Vehicular-to-Vehicular Channel inside Tunnels. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Online). 2017:1-6. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/1987437S16201

    Advances in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs): challenges and road-map for future development

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    Recent advances in wireless communication technologies and auto-mobile industry have triggered a significant research interest in the field of vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) over the past few years. A vehicular network consists of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications supported by wireless access technologies such as IEEE 802.11p. This innovation in wireless communication has been envisaged to improve road safety and motor traffic efficiency in near future through the development of intelligent transportation system (ITS). Hence, governments, auto-mobile industries and academia are heavily partnering through several ongoing research projects to establish standards for VANETs. The typical set of VANET application areas, such as vehicle collision warning and traffic information dissemination have made VANET an interesting field of mobile wireless communication. This paper provides an overview on current research state, challenges, potentials of VANETs as well as the ways forward to achieving the long awaited ITS

    Adaptive Transmission Power Level with Vehicle Speed Approximation of Density for VANET Congestion Control

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    Vehicles travelling and communicating with each other and infrastructure is the basis of the future of vehicular transportation. There are many possible applications of communication in a vehicular network. One of the more important applications is for safety. Safety messages exchanged between vehicles can possibly be life-saving. However, if such messages are not received in a timely or reliable manner, a safety application’s effectiveness could suffer. As such, network congestion control is a popular topic in vehicular networks. Various methods of controlling the message transmission rate and power have been explored to-date. In this thesis we propose an algorithm which manipulates the transmission power based on a density estimation derived from the vehicle’s driving speed, and compare it to methods observing only speed, only density, or other factors. Analysis of the results was done through simulation software. Results showed that the proposed algorithm reduced symptoms of channel congestion at least as effectively as the related density-based algorithm, and much better than using no congestion control algorithm at all. This thesis also adds “relevance” as a new measurement of performance by observing the proportion of packets received from certain distances at each vehicle
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